Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Teacher: Michael Chandler Standard(s) Subject/Class: 4th Social Studies Week Of: August 17-21 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SS4G1 The student will be able to locate important physical and man-made features in the United States SS4G1 The student will be able to locate important physical and man-made features in the United States SS4G1 The student will be able to locate important physical and man-made features in the United States SS4G1 The student will be able to locate important physical and man-made features in the United States SS4G1 The student will be able to locate important physical and man-made features in the United States Locate and define maps and the unique Atlantic Coastal landforms in Plains and The specific regions Great Plains on Physical Map of U.S. Locate and define The Great Basin, The Continental Divide, and Death Valley. Identify and locate the major rivers in the United States. OLC: Watch a short OLC: Click Link clip on United about The Great States Physical Plains Geography OLC: Watch a short Ask students to list clip on Death Valley the types of bodies of water they know. Essential Question/ Locate and describe Discuss Physical Learning Goal the relative location of the geographic regions of North America Activating Strategy: How many states Lesson Opener, Warm-up, Hook are on the map? Have students Google United States Map and identify North America as the continent in which we live. Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Teaching Strategies: Procedures, Technology, Performance Tasks Discuss the location of their state in relation to that of the other states in their region. Review Map Legend Important Physical Physical Features Features of the of the United United States Slide States PowerPoint Presentation Utilize Graphic Provide Students Organizer from with Geography Wednesday Graphic Organizer Discuss and locate: to be used while studying landforms The Great Basin Define plains and The provide specific Continental examples Divide Discuss and locate: Death Valley The Atlantic Coastal Plains The Great Plains Define tributary Review how Open Ended physical features are Question: Summarize what made by nature. you discovered from your research. Have student highlight landforms on their Physical Map Have student highlight landforms from today on their Physical Map Have student use IPAD to search for rivers near where they live. Informal assessment of students’ knowledge about United States Informal assessment of students’ knowledge about physical features of Informal assessment-Why is Death Valley so harsh? Have student write down something they know about the rivers we’ve Use States in this Region Graphic Organizer to divide states into appropriate region Pebble Go: Research to learn more about North America on Maps. Review Compass Rose myON: Ways to Find Your Way: Types of Maps Pebble Go: Physical Maps Discuss Globe features as it relates to physical landforms. Have student list examples of landforms. Have students divide States into regions based on color map Summarizing Strategies: Closing Activity Assessment/ Evaluation Have students answer questions given provided map study myON: Rivers Discuss and locate The Mississippi River and The St. Lawrence River Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Regions Materials Needed IPADs, Pebble Go the United States IPADS, myON, Globe IPAD, Geography Graphic Organizer, Physical Map sheet discussed. IPAD, Geography Graphic Organizer, Physical Map sheet IPAD Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s) Daily Lesson Plan Template Day & Date: Standard: Essential Question: Learning Goal: Activating Strategy: Lesson Opener: (_______ min.) Teaching Strategies: Different Procedures/Technology/Perfo rmance Tasks: (_______ min.) Summarizing Strategy: Closing Activity: (_______ min.) Assessment/Evaluation: (_______ min.) Materials Needed: Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s)