Announcing Berkeley Innovation Index and Global Toolkit

Introducing Berkeley Innovation Index
A Global and Collaborative Project
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Chief Scientist & Founding Director, Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology
Faculty Director, Engineering Leadership Professional Program (ELPP)
IEOR Emerging Area Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, UC Berkeley
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Two Cities in USA
• Chicago
• San Diego
(Innovation) Culture Matters
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Recall 2 Projects both presented at ASEE
Berkeley Method:
10 Behaviors of
Entrepreneurs and
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Sidhu, de L’Etraz,
Comfort Zone as a measure for Innovation Mindset and Culture
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Stronger connection to innovation than field of study.
People don’t even “ learn anything” inside their Comfort Zone.
Tend to be people with “Growth” mindsets. (Dweck)
Organizations need to learn to innovate.
BMoE: 10 Behaviors of
Entrepreneurs and
Ikhlaq Sidhu
A Question to Psychology Ph.D Student Jan Pries:
Which of the BMoE Behaviors can be measured in Psychology?
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Innovation Mindset for a Person
Berkeley Method Multi-Facet Algorithm, Alpha Release 1.3
Your personal Innovation Mindset Level is currently 7.66 out of 10
This is not a fixed level, anyone can grow their innovation mindset. Your level has been estimated using an analysis based on the Berkeley
Method for Entreprenuership & Innovation, the Comfort Zone Scale, and fundamental testing methods in social psychology.
The following factors are components of your innovation mindset:
TRUST level: 5.03 of 10. This is your ability to trust others.
RESILIENCE level: 10.00 of 10. This is your ability to overcome failure.
DIVERSITY level: 9.64 of 10. This is your ability to overcome social barriers.
MENTAL STRENGTH level: 8.83 of 10. This is a measure of your confidence and belief that you can succeed.
COLLABORATION level: 4.61 of 10. This is your ability to work with everyone including competitors when needed.
RESOURCE AWARENESS level: 5.50 of 10. This is your ability to balance your resources across multiple objectives.
INNOVATION ZONE level: 8.59 of 10. This is a measure of your ability to work in areas of uncertainty.
Based on your comfort with ambiguity, your MINDSET covers both operations and innovation, but LEANS towards INNOVATION. If you have
interest in operational innovation and precision, you should pre-analyze situations and focus more on risk mitigation.
Learn more and check for updates at
Ikhlaq Sidhu
ETH - Zurich
ELPP – Silicon Valley
Low Comfort with
Ikhlaq Sidhu
High Comfort
with Uncertainty
ETH - Zurich
ELPP – Silicon Valley
Ikhlaq Sidhu
SV Only
Ikhlaq Sidhu
We can now measure students before and after a class
and they can see how their attitudes have changed.
Ikhlaq Sidhu
But if people or firms are trying to be innovative (and
Innovation Culture might be a problem)
then how can a person or firm
correct what they can not measure?
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Berkeley Innovation Index – A Global Project
• Innovation Mindset: Personal
• Innovation in Organization by
people, processes, and culture
• By function
• By social graph
• Diagnostics and index
Ikhlaq Sidhu
It can be like Google Apps for Measuring Innovation
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Strategy and Leadership
Innovation Culture from an Organization’s Viewpoint
Organizational Operations and Measures across functions
Mindset: The Innovation DNA of the People
Tactical measures
Berkeley Innovation Index
Metrics by Organizational Function
Customer Support
DNA: 4.2/5
Process: 3.0/5
DNA: 4.5/5
Process: 3.4/5
DNA: 3.7/5
Process: 4.1/5
DNA: 2.2/5
Process: 4.5/5
Social Graph presentable views available for tracing organization issues
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Writing Open
Software Tools
Collaborate with us in any of the parts of the project.
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Partners and
people at firms
End of Section
Ikhlaq Sidhu
Ikhlaq Sidhu, sidhu@berkeley.du
Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology
UC Berkeley.
End of Session
Ikhlaq Sidhu