What is Water Cycle? • It is the flow/movement • and storage of water • in and between the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere & the biosphere • It also involves the changes in the state of water - in gaseous, solid & liquid state Water Cycle ATMOSPHERE LAND OCEAN Water evaporates from land & ocean Evapo-transpiration LAND OCEAN Water condenses to form cloud Condensation Evapo-transpiration LAND OCEAN Water droplets fall as rain/snow/hail Condensation Evapo-transpiration Precipitation on land Precipitation on ocean LAND OCEAN Rain water infiltrates into the soil Condensation Evapo-transpiration Precipitation on land Precipitation on ocean Infiltration LAND OCEAN Water accumulates as surface runoff Condensation Evapo-transpiration Precipitation on land Precipitation on ocean Surface runoff LAND OCEAN Various processes/flows in the water cycle A C D B F E LAND OCEAN Basin Hydrological Cycle (Land Phase) Atmosphere C D F E LAND H I OCEAN Basin Hydrological Cycle (Land Phase) 1. Flow - evaporation,precipitation, stemflow, infiltration, throughflow, surface runoff, _________ …. 2. Storage - interception, soil water, ground water, channel, _________….. Human Impacts on water cycle 1. Deforestation - removal of trees 2. Agriculture - intensive cultivation 3. Urbanization - widespread development of built-up areas River Basin & Fluvial Processes • A river forms when rain falls on the land which forms rills • rills flow downslope, more rainfall, in the form of runoff, joins them, and the rills grow larger, the rills are large enough to be called streams River Basin • A main stream and its tributaries river forms a network of streams, called a drainage network/system • This network occupies and drains a definite area of land. This area is called a drainage basin River Basin • The boundary of the basin forms the watershed of the basin. It follows the crests of the ridges & hills. Tributary River Mouth Watershed Main Stream A drainage basin River Basin • River basins, like all other systems, have inputs, processes & outputs. • It is an open system Related websites: http://www.gewex.com http://www.iwr.msu.edu/edmodule/water/cycle.htm http://www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/