Period 1: Heng I Mrs. Krueger Grading Period 2.7 December 15 – 19 This is a tentative assignment sheet—meaning that changes will sometimes be necessary. If changes are necessary, we will make them together during class. All classwork and homework are subject to grading. If you are absent, you are responsible for picking up any missed work and making up any missed work. You must make up work within five, class days. COMMON CORE STANDARDS: CLASSWORK: ASSIGNMENTS DUE 15 points off per day for late work M 12/15 Rigor = Assimilation & Acquisition EQ: How does literature reflect the zeitgeist in which it is written? 1. 2. 3. 4. T 12/16 Rigor = Acquisition & Application 3. W 12/17 Rigor = Application Rigor = F 12/19 Rigor = Warm-up: Fact, Opinion, Propaganda Handout (90-91) Animal Farm Review chapter 10 questions. Utopiadystopia Connections w/ modern world? How does Orwell satirize humanity? List of propaganda and literary terms to know Wrap-up: Begin studying for Animal Farm TEST tomorrow. EQ: How can Close Reading Skills help you perform better on a test? 1. 2. 3. 4. R 12/18 Warm-up: Problematic Word Usage Handout from Last Week Check in Animal Farm, chapter 9 questions w/ teacher. CW Grade Class discussion, using student-created questions. (114-126) Animal Farm: Read chapter 10 (127-139) Answer questions Wrap-up: How does Animal Farm reflect the zeitgeist in which Orwell wrote the novel? EQ: How does literature reflect the zeitgeist in which it is written? 1. 2. If necessary, complete chapter 10 questions for Animal Farm Warm-up: Study for test; turn in chapter questions ANIMAL FARM TEST Literature Book: “The Interlopers” (255-261) o Complete irony handout #1 o Complete Narrative Reading Guide handout Wrap-up: Class discussion of story, using handouts as a guide NOT FINISHED………………………………………… Study for ANIMAL FARM TEST tomorrow. All chapter questions due: 18; 10 and students’ chapter 9 questions. These will be worth 5 TEST POINTS. Incomplete work will not receive any extra credit. Please start looking around your houses and/or lockers for blue literature books. We are missing some, and I would be very grateful if you brought those in. Consider this an amnesty period. On Tuesday, January 6, you will have an Affix Test over units 1-6. --in progress --seasonal songs/lyrics—poetic devices --different cultures On Wednesday, January 7, you will have an ELEMENTS OF A NARRATIVE TEST over literary terms and “The Most Dangerous Game” and “The Interlopers.