ELAC Meeting Minutes

ELAC Meeting – September 16, 2015
Call to Order: 3:17 PM
Heather Seaton, Assistant Principal, explained the purpose of having an English Learner
Advisory Committee (ELAC). Angelica Echauregui, counselor, translated.
Ms. Seaton explained the ELAC Officer Duties. Ms. Echauregui translated.
Parents, students and staff elected ELAC officers as follows.
a. Chairperson – Sofia Lizarraga, parent. Heather Seaton motioned to elect Sofia Lizarraga.
Motion seconded by Angelica Echauregui. All members voted and approved.
b. Vice-Chairperson – Rogelio Arizmendi, parent. Sofia Lizarraga motioned to elect Rogelio
Arizmendi. Motion seconded by Angelica Echauregui. All members voted and approved.
c. Secretary – Heather Seaton, Assistant Principal. Sofia Lizarraga motioned to elect
Heather Seaton. Motion seconded by Angelica Echauregui. All members voted and
d. DELAC – Maria Blanco, parent. Heather Seaton motioned to elect Maria Blanco. Motion
seconded by Sofia Lizarraga. All members voted and approved.
e. Alternate DELAC – Edith Ramirez, parent. Rogelio Arizmendi motioned to elect Edith
Ramirez. Motion seconded by Heather Seaton. All members voted and approved.
f. Student Representatives – Emiliano Arizmendi volunteered to be student
representative. Heather Seaton motioned to elect Emiliano Arizmendi to serve as
student representative to provide YHS with a student voice. Motion seconded by Sofia
Lizarraga. All members voted and approved.
Ms. Seaton explained duties and responsibilities of ELAC and School Site Council and the
option to delegate the ELAC duties to School Site Council. Sofia Lizarraga motioned to
delegate its duties and responsibilities to the School Site Council. Motion seconded by
Rogelio Arizmendi. All members voted and approved motion to delegate the ELAC duties to
School Site Council.
Ms. Echauregui presented information on graduation requirements, college entry (a-g)
requirements, extra-curriculular activities available at YHS, and the college financial aid
Ms. Echauregui reviewed resources for EL students at YHS as follows:
a. ELD class
b. EL support class
c. Spanish speaking peer tutors Tuesday –Thursday after school in the library
d. EL tutors in classes and available at lunch
Ms. Echauregui shared information from the Principal’s Back To School Night message as
a. Importance of monitoring Aeries
b. Communicating with teachers
c. Counseling nights (9th: 9/30; 10th, 10/14; 11th, 12/2; 12th, 10/6)
Ms. Echauregui shared information regarding an upcoming College and Career Fair at Cal
State San Bernardino (October 17, 2015).
Ms. Seaton asked members present what topics they would like to see addressed at the
next meeting. Members present did not have suggestions.
Other: Student Marco Blanco, student, shared with members his involvement in clubs on
campus and the importance of being involved as a student.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 PM
Next meeting: November 18, 2015