
Asset Protection Overview
Summary of Key Concepts
Asset Protection Strategies are Beneficial for Almost Anyone
Today’s Litigious World Demands Asset Protection
Nevada Corps have Distinct Advantages Over Delaware
Using Nevada Corporations is Simple but Effective
Liens or Equity Stripping Strategies Help Protect Your Assets
The International Business Corporation (IBC) is a Great Tool to
Protect your Wealth
The Private Interest Foundation (PIF) has a Long List of Unique
Bulletproof Asset Protection Involves Using the Nevada Corp, PIF
& IBC All Together
There are Additional Benefits to Using Offshore Asset Protection
Asset Protection is Far More Important than Any Insurance
Affiliate Program Referrals can Provide Substantial Income with
No Sales and Very Little Effort
Asset Protection Use is Growing Fast
• Asset Protection Strategies have
Been Used for Over 80 Years
• Asset Protection has become a
Necessity in Today’s Harsh
Litigious World
• USA has 5% of the World
Population, but 94% of its Lawsuits
• 31% of Individual Wealth and 35%
of Corporate Wealth is Held in Tax
Friendly Jurisdictions
• Most Major Companies have a
Domestic & International Strategy
to Protect their Assets
Who Can Benefit from Asset Protection?
Medical Professionals
Internet Businesses
Money Managers
Financial Companies
High Risk Occupations
Business Consultants
Wealthy Individuals
Small Business Owners
Independent Contractors
Commodities Investors
Those Planning Retirement
And Almost Anyone Else…
Why is Asset Protection So Important?
• We Live in an Increasingly
Litigious Society
• Wealth can Take Years to Earn,
and Seconds to Lose
• You can Even Lose your Assets
from the Mistake of Another
• To be Safe, You Must Make
Yourself Unattractive for Lawsuits
• Asset Protection is Cheaper than
Insurance but Far More Effective
• Companies can Protect Assets,
Retain Earnings, and More…
Scenarios that Jeopardize Your Assets
Employee Lawsuits
Wrongful Terminations
Malpractice Accusations
Personal Injury Cases
Actions by Close Family
Accidents by Guests
Partnership Disputes
Future Divorces
Business Liability
Lawsuits and More…
Nevada & Delaware Corporations to the Rescue
• Nevada & Delaware have Much
More Favorable Business Laws
• No State Income Taxes for Either
• Owners Can do Business
Anywhere in USA
• Owners are Protected from
Company Liabilities
• Companies Can be Set Up by Only
One Person
• Administrative Paperwork is
Dramatically Decreased
• Business Owners can Invest with
Far More Benefits than Individuals
Benefits of Nevada vs. Delaware Corporations
• 80% of New Nevada Corporations
are Formed by Non-Residents
• Nevada is Known as a Very ProBusiness State
• Nevada Shares No Information
with the IRS
• Delaware has Higher Annual Fees
for Businesses
• Nevada has Privacy Laws which
Exceed Delaware in Protection
• Federal Income Taxes are Low for
Nevada Corporations (15% below
50K, 25% below 75K)
Understanding Liens for Asset Protection
• Liens are Commonly Used as Tools
for Asset Protection
• By Placing a Lien on Your Own
Assets You Reduce the Risk of Loss
• Lien Holders are Paid Before
Others in Forced Liquidations
• Equity Stripping can Protect All
Equity in the Assets You Own
• Always have the Lien Amount
Equal to the Equity Invested
• Use 2-3 Liens Max for Each New
Corporation you Create
Opening New Corporate Bank Accounts
• We do Not Create Bank Accounts
for New Clients
• The Process of Opening a New
Account is Very Simple
• The Client Receives their
Corporate Documents
• The Client Creates their Tax ID
Online Via the IRS Website
• The Client Presents Corporate
Paperwork, Tax ID, and Proper
Identification to Bank
• The New Bank Account is Opened
Summary of Domestic Asset Protection
• Nevada & Delaware have Far More Favorable Business Laws
• There are No State Income Taxes for Nevada or Delaware
• These States Allow Companies to be Set Up by Only One Person
• The Owners Can do Business Anywhere in USA with this Structure
• Business Owners are Protected from the Company’s Liabilities
• Administrative Paperwork is Very Minimal for these Companies
• Nevada Corporations have Distinct Advantages Over Delaware
• Nevada is Known to be Pro-Business and Favorable in the Courts
• Nevada Corporations do Not Openly Share Information with the IRS
• Nevada & Delaware Businesses can Put a Lien on their Own Assets
• Opening a Bank Account is Easy for New Domestic Corporations
• Business Owners can Invest and Retain their Earnings, Unlike Individuals
• Asset Protection Gives you Freedom, Privacy, and Piece of Mind for a Very
Minimal Cost
Offshore Asset Protection
What is Offshore Asset Protection?
• Certain Offshore Jurisdictions have Very
Favorable Business Laws
• They have these Laws to Attract Money
for their Tourism Dependent Economies
• These Strict Secrecy Laws Protect All of
the Information for Corporations
• International Corporations Can be Used
to Protect Assets through Liens, and
Other Legal Strategies
• Offshore Courts are Typically Favorable
to Corporations and Move Very Slow
• Offshore Asset Protection Makes You
Very Unattractive for a Lawsuit
• Legal Fees of the Accuser Can be Far
More than they Could Get from You
List of Offshore Countries for Incorporation
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Costa Rica
Hong Kong
Isle of Man
Seychelles Islands
Though We do Choose the Jurisdiction that
Best Fits Our Client, It’s Always Good to
Understand Your Options
The International Business Corporation (IBC)
• International Company
which does Business
Outside of the Country
• IBC’s First Started in 1984
• Now Offered by Several
Different Jurisdictions
• Popular for their Privacy &
Asset Protection Benefits
• Can Act as an Extra Layer of
Protection for Nevada Corps
• Bulletproof when Paired with
the Private Interest Foundation
The Private Interest Foundation (PIF)
• Based on Lichtenstein Family
Foundation Model
• PIF can Own Any Assets and
Several Corporations
• No Owners of Foundation
are Allowed by Panama Law
• No Legal Attachment to Any
Specific Individual
• Three Nominees Keep You
Completely Anonymous
• Can Serve as a Living Will, etc.
• Only Available in Panama
• No Local Taxation Requirements
Components of Private Interest Foundation
• Foundation Council are the
Nominees that Appear on the
Public Registry
• Foundation Protector is the
Controller of All Activities
within the Foundation (You)
• Beneficiaries of the PIF are
Elected in the Customized
Letter of Instructions
• Letter of Instructions is a
Living Will but Better
Using the Foundation and IBC Together
• IBC can Place Liens on Any
Nevada Corporation
• Private Interest Foundation
can Own an Offshore IBC
• Foundation has Protector but
No Owner by Law
• No Attachment of Ownership
• The Foundation Can Own
Property, Corporations,
Investments, etc.
• Using IBC & PIF is Ultimate
Asset Protection Strategy
Benefits of Offshore Asset Protection
• Add IBC/PIF to Nevada Corp
for Ultimate Asset Protection*
• PIF has No Owner by Law
• Letter of Instructions Acts as
Customized Living Will
• Money Safe Forever After
Placed 3 Years with the PIF
• PIF Assets Never Frozen Until
Full Trial is Complete
• Three Nominees Keep Protector
of PIF Anonymous
• No Local Tax Requirements for
Both the IBC and PIF
Summary of Offshore Asset Protection
 “IBC” is a Company doing Business Outside of the
Country it is Domiciled In
“PIF” is a Non-Profit Foundation which Acts as a
Corporate Shelter and Asset Protection Tool for Protectors
Nevada Corporations Can have a Lien them by an IBC
The IBC Can then be Owned by the Panama Foundation
Since the PIF has No Owner, there is No Attachment of
Liability in the Chain of Corporations
IBC’s are Used for Daily Business, and Foundations can be
Used to Own Companies, Property, Investments, etc.
The ASSET PROTECTION Plan is the Strongest Structure
and Strategy in the World
The Asset Protection Affiliate Program
•If You Someone Asset Protection
Would Help, you Could Make Some
Great Money!
• By Referring 1 Friend You Can Earn
Up to $1000 when they Buy Our
Asset Protection Product
• Our Reseller Program is a Great Way
to Earn Extra Income
• You Never have to Sell, Just Refer
the Person and Get Paid!
• Successful Resellers Can Earn
$100,000 or More Per Year
• Become a NewReseller of this Great
Legal Disclaimer
 shall not be considered a tax
professional, legal advisor, or accountant in any manner.
All information supplied on this presentation is for
informational purposes only, and shall not be relied upon
when making future decisions. Due to the ever changing
nature of information, we do not guarantee or endorse any
of the information provided. Every reader must assess the
facts, and make their own decision based upon their
findings. Tax regulations vary between jurisdictions, and
each reader is subject to tax and reporting laws in their
country of residence. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!!!
 To View the Entire Legal Disclaimer, Please Visit Our Site