skit and indiv rubrics

BYU Language Fair
Each student must prepare and perform in a skit AND an individual event.
Name of students in group:
Self Effort (1-6):
Mission: Create skit with a group of classmates. The total presentation may not exceed 10 minutes. Each person in your
group must have at least 4 speaking lines. One student should introduce the group and title of the skit at the beginning in
Spanish. Students’ parts should be memorized and given completely in Spanish. You must use some props, costumes,
scenery, music, etc. Musical and talent numbers may be included if they involve the oral use of Spanish. The term “skit” may
include other types of memorized dramas such as: parody on classroom activities, scenes from famous plays, cultural
minidramas, simulations of real-life situations, etc. Each group must all turn in their skit typed out.
Grading rubric:
Superior (6 pts)
All words pronounced
Dialogue flows very
Students are very
enthusiastic and
All sentences are
grammatically correct
Skit is very creative
and appealing
Excellent (4-5 pts)
Most words
pronounced correctly
Dialogue flows pretty
Students are pretty
enthusiastic and
Most sentences are
grammatically correct
Skit shows some
Very good (2-3 pts)
Half the words
pronounced correctly
Half the dialogue flows
Students are
somewhat enthusiastic
and animated
Half the sentences are
grammatically correct
Skit partially creative
Good (1 pt)
Only some words
pronounced correctly
Most of the dialogue
does not flow smoothly
Students are not very
enthusiastic and
Few of the sentences are
grammatically correct
Skit could be more
Excellent (4-5 pts)
I did my best mostly,
but could’ve done
Very good (2-3 pts)
I did my best at times,
but could’ve done a
lot better
Good (1 pt)
I didn’t really do my best,
but tried a little
To be graded by student:
Self Effort:
Superior (6 pts)
I did my best during
and outside of class
__________/36 points for above rubrics
__________/10 points for following directions (skit length, props, typed script etc)
__________/4 points for turning in on time. Due date: ???
________/50 total points
Individual Event:
Self Effort (1-6):
Mission: Choose one of the three following activities to do, prepare and perform it. For whichever activity you choose, you
MUST turn in what you plan to say TYPED before you present.
Show & Tell: Bring some object to talk about. It can be a piece of realia (an authentic object from the foreign culture), a
picture, a model, an object you have made, a sandbox city, a game or even something creative not listed, but in this category.
The entire presentation will be completely in Spanish. Start off by introducing yourself. Your presentation may be memorized
but may NOT be read, nor are notes to be used. The presentation should last between 2-3 minutes. Be prepared to answer
some simple questions about your object such as “¿Eso se encuentra en todos los países hispánicos?” Examples: Show a corn
tortilla and tell how it is made and how it is the base of many Mexican dishes. Show how it can serve as a “bread,” a spoon, a
napkin, etc. OR show a model or floor plan of a typical Spanish-type home and point out how it is arranged – the patio, the
maid’s room, etc.
Humorous Story: The story idea may be taken from another source, but must be told in your own words and within your own
range of language ability. The story is not to be read nor are notes to be used. The story should be between 2-3 minutes long.
There will be no questions from the judges. Suggestions: textbooks and readers and replete with humorous stories that you
can simplify and retell in your own words. “Selecciones del Reader’s Digest” is another good source. Some humorous stories
commonly told in English can be adapted to Spanish.
Prepared Talk: Select one of the topics below and prepare a talk in Spanish. The talk is to last from 2.5-3 minutes. The talk is
to be given by memory; it is not to be read, nor may notes be used. You should start off by introducing yourself and
announcing the subject of the talk: “So Juan Monopatines y voy a hablar sobre la influencia de lo indígena en la vida
mexicana.” At the end of the talk, you will be asked simple questions in Spanish, such as “En México, ¿Qué es un taco?”
Topics: These are meant to be general. Wide latitude of variation will be allowed with each subject. You may give your talk
any title. 1) Un libertador de Latinoamérica (Simón Bolivar, José de San Martín, etc.) 2) La influencia de lo indígena en la vida
de México (o Guatemala, o Bolivia, etc.) 3) El valor de estudiar un idioma extranjero. 4) España: una democracia moderna. 5)
¿El cine o la televisión? 6) El terrorismo en el mundo de hoy. 7) El país subdesarrollado en Latinoamérica. 8) ¿Podría eso pasar
aquí? (eso can refer to anything)
Grading Rubric:
Superior (6 pts)
All words pronounced
Dialogue flows very
Students are very
enthusiastic and animated
All sentences are
grammatically correct
Very creative and
Excellent (4-5 pts)
Most words pronounced
Dialogue flows pretty
Students are pretty
enthusiastic and animated
Most sentences are
grammatically correct
Shows some creativity
Very good (2-3 pts)
Half the words
pronounced correctly
Half the dialogue flows
Students are somewhat
enthusiastic and animated
Half the sentences are
grammatically correct
Partially creative
Good (1 pt)
Only some words
pronounced correctly
Most of the dialogue does
not flow smoothly
Students are not very
enthusiastic and animated
Few of the sentences are
grammatically correct
Could be more creative
Excellent (4-5 pts)
I did my best mostly, but
could’ve done better
Very good (2-3 pts)
I did my best at times, but
could’ve done a lot better
Good (1 pt)
I didn’t really do my best,
but tried a little
To be graded by student:
Self Effort:
Superior (6 pts)
I did my best during and
outside of class
__________/36 points for above rubrics
__________/10 points for following directions (Length, typed script etc)
__________/4 points for turning in on time. Due date: ???
________/50 total points