Ancient Period

Ancient Period
The Birth of Civilization
~Technological & Environmental
Periodization…up to interpretation
10000 BCE
8000 BCE ____________
5500 BCE
4000 BCE _______________
3500 BCE
3200 BCE _______________
3000 BCE
1800 BCE _______________
1500 BCE
1350 BCE ____________
1200 BCE
1000 BCE
800 BCE
Analyze the changes and continuities from
the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age.
 Analyze the changes and continuities in
the Middle East from 8000 BCE to 600
 Analyze the similarities and differences in
Egypt and Mesopotamia between 3500
BCE and 1000 BCE.
Questions to Consider
Demographics & Movement
Gender Roles
Belief Systems
Political organization
Themes to Consider
Analyze the changes and
continuities from the
Paleolithic Age to the
Neolithic Age.
~perhaps there are no continuities,
which speaks to Agricultural Revolution~
Modern humans migrated to all regions of
the world
 Cultural advances made humans more
Paleolithic Life
(45000 BCE to 10000 BCE)
Life was brutal: life shortened by warfare
& childbirth
 Populations were low due to large amount
of land necessary to support food needs
Paleolithic Life
(45000 BCE to 10000 BCE)
Equalized by comfortable tone of life?
◦ Labor did not dominate time
◦ Purposefully migrated
◦ Men & women had different roles, but women
were not subordinate
Paleolithic Life
(45000 BCE to 10000 BCE)
Cultural advances = population growth
1. Migrate to colder climates
2. Fewer pathogens
3. Yielded still higher populations
As Ice Age ended, warming temperatures
created a crisis that forced humans to
adapt, thus:
◦ Agriculture
Paleolithic Life
(45000 BCE to 10000 BCE)
Slow transition to agriculture, but
◦ Independent invention in at least 5 locations
 Middle East (wheat, barley, cattle, goats) = first
Neolithic Life
(10000 BCE to 4000 BCE)
Number of diseases increased
Humans settled & populations became denser
Birthrates rose
Malnutrition increased
Life expectancy fell
Trade b/t settled peoples & pastoralists
Neolithic Life
(10000 BCE to 4000 BCE)
Analyze the changes and
continuities in Middle
East from 8000 BCE to
600 BCE.
early Ancient Era, farmers depended on rain
 4000 BCE = innovation period
◦ Bronze
 Shift to river valleys
 Fostered the formation of states
 River Valley Civs
Demographic & Migration Trends
Paleolithic beliefs centered on fertility
 Neolithic beliefs centered on
polytheistic natural spirits & afterlife
◦ Reliance on nature to create fertile
environment reflected shift to farming
◦ Gods were male and female, to be appeased, &
specific to a culture
◦ Ancestors were common targets of veneration
Belief Systems
Late Ancient Period, Judaism &
Hinduism presented beliefs that were
more abstract & capable of uniting
Belief Systems
Farming brought lower status to women
◦ Why? Women foraged & thus first farmers
1. Plow agriculture & use of
domesticated animals put men in
charge of the vital task of farming
2. Settlement meant class divisions &
hereditary aristocracy
 Women’s reproduction needed to be
Gender Roles
River Valley Civs brought governments
that codified subordinance in laws
◦ Yet, upper class women sometimes benefitted
Later religions, like Judaism,
institutionalize new concepts of women
Gender Roles
Initially, trade was largely a diplomatic
◦ 95% of population were farmers
Bronze = need for resources
◦ Fostered trade
Late Ancient Period = blossoming of
◦ Phoenicians
Late in Ancient Period, several
developments cause the movement of
human populations:
◦ Interaction sparks migration
◦ Iron technology
Demographic & Migration Trends
◦ Interaction sparks migration
1. Converging farming zones – Asia & Africa
Demographic & Migration Trends
◦ Interaction sparks migration
2. Pastoralist-Agriculturalist exchange: Aryans
Demographic & Migration Trends
◦ Iron technology allows farming to be
established away from river valleys again
Demographic & Migration Trends
So, analyze the changes and
continuities from 8000 BCE to 600
Analyze the similarities
and differences in Egypt
and Mesopotamia
between 3500 BCE and
1000 BCE.
Geographic location has many results
◦ More urbanized
◦ Kings were powerful, but not divine
◦ Non-farmers (5%) – priests & aristocrats held
most government offices
◦ Often lacked political unity: city-states w/
common culture
◦ Sumer w/ cuneiform
◦ Babylonia & Hammurabi’s Code
Pessimistic belief system of many gods
 Harsh patriarchy
◦ Only widows could own land
◦ Veiled to maintain honor
◦ Adultery earned death penalty
◦ Traded w/ Anatolia, South Asia, Egypt (tin &
textiles for silver)
◦ Slavery existed but discouraged
 POWs difficult to control; enslaving own meant
less taxes
◦ Peasants
 Free but subject to corvee labor
 Trend toward loss of freedom as debts mounted
Geographic location has many results
◦ Less urbanized
◦ Politically unified kingdom
 Ruled by god-king: pharaoh
Optimistic view of gods & goddesses &
 Pictorial writing system, but no epic
literature developed
 Patriarchal but women had greater
◦ Queens could govern (divine inheritance),
daughter could perform religious rites
◦ Traded w/ Upper Nile, Mediterranean,
Mesopotamia (pottery, wine, honey for raw
materials, exotic African goods)
◦ Slavery uncommon at first, but as Egypt
expanded so too did enslavement of foreigners
◦ Peasants
 Free but subject to corvee labor
 Trend toward greater freedom as slaves filled
construction needs
◦ Merchants were less important in Egypt
◦ Less is known due to gaps in scholarship
◦ Harappa, cities
◦ Traded with Mesopotamia & Central Asia
◦ Xia & others before Shang?
◦ Most isolated but still traded
◦ Rigidly patriarchal
 Only sons capable of venerating ancestors
 Lacking a male heir was regarded as a crime
against the ancestors
India & China?
Analyze the similarities and
differences in Egypt and
Mesopotamia between 3500 BCE
and 1000 BCE.
Periodization is analysis
of Changes & Continuities
So, transitional period of 1500 BCE to 600 BCE:
late Ancient or early Classical?
10000 BCE
8000 BCE ____________
5500 BCE
4000 BCE _______________
3500 BCE
3200 BCE _______________
3000 BCE
1800 BCE _______________
1500 BCE
1350 BCE ____________
1200 BCE
1000 BCE
800 BCE