RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT CH. 5. FOSSIL FUELS 5-1. LIFE ON THE EARTH 5-1-1. Origin of Life • Creationism • Spontaneous generation theory – proven to be not correct by • • 1668, Francisco Redi • 1768, Lazzaro Spallanzani • 1861, Louis Pasteur Abiogenesis • • • • • 1924, Alexander Oparin ‘Origin of Life’: Primordal soup Coacervate Life 1920s, John B.S. Haldane: ‘Hot filute soup of organics’ 1950s, Stanley Miller’s experiment (Ad. H. Urey) syn. aminoacids 1950s, Sydney Fox, Kaoru Harada’s experiment Fox’s synthesis of protenoid Now: No standard theory, but all starts frpm somewhat like Oparin’s model. • • • Lot of dispute in monomer polymer commencing of metabolism and replication Miller-Urey experiment (1953). 5-1-2. History of Life • First evidence of Life 220/full/news.2011.110.html These are images and drawings of structures found in a rock called the Apex Chert. They were thought to be fossilized bacteria and amongst the earliest life on Earth at around 3.5 billion years old. However they were much disputed, with some scientists claiming they were inorganic, and a recent paper in Nature has revealed these organic-looking structures are actually fractures in the rock that had filled with a mixture of haematite and quartz minerals, so they are totally inorganic. The paper is here, and an easier to read description is here. These structures have been extensively analysed by multiple teams of scientists before it could be confirmed what they were. ife-on-earth-come-from-space-%E2%80%93-part-3-richard-hoov er-cyanobacteria-from-space/ A highly resolved Tree of Life, based on completely sequenced genomes The geological clock _entertainment/t/land-time-great-prehistoric-flicks/# .U4rHLNKwfmE Never!! Marine extinction intensity during the Phanerozoic P-Tr K-Pg O-S Tr-Jr Late D The blue graph shows the apparent percentage (not the absolute number) of marine animal genera becoming extinct during any given time interval. It does not represent all marine species, just those that are readily fossilized. The labels of the "Big Five" extinction events . Possible causes of mass extinction • • • • • • • • • • • • • Flood basalt events Sea-level falls Impact events Ocean asteroid impacts Sustained and significant global cooling Sustained and significant global warming Clathrate gun hypothesis Anoxic events Hydrogen sulfide emissions from the seas Oceanic overturn A nearby nova, supernova or gamma ray burst Plate tectonics Other hypotheses