City of Unalaska | Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting | Community Center Conference Room February 29, 2016, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Last Updated: 02/18/16 Mission Statement: To enrich our diverse community by providing exemplary, accessible, and safe cultural, leisure, and recreation facilities and services that nurture youth development and inspire people to learn, play, and engage with our unique and welcoming environment. Karie Wilson secretary for this meeting Call to Order Roll Call Matt Lightner, Chair Kelly Stiles, Vice Chair Davlin Hall – Out-of-Town Patrick Trinidad Joanne Villamor Karie Wilson Raul Garcia, Student Representative D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director – Out-of-Town Recognition of Visitors Albert Burnham, Recreation Manager & Acting PCR Director Nick Cron, Operations Manager Additions and Approval of Agenda Additions and Approval of Minutes from January 11, 2016 Attached Directors Report for January 2016 Attached Operations Manager Update Old Business A. PCR Slogan Update B. Elder Parking for Special Events Update C. PCR Advisory Committee Annual Report to Council Attached D. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting New Business A. Election of New Officers 1. Chair 2. Vice Chair 3. Secretary B. Code Review Attached 1. Additional Committee Seats C. FY17 Proposed Budget Attached D. Summer Programming Attached Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors B. Committee Members C. Other D. Next Meeting – March 21, 2016 Adjournment City of Unalaska | Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting | Community Center Conference Room January 11, 2016, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Last Updated: 01/11/16 Mission Statement: To enrich our diverse community by providing exemplary, accessible, and safe cultural, leisure, and recreation facilities and services that nurture youth development and inspire people to learn, play, and engage with our unique and welcoming environment. Kelly Stiles secretary for this meeting Call to Order Roll Call Matt Lightner, Chair Kelly Stiles, Vice Chair Davlin Hall Patrick Trinidad Joanne Villamor – Absent Karie Wilson Lynette Pham, Student Representative D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director Recognition of Visitors Jennifer Lane, Aquatics Manager Additions and Approval of Agenda Additions and Approval of Minutes from December 21, 2015 Directors Report for December 2015 Attached Aquatics Manager Update Old Business A. PCR Slogan Update B. Christmas Tree Lighting C. Elder Parking for Special Events D. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting New Business A. Expiring Seats B. PCR Advisory Committee Annual Report to Council Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors B. Committee Members C. Next Meeting – February 22, 2016 Adjournment City of Unalaska Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation PCR Advisory Committee Minutes Monday-January 11, 2016 PCR Conference Room 1. Chair Lightner called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. 2. Chair Lightner took attendance -Members Present: Stiles, Wilson; Trinidad; Lightner -PCR Director, D. Tyrell McGirt was present -Members Absent: Lightner; Hall; Pham; Villamor; Hall -Quorum established 3. Visitors Present: Jennifer Lane-Aquatics Manager 4. Agenda was approved as presented by Wilson and Stiles. 5. Minutes from the December 21, 2015 meeting were submitted and were approved as presented by Stiles and Wilson. 6. Director’s Report was presented by McGirt. McGirt stated that the selected candidate for the Recreation Coordinator for Sports and Leisure programs declined offer of employment; two other candidates from the original interview round were being reconsidered with a candidate from Ohio interested in the position but concerned about housing-staff is currently looking for options. Recreation Coordinator Prestan Walker has submitted his resignation and will be leaving in February, the position has already been posted internally and interviews will begin the following week. The Library is in the process of receiving new computers and working with City IS staff to join the City’s computer next work, it is hopeful that this upgrade will help with improved internet speed; switch over should be complete in March Friends of the Library have established a “Little Free Library” at the Airport to provide those waiting for flights or “stranded” at the airport an opportunity to take a book to read. There is not an expectation of a “book swap” rather, FOL will continue to fill the library as the supply decreases. Lightner stated that he saw passengers taking advantage of the LFL and was happy to see it. McGirt addressed the complaints on social media concerning the closure of the gym over the holiday break. He suggested that possible solutions may just be providing the public more information as to why the work on the gym had to be done at that particular time and will work with Bill Dunkleberger on possibly building a new timeline concerning the refinishing of the floor. He indicated that DPW staff prefer completing indoor tasks (such as the gym floor) when the weather is less than ideal due to the volume of outdoors work his staff takes on throughout the course of the year. He stated that there are many factors to take into consideration when constructing the timeline of the refinishing project. Lane proposed the option of opening the school gyms for a few hours a day as a possible option in the future. Jennifer Lane, Aquatics Manager provided an update on Aquatics programs which included updates on Tot Time schedule changes due to low attendance and conflicting event schedules. Friday Splash attendance is up to 40-50 kids, attendance dropped in December due to the holiday break. UCSD swim lessons continue with lessons covering beginning levels to advanced. Recreation Coordinators Felicia Tungul and Amanda Greaves are Lifeguard certified and are assisting with the program. There are 6 preschool aged kids taking lessons as well. Lane also stated that she is working with Wilma Adams, Kindergarten teacher, on the “Kids Don’t Float” program. Pham indicated that it’s an important program and hopes to it will be scheduled before the pool closes. McGirt asked where else the program was offered but believed it was offered through Camp Q and through the school through the Dockside Discovery program (Wilson confirmed Dockside Discovery). Lane stated that the program was a State of Alaska program and that the state typically works with the Ports department and Camp Q to bring a representative out. Lane informed the group that the last day to register for the Youth Swim League was January 31. Flyers have been posted around town and the school. Due to the Aquatics Center closure, the pool will be closed beginning April 26 (this will not affect YSL) and will remain closed through August. Advertising of the closure is already on Channel 8 and fliers are posted in the Aquatics Center lobby. The hope is to get the pool up and running as soon as possible. Lane provided a staff update with 3 offers of employment extended and 1 recommendation to hire sent to HR. Lane conducted LG training over the break that included patron scanning and backboard training. Trinidad stated that he was glad that training was being offered at least once a month for staff. Old Business A. PCR Slogan Update: An online survey is currently on the City’s website and PCR’s Facebook page regarding the selection of the PCR slogan. Staff will be collecting data from the surveys to determine which slogan will be selected. Staff has received over 50 responses to date. The slogan will be introduced before the end of the fiscal year. B. Christmas Tree Lighting: The event went off well; great turnout; great weather and the crafts at BRC were fun. McGirt ran through the event, City Manager, Dave Martinson gave the welcoming speech, Kelly Stiles played Christmas carols for a group sing along. Comments ranged from the lights being sparse to better communication between the committee, staff and community for volunteers to help with the event. Trinidad stated that a lot of the work and responsibility fell on the Teen Council. Wilson stated that Channel 8 broadcasted it right after the event. C. Elder Parking for Special Events: Spaces were reserved for Elders beginning on January 9th. Pham indicated that the signage may be too small and Trinidad asked if the parking was being enforced. Wilson indicated that the front desk was monitoring the spots and that this is will be a benefit for the MLK event. D. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting: Karie Wilson volunteered to take minutes for the September meeting. New Business A. Expiring Seats: McGirt indicated that the Student Representative and Joanne Villamor’s and Davlin Hall’s seat were due to expire in 2016. He indicated that others in the community expressed interest in the committee. Lightner stated that the KUCB board has the ability to contract and expand seats as needed and asked if this was something the committee could do or could consider doing. B. PCR Advisory Committee Annual Report to Council: McGirt will have the annual report ready for committee review on February 22 and the presentation to council is scheduled for February 23. Chair-Matt Lightner will be presenting the annual report and it is a much shorter report than in the past. McGirt asked that committee members attend the portion of the meeting during the annual presentation. Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors: No Comments B. Committee Members: Wilson asked about the status of having a crossing guard available after school for the kids. Concerns have been brought to her by parents and bus drivers. Lightner added that he had been wondering and concerned for years about the lack of a crossing guard. Wilson also stated that Albert’s wood block class was awesome. A question was raised about creating a potential 5th-8th grade girls volleyball league. Wilson announced that Raiders Basketball will be happening over the weekend and that the PreSchool Ice Cream Social is February 14th. C. Next Meeting: Monday, February 22, 2016 at 6:00 Trinidad and Wilson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 pm. City of Unalaska | Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting | Community Center Conference Room December 21, 2015, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Last Updated: 12/09/15 Mission Statement: To enrich our diverse community by providing exemplary, accessible, and safe cultural, leisure, and recreation facilities and services that nurture youth development and inspire people to learn, play, and engage with our unique and welcoming environment. Davlin Hall secretary for this meeting Call to Order Roll Call Matt Lightner, Chair Kelly Stiles, Vice Chair Davlin Hall Patrick Trinidad Joanne Villamor Karie Wilson Lynette Pham, Student Representative D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director – Absent Recognition of Visitors Karen Kresh, Librarian Additions and Approval of Agenda Additions and Approval of Minutes from November 16, 2015 Attached Directors Report for November 2015 Attached Librarian Update Old Business A. PCR Slogan Update B. Christmas Tree Lighting C. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting New Business A. Elder Parking for Special Events B. Resolutions 1. CMMP – Library Attached 2. CMMP – Parks Attached Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors B. Committee Members C. Next Meeting – January 11, 2015 Adjournment City Of Unalaska Department of Parks, Culture, and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from November 16, 2015 Call to Order- Meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM Roll Call Matt Lightner, (ML) Chair - Absent Kelly Stiles, (KS) Vice Chair - present Davlin Hall (DH) – present Patrick Trinidad (PT) – present Joanne Villamor (JV) – present Karie Wilson (KW) – present Lynette Pham, (LP) Student Rep. – present D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director – absent Recognition of Visitors Albert Burnham- Recreation Manager Karen Kresh- Librarian Additions and Approval of Agenda There were no suggested additions or amendments to meeting agenda. PT made a motion to approve agenda, KW seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Additions and Approval of Minutes from October 19th, 2015 There were no suggested additions or amendments to Minutes from 10/19/15. JV made a motion to approve minutes, KW seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Directors Report for December 2015 Highlights City staff attended a sexual harassment education class that was very informative. Robbie was sent out for Library programming. Maintenance has recently struggled with correct chemical application but has solved the problem. Fall programming has finished up. Turkey trot time will be adjusted for the public. Librarian Update Highlights - The Library opened forum for suggestion from the public on possible additions to the Library. The comments have been collected and are being assessed. - Library is accepting canned goods as payment for overdue item debt. - Friends of the Library purchased a book booth for the airport for a “Take a book”. - Computers are in the process of being upgraded. Old Business New slogan is still being solidified Christmas tree lighting went well. Davlin needs to re-estimate the number of lights needed to cover the tree. More volunteer help next year to take some of the weight off of Teen Council Kelly Styles will be the secretary for the next meeting Cooler of ice @ games- Addressed in previous meeting. Committee came to consensus that this is a necessary feature to have during all youth league sports games. New Basketball Jerseys- New sports leagues jerseys are in the process of being ordered to replace those that have been damaged, mangled, and/or unreturned. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting- Davlin Hall (DH) volunteered to be the Secretary for the December meeting. New Business It was discussed to possibly mark all front parking for the elderly during large events. There were to approvals granted at the meeting for future upgrade planning for routine maintenance on select parks and the Library. Bill Dunckleburger reins over the floor re finishing schedule and this topic should be buried. Visitor and Committee Member Comments No visitors were present Committee members comments- Christmas tree lighting could use more music and more lights. - Some parents feel that trophies are redundant for 6-8th graded and would like to simplify smaller, more manageable rewards. - Movie night was requested to entertain more than just kindergartners. - Lynett reflected concern for the availability of a female nurse type mentor for young woman to recourse information and guidance when needed. Next Meeting – January 11, 2016 @ 6:00 PM Adjournment Motion to adjourn November meeting by PT, Seconded by DH. Meeting officially adjourned @ 7:00PM City of Unalaska | Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting | Community Center Conference Room November 16, 2015, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Last Updated: 11/15/15 Mission Statement: To enrich our diverse community by providing exemplary, accessible, and safe cultural, leisure, and recreation facilities and services that nurture youth development and inspire people to learn, play, and engage with our unique and welcoming environment. Patrick Trinidad secretary for this meeting Call to Order Roll Call Matt Lightner, Chair – Absent Kelly Stiles, Vice Chair – Absent Davlin Hall Patrick Trinidad Joanne Villamor Karie Wilson Lynette Pham, Student Representative D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director – Absent Recognition of Visitors Nick Cron – Operations Manager Additions and Approval of Agenda Additions and Approval of Minutes from October 19, 2015 Attached Directors Report for October 2015 Attached Operations Manager Update Old Business A. Fitness on Demand Update B. Disc Golf Update C. PCR Slogan Update D. Christmas Tree Lighting E. Cooler of Ice @ Games F. New Basketball Jerseys G. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting New Business A. Winter Spring Activity Guide Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors B. Committee Members C. Next Meeting – December 21, 2015 Adjournment City Of Unalaska• Department of Parks, Culture, and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from November 16, 2015 Call to Order- Meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM Roll Call Matt Lightner, (ML) Chair - Absent Kelly Stiles, (KS) Vice Chair - Absent Davlin Hall (DH) – present Patrick Trinidad (PT) – present Joanne Villamor (JV) – present Karie Wilson (KW) – present Lynette Pham, (LP) Student Rep. – present D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director – absent Recognition of Visitors Albert Burnham – Recreation Manager Nick Cron – Operations Manager Additions and Approval of Agenda There were no suggested additions or amendments to meeting agenda. KW made a motion to approve agenda, JV seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Additions and Approval of Minutes from October 19th, 2015 There were no suggested additions or amendments to Minutes from 10/19/15. JV made a motion to approve minutes, KW seconded. All in favor, none opposed. Directors Report for October 2015 Highlights Karen Kresh, Head Librarian, attended the annual DirLead meeting in Girdwood, Alaska as well as the PNLA Leads Institute in Long Beach, WA for training workshops in Leadership for library workers. D. Tyrell McGirt, Director; Albert Burnham, Recreation Manager; and Nick Cron, Operations manager attended the Annual Alaska Recreation and Park Association (ARPA) Conference in Homer, Alaska. McGirt who was Vice President of ARPA was sworn-in as President Elect of the organization. His two year term as President begins next September; Congratulations! As of now, two recreation coordinator positions are open. The Sports/Wellness and the Arts/Culture recreation coordinator positions are open, the latter position being open in the hopes of having the position filled when the current Arts/Culture recreation coordinator resigns in the 1st quarter of the new year. Three to four Part-Time Lifeguard positions are currently open at the Aquatics Center. The newly built stairs and walkway complete current renovations for Expedition Park (“Gazebo Park”) near the new Small Boat Harbor. The “Monster Bash” Halloween Event was a success. Over 350 community members attended the event. The community responded with lots of positive feedback. One such compliment was for the abundance of fun games and activities for children. PCR would like to thank the United States Coast Guard for the Service members who volunteered their time for the event as well as a special thanks to Dave Martinson, City Manager for volunteering as well! Operation Manager Update Highlights The PCR has finished setting up several new cardio equipment machines in the PCR cardio room. Bathrooms for all City Parks have been winterized for the winter season. PCR is touching base and reviewing the procedures which the relatively new Custodians carry out when cleaning PCR associated facilities. A new projector was purchased for use by PCR. The old projector had mechanical problems and needed to be replaced. This new projector will be used for PCR Movie Night events, meetings, etc. Old Business Fitness on Demand- tabled for FY16-17 due to other prevalent projects on the PCR agenda demanding more attention. Disc Golf Update- no update PCR Slogan Update- The list of possible PCR slogans has now been narrowed down to 3 distinct slogans. “Heartbeat of the Community”; “Unalaska Lives here”; and “We put the Unity into Community.” Some committee members noted opposition to the remaining selection of slogans. Christmas Tree Lighting- Preparations are well underway; DH has purchased Christmas Lights and will lead the lights setup for the tree. KW has enlisted the help of a very generous community member who will make holiday-themed sugar cookies for kids to decorate and enjoy during the event. The committee is hoping to recruit a High School music ensemble to play music for caroling during the lighting ceremony. KS and/or Nick Cron have volunteered to be a fill-in keyboardist if needed. LP and the PCR Teen council will be serving hot chocolate during the event as well as facilitating a “What I am thankful for,” community engagement activity. Cooler of ice @ games- Addressed in previous meeting. Committee came to consensus that this is a necessary feature to have during all youth league sports games. New Basketball Jerseys- New sports leagues jerseys are in the process of being ordered to replace those that have been damaged, mangled, and/or unreturned. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting- Davlin Hall (DH) volunteered to be the Secretary for the December meeting. New Business Winter Spring Activity Guide- committee members delved into the new Activity guide and complimented the informative, yet easy-to-read layout of the guide. Visitor and Committee Member Comments No visitors were present Committee members comments- Can the PCR front parking lot be reserved solely for Elders and Handicap Eligible Patrons during PCR youth league sports? - How is the PCR addressing spectator/player poor sportsmanship during League Sports? - What is the policy of children on the 2nd floor Gym Track and who is in charge of enforcing such policies during the game? - Junior High girls and their parents are very thankful for the accommodations that have taken place for them in the Youth Basketball League and the Adult Women’s League. - Is there any way for PCR to look into starting a youth volleyball program/league? Both youth girls and boys are interested in playing volleyball at an earlier age. Especially for youth girls who have shown interest in playing organized volleyball prior to reaching Junior High/ High School. Next Meeting – December 21, 2015 @ 6:00 PM Adjournment Motion to adjourn November meeting by PT, Seconded by DH. Meeting officially adjourned @ 7:00PM City of Unalaska | Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting | Community Center Conference Room October 19, 2015, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Last Updated: 10/15/15 Mission Statement: To enrich our diverse community by providing exemplary, accessible, and safe cultural, leisure, and recreation facilities and services that nurture youth development and inspire people to learn, play, and engage with our unique and welcoming environment. Patrick Trinidad secretary for this meeting Call to Order Roll Call Matt Lightner, Chair Kelly Stiles, Vice Chair Davlin Hall Patrick Trinidad Joanne Villamor Karie Wilson Lynette Pham, Student Representative D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director Recognition of Visitors Albert Burnham, Recreation Manager Felicia Tungul, Recreation Coordinator – Special Events and Public Relations Additions and Approval of Agenda Additions and Approval of Minutes from August 24, 2015 Attached Directors Report for August & September 2015 Attached Recreation Manager Update Old Business A. TRX Straps B. Pull-Up Bar on Track C. Fitness on Demand Update D. Programming for All Age Groups E. PCR Slogan Update F. Disc Golf G. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting New Business A. Triathlon B. Late Fees C. Christmas Tree Lighting Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors B. Committee Members C. Next Meeting – November 16, 2015 Adjournment City Of Unalaska• Department of Parks, Culture, and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from October 19, 2015 Call to order 6:03 p.m. by Matt Lightner, Chair Requested Wilson to take meeting minutes Roll Call Members Present: Lightner, Hall, Pham, Trinidad, Villamor, Wilson, McGirt Members Absent: Stiles Quorum established Recognition of Visitors Albert Burnham, Recreation Manager Felicia Tungul, Recreation Coordinator was unable to attend Additions/Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve by Hall, second by Villamor Approval of the Meeting Minutes from August 24, 2015 Motion to approve by Villamor, second by Hall Director’s Report for August and September 2015 Highlights A. The Aquatics Center was able to accommodate the request for extended hours during the lunch hour by opening an hour early on Wednesday during Tot Time Swim. B. Cardio equipment has been installed. C. Library Staff received high marks for Passport Acceptance Facility inspection. Influx after the Naturalization Ceremony. D. Librarian is working with the City to purchase new computers for the library. CMMP includes new computers and internet connection. The slow internet speed has been the #1 complaint. The Library’s internet is coupled with UCSD this year. E. Staff updates-Burnham promoted to Recreation Manager and Nick Cron promoted to Operations Manager. Congratulations! Burnham also completed the requirements for the nationally acclaimed Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) Certification. He is one of 6 in the state to hold the certification, and the only one in Unalaska. F. Sports Coordinator Position is open and advertised. Prefer a certified referee applicant if possible. Taking applications now with a goal to hire late Dec./early Jan. G. The Library Advisory Committee has named the conference room after Dan Masoni. There will be a plaque posted. Recreation Manager Update Highlights A. Carlos is leading some Art and Intermural classes for Teens. B. Amanda is leading Scottish Highlander Week for PCR 360. 1. 360 has attendance of 20-25 kids regularly, and PCR staff is looking for volunteers to help to free up coordinators. Maybe the Teens?? 2. Youth Basketball was off to a rocky start with the staff changes but seems to be smoother now. 3. 3 new hoops were installed to make the rims lower, which was needed for Little Dribblers and Kinder basketball. The rims now can come down to 6 feet. C. Upcoming events 1. Coach’s Challenge 2. Shoot for a Turkey 3. Halloween Event a. (This event is being held on Friday the 30th due to youth BB on Saturday and the upcoming floor maintenance schedule.) b. Next year the Halloween event will also be held on a Friday, and the need to contact Public Safety and the City is already on the radar. c. Volunteers are needed for the event (8th graders and up) as many of the H/S students will be at the home Volleyball matches. Hall volunteered as long as he was NOT in the haunted house. Old Business A. TRX Straps-Ordered, working with Nick for placement. B. Pull Up Bar-Here, needs to be mounted in the corner. C. Fitness on Demand-Burnham requested comments from other facilities via the NPRA site from those using the program, but it seems to be mostly private gyms that are using it. It would provide stability for fitness classes, however many of the classes require lots of equipment that we do not have and would have issues storing. It could be budget dependent too, but it is still on the radar. D. Programming for All Age Groups-Work has begun on the new Guide/Calendar. Considerations: lack of staff, but quality of programming with all age groups included. Continue with the Magazine style format. 1. PCR Slogan-Once it has been narrowed down to 3, there will be a contest to decide the final choice. The goal is to have this decided by the first of the year. 2. Disc Golf-Our weather is not conducive to it however it is still a fun idea that is on the radar. The concern would be the cost vs. usage. Maybe focus on a smaller course like 9 holes and maybe at a park? 3. Secretary needed- Hall volunteered for November and Trinidad for December New Business A. Triathlon Comments 1. Community member request-note the fees on the flyers/posters posted around town and not just in the calendar. 2. The late fee should not be imposed on the event shirt 3. Organization of event in the future to reduce participant confusion at check points. Many thoughts were shared with how and what to color code or paint on the road in the future. Burnham mentioned that many triathlons are coordinated by staff that has never done so in the past. They have many ideas to refine this event for the future. B. Late Fees-There will no longer be late fees, but there will be Early Bird Discounts for those that register early and regular registration fees. This is a more positive perception! There will now also be cut off days for registrations. C. Christmas Tree Lighting-Tuesday, December 1st -6:30-7:30. Coordinated effort between the Advisory Board and Felicia Tungul, the Special Events and Public Relations Coordinator. 1. Tree selected on the corner, in front of BR Chapel 2. Suggestions a. Band playing Christmas Music (Check with Ms. McNamara) b. KUCB playing live Christmas Music c. Cookie decorating inside BR Chapel (See Cindy for cookie donation) d. Provide coffee/cocoa e. Lights needed (Hall to check with Elect. Department) f. Games? g. Speaker-City Manager or Mayor? Visitor Comments – None Committee Member Comments A. How is attendance calculated at PCR 360? Amanda has a clipboard and does a daily check off of who attend. If a parent has concerns they can contact Burnham. B. How are coaches selected (ie: kids vs. adults) and are background checks done? Prior to the season individuals volunteer and teens are used as a last resort if there are no interested adults. If there is a teen coach, there is staff supervising. There currently are no background checks done, but are working on implementing it. C. Why is there is a break during the day between Youth Basketball games? This is for a buffer if games run late and to be able to clean the floor and bleachers. D. Is there a shortage of adult sized jerseys? Kids had to wait for some to be washed last weekend. PCR can get more. E. Is there a way to remind patrons to update their contact information, ie: posters, Remind 101, etc.? The front desk usually reminds patrons when they sign up. F. Anderson family is moving and UCSD is in need of a basketball referee if anyone is interested, contact Mr. Wilson. Ideally the new coordinator will be certified too. G. The agenda was blast faxed out to the community-thank you. H. Parent/Teacher Conferences are October 29th and 30th-with no school more students may frequent the Community Center on these days. I. The Ballyhoo Lion’s Club travel raffle drawing is on the 30th of October. It is not too late to get a ticket. J. Does Teen Council still sell snacks as a fundraiser during youth sporting events? If so, could there be some healthy options? Parents are busy and this might be a healthy alternative especially as some teams do not do snacks. K. How has the 6th-8th grade basketball league been going? Do they play with a men’s or women’s ball when the girls team plays the boys? Is this beneficial for the girls to play the boys? Should the girls just scrimmage each other each week? The girls actually requested this scenario and are enjoying the challenge and fast pace of playing the boys. This is better competition for them and some of the games have even been pretty competitive. There is talk about mixing up the girls for each of the games vs the boys to have the top 6 girls get to compete together against the boys. This would be more competitive for the boys and would not alter the schedule as there would still be 2 games. In the future the teams may have to return to coed as there is a lack of participation. The last few years there have been enough girls to do teams of just girls and just boys. Next Meeting – November 16th at 6pm in the PCR Conference Room Lightner will not be in attendance and Pham’s attendance is uncertain. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Trinidad and second by Villamor Meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m. City of Unalaska | Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting | Community Center Conference Room September 21, 2015, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Last Updated: 09/10/15 Mission Statement: To enrich our diverse community by providing exemplary, accessible, and safe cultural, leisure, and recreation facilities and services that nurture youth development and inspire people to learn, play, and engage with our unique and welcoming environment. Meeting Canceled City of Unalaska | Department of Parks, Culture, and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting | Community Center Conference Room August 24, 2015, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Last Updated: 08/20/15 Mission Statement: To enrich our diverse community by providing exemplary, accessible, and safe cultural, leisure, and recreation facilities and services that nurture youth development and inspire people to learn, play, and engage with our unique and welcoming environment. Kelly Stiles secretary for this meeting. Call to Order Roll Call Matt Lightner, Chair Kelly Stiles, Vice Chair Davlin Hall Patrick Trinidad Joanne Villamor Karie Wilson Lynette Pham, Student Representative D. Tyrell McGirt, PCR Director Recognition of Visitors Karen Kresh, Librarian Frank Kelty, Community Member Additions and Approval of Agenda Additions and Approval of Minutes from June 15, 2015 Attached Directors Report Attached Old Business A. Fitness on Demand Update B. Mass Text Update C. Missoula Children’s Theatre 2016 Dates D. Upcoming Recreation Conferences 1. NRPA 2. ARPA E. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting New Business A. PCR Slogan Attached B. Poop Ordinance C. Fall Activity Guide Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors B. Committee Members C. Next Meeting – September 21, 2015 Adjournment City of Unalaska Department of Parks, Culture and Recreation PCR Advisory Committee Minutes Monday-August 24, 2015 PCR Conference Room 1. Vice Chair Stiles called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. 2. Vice Chair Stiles took attendance -Members Present: Stiles, Wilson; Trinidad; Villamor -PCR Director, D. Tyrell McGirt was present -Members Absent: Lightner; Hall; Pham -Quorum established 3. Visitors Present: Karen Kresh-Librarian 4. Agenda was approved as presented. 5. Minutes from the May18th meeting were submitted and were approved as amended by Wilson. 6. Director’s Report was presented by McGirt. A question was asked by Villamor whether or not new exercise equipment has been received. McGirt indicated that it was but that Facilities Maintenance were busy with groundskeeping and outdoor repairs while the weather was cooperating. Villamor also asked if we would be losing any current lifeguards (per the Director’s Report); McGirt indicated that by September 3-4 positions will be open. Librarian Karen Kresh spoke about the summer reading program that was held from early June through mid-August. Kresh was pleased with the participation, 23 pre-school aged participants; 47 elementary school; 83 teens and 56 adult participants. The theme for the program this year was “Superheroes” and throughout the summer different workshops were presented to student participants. Prizes for the participants who read the most books and wrote reviews were: Jacey Wiley for the students and Megan Lane for the adults. Jacey won an iPad mini and Megan won an Amazon Fire. PCR staff were eligible to participate separately with Maricela Rodriguez winning Alaska Airlines miles. Kresh also spoke about a couple hiking from Nikolski and have hiked from Seattle to the Aleutians. Library staff is working with the couple to organize a presentation on their adventures in mid-September. Finally Kresh spoke about creating community kiosks to receive input from the public on what they would like to see with the upcoming library expansion project. Kiosks are set to be introduced to the community in November. Both Villamor and Wilson complemented McGirt on the new layout of the Director’s report. Old Business A. Fitness on Demand Update: McGirt informed the committee that this project has been in process for over a year and staff was still considering whether or not the benefits outweigh the costs. He indicated that recently the company was willing to lower the costs but there was a concern that the lower cost could indicate issues with the program. Staff plans to poll the community to see if they are interested in the service and will continue to inform the committee on the progress of this program. Wilson asked what kind of classes the program offered and Villamor asked if internet speed would be an issue. McGirt indicated that there are a variety of classes offered and that internet speeds should not be an issue. B. Mass Text Updates: McGirt stated that texting updates will be starting in the fall and that instructions to sign up for the service were in the fall brochure. Updates will include reminders for upcoming events and program sign up deadlines. C. Missoula Children Theatre 2016 Updates: McGirt updated the committee concerning the schedule for the 2016 Missoula Children’s Theatre-this year’s performance date is set for April 18, 2016. Wilson expressed concerns that it may be testing week for the students but McGirt indicated that the contract was already signed so PCR was going to move forward with that date. Wilson said she would check with the school to get the final testing dates. D. Upcoming Recreation Conferences: NRPA (National Recreation and Parks Association) annual conference is set for mid-September in Las Vegas, NV. ARPA (Alaska Recreation and Parks Association) annual conference is set for October in Homer, AK. E. Secretary Needed for Next Meeting: Patrick Trinidad volunteered to take minutes for the September meeting. New Business A. PCR Slogan: McGirt presented the committee with some draft ideas for a PCR slogan. The purpose of the slogan is to expand the usage of the PCR mission statement. Board members chose their preferences and also offered suggestions. McGirt take back the feedback to staff to make a final determination on what slogan best fits the mission statement. B. Poop Ordinance: McGirt spoke on concerns of animal waste in some of the local parks (Tutiakoff; Town Park and “8-Plex Park”). McGirt indicated that he’s witnessed many dogs roaming around Loop Road that may be the cause of the issues at the “8-Plex Park.” McGirt also believes it may be an issue of inattentive owners and youth not picking up after their pets. McGirt suggested to the group that it may be worth creating a “poop ordinance” to which Stiles responded that one already existed in City Code under the Animal Control Ordinance. McGirt wasn’t aware that such an ordinance existed and informed the group that he would research code and speak with DPS. C. Fall Activity Guide: McGirt included the Fall Activity Guide in the committee packet for review indicating that it was effective for programs starting September 1. He indicated that staff are currently working on the Winter/Spring guides which will be finalized September 30. Committee members complimented McGirt and staff on the layout of the guide and found it very user friendly. Visitor and Committee Member Comments A. Visitors: No Comments B. Committee Members: Wilson had the following questions/comments: -HOA T-Shirts: Really nice design! McGirt indicated that Felicia Tungul designed the shirt this year as well as organized the entire HOA event. -New Operations and Facilities Manager? McGirt informed the committee that Recreation Coordinator, Nick Cron will be promoted to the Operations and Facilities Manager position September 1. -No Summer Kindergarten Activities: Wilson provided feedback from parents concerning the lack of summer programs for Kindergarten age students. McGirt indicated that staff will look into this for next summer. -Interest in Frisbee Golf: Is this a possibility? Villamor asked if Ski Bowl or other OC Land could be used for this type of activity. McGirt took note of the request and indicated that he would do some research. C. Next Meeting: Monday, September 21, 2015 at 6:00 Wilson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm.