THE SKELETON CHAPTER 7 Introduction A strong, yet light, internal support for the human body The skeleton is adapted for the protection, locomotor, and manipulative functions The upright stance increases the ability of the skeletal muscle to resist gravity Introduction The skeleton maintains its upright position through a series of compensating curves The skeleton accounts for approximately 20% of the body mass The 206 bones of the body are grouped into the axial and appendicular skeleton Introduction Axial skeleton Forms the long axis of the body 80 bones in three major regions – skull – vertebral column – bony thorax • Ribs • Sternum Appendicular Bones of upper & lower extremities and girdles 126 bones in three major regions – Girdles • Shoulder girdle • Pelvic girdle – upper extremity – lower extremity THE SKULL SECTION I The Skull The skull is the body’s most complex bony structure It is formed by two sets of bones, the cranial bones and the facial bones These 22 bones combine to form the cranial cavity and the facial features In addition, there are 3 bones of the inner ear to assist in sound transmission The Skull: Introduction The bones of the skull provide . . . – A case to house the brain, the cranium – A framework for the face – Cavities to house the organs of sight, taste, and smell – Passages for air and food – Attachment sites for the teeth – Attachment sites for muscle The Skull: Introduction Most bones of the skull are flat bones Except for the mandible, all bones are firmly united by interlocking sutures The major sutures of the skull are . . . – – – – Coronal Sagittal Squamosal Lambdoidal (Between Frontal & Parietal) (Between Parietal bones) (Between Parietal & Temporal) (Between Parietal & Occipital) Other skull sutures connect facial bones and are named after these structures ________ ________ Sagittal Coronal Lambdoid Squamous Overview of Skull Geography Facial bones form the anterior aspect The cranial bones enclose the brain Vault The cranial vault or calvaria forms the superior, lateral, and posterior aspects of skull The cranial base forming the inferior aspect of skull Cranial Base Cranial base forms the skull’s inferior aspect Three prominent ridges divide the base into fossae The brain rests on these cranial fossae completely enclosed by the cranial vault The brain occupies the cranial cavity Cavities of the Skull In addition to the large cranial cavity there are many smaller cavities – – – – Middle and inner ear cavities Nasal cavity Orbits of the eyes Several bones contain air filled sinuses • Sinuses surrounding the nasal cavity are referred to as the paranasal sinuses Study Note As you read about the bones of the skull, locate each bone on the different skull views in Figures 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 The skull bones and their important markings and features are summarized in Table 7.1 on pages 202-203 Cranium The 8 cranial bones include; 2 parietal, 2 temporal frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid Cranium is self- bracing allowing the bones to be thin, yet strong Frontal bone Forms the anterior portion of the cranium, the forehead, roofs of the orbits, and most of the anterior cranial fossa Frontal bone - landmarks Frontal squama Supraorbital margins Supraorbital foramen Orbits Anterior cranial fossa Glabella Frontal sinuses Parietal bones Forms most of the superior & lateral aspects of the skull Articulates with other cranial bones to form four major sutures Parietal bones - landmarks The four largest sutures cranial sutures, Coronal, Sagittal, Lambdodial, Squamosal Occipital bone Forms most of the posterior wall and base of skull Articulates with parietal & temporal Joins w/ sphenoid in the cranial floor Forms internal walls of posterior cranial fossa Occipital bone - Ext. landmarks Foramen magnum, Occipital condyles, External occipital protuberance, Nuchal lines, External occipital crest Occipital bone - Int. landmarks Hypoglossal canal, Posterior cranial fossa Temporal Bone Forms the inferolateral aspects of the skull Parts of the cranial floor Divided into four regions; squamous tympanic, mastoid, and petrous-(int) Temporal Bone The internal petrous region contributes to the cranial base The petrous region and the sphenoid bone form the middle cranial fossa Temporal Bone - landmarks Zygomatic process – Meet the zygomatic bone – Forms the cheek Mandibular fossa – Receives condyle of mandible Temporal Bone - landmarks External Auditory Meatus – Middle and inner ear Styloid process – Muscle of tongue Mastoid process – Muscles of neck Temporal bones - landmarks Jugular foramen – Entry point for the Jugular artery Internal acoustic meatus – Entry point for the auditory nerve Jugular foramen Temporal bones - landmarks Stylomastoid foramen – exit for facial nerve Carotid canal – entrance for the carotid artery which supplies blood to cerebral hemispheres Sphenoid bone Bone spanning the width of middle cranial fossa Articulates as central wedge of all cranial bones Consists of central body and three processes; greater and lesser wings and pterygoid process Sphenoid - landmarks Sella turcica (enclosure for pituitary gland) Optic foramina (passage of optic nerves) Superior orbital fissure (Nerves III, IV, V enter orbit) Foramen rotundum & ovale (Cranial Nerve V to face) Foramen spinosum (Middle meningeal artery) Ethmoid bone Forms most of the area between the nasal cavity & orbits of eyes Lies between nasal bones & sphenoid Complex shape gives rise to nasal septum, sinuses and cribiform plate Ethmoid bone - landmarks Cribiform plates – Forms roof of nasal cavity Olfactory formina – Olfactory nerves enter brain Crista galli – Attachment of the dura mater which secures brain in cavity Ethmoid bone - landmarks Perpendicular plate – Forms superior part of nasal septum Lateral mass – House ethmoid sinuses Nasal concha – Project into nasal cavity Orbital plates – Medial walls of orbits Facial bones Consists of 14 bones w/ only mandible and vomer unpaired Others include maxillae, lacrimals, nasals, zygomatics, inferior nasal conchae, and palatines (not pictured) Mandible Forms the lower jaw Largest, strongest bone of the face It has a body and two upwardly projecting sections called rami Houses lower dentition Mandible - landmarks Mandibular angle Mandibular notch Coronoid process Mandibular condyle Alveolar margin Mandible formina Mental formina Maxillary bone Forms upper jaw and central portion of facial skeleton Fused medially Articulates with all facial bones except mandible Upper dentition Forms 2/3 of hard palate of the mouth Maxillary bones - landmarks Alveolar margin – Upper dentition Frontal process – Form lateral aspects of nose Zygomatic process – Articulates with zygomatic bone Maxillary sinuses – (Fig. 7.11) Maxillary bones - landmarks Palatine processes – Forms roof of mouth Incisive fossa – Passage of nerves and blood vessels Infraorbital foramen – Infraorbital nerve and blood vessel to face Palatine Process Maxillary bones - landmarks Inferior orbital fissure – Located deep within the orbit – Permits passage of the zygomatic nerve, maxillary nerve, and blood vessels to reach face Zygomatic bones Commonly called the cheekbones Form prominences of cheeks and inferolateral margins of orbits Articulate with the Zygomatic process of temporal bone and Zygomatic process of maxallae Zygomatic Process of Temporal Zygomatic bone Nasal bones Forms bridge of the nose Thin, rectangular shape Fused medially Articulate with the frontal bone and maxillary bones laterally Nasal cartilages – (Fig. 6.1) Lacrimal Bones Forms part of the medial border of each orbit Articulates with frontal, ethmoid & maxillae Forms part of Lacrimal fossa – Permits tears to drain from orbit to nasal cavity Lacrimal Bones Lacrimal fossa – Permits tears to drain from orbit to nasal cavity Palatine bones The horizontal plates forms the posterior portion of hard palate Vertical plate forms part of the posterolateral wall of nasal cavity and a small portion of orbit Palatine bones - landmarks Horizontal plate Vertical plate Orbital surface Vomer Forms part of the nasal septum Located with nasal cavity Vomer - landmarks Plow shape – Divides nasal septum into right and left parts Vomer Inferior Nasal Conchae Form lateral walls of nasal cavity Project medially from the lateral walls of nasal cavity Largest of nasal conchae Inferior Nasal Conchae - Landmark The Inferior nasal conchae is just one of three in the nasal cavity Superior and middle concha are on the Ethmoid bone The Orbits The orbits are bony cavities within which the eyes are encased and cushioned by fatty tissue The muscles that move the eyes and the tear producing lacrimal glands are housed within the orbit Formed by frontal, sphenoid, maxilla, zygomatic, lacrimal palatine & ethmoid Contain superior & inferior orbital fissures Optic foramina The Orbits Nasal cavity The nasal cavity is constructed of bone and hyaline cartilage The cavity is divided into right and left parts by the nasal septum Superior, middle and inferior nasal concha project into the cavity The nasal septum and conchae are lined with mucus-secreting mucosa Nasal cavity Roof of the cavity is the cribriform plates of ethmoid Lateral walls are the superior, middle, and inferior conchae, and vertical plates of palatines Cribriform plate Nasal cavity Floor of cavity is formed by palatine processes of the maxillae and the palatine bones Septum is formed by vomer and the perpendicular plate of ethmoid Paranasal sinuses Five skull bones; frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and the paired maxillary contain mucus-lined, air-filled sinuses Cluster around nasal cavity Connected to nasal cavity to allow air to enter and mucus to drain Lighten skull, warm and humidify air, enhance voice resonance Paranasal sinuses Note positioning around nasal cavity Paranasal sinuses Sphenoid sinus Frontal sinus Ethmoid sinus Maxillary sinuses Hyoid bone Not really a part of the skull, it is unique in that it is the only bone that does not articulate with any other bone Positioned just inferior to the mandible Anchored by stylohyoid ligaments to the styloid processes of temporal bone Acts as a movable base for the tongue Hyoid bone Body – Neck muscle attachment Greater horn – Neck muscle attachment Lesser horn THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN SECTION II Vertebral Column: General Characteristics Formed from 26 irregular bones It contains four distinct curvatures It provide axial support for the trunk Transmits weight of trunk to lower limbs Protects spinal cord Attachment site for ribs and muscles Separated by intervertebral discs There are 24 vertebrae, a sacrum (5 fused) and a coccyx (4 fused) General Characteristics Alignment – Anterior/ posterior – Lateral Curvatures – Compensatory curves Features – Weight bearing – Muscle attachment – Protection Regional Characteristics Cervical C1-C7 – Neck / movable Thorasic T1-T12 – Rib cage / limited movement Lumbar L1-L5 – Low back / movable Sacral 5 fused – Joins the pelvis Coccyx 4 fused – Terminus Clinical deviations Scoliosis – An abnormal lateral curvature of the spinal column – Curvature can occur in an “S” or “C” deviation Clinical deviations Kyphosis – An exaggerated dorsal curvature in the dorsal region – Common is aged individuals because of osteoporosis Clinical deviations Lordosis – Accentuated lumbar curvature – Being overweight or pregnant causes an excessive load up front Curves develop in response to: Upright posture Weight bearing Musculature Characteristics - Ligaments Ligaments hold the vertebral column in an upright position – The broad Anterior Longitudinal Ligament prevents hyperextension and is quite strong – The cord like Posterior Longitudinal Ligament prevents hyperflexion and is relatively weak Characteristics - Ligaments Ligaments also connect specific vertebra and support disc position – Supraspinos ligament – Ligamentum flavum – Interspinous ligament Intervertebral Discs Intervertebral discs are cushion like pads interposed between vertebra The discs provide elasticity and compressibility Compression flattens discs Discs are thickest in the cervical and lumbar to provide flexibility Characteristics - discs Annulus fibrosus surrounds the outer margin – Collagen fibers Nucleus pulposus is the semi fluid substance which shifts under body weight & pressure Herniation of disc Herniation of disk General structure of vertebrae Common pattern – Body or centrum – Vertebral arch • lamina • pedicle – Vertebral foramen – Spinous process • Muscles attach – Transverse process • Muscles attach General structure of vertebrae Interlocking pattern – Superior and inferior processes interlock – The inferior from above and the superior from the vertebrae below form a movable joint – The movement contributes to spinal rotation Superior Articular Process General structure Pedicles have notches on their superior and inferior borders Lateral openings are called intervertebral foramen – Spinal nerves from spinal cord exit through these foramina Regional Characteristic: Cervical Body is oval, but wide side to side C3 - C7 Spinous process is short and bifid (split) except in C7 Vertebral foramen is triangular Transverse processes contain foramina for blood vessels leading to brain Cervical Vertebrae C1 and C2 The first two cervical vertebrae are named the atlas and axis respectively There is no intervertebral disc between them They are highly modified for carrying the skull on top of the vertebral column The atlas (C1) functions are a cradle to support the head The axis (C2) functions as a pivot point for the rotation of the atlas Cervical Vertebrae C1 Lateral masses articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull Cervical Vertebrae C1 Body of the Vertebrae is missing Inferior articular surface articulates with C2 below Cervical Vertebrae C2 The axis has the odontoid process or dens is its unique feature The dens is the missing body of the atlas which fuses with the atlas during embryonic development Regional Characteristic: Cervical Spinous processes project directly posteriorly Superior facets directed superoposteriorly Inferior facets directed inferoanteriorly Flexion/extension, lateral flexion and rotation Regional Characteristic: Thoracic Body is larger than cervical; heart shaped Spinous process is long and sharp Vertebral foramen is circular Transverse processes project posteriorly and bear facets for ribs Regional Characteristic: Thoracic Body bears two costal demifacets Spinous processes projects inferiorly Superior facets directed posteriorly Inferior facets directed anteriorly Rotation, limited lateral flexion, flexion/extension prevented Regional Characteristic: Lumbar Body is massive and kidney shaped Spinous processes are short and blunt Vertebral foramen is triangular Transverse processes are perpendicular to spinous process but has no special features Regional Characteristic: Lumbar Spinous process projects posteriorly Superior facets directed medially Inferior facets directed laterally Flexion/extension, some lateral flexion, rotation prevented Sacrum The triangular shaped structure formed by five fused vertebrae Forms the posterior wall of the pelvis Articulates with L5 of the vertebral column Articulates with the iliac bone of the pelvic girdle Transfers the weight of the upper torso and limbs to the lower extremities Sacral Ala are fused remnants of transverse processes that articulate with hip bones to form the sacro iliac joints of the pelvis Sacral promontory – Center of gravity is 1 cm posterior of this point Transverse line are sites of vertebral fusion Sacral foramina transmit blood vessels and nerves Ala Sacral promontory Sacral On the posterior aspect median sacral crest are fused spinous processes The vertebral canal continues inside the sacrum as the sacral canal Sacral hiatus is at the inferior end of the sacral canal Superior articular surface form a joint with the spinal column Coccyx Coccyx articulates with sacrum The Bony Thorax The thorax is the chest which includes – Thoracic vertebrae posteriorly – The ribs laterally – The sternum and costal cartilages anteriorly It is cone shaped with its broad opening inferiorly The thorax forms a bony cage around the heart, lungs and major blood vessels Functions of The Bony Thorax Protection Attachment point for muscles of the back, chest, and shoulders The intercostal muscles attach to the thorax to lift and depress the thorax during respiration The Sternum The sternum lies in the anterior midline of the thorax It is three fused bones – Manubrium • Jugular notch • Clavicular notch – Sternal body • Sternal angle – Xiphoid process • Xiphisternal joint Bony Thorax Thorax is the chest and its bony underpinnings is called the thoracic cage Elements consist of the thoracic vertebrae, ribs, sternum, and costal cartilages which secure ribs to the sternum A cone opening inferiorly, the thorax provides a protective cage around the vital organs of the thoracic cavity (heart, lungs, great blood vessels) Bony Thorax - continued Provides support for the shoulder girdles Bony attachment points for muscles of the back, chest and shoulders Intercostal spaces between ribs are occupied by the intercostal muscles which lift and depress the thorax during breathing Sternum Located on the anterior midline of the thorax Consists of three fused bones; manubrium, body, and xiphoid process Manibrium articulates with clavicle & 2 ribs Body with ribs 2 - 7 Xiphoid attachment site for abdominal muscle Thorax to Vertebral Column Ribs Ribs Twelve pairs forming thoracic cage All attach posteriorly to thoracic vertebrae Curve inferiorly toward anterior body surface Ribs 1-7 attach directly to sternum by separate costal cartilages and are referred to as true ribs Ribs 8-10 attach indirectly to sternum by attaching to costal cartilages immediately above Ribs 11-12 have no anterior attachments and are referred to as floating ribs Ribs Ribs are bowed flat bones Long shaft Tear drop shaped with a costal groove on inner surface Head of rib has 2 facets to articulate with its vertebrae as well as the one above Ribs Neck is just beyond the head Angle of rib Costal cartilages attach rib to sternum Attachments are secure but flexible Ribs Tubercle of rib articulates with transverse process Ligaments secure rib to transverse process Note how the transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae are angled posteriorly The Appendicular Skeleton Appended to the axial skeleton Pectoral girdle is for manipulation and is a lighter, less heavily reinforced structures Pelvic girdle is for weight bearing and locomotion and is a heavier, more robust structure Differences appear in bone structure, joint structure, ligaments and muscle THE PECTORAL GIRDLE SECTION IV Pectoral or Shoulder Girdle Consists of two bones, the anteriorly positioned clavicle and the posteriorly positioned scapula Pectoral girdle is a loosely attached, held in place largely by musculature attached to the thorax and the vertebral column Only direct ligament attachment exists at the sternoclavicular joint Frees girdle to move over the thorax as the need arises Pectoral Girdle Flexible and Mobile Pectoral girdle is very light to allow the upper limb flexibility and mobility not allowed anywhere else in body This is possible because only the sternal end of clavicle is attached to axial skeleton thus allowing the scapula to move across thorax and the arm with it The socket of the shoulder joint is shallow and poorly reinforced Although this arrangement does not restrict movement it is less stable Clavicles Clavicles are double curved bones extending along the superior thorax Attached on the sternal end to sternum and the acromial Attachment site or muscles of the thorax and shoulder Position scapula away from thorax THE UPPER LIMB SECTION V The Upper Limb Arm – Humerus Forearm – Ulna – Radius Hand Wrist (8 carpal bones) Palm (5 metacarpal bones) Fingers (14 phalanges) The Humerus Radius and ulna Carpals, Metacarpals, & Phalanges THE PELVIC GIRDLE SECTION VI The Pelvic (Hip) Girdle Attaches the lower limbs to axial skeleton Transfers the weight of the torso, head, and upper extremities to lower limbs Supports the visceral organs of the pelvis Secured by strong ligaments and deep sockets the joint is reinforced for stability Less range of motion in all planes of movement Female pelvic structure to facilitate childbearing Pelvis Pelvis Pelvic girdle is formed by a pair of coxal bones, each called an os coxae Each os coxae unites anteriorly at the pubic symphysis and with the sacrum posteriorly Each coxa is formed by the ilium, ischium and pubic which were separate during childhood but fused in adulthood Collectively the os coxae, sacrum and coccyx is called the pelvis Os Coxa Ilium – Superior Ishium – Posterior Pubis – Anterior Os Coxa Ilium – Superior Ishium – Posterior Pubis – Anterior Pelvic Structure and Childbearing The female pelvis reflects modifications for child bearing It tends to be wider, shallower, lighter, and rounder than the male Pelvic modifications accommodate the growing fetus as well as providing a birth canal wide enough to allow the infants head to exit at birth Pelvic inlet and outlet are critical to delivery Male and Female Pelvic Structures THE LOWER LIMB SECTION VII The Lower Limb Thigh – Femur Leg – Tibia – Fibula Foot (7 Tarsal bones) Instep (5 Metatarsal bones) Toes (14 Phalanges) Femur Tibia Fibula Bones of Right Foot Right Foot - Medial View Right Foot - Lateral View Arches of the Foot DEVELOPMENTAL ASPECT OF THE SKELETON SECTION VIII Developmental Aspects of the Skeleton Fontanels Spinal Curvatures Long Bone Ratio Changes in Female Pelvis Adult Skeletal Changes