Satan is loosed for a little season In Revelation: 20-3 Satan must be loosed for a little season. In a way this cycle runs concurrent all throughout the gospel age during the recapitulated Armageddon script. That being, the gospel has been restricted in various independent locals over the centuries. But it happens in an all-encompassing way at the closing of this earth’s history of sin and sorrow, such that Satan will be loosed and again allowed free reign over the nations of the earth to keep the gospel from being preached. One might ask; is this not already happening to a great degree? In a certain way yes, because the gospel going forth worldwide is that of a blanket of small pox, even much worse than a covering of fig leaves. The deception is greater than it ever has been in the history of the church, well at least on a numbers basis it is, because of sheer the population effects…In the 15th century when deception abounded to an even greater level there were only a ½ billion people on the earth, whereas today we have 7 billion, or 14 times the deception and confusion added to the mix. This loosing of Satan corresponds to 2 Thess. 2:8-12 which will be fulfilled at this time: "Then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, THAT THEY SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE, that they all might be damned…" Why? Because they "believed not the truth" when it was preached unto them, "but had pleasure in unrighteousness." Paul said in Romans 1-18 that these do hold the truth in unrighteousness. Even down throughout the ages the common Christian believed that God was the creator of all things, but now in the day of even stronger delusion many confessing Christians have been turned over to the delusion of Darwinism, not to mention the whole secular world who worships at the feet of Darwin, the humanist evolution drug of the day. Example: The country of Japan rejected the gospel and fully embraced Darwinism. Satan has been bound since the cross that the gospel may freely be preached among the nations, yet there are those who believe not the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness; they persist in their ungodly ways and sin against the common enlightenment of man John 1-9, and against the knowledge of God. For my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge Hosea:4-6. Then when the epoch of mankind abounds in iniquity, the zenith of unrighteousness comes to the full, and manifests to the point of Cain on steroids. The gospel message, “the restrainer” will have been removed by mankind himself through the deceivableness of the Serpent, that Wicked One, the Dragon, the ancient one Satan, that old Devil. It is man’s total rejection of God that unbinds Satan. The same star that fell in Rev. 9 and was given the key to Pandora’s Box of false prophets, on demand of the people who will no longer endure sound doctrine. Satan is loosed and the true gospel is no longer preached. They will believe, but what they believe will be a lie and a counterfeit of God, for they will be sent the strongest of delusion from God! This will be the awful judgment, when God shall give the nations of the earth over to Satan at the end of this earth’s history; they will be given over to reprobate minds as God takes away His grace and the power of the gospel. Satan will work through his two beast system described in Revelation 13. Leviathan, and Behemoth, pride and the false prophet. These two working wonders will keep the gospel from being preached any more among the nations; and they will believe a lie! The lie of Solomon’s peace and safety utopia on earth (humanism). Having not obeyed the gospel which has been preached "in season and out of season" (2 Tim. 4:2), they will believe Satan’s lie of carnal Christianity, a bastard form of Jesus portrayed in the image of the beast. In their minds there is no need for bowing to the Lordship of Christ before having Him as Savior and King, for the simple reason that He has become their IDOL. There will be no need for the work of the Holy Spirit in conviction for the purpose of holy life and righteous living. Let us do away with Titus 2-12 they proclaim. In his subtlety coming as an angel of light, (through the second beast of Rev. 13, his false prophet, “his own” John 8-44) Satan deceives them; and my friend he does this ever so gradually, that it is almost imperceptible. This is the woman “taking and hiding leaven” in the gospel message until the whole message is leavened. Matthew 13-33. In fact, he is deceiving Christianity even more than ever today, for even now we see many who "will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust…they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they…turn away their ears from the truth", and turn unto fables (2 Timothy). Did you know that this false doctrine of easy grace and flesh Christianity being promulgated in our day is only setting the stage for the complete loosing of Satan? This is that strong delusion from God, being sent to those who receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved from sin! With the restraining and convicting power of the truth is removed, many will readily believe the lie out of hell speaking that Jesus Christ is not God, and there will be no wrath of God to come, no judgment, therefore they have no need for salvation from sin or redemption through the blood atonement of Christ, having no need of being reconciled back to God. They will believe the lie that "every man is a god unto himself, so do what you want to do and live as you please; eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." They were eating and drinking the false doctrine, they knew not, and the flood came and took them away Luke 17. Then when Satan is finally loosed, the marked contrast in the lives of the children of God, to those of the openly and religiously profane, the beast, that man of terror, Isaiah 14, (the will of Satan manifest in mankind) will use his hand to persecute and endeavor to stamp out all vestige of worship of the true and living God revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a roaring lion, he will bring all the power and forces at his command to try and stamp out all signs of true Christianity! (the God of forces in Daniel 11-38). And how just how long this little season will be, we have no indication in the Word of God, other than possibly the symbolic meanings of 42 months, 1260 days, and 3 ½ years. But we do know that it will be right down at the end of this age, just before the second coming of Christ. This will be a time when there will be very few believers upon the earth; for it will be a time of great persecution. Then we will see the manifest revelation to the Son of mans’ question in Luke 18:8 when He asked, "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" It appears that there will be very few true believers left. All else will be taken into the darkest of deceptions. One taken and one left. Taken where? The disciples asked Jesus; taken to where the vultures gather He said, this is the great feast of God, in Rev. 19-17. The feast of demons feasting on the souls of men. There will not be a great revival as the pundits with great swelling words speak, but rather a “little flock” seeking refuge in the Ark of salvation, for Jesus said it would be as in the days of Noah and the days of Lot. The wolves in sheep's clothing are devouring the flock and have seemingly triumphed over the church of the living God, but all they have trampled upon is the outer court, for the gates of hell shall not prevail against the inner court and sanctuary of His church. At the height of persecution, our Lord Jesus Christ will be revealed with His mighty angels in His glorious second coming, "in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power" (2 Thes. 1:8-9) At the appointed time, in the which no one knows but the Father, the Son of man shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe" verse 10. All of this corresponds perfectly with Rev. 20:7-9 during the final capitulation of things finished up , that at the end of the age, just when Satan and his forces have "compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city…fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them." This has been happening throughout the church age on a lesser level but there will be a final recompense of everything, as the transgressors come to the full. This will be when “time shall be no more” and the judgment will be set up, and this earth and age as we know it will be no more! All the elements therein will dissolve in fervent heat 2 Peter 3. No man knows how much longer we have to wait for His second coming, not even the angels in heaven, it could be today, tomorrow, next year, ten years, a hundred years or more, we just don’t know. All we do know is that He is coming again; and when He does, He will reward His children with an eternity with Him upon the new earth, and the wicked with eternal judgment and damnation in hell. It is widely taught and believed today by the majority of Christendom through the guise of pre-millennialism that the loosing of Satan will occur after the second coming, while falsely teaching that it will be at the end of Christ’s supposed thousand year reign upon the earth. They say the Messiah is to reign on a literal throne in the city of Jerusalem, nay may God forbid such heresy. The heresy teaches that British Israelism has the original throne of David and Zionism has claim to the Temple mount. Then they falsely teach that suddenly towards the end of this thousand years, His reign is to be challenged by Satan. While claiming that Christ and those who remain faithful to Him are to be contained in the earthly city of Jerusalem. Teaching He and His army are seemingly helpless against the onslaught of Satan and his hosts, and only the miraculous intervention of God in sending fire down from heaven will save the day. Do Christians even realize that if this were true, it would mean that Christ would suffer a second humiliation, meaning also that He failed in HIS finished works at Calvary? Even though all power has been given to Him, both in heaven and upon earth (Matthew. 28:18), yet they say He must wait for a miraculous deliverance from the Father before He can be saved! However the Scriptures nowhere speak of this. The truth is, that scripture teaches us that those risen in Christ shall be raised incorruptible 1 Cor. 15-52, and shall never be tempted again. Therefore, to believe that Christ will again be put into a place of humiliation under the onslaught of Satan, will need another deliverance, and that those in Christ will be again tempted directly contradicts the full weight of scripture which speaks of the second coming of Christ as being the culmination of all and the end of this earth’s history as we know it, the end of salvation, and the delivering up the kingdom to the God. Instead of His being humiliated, it will be His enemies that will be brought down as His footstool, to confess Him as Lord and be brought into judgment! As the tribes of the earth mourned Matthew 24-30. This false futurism is all spawned from the writings of Francisco Ribera, and is nothing more than a Jesuit monks vomit, regurgitated through Jesuit controlled Oxford by Schofield in the Bible College Theological Cemeteries through Jesuit ghost writers. Ribera’s' work written in the 1580s, entitled; In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentarij. And for those who don’t believe it, they tied up the other end with the false end times gospel with the darkness of Preterism, prophesied by Luis de’ Alcazar another Spanish Jesuit monk, written in the annuls of Vestigatio arcani sensus in Apocalypsi (1614). His view was that everything in the Apocalypse refers to events that already have come to pass in 70 AD. He was the classic Jesuit dialectic to the works of Ribera’s pre- millennialism hoax, the author of Christendom’s future eschatology (futurism). All of the Protestant beliefs concerning the end times is derived from these two Jesuit Theologians. The protestant church has always been controlled by the Pope, through the Council of Trent, they just never knew it. Her famous Westminster Confession is nothing more than the theology of the Manichean reprobate, St. Augustine of Hippo. Christianity as we know it has been controlled by the Gnostics for 1600 years, under the guise of Catholic and Protestant titles. You see, Satan is most brilliant at what he does. Grace and truth bill