LeAP Summer Workshop Dynamic PBL Day 1 1. A PBL Problem 2. Reflections: What is PBL? 3. Writing Workshop 4. Dynamic PBL 2 Session 1: A PBL Problem 1. You will be given a PBL problem 2. As a group, identify the problem and propose a solution 3. You have some printed material and access to the internet to provide support 4. You can question the facilitators for more information 5. You will be asked to attend a press conference 3 Disaster management Problem 1 Oil Spill Problem 2 Asteroid Impact Problem 3 Pandemic Problem 4 Alien Life Problem 5 Problem based learning Problem 6 Nuclear incident Press Conference How would you develop the problem? 6 What have we learnt? 7 Problem-Based Learning PBL (problem-based learning) is a studentcentred method of teaching in which students learn by investigating real-world problems and, working in groups, seek out the tools necessary to solve them. 8 Generalised PBL strategy - Overview Planning Phase Investigation Phase Analysis Phase Assessment 9 Generalised PBL strategy Planning Phase • • • • Agree a brief problem statement List relevant existing knowledge Identify learning outcomes Write a plan Investigation Phase • Enquiry and experiment Analysis Phase • • • • • Share and discuss information Apply new information to the problem Evaluate progress Submit work or revisit plan Reflect 10 How did we do? Planning Phase Investigation Phase Analysis Phase Assessment Evaluation What is the problem? What do we know? What do we need to find out? Who and what? Have we solved the problem fully? (Repeat as necessary) Report Group roles 11 Is PBL better? Evidence of persistence of knowledge Evidence of engagement Evidence of examination performance (in some cases) But: Superficial Effort on presentation not content 12 Issues Group formation Problem writing Facilitation Assessment Difficult students 13 Session 3 Problem Writing 14 Planning a PBL Problem Subject Area Topic Year/Level Class Size Group Size Time to Run Problem Summary Problem Description Learning Outcomes Assessment 15 Day 2 1. Problem Writing (continued) 2. Delegate Papers 3. Experience PBL 16 Supporting pbl Facilitation o o floating fixed Workshops Small group seminars (tutorials) Feedback on presentations Lectures Session 1 Problem Writing continued 18 Session 3 Experience PBL 19 Web sites http://www.physics.le.ac.uk/PBLSummerSchool2011/ http://open.jorum.ac.uk/xmlui (Open Ed. Resources) https://primus.nss.udel.edu/Pbl/ (Delaware ) Issues Group formation Problem writing Facilitation Assessment Difficult students 21 What makes a good... Problem Facilitator Assessment END 23