Miss Pruden’s Second Grade Lesson Plans – Week of November 9-13, 2015 7:407:50 7:508:00 8:008:10 Monday 11/9 Tuesday 11/10 Wednesday 11/11 Thursday 11/12 Friday 11/13 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Unpack, Morning Work Unpack, Morning Work Unpack, Morning Work Unpack, Morning Work Morning Meeting Objective: SWBAT review rules for the classroom and go over the calendar, weather, number of the day, and daily fix it. Procedure: 1. Meet on carpet 2. Review rules for the classroom 3. Go over the calendar, weather, and the number of the day. 4. Go over the Daily Fix It. 8:1010:0 0 Language Arts Objective: SWBAT follow agreed-upon rules for discussions such as building background knowledge. SWBAT know an apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. SWBAT demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. SWBAT demonstrate word relationships/word meanings. SWBAT identify real life connections between words and their uses. FIELD TRIP TO LIBERTY SCIENCE CENTER 8:00-2:30 Morning Meeting Objective: Morning Meeting Objective: Morning Meeting Objective: SWBAT review rules for the classroom and go over the calendar, weather, number of the day, and daily fix it. SWBAT review rules for the classroom and go over the calendar, weather, number of the day, and daily fix it. SWBAT review rules for the classroom and go over the calendar, weather, number of the day, and daily fix it. Procedure: Procedure: Procedure: 1. Meet on carpet 2. Review rules for the classroom 3. Go over the calendar, weather, and the number of the day. 4. Go over the Daily Fix It. 1. Meet on carpet 2. Review rules for the classroom 3. Go over the calendar, weather, and the number of the day. 4. Go over the Daily Fix It. 1. Meet on carpet 2. Review rules for the classroom 3. Go over the calendar, weather, and the number of the day. 4. Go over the Daily Fix It. 8:10-10:00 Language Arts Objective: 8:10-9:30 Language Arts Objective: 8:10-9:30 Language Arts Objective: SWBAT know an apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. SWBAT demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. SWBAT determine meaning of unknown words. SWBAT read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. SWBAT read on level texts with purpose /understanding. SWBAT ask/answer questions to demonstrate understanding. SWBAT use info gained from the SWBAT demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. SWBAT know an apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. SWBAT generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words. Use sentence level context s a clue to the meaning of a word/phrase. SWBAT read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. SWBAT read on level texts with SWBAT know an apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. SWBAT demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. SWBAT generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words. SWBAT read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. SWBAT read on level texts with purpose /understanding. SWBAT demonstrate grammar when writing and speaking. SWBAT read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. SWBAT read on level texts with purpose /understanding. SWBAT write about what they did over the weekend. Procedures: 1. Students will write about what they did over the weekend. 2. Share with the class (optional) 3. Give Students a prespelling test. 4. Introduce how “animal lessons”– by building background. 5. Interactively listen to “The Fox and the Crane” and discuss the story. 6. Discuss the high frequency words and where they should go on the word wall. 7. Discuss the vocabulary words and talk about what they each mean. Ask the students first. 8. Introduce long (u) u_e and short U. 9. Blend words together with short and long (U) 10. Read “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and discuss the story together. 11. Grammar – Model Singular and Plural Nouns and Commas in a series. Give students a worksheet to review the correct ones. 12. Write about what the boy in “The Boy Who Cried illustrations/ words in print to demonstrate understanding. SWBAT demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. Procedures: 1. Discuss the high frequency words and where they should go on the word wall. 2. Discuss the vocabulary words and talk about what they each mean. 3. Review spelling words. (spelling city/word search) 4. Review phoneme segmentation. 5. Review Short U and long U U_e – blend and build words. 6. Review CVCe syllables. 7. Discuss expression. 8. Review genre: Fable 7. Discuss suffixes. 8. Read “Wolf Wolf” discuss the story and use a graphic organizer to help with the characters, setting, and events. 9.Grammar – Singular and Plural Nouns and Commas in a series Materials: Reading writing workshop book, practice/grammar book pages, word wall words, pencil, eraser, iPADs, word search Assessments: Class discussion, word wall words, practice pages, Veterans prompt Standards: RF.2.3, L.2.2, L.2.4, RF.2.4, RF.2.4a, RL2.1, RL2.7, L.2.2, W.2 Technology: www.connectED.mcgrawhill.com purpose /understanding. SWBAT demonstrate capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing. SWBAT demonstrate grammar when writing and speaking. SWBAT focus on a topic by strengthening writing when needed by revising/editing. Procedures: 1. Discuss the high frequency words and where they should go on the word wall. 2. Discuss the vocabulary words and talk about what they each mean. 3. Model phoneme segmentation. 4. Build and blend long and short (U) U_e. 5. Review spelling words. 6. Review CVCe syllables 7. Review expression. 8. Review prefixes. 9. Read “Cinderella and Friends.” 10. Grammar – Review Singular and Plural Nouns and Commas in a series Materials: Reading writing workshop book, Literature anthology book, practice/grammar book pages, word wall words, pencil, eraser, marker, chart paper, words. SWBAT focus on a topic by strengthening writing when needed by revising/editing. Procedures: 1. Take Spelling Test. 2. Go over high frequency words. 3. Go over vocabulary words and their meanings. 4. Begin Reading Test. Materials: word wall words, pencil, eraser, words, folders, spelling test, reading test. Assessments: Spelling Test, Reading Test Standards: RF2.3, L.2.2, L.2.2d, RF.2.4, RF.2.4b, L.2.1, W.2.5 Technology: www.connectED.mcgrawhill.com 9:30-10:00 Snack 10:00-10:30 – Library 10:30-11:00 Social Studies Objective: Class discussion, word wall words, practice pages SWBAT identify government leaders and their roles in a community, state, and nation. SWBAT describe how leaders are chosen, such as election. Standards: Procedures: Assessments: RF.2.3, L.2., L.2.2d, L.2.4a, RF.2.4, RF.2.4b, L.2.2, L.2.1, W.2.5 1. Discuss the vocabulary words. 2. Do the mini activity on the Wolf” could have done something differently in their writing journal.s Technology: www.connectED.mcgrawhill.com Materials: top of the page 34-35. 3. Read through pages 34-37 and answer the questions 1-5. Materials: Reading writing workshop book, pre-spelling test, word wall words, practice book pages, pencil, eraser, marker, chart paper, practice /grammar book pages, writing journals 9:35-9:50 – Snack My World Social Studies Textbook, pencil, crayons. Assessments: Oral discussion, answering the questions on “Our Leaders” Standards: 6.1.4.A.2 Assessments: Technology: Pre-spelling test, workbook, Grammar practice page, journal entry www.myworldsocialstudies.co m Standards: SL.2.1.a, SL.2.1, RF2.3, L.2.2, L.2.2d, L.2.5, L.2.5.a, RF2.4, RF2.4a, L.2.1, L.2.2, W.2 Technology: www.connectED.mcgrawhill.com 10:0 010:5 0 10:5 011:4 5 10:00-10:15 – Snack 10:00-10:15 – Snack 10:15-10:45 Centers 10:15-10:45 Centers Math Objective: SWBAT check their progress. Procedures: 1. Problem of the day and review it. 2. Review the vocabulary words. 3. Do page 67-68 together by “check my progress”. 4. Together have students review this page. 5. Students will take a check my progress quiz. 6. Students will take a math minute to review facts. Math Objective: SWBAT use addition facts to subtract. Procedures: 1. Problem of the day and review it. 2. Review the vocabulary words. 3. Do page 69 together by “relate addition and subtraction”. 4. Together have students complete the “see and show” page. 5. Have the students do it “on my own” page and then go over 9:55-10:50 Gym Religion Objective: SWBAT identify the main parts of Penance and Reconciliation. SWBAT explain the various parts of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Procedures: 1. The students will review their prayers. 2. The students will review the Act of Contrition. 3. Together read pg 61 “Living Reconciliation” and answer the questions. 4. Read pages 62-63 “We 11:00-11:40 Math Objective: SWBAT review the concepts learned so far in chapter 1. Procedures: 1. Problem of the day and review it. 2. Review the vocabulary words. 3. Have students do a math minute to review addition facts and review them. 4. Have students use flash cards to review math concepts. 5. Play a math fact game with 7. Students will partner up to review their facts using flash cards, iPAD games, and bingo. 8. Homework 1- Materials: My Math textbook, pencil, eraser, vocab words, check my progress page, math minute, flash cards, bingo, iPAD it together. 6. Have students complete the “problem solving” page. Discuss together. 7. Assign the homework page 19. Materials: My Math textbook, pencil, eraser, vocab words Remember” and discuss the message. 5. Read through pages 64-65 and discuss the steps of Reconciliation. 6. Discuss A New Beginning. 7. End with a prayer. Materials: the students reviewing addition facts. (use playing cards, flash cards, dice, dominoes, and Bingo) Materials: My Math textbook, pencil, eraser, vocab words, math minute, flash cards Reconciliation textbook, pencil, Bible Assessments: Completing the pages homework Assessments: Standards: Completing the pages , check my progress quiz, math minute Standards: Standards: 2.OA.2 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Standards: Technology: Technology: www.connected.mcgrawhill.com www.bemydisciples.com Assessments: 2.OA.2, 2.OA.1 Assessments: Discussion, prayers Math minute 2.OA.2, 2.OA.1 Technology: www.connected.mcgrawhill.com Technology: www.connected.mcgrawhill.com 11:2 51:4 512:2 5 12:3 012:4 5 12:4 51:15 Lunch/ Recess Silent Reading Time Lunch/ Recess Silent Reading Time Science Objective: Religion Objective: SWBAT know about the land and water on Earth. SWBAT describe the basic effects of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. SWBAT define virtue and give examples of how to practice virtue. SWBAT explain the connection between being forgiven and forgiving others. Procedures: 1. Review vocabulary words. 2. Read pages 182-183 and answer the questions about the land and water.3. Read through 184-187, discussing and answering questions on Earth’s different landforms. Materials: Pack up/ Read Aloud/ End of Day Prayer/ Dismissal Procedures: 1. The students will review their Lunch/Recess Duty 1st lunch Silent Reading Time ½ Day Parent Teacher Conferences Science Objective: SWBAT know how to protect the Earth. Procedures: 1. Review vocabulary words. 2. Read pages 188-193 by discussing and answering the questions about protecting Earth through reduce, reuse, and recycle Materials: Interactive science textbook, Interactive science textbook, pencil, vocab cards Assessments: Completing questions, oral discussion Standards: 5.4.2.C.1 Technology: www.myscienceonline.com www.brainpop.com prayers. 2. The students will review the Act of Contrition. 3. Together read pg 53 “Showing Love” and answer the questions. 4. Read pages 54-55 “Great Love” and discuss the message. 5. Read through pages 56-57 “Love and Grace” and discuss. 6. Discuss and complete the activity “The Reconciliation Tree” 7. End with a prayer. pencil, vocab cards Assessments: Completing questions, oral discussion Standards: 5.4.2.C.1 Technology: www.myscienceonline.com www.brainpop.com Materials: Reconciliation textbook, pencil, Bible Assessments: Discussion, prayers, The Reconciliation Tree activity Standards: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Technology: www.bemydisciples.com 1:151:45 Religion Objective: SWBAT share the story of how Zacchaues became a friend of Jesus. SWBAT list the steps in the rite of Penance SWBAT walk through a practice celebration of Reconciliation. Procedures: 1. The students will review their prayers. 2. The students will review the Act of Contrition. 3. Together read pg 45 “Celebrating God’s Love” and answer the questions. 4. Read pages 46-47 “Saved” 1:25-2:10 Art Religion We will go to church and review Reconciliation by going into the booth and discussing how we behave in church and what is expected of them when they receive Reconciliation. and discuss the message. 5. Read through pages 48-49 “Celebrating Penance and Reconciliation” and discuss. 6. Discuss and complete the activity “Reminder Card” 7. End with a prayer. Materials: Reconciliation textbook, pencil, Bible Assessments: Discussion, prayers, reminder card activity Standards: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Technology: www.bemydisciples.com 1:452:15 Social Studies Objective: SWBAT read and answer questions about Our Mom, The Veteran. Procedures: 1. Students will read through the scholastic magazine, “Our Mom, the Veteran.” 2. They will discuss as a class what a veteran is. 3. They will answer questions about bears and what they do and who can be a veteran. 4. Students will read through the the Veteran paper and answer the questions. 5. Use the scholastic website for games and other tools. Materials: Scholastic magazine and Eat Up Bear paper, pencil, crayons. Assessments: Project/Craft/Make-up Work Completing Scholastic Magazine and vocabulary paper, Discussion Standards: 6.1.4.A.11 Technology: www.scholastic.com/sn2 2:152:30 Pack up/ Read Aloud/ End of Day Prayer/ Dismissal Pack up/ Read Aloud/ End of Day Prayer/ Dismissal Pack up/ Read Aloud/ End of Day Prayer/ Dismissal