3P's Grading System Synopsis Peha, Steve, Teaching That Makes

3P’s Grading System Synopsis
Peha, Steve, Teaching That Makes Sense, Inc. 1995-2010. For more information, contact
us at info@ttms.org
In 5th and 6th grade we employ the 3P Grading System, created by Steve Peha. The
philosophy of this grading system strengthens our fundamental desire to meet the needs of
each child in terms that move us beyond traditional quiz/test/homework percentage
calculations. Together with each child, we critically examine how work was completed and
what needs attention. This collaborative process enables students to actively “earn” their
grade, which in turn launches them forward in life-long introspective observations of their
own effort and accountability.
Students will be evaluated on participation progress, and performance.
Participation has to do with how students conduct themselves in class. It includes
everything from coming to school every day to following directions to turning in
assignments on time. Progress is new learning: a measure of what students know at the end
of a grading period that they did not know at the beginning. Performance refers to the
quality of the work students submit (notebooks, journals, projects, collections of quizzes,
tests and graded papers).
Student self-assessment is key to this process. In calculating the final grade, a
student’s evaluation is equal in weight to the teacher’s evaluation. It also increases student
ownership, heightens accountability, and improves motivation. This is probably the most
powerful aspect of the 3P System because it makes student self-evaluation an ongoing and
integral part of the class.
Participation (40% of the grade) is more important than progress (30%) or
performance (30%). Participation is the key to maximizing achievement for every student;
the harder they try, the higher they fly. Making participation the most heavily weighted trait
increases attendance, improves behavior, encourages students to put forth a greater effort,
and provides an incentive for students to monitor their own conduct.
Grades are calculated based on a portfolio or collection of work during a grading
period. Looking at work over time allows teachers and students to assess growth and to
spot important trends and patterns. Parents will be able to view letter grades on midterm
and trimester report cards. It is helpful to underscore with children that letter grades
represent the following descriptions. To fully prepare students for future academic
endeavors, we stress that:
“A” means “Meets Expectations to a High Degree”
“B” means “Meets Expectations”
“C” means “Meets Some Expectations”
“D” means “Does Not Meet Expectations/Incomplete Work”
Plus and minus grades can also be given.