Essay Outline/Rubric

Name: ___________________ Class: ____________
Writing Preparation for Hamilton vs. Jefferson Essay
Essay Question: How did the hopes and fears of those who belonged to the Federalists and to the
Democratic-Republican party shape their beliefs about the best form of Federal (National)
government? Analyze which perspective aligns with your hopes and fears for the nation.
Introduction (First Paragraph)
Optional: Anecdote / hook (story – possibly personal background of H or J or you)
Sentence (s) introducing the debate, giving some background information where Federalists/Hamilton
and Dem-Republicans/Jefferson are introduced (summarize – don’t get into details)
Your argument about which system (Strong/ weak central government) is more effective.
Hamilton’s ideas on government (Second Paragraph):
Topic sentence: Hamilton was a _________________ (political party name) who believed in
________________ (strong/weak) Federal government.
What are Federalist hopes: __________________________________________________
What are the Federalist fears: _______________________________________________
What is the Federalist’s/Hamilton’s views on human nature?
Pivotal quote (Evidence): ________________________________________________
Commentary / Explanation of quote: ________________________________________
How did their views on human nature shape the form of government they thought is best? (Concluding
sentence / Analysis)
Jefferson’s ideas on government (Third Paragraph):
Topic sentence: Jefferson was a _________________ (political party name) who believed in
________________ (strong/weak) Federal government.
What are Democratic-Republican hopes: ______________________________________
What are the Democratic-Republican fears: ____________________________________
What is the D-Republican’s/Jefferson’s views on human nature?
Pivotal quote (Evidence): ________________________________________________
Commentary / Explanation of quote: ________________________________________
How did their views on human nature shape the form of government they thought is best? (Concluding
sentence / Analysis)
My ideas on government – My conclusion (Fourth Paragraph):
Topic sentence: (Hamilton’s/Jefferson’s) _______________ conviction supports my argument that we
need a ________________ (strong/weak) Federal government.
What are my hopes for our country? __________________________________________
What are my fears for our country? ___________________________________________
What are my views on human nature?
Pivotal quote (Evidence from your research): ________________________________
Commentary / Explanation of quote: ________________________________________
How do your views on human nature shape the form of government you think is best? (Concluding
Concluding paragraph for the entire essay:
NAME: __________________________________________ CLASS: ______________________________
Rubric for Hamilton vs. Jefferson Essay
Essay Question: How did the hopes and fears of those who belonged to the Federalists and to the
Democratic-Republican party shape their beliefs about the best form of Federal (National)
government? Analyze which perspective aligns with your hopes and fears for the nation.
First Paragraph Introduction
2nd Paragraph –
The Federalists
and Hamilton
3rd Paragraph –
The DemocraticRepublicans and
4th Paragraph –
Your opinion and
Optional – Anecdote / lead
Sentence (s) introducing the debate, giving some
background information where Federalists/Hamilton and
Dem-Republicans/Jefferson are introduced (3)
Your argument in this essay? (2)
Topic sentence states overall idea of paragraph (1)
Hopes of Federalists explained (2)
Fears of Federalists explained (2)
View of Human Nature (2)
Quote (1)
Commentary that explains quote (3)
Analysis (concluding sentence) that explains how hopes,
fears and view of human nature influence the type of
government supported by the party. (4)
Topic sentence states overall idea of paragraph (1)
Hopes of Dem-Reps explained (2)
Fears of Dem-Reps explained (2)
View of Human Nature (2)
Quote (1)
Commentary that explains quote (3)
Analysis (concluding sentence) that explains how hopes,
fears and view of human nature influence the type of
government supported by the party. (4)
Topic sentence states overall idea of paragraph (1)
Your Hopes for the country explained (2)
Your Fears for the country explained (2)
View of Human Nature (2)
Quote (1)
Commentary that explains quote (3)
Analysis (conclusion) that explains how hopes, fears and
view of human nature influence the type of government you
feel is most effective. (4)
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar errors eliminated
The writer has given the essay a unique title