Leadership in Action: Briefing Pack

Management in Action
Briefing Pack: Cohorts 9 and 10
Introduction .................................................................................................... 2
Context of leadership development at the university of york ............. 3
Principles of the core leadership programmes .................................... 5
Methodology and principles of approach ............................................. 5
Overview of management in action and key dates .............................. 6
Pod provision ......................................................................................... 7
Leadership forum .................................................................................. 7
Applying and embedding your learning ............................................... 8
What we need from you.......................................................................... 8
Management in action – application form ............................................ 9
10. Personal development plan ................................................................. 11
11. Reflection log ........................................................................................ 12
This briefing pack has been put together to provide you and your manager
with an overview of the current leadership provision with particular focus on
the Management in Action Programme.
If you would like to be considered for a place on either of the MIA cohorts
running during the next academic year, you will need to complete the
application form contained in this pack.
The deadline for applications is Friday 5 July 2013.
You will be notified of the outcome of the application process on Friday 6
August 2013.
Should you have any questions regarding the MIA programme or your
suitability to be considered, please do not hesitate to contact me on ext. 3642
or at susan.kane@york.ac.uk.
Kind Regards
Susan Kane
Leadership Development Manager
1. Context of Leadership Development at the University of York
May 2008 saw the introduction of a Leadership Development Strategic
Project. The focus of this project was to provide a framework and range of
interventions in order to provide support and skills to those who are in
leadership and management roles.
Over the last three years a comprehensive suite of leadership development
opportunities has been introduced. This is being continually updated as a
result of feedback from delegates and key stakeholders and in order to keep
abreast of the developments within HE. This framework aims to create
collective leadership capability that empowers and enables leaders to:
Gain deeper insights into the global/university context of leadership
Develop the strategic direction of their departments and activities to
support departmental goals and the University Plan
Build sustainable high performing teams, built on the key skills of
effective dialogue, feedback, inclusivity and engagement
This holistic approach as illustrated below, was recognised by The Times
Higher Education Awards in 2009, when we received the award for
‘Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development’.
360 Degree
(LiA and
Open POD
(all core
Coaching /
The following four core leadership programmes provide an opportunity to
consolidate and develop existing knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes
and behaviours. They are open to all relevant staff in a leadership role:
1) Strategic Leadership Programme: Suitable for Heads of Department and
members of the Senior Management Group
2) Leadership in Action: Suitable for middle managers who are responsible
for large teams and / or managing line managers within their team.
3) Management in Action: Suitable for first time, first line managers /
supervisors who are directly involved with day to day supervision and work
4) Research Leaders Programme:
The Research Leaders Programme was introduced as a result of many
research active academics and their managers highlighting that the
abstraction for the Leadership in Action Programme was too long .The content
covers the critical areas of the Leadership in Action programme but is
presented in a research-only context. This can be supplemented through the
core POD provision.
By meeting others in a leadership role from across the University, you will
have the opportunity to share best practice whilst building a diverse network of
support. The programme will also provide a rich platform for greater self
awareness and personal growth.
All of the programmes are built around three core themes:
Managing and Developing Self: Self Efficacy
An opportunity to get feedback and review your personal approach to
leadership and management .These modules will also identify key leadership
skills and behaviours which will be effective within our environment.
Managing and Developing Others: Relational Leadership
Understanding your role in relation to building an effective team, developing
individuals, maximising performance, dealing with conflict, managing change
and holding difficult conversations.
Managing within the University: Organisational Leadership
Understanding the structure, policies and frameworks within which the
University operates. A particular focus is placed on financial management,
strategic and operational planning and statutory requirements.
2. Principles of the Core Leadership Programmes
To provide the essential knowledge and understanding required to
perform leadership and management roles effectively.
To develop the relevant skills, attitudes and behaviours of those who
hold leadership and management roles within the University.
To create a supportive and effective framework to share best practice
and explore solutions to challenges within leadership and management
To support University Strategy by developing and empowering leaders
and managers to achieve high performance.
To maximise the potential of our managers and leaders.
To provide departments with leadership and management skills this will
assist in meeting department aims and objectives.
To contribute to a culture of continuous professional development.
3. Methodology and Principles of Approach
A programme of formal workshops.
In addition, all leaders and managers will be encouraged and
supported to undertake appropriate self development activities.
Mentoring and coaching will be offered to support individual
To acknowledge the differing learning styles of delegates, activities
may also include use of the Staff Development Resource Centre,
external and internal speakers, use of psychometrics, facilitated
sessions and classroom-based approaches.
The content of the activities will address knowledge, understanding,
skills, attitudes and behaviours.
Programmes will focus on practical problems/case studies.
Overview of Management in Action and Key Dates
Module 1 (core)
Optional Generic
Modules 2-4 (core)
You and Your Role
Available throughout the year
as part of the core POD
Day One
Welcome and Intro
Current challenges
facing York and HE
Overview of some key
support functions
Leadership v
Exploring your role
Managing Self:
Day Two
Myers Briggs Type
Indicator – Recognising
Learning Cycle and
The importance of
Problem solving
Emotional Intelligence
Dealing with Interpersonal
Time Management
Managing Others:
Applied Body Language
Communication styles
Engaging with others
Getting the Best From
Your Team:
Stages of team
Change Modules:
Managing the Process
of Change
Change: Developing
Creative Solutions
Gaining the
Commitment and Buyin of Others
Cope with Change
Team dynamics
Supporting the team
through change
Supporting and Developing
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Cohort 9
10 and 11 September 2013
14 October 2013
14 November 2013
4 December 2013
Cohort 10
7 and 8 October 2013
11 November 2013
3 December 2013
16 January 2014
Please note that the start time for each day is 9am and the expected finish
time is 5pm. Please note however that the first day of the first module (10
September or 7 October) will include an evening meal which delegates are
encouraged to attend. The evening will be finished by 9pm and
accommodation and taxis will be provided if required. Module 1 of Cohort 9
will take place at Mercure York Fairfield Manor Hotel and Module 1 of
Cohort 10 will take place at York Pavilion Hotel, Fulford. All remaining
modules on both cohorts will take place at King’s Manor.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The MBTI instrument is an exceptionally versatile tool that provides individuals
and teams with a powerful understanding of their own and others’ personality
styles. Insight into the differences between personality types helps groups and
individuals to work together more effectively, improving communication and
reducing conflict. By recognising the preferences that MBTI illustrate and
identifying your personal type, you will be able to develop your role as a
This tool has been used in both the Leadership in Action and Strategic
Leadership programme
POD Provision
In addition to the core leadership programmes and in order for individuals to
meet all of their development objectives, we will highlight particular elements
of the POD provision that may enhance your learning:
Particular sessions that are available to all staff may supplement learning
covered in the core leadership programme or address individual learning
objectives that are not covered as part of the leadership programme. These
Managing Fixed-Term Contracts
Work Related Stress
Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Research Grants Management
Discipline and Capability
Equality and Diversity
Non-Verbal Communication
Influence and Persuasion
Dealing with Interpersonal Conflict
Project Management
Leadership Forum
Once a term, a Leadership Forum will be hosted. External specialists will be
invited to share key learning from their own leadership journey, share
research and provoke debate and discussion on current topics and issues.
This will be followed by an opportunity to network with fellow leaders.
If you have any suggestions as to who you would like to see, please send an
e-mail to pod-enquiries@york.ac.uk
Applying and Embedding Your Learning
It is suggested by Cope (2005) that to be effective, learning must be
embedded in the workplace and learners supported in that process. He
identifies that as a general rule 10% of effort should be on identifying the
learning needs and objectives, 20% on an open programme learning event,
30% on workplace coaching and action learning and 40% on embedding that
learning in the workplace.
The University of York Staff Survey 2011 stated that 63% of respondents had
the opportunity to put new skills and knowledge gained at or through the
University into practice in the workplace. This is more effective with the
involvement of your direct line manager and as a result we encourage you to
involve them and update them regularly on your thoughts, reflections and your
development plan.
At the end of each module, reflection time will be provided for you to identify
what you have learnt and how you may apply the learning back in the
Only 18% of staff completing the 2011 Staff Survey stated that they have
useful discussions about their performance at work outside the annual
performance review. If you do not already have an existing mechanism in
place for regular meetings with your line manager, you will need to introduce
this prior to commencing on the Research Leaders programme. This will
enable you to discuss progress and highlight potential opportunities within the
Department to transfer your learning.
What We Need From You
1) Arrange a meeting with your line manager and complete the application
form (Section 9). Your manager needs to be involved with agreeing
section 3 of the plan. This needs to be returned to podenquiries@york.ac.uk by Friday 5 July 2013.
2) Identify which of the two cohorts you would like to attend and keep the
dates protected in your diary until you receive confirmation as to
whether your application is successful. This will be by 5pm on Friday
6 August 2013.
3) Commitment to engaging with the MBTI instrument.
4) Commitment to meet with your line manager at least twice during the
programme duration to discuss your progression and to identify
opportunities for you to apply the learning in the workplace
5) Availability and commitment to attend all 4 modules
Management in Action – Application Form
Job Title:
Contact Details:
Any special requirements (e.g. diet, access):
Your Line Manager Details:
Length of time in role:
Size of team:
Which cohort do you wish to attend? (Please keep these dates protected
until you receive confirmation of a place)
Cohort 9
Cohort 10
Background Details
To assist in the planning and preparation it would be helpful if you would
answer the following questions. All answers will be treated in the strictest
Briefly outline your role:
Briefly explain what leadership and management responsibilities you currently
have (people, other resources, projects etc). If this programme is to develop
you in anticipation of undertaking a role with more responsibilities in the
future, when is this likely to occur (next 12 months, 18 months, two years or
In your leadership and management role what do you think are the key issues
that will need to be tackled in the next 12 months to two years?
Desired outcome(s) as a result of Management in Action
Self reflection is a useful approach in personal development and we will look
at it in more detail during the programme.
Initially, consider the areas of your performance you may wish to develop and
discuss these with your line manager. Record specifically what it is you want
to achieve and how you will know you have succeeded. You will also need to
identify potential opportunities for you to implement the learning in the work
place e.g. projects. These will be used a part of your development plan.
For completion by Your Line Manager:
To maximise the value of this programme it is vital that the individual is given
support and opportunity to apply appropriate learning back into the workplace.
The delegate will be encouraged to share with you directly any reflections and
actions they may wish to apply in the workplace. As a result you, you will need
to have a regular mechanism in place to enable this discussion to take place.
You will also be asked to complete a short feedback form after completion.
I confirm that I understand the expectations above and will support the
applicant, enabling them to make the most of this development opportunity. I
am also prepared to provide feedback on the impact of this programme at the
end of the year.
Signed ………….
10. Personal Development Plan
Name …………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………….
Personal Development Goal
Current Situation
Action (What? How? Who? When?)
Reflection Log
What Happened
My Feelings
My Thoughts and Ideas
My Actual Behaviour