Application of Correlation-Gas Chromatography to Problems in Thermochemistry James S. Chickos Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Missouri-St. Louis Louis MO 63121 E-mail: October 3, 2011 Outline • The Correlation-Gas Chromatographic Method • Applications 1) Evaluation of the vaporization enthalpies of large molecules, the n-alkanes, C21 to C92. 2) Evaluation of the vaporization enthalpies of tautomeric mixtures. 3) Identifying unusual interactions in heterocyclic systems 4) Measurement of Vapor Pressure Isotope Effects 1.The Correlation-Gas Chromatographic Method 250 Signal Intensity 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 Time (sec) 400 500 A typical series of isothermal gas chromatograms as a function of temperature; the compounds in these chromatograms are hydrocarbons Fundamentals of Correlation –Gas Chromatography • tnrr: time of a non-retained reference; a measure of the time needed to travel through the column; usually the solvent or methane • ta: adjusted retention time: tanalyte – tnrr; a measure of the time the analyte spends on the column; • ta is inversely proportional to the vapor pressure of the analyte off the column • A plot of ln(to/ta) versus 1/T (K-1) results in a linear relationship with a slope equal to the enthalpy of transfer from the column to the gas phase, -gslnHm(Tm)/R; to = 1 min gslnHm(Tm) = lgHm(Tm) + slnHm(Tm) • Enthalpies of transfer values measured at Tm are found empirically to correlate linearly with the vaporization enthalpies of standards evaluated at any temperature, including T= 298.15 K • Since solids do not crystallize on the column, the measurement provides the vaporization enthalpy of the solid Peacock, L. A.; Fuchs, R Enthalpy of Vaporization Measurements by Gas Chromatography, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1977, 99, 5524-5. Lipkind, D.; Chickos, J. An Examination of the Factors Influencing the Thermodynamics of Correlation Gas Chromatography as Applied to Large Molecules and Chiral Separations, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 698-707. A: Determination of Vaporization Enthalpy • Experimental retention times for n-C14 to C20: T/K 434.3 439.3 444.2 449.1 454.1 459 463.8 t/min methylene chloride tetradecane 1.251 1.215 1.246 1.216 1.222 1.228 1.249 3.039 2.695 2.485 2.29 2.145 2.022 1.942 pentadecane hexadecane 4.107 5.827 3.558 4.933 3.205 4.344 2.887 3.807 2.643 3.409 2.451 3.084 2.288 2.805 heptadecane octadecane 8.329 12.283 6.907 9.994 5.939 8.403 5.097 7.065 4.47 6.071 3.959 5.265 3.54 4.624 nonadecane eicosane 18.549 28.345 14.836 22.305 12.2 17.935 10.075 14.57 8.487 12.04 7.219 10.076 6.211 8.522 Enthalpy of Transfer Determination for Hexadecane • ln(to/ta) = -gslnHm(Tm)/R*1/T + intercept • gslnHm(Tm) * 8.314 J mol-1 = 60.308 kJ mol-1 Hexadecane 0.4 ln (1/ta) 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0.00216 0.00218 0.00220 0.00222 0.00224 0.00226 0.00228 0.00230 1/T (K) • Equations for the temperature dependence of ln(to/ta) for C14 to C20 where to = 1 min: Tm = 449 K slngHm/R intercept r2 tetradecane -6393.895 14.1610.01 0.9989 pentadecane -6787.973 14.5970.01 0.9994 hexadecane -7251.562 15.1900.01 0.9996 heptadecane -7612.665 15.5870.01 0.9996 octadecane -8014.871 16.0700.01 0.9996 nonadecane -8457.474 16.6400.01 0.9996 eicosane -8919.685 17.2570.01 0.9995 ln(to/ta) = -gslnHm(Tm)/R*1/T + intercept • Vaporization enthalpies (in kJ mol-1) of the nalkanes (C14 to C20): tetradecane slngHm(449 K) lgHm (298.15 K) lgHm (298.15 K) (lit) (calc) 53.2 71.7 71.81.0 pentadecane 56.4 76.8 76.51.0 hexadecane 60.3 unknown 81.4 821.1 ? heptadecane 63.3 86.5 86.31.2 octadecane 66.6 91.4 91.11.3 nonadecane 70.3 96.4 96.41.4 eicosane 74.2 101.8 101.91.4 lgHm (298.15 K) = (1.4240.019) slngHm(Tm) – (3.980.35); r 2= 0.9991 Experimental vaporisation enthalpy, kJ /mol (T = 298.15 kJ/mol) Correlations between vaporization enthalpy at T = 298.15 K against the enthalpy of transfer 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 50 55 60 65 70 75 Enthalpies of transfer from solution to the gas phase, kJ/mol (T = Tm) 80 B: Determination of Vapor Pressures • literature vapor pressure evaluated using the Cox equationa • ln (p/po) = (1-Tb/T)exp(Ao +A1T +A2T 2) Tb Ao 103A1 106A2 tetradecane 526.691 3.13624 -2.063853 1.54151 pentadecane 543.797 3.16774 -2.062348 1.48726 hexadecane 559.978 3.18271 -2.002545 1.38448 heptadecane 575.375 3.21826 -2.04 1.38 octadecane 590.023 3.24741 -2.048039 1.36245 nonadecane 603.989 3.27626 -2.06 1.35 eicosane 617.415 3.31181 -1.02218 1.34878 705 3.41304 -1.8894 1.04575 octacosaneb po = 101.325 kPa aRuzicka, K.; Majer, V. Simultaneous Treatment of Vapor Pressures and Related Thermal data Between the Triple Point and Normal Boiling Temperatures for nAlkanes C5-C20. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1994, 23, 1-39. • Equations for the temperature dependence of ln(to/ta) for C14 to C20: Tm = 449 K slngHm/R intercept r2 tetradecane -6393.895 14.1610.01 0.9989 pentadecane -6787.973 14.5970.01 0.9994 hexadecane -7251.562 15.1900.01 0.9996 heptadecane -7612.665 15.5870.01 0.9996 octadecane -8014.871 16.0700.01 0.9996 nonadecane -8457.474 16.6400.01 0.9996 eicosane -8919.685 17.2570.01 0.9995 ln(to/ta) = -gslnHm(Tm)/R + intercept • Vapor pressures of n-alkanes (C14 to C20) at T = 298.15 K: ln(to/ta) at 298.15 K tetradecane -7.3 ln (p/po) at 298.15 K from Cox eq. -10.9 ln (p/po) at 298.15 K from correlation eq. -10.9 pentadecane -8.2 -12.1 -12.1 hexadecane -9.2 unknown -13.3 heptadecane -10.0 -14.3 -14.3 octadecane -10.8 -15.4 -15.4 nonadecane -11.8 -16.6 -16.6 eicosane -12.7 -17.8 -17.8 -13.3 ? ln(p/po) = (1.27 0.01) ln(to/ta) - (1.693 0.048); r 2 = 0.9997 po = 101.325 kPa Correlation between ln(1/ta) calculated by extrapolation to T = 298.15 K versus ln(p/po) calculated from the Cox equation for C14 to C20 (po = 101.325 kPa) -10 -11 -12 ln(p/po) -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -13 -12 -11 -10 ln(1/ta) -9 -8 -7 ln(p/po) = (1.27 0.01) ln(to/ta) - (1.693 0.048); r 2 = 0.9997 0 -2 ln(p/po) -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 0.0018 0.0020 0.0022 0.0024 0.0026 0.0028 0.0030 0.0032 0.0034 0.0036 1/T, K-1 Vapor pressure -temperature dependence for hexadecane; line: vapor pressure calculated from the Cox equations for C14, circles; vapor pressures calculated by correlation treating hexadecane as an unknown and correlating ln(to/ta) with ln(p/po) for C14, C15, C17-C20. normal boiling temperature: 560.2 (expt); 559.9 (calcd) Validation of the results Compare with (Hvap) lit Vaporization. Enthalpy c-GC Liquid Vapor Pressure Compare with (ln p/p0) lit + Fusion Enthalpy Sublimation Enthalpy (for cryst. solids) Compare with (Hsub) lit Boiling Temperature Compare with (BT) lit Some Advantages and Limitations of Correlation-Gas Chromatography 1. The method works well on hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon derivatives regardless of the hydrocarbon structure 2. With hydrocarbon derivatives, standards need to be chosen with the same number and type of functional group as the compound(s) to be evaluated unless demonstrated otherwise 3. Measurements can be made on small sample sizes and purity is not generally an issue 4. Correlation of the standards needs to be documented experimentally 5. The correlation equations can be used to obtain vapor pressures as well provided vapor pressures of the standards are available and to estimate boiling temperatures. 6. The results are only as good as the quality of the standard data • What if suitable standards for the compounds of interest are not available? Functional Group Contributions to Vaporization Enthalpies Functional Group acid -C(=O)OH alcohol -OH aldehyde -CHO amide [monosubst.] -C(=O)NHamine [pri.] -NH2 amine [sec.] -NHamine [tert.] >Nbromide -Br chloride -Cl ester -C(=O)Oether >O Group Value b 38.8 29.4 12.9 42.5 14.8 8.9 6.6 14.4 10.8 10.5 5.0 Functional Group iodide -I ketone >C=O nitrile -CN nitro -NO2 heterocyclic aromatic nitrogen =Nsulfide >S disulfide -SSsulfoxide >SO sulfone -SO2thiolester -C(=O)Sthiol -SH Group Value b 18.0 10.5 16.7 22.8 [12.2] 13.4 [22.3] [42.4] [53.0] [16.9] 13.9 lgHm(298.15 K)/(kJ.mol-1) = 4.69.(n-nQ) + (1.3).nQ + b + (3.0) n = number of non-quaternary carbons; nQ = number of quaternary carbons; values in brackets are tentative assignments Chickos, J. S.; Acree, Jr. W. Liebman, J. F. (Frurip, D.; Irikura, K., Editors) Computational Thermochem., Prediction and Estimation of Molecular Thermodynamics, ACS: Washington DC, 1998, pp 63-93 Applications • The evaluation of vaporization enthalp[ies of large molecules 1. Applications of correlation gas chromatography for the evaluation of the vaporization enthalpies of large molecules, the n-alkanes, C21 to C92. 9000 8000 Intensity 7000 C60 6000 5000 4000 3000 10 20 30 Time / min A partial GC trace of a mixture of Polywax 1000 spiked with nalkanes C42, C50 and C60 run at T = 648 K Applications of correlation gas chromatography for the evaluation of the vaporization enthalpies of large molecules, the n-alkanes, C21 to C92. • Reliable vaporization enthalpies and vapor pressures are available up to eicosane • Using the available data from heptadecane to eicosane, vaporization enthalpies were evaluated for C21,C22, C23. These values in turn were used to evaluate the larger n-alkanes in a stepwise process up to C38, most of which are commercially available. • Additionally, a few other larger n-alkanes, C40, C42, C48, C50, and C60 are likewise commercially available. These were used in conjunction with polywax to evaluate vaporization enthalpies and vapor pressures up to C92 (even series) • Since very little experimental data was available for comparison, the results from correlation gas chromatography were compared with estimations by PERT2a and estimated Antoine Constantsb aPERT2 is a FORTRAN program written by D.L. Morgan in 1996 which includes parameters for n-alkanes from C1 to C100 and heat of vaporization and vapor pressure correlations. Morgan, D. L.; Kobayashi, R. “Extension of Pitzer CSP models for vapor pressures and heats of vaporization to long chain hydrocarbons,” Fluid Phase Equilibrium 1994, 94, 51-87. bKudchadker, A. P.; Zwolinski, B. J. “Vapor Pressures and Boiling Points of Normal Alkanes, C 21 to C100,” J. Chem. Eng. Data 1966, 11, 253-55. 400 300 200 g l Hm (298.15 K) / kJ mol -1 500 curvature 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 N The vaporization enthalpies at T = 298.15 for C5 to C92. N represents the number of carbon atoms. The solid line was derived using the recommended vaporization enthalpies of C5 to C20 The empty circles are values calculated values using the program PERT2 The solid circles are values evaluated from correlations of slngHm(Tm) with lgHm(298.15K). Vapor pressures and Vaporization Enthalpies of the n Alkanes from C78 to C92 at T = 298.15 K by Correlation–Gas Chromatography, Chickos, J. S.; Lipkind, D. J. Chem.Eng. Data 2008, 53, 2432–2440. The Vaporization Enthalpies of the n-Alkanes at T = 298.15 K As A Function of the Number of Carbon Atoms, N N lgHm(298.15 K) kJ mol-1 N lgHm(298.15 K) kJ mol-1 N lgHm(298.15 K) kJ mol-1 N lgHm(298.15 K) kJ mol-1 5 26.42 21 106.8±2.6 36 182.8±5.5 64 315.4±2.9 6 31.52 22 111.9±2.7 37 187.5±5.6 66 324.0±3.0 7 36.57 23 117.0±2.8 38 192.5±5.7 b 68 331.9±3.0 8 41.56 24 121.9±2.8 40 203.5±2.9 70 340.3±3.1 9 46.55 25 126.8±2.9 42 213.5±2.1 72 348.4±3.2 10 51.42 26 131.7±3.3 44 223.7±2.3 74 356.2±3.3 11 56.58 27 135.6±3.3 46 233.3±2.3 76 364.3±3.3 12 61.52 28 141.9±5.1 48 243.0±2.4 78 372.1±1.4 13 66.68 29 147.1±5.3 50 252.5±2.5 80 379.6±2.2 14 71.73 30 152.3±5.3 52 261.8±3.6 82 387.2±2.4 15 76.77 31 157.2±1.4 b 54 271.0±3.7 84 394.0±3.2 16 81.35 32 162.5±1.4 56 279.7±3.8 86 402.2±2.6 17 86.47 33 167.6±1.4 58 288.5±3.9 88 409.3±3.9 18 91.44 34 172.7±1.5 60 299.9±3.0 90 416.5±4.3 19 96.44 35 178.1±5.4 b 62 306.8±2.8 92 424.5±4.5 How is it possible to measure a vaporization enthalpy greater that a C-C bond strength (~335 kJmol-1)? Vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpies for C14 to C20 are known over a large temperature range. glHm(Tm) and ΔslngHm(Tm) correlate at any temperature Values of at ΔslngHm(449 K) and ΔlgHm(449 K) on an SPB-5 Column Tm = 449 K -slope/T intercept ΔslngHm(449 K) kJmol-1 ΔlgHm(449 K) kJmol-1 lit1 tetradecane pentadecane hexadecane heptadecane octadecane nonadecane eicosane 6393.8±95 6787.9±73 7251.5±62 7612.6±65 8014.8±71 8457.4±74 8919.6±85 14.161±0.01 14.597±0.01 15.190±0.01 15.587±0.01 16.070±0.01 16.640±0.01 17.257±0.01 53.2±0.8 56.4±0.6 60.3±0.5 63.3±0.5 66.6±0.6 70.3±0.6 74.2±0.7 56.92 60.71 64.50 68.19 72.11 76.01 79.81 glHm(449 K)/kJmol-1 = (1.0980.0133) slngHm(449 K) - (1.390.25) calcd (eq 1) 57.0±0.8 60.6±0.8 64.8±0.9 68.1±0.9 71.8±1.0 75.8±1.0 80.1±1.1 r2 = 0.9993 (1) slngHm(Tm) = lgHm(Tm) + slnHm(Tm) slnHm(Tm) must be of opposite sign to lgHm(Tm) 1Ruzicka, K.; Majer, V. Simultaneous Treatment of Vapor Pressures and Related Thermal data Between the Triple Point and Normal Boiling Temperatures for n-Alkanes C5-C20. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1994, 23, 1-39. Values of at ΔslngHm(509K) and ΔlgHm(509 K) on an SPB-5 Column -slope T intercept ΔslngHm(509 K) kJ⋅mol-1 heptadecane octadecane nonadecane eicosane heneicosane docosane tricosane 6108.2±78.2 6489.9±63.8 6901.0±58.7 7270.0±60.5 7670.9±65.3 8064.5±71.6 8451.1±73.9 12.148±0.008 12.584±0.006 13.077±0.006 13.496±0.006 13.974±0.006 14.439±0.007 14.897±0.008 50.8±0.7 54.0±0.5 57.4±0.5 60.4±0.5 63.8±0.5 67.1±0.6 70.3±0.7 ΔlgHm(509 K) kJ⋅mol-1 lit1,2 calcd 62.831 66.341 69.741 73.071 76.662 80.132 83.542 lgHm(509 K)/kJmol-1 = (1.0620.004) slngHm(509 K) + ( 62.9±0.3 66.2±0.3 69.8±0.3 73.1±0.3 76.6±0.3 80.1±0.4 83.5±0.4 r2 = 0.9999 1Ruzicka, K.; Majer, V. Simultaneous Treatment of Vapor Pressures and Related Thermal data Between the Triple Point and Normal Boiling Temperatures for n-Alkanes C5-C20. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1994, 23, 139. 2Chickos, J. S.; Hanshaw, W. Vapor pressures and vaporization enthalpies of the n-alkanes from C21-C30 at T = 298.15 K by correlation–gas chromatography, J. Chem. Eng Data 2004, 49, 77-85. Enthalpies of Condensation: -slngHm(T), - lgHm(T) and slnHm(T) as a Function of Temperature -ΔslngHm(449 K) tetradecane pentadecane hexadecane heptadecane octadecane nonadecane eicosane -53.2±0.8 -56.4±0.6 -60.3±0.5 -63.3±0.5 -66.6±0.6 -70.3±0.6 -74.2±0.7 -ΔslngHm(509 K) heptadecane octadecane nonadecane eicosane heneicosane docosane tricosane -50.8±0.7 -54.0±0.5 -57.4±0.5 -60.4±0.5 -63.8±0.5 -67.1±0.6 -70.3±0.7 -ΔlgHm(449 K) (lit) kJ⋅mol-1 -56.92 -60.71 -64.5 -68.19 -72.11 -76.01 -79.81 -ΔlgHm(509 K) (lit) kJ⋅mol-1 -62.83 -66.34 -69.82 -73.07 -76.66 -80.13 -83.54 ΔslnHm(449 K) 3.7±0.8 4.3±0.6 4.2±0.5 4.9±0.5 5.5±0.6 5.7±0.6 5.6±0.7 ΔslnHm(509 K) 12.0±0.7 12.3±0.5 12.4±0.5 12.7±0.5 12.9±0.5 13.0±0.6 13.2±0.7 gslnHm(Tm) = lgHm(Tm) + slnHm(Tm) 18 16 slnHm(Tm) / kJ mol -1 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 T/K Figure. The effect of temperature, 450, 509, 539 K, on the magnitude of slnHm(T/ K). ■, eicosane; ●, nonadecane. Conclusions: 1. The enthalpy of interaction of analyte with the column is endothermic and a function of temperature; this allows access to the measurement of large vaporization enthalpies 2. This may also help focus GC peaks and oppose diffusion broadening 3. The overall enthalpy of condensation on the column is still highly exothermic, just less so then might have been imagined 2. An Application of Correlation-Gas Chromatography to a Tautomeric Mixture H O O O O C CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH CH 3 0.186 0.814 The enthalpy of formation of the equilibrium mixture of the pure liquid, (-425.5±1.0)kJ·mol-1, has been reported by Hacking and Pilcher. Acetylacetone forms a number of metal complexes whose enthalpies of formation have been used to determine metal oxygen bond strengths. •Hacking, J.M.; Pilcher, G. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1979, 11, 1015-1017. Irving, R.J.; Wadso, I. Acta Chem.Scand. 1970, 24, 589-592 Table. Summary of all enthalpy differences between 2,4-pentanedione and (Z)-4-hydroxy-3-penten-2-one in the liquid and gas phase available to Hacking and Pilcher, and Irving and Wadso. Enthalpy differences measured by the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant. m)liq Hdiketo/enol(T –1 kJ mol –11.9±0.8 Tm/K Hdiketo/enol(Tm)gas –1 kJ mol Tm/K Method Year –18.0 388 UV 1977 –7.5±1.5 373 Photoelectron Spectroscopy 1974 NMR 1966 306 –16.3 1959 –11.3±0.4 NMR 1957 –7.8 273 Bromination 1952 –10.0±0.8 386 IR 1951 Vaporization Enthalpy of the Pure Enol at T = 298.15 K ∆Hk/e = +0.67 kJ mol-1 C5H8O2(gas, 93.3%enol) C5H8O2(gas, 100%enol) ∆lgHm(298.15K) = (41.8 ± 0.2) kJmol-1 measured calorimetrically C5H8O2(liquid, 81.4%enol) ∆lgHm(298.15K) = (43.2 ± 0.2) kJ mol-1 C5H8O2(liquid, 100%enol) ∆Hk/e = -2.1 kJ mol-1 •A trace of concentrated sulfuric acid was used by Irving and Wadso to rapidly equilibrate the diketo and enol forms. Since the enol is more volatile, it was assumed that tautomerization of the diketo form to the enol contributed –2.1 kJ mol-1during vaporization.. It was also assumed that the composition in the gas phase was the equilibrium concentration. ∆lgHm(298.15K) = (41.8 ± 0.2) –( -2.1 - 0.67) = (43.2 ± 0.2) kJmol-1 gas, 100% diketo (–374.4 1.3) diketo/enolHm(g)=(–10.0 0.8) gas,100% enol (–384.4 1.3) fHm(298.15 K) / kJ mol–1 lgHm(298.15K) = (43.2 0.2) liquid,100% diketo (–416.3 1.1) diketo/enolHm(l)=(–11.3 0.4) liquid, 81.4% enol 18.6% diketo (-425.5 1.0) (–427.6 1.1) liquid,100% enol 0 0.814 1 x(enol) The thermochemical scheme to calculate the enthalpy of formation of (Z)-4-hydroxy-3pentene-2-one and 2,4-pentanedione scheme used by Hacking and Pilcher in 1979 The enthalpy difference of the two tautomers in the gas phase was measured by infrared spectroscopy in 1951 Gas Phase FT-IR spectrum of 2,4-pentanedione, Aldrich Chemical Co. The enthalpy difference of the two tautomers in the gas phase was remeasured by gas phase 1H NMR spectroscopy in 1985. 5.3 ppm enol vinyl 1H 3.3 ppm keto methylene 1H Folkendt, Phys. Chem. 1985, 89, 3347-3352 1.9 ppm enol methyl 1H 2.0 ppm keto methyl 1H Table. A summary of all the enthalpy differences measured between 2,4-pentanedione and (Z)-4-hydroxy-3-penten-2-one in the liquid and gas phase. Enthalpy differences measured by the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant. m)liq Hdiketo/enol(T –1 kJ mol Tm/K –11.7 303 Hdiketo/enol(T–1m)gas kJ mol Tm/K Method Year NMR 1996 - –17.0 422 Photoelectron Spectroscopy 1987 –11.8 394.5 –19.5 409 NMR 1985 –11.7±1.3 311 NMR 1982 –11.9±0.8 –18.0 388 UV 1977 –7.5±1.5 373 Photoelectron Spectroscopy 1974 NMR 1966 306 –16.3 1959 –11.3 NMR 1957 –7.8 273 Bromination 1952 –10.0±0.8 386 IR 1951 The gas phase and condensed phase enthalpies are different, suggesting tautomer interaction H O O O O C CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH CH 3 If the pure enol form( 0.814 mol) is mixed with the pure keto form (0.186 mol) at the equilibrium concentrations, will ∆H = 0 ? Is ∆Hmix = 0 ? If ∆Hmix ≠ 0 If the solution heats up when the pure diketo and enol are mixed at their equilibrium concentration, it will take more energy to vaporize the two liquids as a mixture at T= 298.15 K ; • If the solution cools down, it will take less heat to vaporize the two liquids as a mixture at T = 298.15 K. • Since Hdiketo/enol(liq) ≠ Hdiketo/enol(gas),we decided to measure lgHm(298.15K) Intensity / arbitrary units Correlation Gas Chromatography: an ideal method for determining the vaporization enthalpy of a pure material even though the material of interest may be present in the mixture provided all components can be separated 0 50 100 150 200 Time / s Gas Chromatograph of acetylacetone 250 300 Table. Enthalpy of transfer and vaporization enthalpy obtained for (Z)-4-hydroxy-3penten-2-one. Compound ∆slngHm(387 K) ∆lgHm(298.15 K) ∆lgHm(298.15 K) /kJ mol-1 /kJ mol-1(lit) /kJ mol-1(calcd) 27.92 48.7 48.7 Slope Intercept -3358.8 10.092 (Z)-4-hydroxy-3-penten-2- -3703.9 one ethyl 2-hydroxypropanoate -3942.7 10.520 30.79 10.977 32.78 52.5 52.3 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2pentanone ethyl 3-hydroxybutanoate -3998.0 10.914 33.24 52.3 52.6 -4516.7 11.712 37.55 55.9 55.8 ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate -5476.8 13.020 45.53 61.9 61.6 o-hydroxyacetophenone -5213.3 12.053 43.34 59.6 60.0 3-hydroxybutanone 50.8±0.6 lgHm(298.15 K)/kJ mol–1 = (0.734±0.021) slngHm(359 K) + (28.21±0.32) r2 = 0.997 Table. Enthalpy of Transfer and Vaporization Enthalpies obtained for 2,4pentanedione Compound ∆slngHm(328 K) ∆lgH (298.15 K) ∆lgHm(298.15K) /kJ mol-1 /kJ mol-1(lit) /kJ mol-1(calcd) Slope Intercept 2,3-butanedione -3153.8 1.493 26.22 2,4-pentanedione -4305.8 12.034 35.80 2,2,4,4-tetramethylcyclobutanedione -4603.4 12.285 38.27 54.2 54.3 benzoquinone -4614.4 12.111 38.36 53.4 54.4 2,5-hexanedione -4800.5 12.592 39.91 57.5 56.4 39.0 38.9 51.2±2.2 lgHm(298.15 K)/kJ mol–1 = (1.283±0.1) slngHm(328 K) + (5.21±1.1) r2 = 0.989 (Z)-4-hydroxy-3-penten-2-one ∆lgHm(298.15K)/kJ.mol-1(corr- gas chromatography)=(50.8±0.6) kJ mol-1 ∆lgHm(298.15K)/kJ mol-1(measured as a mixture) = (43.2 0.2) kJ.mol–1a a Measured as a mixture but calculated for the pure material ∆Hmix = (50.8±0.6) - (43.2 ±0.2) = 7.6±0.6 kJ.mol-1 ∆Hketo-enol tautomerism observed = ∆Hketo-enol tautomerism real +∆Hmix ∆Hketo-enol tautomerism real = (-11.3)-(+7.6±0.6) = -18.9±0.6 kJ mol-1 Since the vaporization enthalpy at T = 298.15 K is approximately the same for 2,4-pentanedione and (Z)-4-hydroxy-3-penten-2-one, the difference in the gas phase between the two tautomers is also ~ -18.9 kJ mol-1 The enthalpies of formation of the tautomers of acetylacetone in the liquid phase and in the gas phase gas, diketo (–358.9±2.5) kJ mol-1 ∆diketo/enol Hm(g) = (-19.3±2.8) kJ mol-1 (-19.5)kJ mol-1 Folkendt,M. et al. gas, 100% enol (–378.2±1.2) kJ mol-1 ΔlgHm=(51.2±2.2) kJ mol-1 lgHm= (50.8±0.6) kJ mol-1 liquid, diketo (–410.1±1.2) kJ mol-1 ∆diketo/enol Hm(l)= -18.9 kJ mol-1 (–429.0±1.0)kJ mol-1 liquid, 100% enol 0 0.814 x(enol) 1 Table. Summary of Standard Molar Enthalpies at T = 298.15 K of the Two Acetylacetone Tautomers Compound fHºm(l) / kJ mol–1 lgHm / kJ mol–1 fHºm(g) / kJ mol–1 2,4-pentanedione –410.1 1.2 [–416.3 1.1] 51.2 2.2 –358.9 2.5 [–374.4 1.3] Z 4-hydroxy-3penten-2-one –429.0 1.0 [–427.6 1.1] 50.8 0.6 [43.2 0.1] –378.2 1.2 [–384.4 1.3] ∆fHm (T = 298.15 K, liquid, 81.4% enol and 18.6% diketo) = -425.5±1.0 kJ mol-1. values in the brackets are the previous accepted values. Temprado, M.; Roux, M. V.; Umnahanant, P.; Zhao, H.; Chickos, J. S. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2005; 109, 12590-12595. Application 3: Identifying unusual interactions in heterocyclic systems 1,2-Diazines Unknowns: • s-triazine N N N N N • Pyrimidines H3C N N 4-methylpyrimidine • Pyridazines N N N N H3C 3-methylpyridazine Standards: N • Pyrazines N • Pyridines N N N 2-methylpyrazine N H3C 2,5-dimethylpyrazine H3C N CH3 N CH3 N CH3 H3C N CH3 CH3 CH3 A Comparison of calculated vaporization enthalpies and normal boiling temperatures with literature values s-triazine 50.0±0.3 lgHm (298.15 K)/kJ.mol-1 = (0.9410.07) slngHm(358 K) - (13.10.59), (r2 = 0.9865) a Literature boiling temperatures from SciFinder Scholar A Examination of the Vaporization Enthalpies and Vapor Pressures of Pyrazine, Pyrimidine, Pyridazine and 1,3,5-Triazine. Lipkind D., Chickos J. S. Structural Chemistry 2009, 20, 49-58 N Unknowns N N N N N Standards CH3 CH3 N N N N Top, from left to right : phthalazine, benzo[c]cinnoline, quinazoline, quinoxaline. Standards: phenazine, 2,6-dimethylquinoline, acridine, 4,7-phenanthroline, 7,8benzoquinoline, Lipkind, D.; Chickos, J. S. Study of the Anomalous Thermochemical Behavior of 1,2-Diazines by Correlation-Gas Chromatography J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 698-707 Since all of the compounds studied are crystalline solids, the following equations were used to adjust sublimation and fusion enthalpies to T = 298.15 K and evaluate the vaporization enthalpy Sublimation: crgHm(298.15 K)/(kJ·mol-1)=crgHm(Tm)+[0.75+0.15Cp(cr)/(J·mol-1·K-1)][Tm/K-298.15 K]/1000 Fusion: crlHm(298.15 K)/(kJ·mol-1)=crlHm(Tfus)+[(0.15Cp(cr)-0.26 Cp(l))/(J·mol-1·K-1)-9.83)][Tfus/K-298.15]/1000 Vaporization: lgHm(298.15 K) = crgHm(298.15 K) - crlHm(298.15 K) where Cp(cr), Cp(l) refer to the heat capacity of the crystal and liquid, respectively Acree, Jr.; W.; Chickos, J. S. Phase Transition Enthalpy Measurements of Organic and Organometallic Compounds. Sublimation, Vaporization and Fusion Enthalpies From 1880 to 2009, J. Phys. Chem. Ref Data 2010, 39, 1-942. A summary of the vaporization enthalpies for diazines at T = 298 K Vap. Enth. Calc, kJmol-1 : Vap. Enth. Lit, kJmol-1 : Difference, kJmol-1 : 58.71.4 56.52.0 -2.22.4 59.61.4 61.11.1 1.51.8 67.31.6 711.9 3.72.5 46.42.0 53.50.4 7.12.0 N Vap. Enth. Calc, kJmol-1 : Vap. Enth. Lit, kJmol-1 : Difference, kJmol-1 : 81.90.8 89.22.3 7.32.4 76.70.7 78.82.2 2.12.3 79.7±1.3 78.4±2.0 -1.02.4 Difference in the strength of intermolecular interactions between 1,2diazines and their isomeric counterparts is approximately 6-7 kJmol-1 Lipkind, D.; Chickos, J. S. Study of the Anomalous Thermochemical Behavior of 1,2Diazines by Correlation-Gas Chromatography J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 698-707 Vaporization Enthalpies Using Pyridine Derivatives as Standards lgHm lgHm (298 K) (298 K) (kJmol-1) (kJmol-1) [Lit] 1-EthylIMI N lgHm (298 K) (kJmol-1) 1-MeIMI 48.62.2 55.6±1.3 6.83.6 1-EtIMI 51.42.3 66.0±3.9 14.63.7 1-Phpyrazole 63.52.0 70.2±3.4 6.7±3.9 1-BzIMI 72.33.8 83.0±1.0 10.8±3.9 Ph N What structural factors influence this behavior ? A Study of the Vaporization Enthalpies of Some 1-Substituted Imidazoles and Pyrazoles by Correlation-Gas Chromatography, Lipkind, D.; Plienrasri, C. Chickos, J. S. J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 16959–16967 N N Unknowns: N N N N 2 1 N N 3 4 N N N N N N 6 5 N N 7 N 8 N N 11 12 N 10 N 9 N N 13 14 N N Standards Set 2 Standards Set 1 N N N N N 17 16 15 N 18 N N N N N N 19 20 21 Vaporization Enthalpies as a Function of Standards Used gl Hm(298 K) /kJmol-1 H N N N 1 N N 3 Standards Set 1 Transpiration Correlation gas chromatography N 2-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine (1) 55.20.10 54.62.3 0.62.3 1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-ene (3) 61.90.21 61.12.4 0.82.4 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine (2) 68.40.9a 61.32.5 7.12.7 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (4) 70.70.15 67.82.6 2.92.6 imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine (6) 67.40.2 60.52.6 6.92.6 triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine (5) 74.2±3.8b 63.72.7 10.54.7 2 N N N N 5 N N Standards Set 2 N 4 N imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine (6) 67.40.23 67.14.6 0.34.6 triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine (5) 74.2±3.8b 70.74.5 3.55.9 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine (2) 68.40.9a 69.63.8 1.23.9 6 All the compounds whose vaporization enthalpy is in red are planar in the solid state; all are reproduced using various pyridazines and imidazole derivatives as standards The Vaporization Enthalpies of 2- and 4-(N,N-Dimethylamino)pyridine, 1,5-Diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-ene, 1,8Diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene, Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine and 1,2,4-Triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine by Correlation –Gas Chromatography, Lipkind, D.; Rath, N.; Chickos, J.S. Pozdeev, V. A.; Verevkin, S. J. Phys. Chem. 2010, 55, 1628-35. gl Hm(298 K) (kJmol-1) Lit CGC Table A Refa gl Hm(298 K) (kJmol-1) (D)b B benzene C5H5N pyridine 40.2±0.1 40.0±2.3 1,25 0.2±2.3 2.19 B C 5 H7 N N-methylpyrrole 40.6±0.8 40.3±2.5 3,26 0.3±2.6 1.96 B C5H11N N-methylpyrrolidine 34.2±0.7 36.6±2.4 3,27 -2.4±2.5 1.1 B C 6 H7 N 3-methylpyridine 44.5±0.2 44.5±2.0 1,14 0 ±2.0 2.4 B C7H10N2 2-N,N-dimethylamino-pyridine 55.2±0.1 54.6±2.3 tw 0.6±2.3 1.92 B C8H6N2 quinoxaline 56.5±2.0 58.7±1.9 2,30 -2.2±2.8 0.51 B C8H11N 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine 51.0±1.0 50.4±2.9 1,19 -0.6±3.0 2.26 C C 9 H7 N quinoline 59.3±0.2 59.5±1.3 7,18 -0.2±1.3 2.24 B C 9 H7 N isoquinoline 60.3±0.12 60.1±1.3 7,18 -0.2±1.3 2.53 B C10H8N2 2-2-bipyridyl 67.02.3 63.5±3.2 7 3.5±3.9 0.69 B C10H9N 2-methylquinoline 62.6±0.1 62.8±1.3 7,17 -0.2±1.3 2.07 B C12H10N2 trans azobenzene 74.7±1.6 74.90.7 3,28 -0.2±1.7 0B C13H9N phenanthridine 80.14 79.35.5 7,29 0.8±5.5 2.39 B C13H9N acridine 78.63 78.2±1.3 7,29 0.4±1.3 2.29 B Table B C4H4N2 pyridazine 53.50.4 46.52.2 1,4 7.02.2 4.1 B C4H6N2 N-methylimidazole 55.6±0.6 48.83.5 3,5,6 6.83.6 3.7d B C4H6N2 N-methylpyrazole 48.0±1.3 41.6±2.9 twe,6 6.4±3.2 2.29 B C7H10N2 4-N,N-dimethylaminopyridine 68.40.9 61.32.5 tw 7.1±2.7 4.33 B C9H8N2 N-phenylpyrazole 70.2±3.4 63.52.9 3,25 6.7±4.5 2.0 B C9H8N2 N-phenylimidazole 84.6±3.7 67.72.1 3,25 16.9±4.3 3.5 B C12H8N2 benzo[c]cinnoline 89.22.3 81.91.1 2,28 7.32.5 4.1 B Summary Polarity seems to play a role Extensive conjugation seems to be an important property All compounds exhibiting enhanced intermolecular interactions are planar; the crystal structure of 1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine suggests the N presence of π- π stacking in the solid state N N N 5 Since most of the compounds exhibiting stronger intermolecular interactions examined so far (pyridazines, imidazoles) seem to correlate with each other, this suggests a common interaction responsible for the enhanced intermolecular interactions observed; the origin of this interaction has yet to be identified. 4) Measurement of Vapor Pressure Isotope Effects Typical GC Plot of Deuterated and Undeuterated Hydrocarbons 80000 n-C7H16; n-C7D16 CH3C6H5; CD3C6D5 Intensity 60000 n-C8H18; n-C8D18 40000 p-CH3C6H4CH3 20000 o-CH3C6H4CH3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 t/min A typical gas chromatogram of a series of labeled/unlabeled hydrocarbons run on an RTX-1 column at T = 300 K; in order of elution, heptane-d16/heptane, toluene-d8/toluene, octane-d18/octane, p-xylene-d10/p-xylene, o-xylene-d10/o-xylene. The small peak with the shortest retention time is methane. Table. Deuterium Isotope Effects on Vaporization Enthalpy slope intercept slngHm(293 K) lgHm(298)/kJ.mol-1 kJ.mol-1 lit calc hexane-d14 -3439.9 hexane -3472.3 cyclohexane-d12-3576.4 cyclohexane -3601.7 heptane-d16 -4018.6 heptane -4058.5 toluene-d8 -4209.2 toluene -4215.1 10.286 10.308 10.111 10.127 11.215 11.252 11.184 11.169 28.60 28.87 29.73 29.94 33.41 33.74 34.99 35.04 31.52 33.12 36.57 37.99 31.47±1.6 31.74±1.6 32.61±1.7 32.83±1.7 36.32±1.9 36.66±1.9 37.92±2.0 37.97±2.0 lgHm (298.15 K)/kJ.mol-1=(1.0090.056)slngHm(293 K) + (2.6150.27), (r2 = 0.9946) Measurement of Vapor Pressure Isotope Effects A/T 3 hexane-d14 heptane-d16 p-xylene-d10 o-xylene-d10 toluene-d8 -17917619 -5444070 -71657137 -89591864 -42775261 BT 2 -45199 -218518 282831 419760 88847 C/T 1 -2909.62 -2758.60 -4622.31 -5088.30 -3696.58 D 9.429 9.220 10.628 11.06 9.806 Tb/K(calc) 339.3 368 410.1 415.7 383.1 Tb/K(exp) pH/pD 341.9 371.4 411.5 417.6 383.8 298.15 K 0.909 0.892 0.945 0.937 0.926 ln(p/po) = A(T/K)-3 + B(T/K)-2 + C(T/K)-1 + D Zhao, H.; Unhannanant, P.; Hanshaw, W. Chickos, J. S. The Enthalpies of Vaporization and Vapor Pressures of Some Deuterated Hydrocarbons. Liquid Vapor Pressure Isotope Effects J. Chem. Eng. Data 2008, 53, 1545–1556. Graduate Students William Hanshaw Patamaporn Umnahanant Hui Zhao Dmitry Lipkind Visiting Graduate Students Manuel Temprado, Instituto de Química Física “Rocasolano”, Madrid 28006, Spain Visiting Faculty and Collaborators Maria Victoria Roux, On leave from the Instituto de Química Física “Rocasolano”, Madrid 28006, Spain Sergey Verevkin, University of Rostock, Rostock Germany From Left to right: Bill Hanshaw, Maria Victoria Roux, Jim Chickos, Patanaporn Unmahanant (T), Richard Heinz, and Hui Zhao From left to right: Rachel Maxwell, her friend, Richard Heinz, Jim Chickos, Dmitry Lipkind, and Darrell Hasty separation between stacks = 3.24 Å Does a ring size play a role? All compounds used as standards were six-membered ring heterocycles. N lgHm(298 K) (kJmol-1) lgHm(298 K) (kJmol-1) [Lit] 1-methylpyrrolidine 36.62.4 34.2±0.7 1-methylpyrrole 40.32.5 40.6±0.8 4-methylpyrimidine 43.82.6 44.2 47.62.7 47.0 N N 2,5-dimethylpyrazine N 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine 51.42.8 51.5 quinoline 59.23.0 59.31 N N 1-methylindole 61.13.1 62.2±1.6