Jefferson DBQ

Jefferson DBQ
Possible thesis statement
Thomas Jefferson as leader of the Republican
party and Thomas Jefferson as president of
the United States were really two different
men. The party leader could argue fine
philosophical points of political debate, but
the chief executive had to deal in
practicalities. Thus, it was that Jefferson as
president would contradict himself in his
decisions and policies when compared
against the Republican principles he had
espoused during the election of 1800.
Possible thesis statement
Politics is the art of the practical while
philosophy is the study of theories. When
Jefferson crossed over from the
philosopher Republican into the practical
politician, he found that many of his
theories did not work. Jefferson was
forced as president to compromise his
theories against the reality of politics and
adjust his actions according to what would
work in the practical world.
Possible thesis statement
The Republican party espoused high ethical beliefs
regarding what we today would call the principals
of democracy. Unfortunately as president,
Thomas Jefferson would sometimes fail to rise to
these high ethical beliefs in his actions and
decisions as President. In events as varied as
the Louisiana Purchase and the Chase
impeachment, Jefferson as president would divert
from the principles of the Republican party and
response instead to the practical situation with
which he was faced with actions which he
considered appropriate.
Outside facts…Philosophies of
Jefferson believed in a limited federal
government whose excessive use of
powers is checked by state governments
and the Constitution (i.e. checks &
Jefferson’s philosophy: strict construction
or strict interpretation of the Constitution (if
it doesn’t state it then you can’t do it)
Outside facts…Philosophies of
Does not believe that Hamilton’s view of a
national bank is not Constitutional &
therefore opposes it.
Does not believe that the Constitution
allows for Congress to pass embargoes on
trade to regulate interstate commerce.
The US government should be one of a true
republic—by the people for the people—the
citizen (ideally the farmer) would be the
foundation of this republic
Outside facts…Philosophies of
Jefferson supported limited or moderate
federal government with the majority of
powers reserved for the individual states.
Limited federal powers would protect
against oppression and tyranny.
Limiting the expenses of the federal
government—national debt was
considered a danger to the republic.
Outside facts…Jefferson’s
Louisiana Purchase: willing to purchase
Louisiana territory from Napoleon (France)
for 15 million dollars without Constitutional
Justified as preventing a future war
between the US and France over western
Afraid that Napoleon would back out of the
deal—he rushed the treaty through
Congress and ignored his own principles
(strict interpretation)
Outside facts…Jefferson’s
* In regards to new territory—Congress
appointed a government—i.e. the people
did not elect their government—clear
violation of Jefferson’s ideals of by the
people for the people and republican
Outside facts…Jefferson’s
Jefferson’s practical economics: the Embargo
Act—denying the world all American trade until
the British and French agreed to honor American
neutrality—and stop impressing our citizens as
soldiers of the British and French navies.
• In order to enforce the embargo (which hurt US
trade), he had to establish an almost police
government—opposition to his limited and
moderate views of the federal government. At
one point, b/c people were out of work and
suffering due to the embargo—Jefferson had to
send federal troops to NY to stop rioting &
enforce the embargo—how was this different
from Washington & Hamilton sending in troops
during the Whiskey rebellion? (abuse of power)
Outside facts…Jefferson’s
Midnight judges & impeachment of Samuel Chase:
Pushed congress to repeal Federal Judiciary Act
of 1801 in which Federalists had planned to put
Federal judges into positions for life. Ignored
republican beliefs on limiting federal powers.
* Marbury v Madison established the principle of
judicial review by the Supreme court—even
though part of the Constitution as a checks and
balances process, Jefferson did not want the
Judicial branch to have this power.
Outside facts…Jefferson’s
* Impeachment of Samuel Chase was a
method of Jefferson to teach the
Federalists and Chief Justice Marshall a
lesson. Violation of the checks and
balances, but Jefferson tries to use
impeachment to take out Federalist judges
or bad judges—even the Republican
Senators went against Jefferson on this
Jefferson’s followers and Thomas Jefferson himself believed
that the only secure republic was one that limited the powers of
its government and divided those powers among several levels
of government in what later became known as states rights
position.( Doc I) Jefferson so strongly believed in this division
of powers that in the case of the national bank dispute when
Washington asked Jefferson’s opinion o of the constitutionality
of Hamilton’s proposed national bank, Jefferson replied with the
strict construction argument that powers which are not literally
assigned to the central government are reserved to the states
and to the people respectively. (Doc C) In the Constitution
there is no specific authority for the federal government to
purchase territory for the expansion of the nation. In 1803,
when faced with the option of purchasing Louisiana from
Napoleon, Jefferson was faced with a quandary. Did he have
the authority to buy Louisiana? In 1806, he proudly reported to
Congress on the results of three expeditions sent to Louisiana
to survey the territory, especially that of Lewis and Clark, so
obviously Jefferson made the purchase. (Doc J)
He also had the approval of the Congress which funded not only the
purchase of the territory, but the expeditions to explore the land.
Faced with the possibility of losing Louisiana, Jefferson ignored his
political theories and bought the territory.
In the case of the Samuel Chase impeachment, Jefferson had less
benign motives, but he was equally willing to violate his own political
theories. Angry over Federalist attempts to pack the federal courts
with their followers after losing the election of 1800, Jefferson had
already urged Congress to repeal the Judiciary act of 1801 and
abolish those judgeships. This action was of questionable
constitutionality as judges are appointed for life and in effect
Jefferson and the Congress were dismissing these jurists from their
positions. Successful with his manipulation of the lower federal
courts, Jefferson decided to manipulate the Supreme court after
Marshall had issued the irksome decision in Marbury v Madison
(1803), Jefferson proposed that Congress chastise the Court with
impeachment proceedings against Justice Samuel Chase. Although
Congress did impeach Chase in 1805 (Doc. G), even Republican
senators argued that this was a violating of the intent of the
Constriction and voted to acquit Justice Chase. Jefferson , the man,
was capable of violating his own principles and beliefs when
angered enough. This very human trait does not detract from the
significant accomplishments of Jefferson the president.