Summer Week 2 Plan

Maths Year 6 Weekly Plan: Summer
Week 2: REVISION: Multiplication and division
Objectives: Use place value and number facts to multiply and divide mentally; Use the written methods of short and long multiplication, short and long division; Use knowledge of four
operations to reason and solve puzzles.
Whole class teaching
Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities
Lowest common multiples and
Mental multiplication and division
Whole class practice
Write the following multiplications
common factors
Ask chn to list all the factors of 36. Take one pair of factors, e.g. 9 Chn answer questions about
and divisions on the board: 3 × 8742,
Use the ITP Spinners, choosing
and 4. If we know 4 × 9 = 36, what is 4 × 90? 4 × 900? 4 × 9000?
common multiples, factors,
3 × 2101, 2 × 2.35, 450 ÷ 9, 4326 ÷ 3,
two spinners, numbers up to 50
What is 36 ÷ 9? 360 ÷ 9? 360 ÷ 90? 3600 ÷ 9? Ask chn to use one
mental multiplication and division 3603 ÷ 3. Ask chn to discuss in pairs
to generate a pair of numbers
other pair of factors to generate a similar list of facts using place
including missing number
which ones they would solve
less than 50. Chn work in pairs to value. Ask chn to work out 2 × 456 and 10 × 456. Now we know
problems and products of three
mentally. Today’s top tip for tests is
list common factors. Rpt. Change these two facts, what others can we easily work out? Draw out 4 numbers (see resources). Chn
not to launch straight into a written
the spinners to numbers up 12
× 456, 5 × 456, 20 × 456 and associated divisions. Finally ask chn
answer as many as they can.
method. Look at the numbers and you
and ask chn to identify the
to work out 3 × 43 then work in pairs to derive other related
GUIDED: Sit with different groups may find that you will be quicker
lowest common multiple. Rpt.
multiplications and divisions.
for assessment.
using a mental strategy!
8, 80, 800 and 8000 ×
Long and short multiplication
Most children/Harder
Discuss if chn
and ÷ facts
Show a worked example of 24 × 2153 (see resources). Most chn discuss in
Chn practise using short and long multiplication,
made use of
Shuffle a set of 1-12
pairs if the answer seems right. If not, they look for the mistake, then find the firstly straightforward calculations, then a few in
today’s top tip
cards. Show one to chn. correct answer. Meanwhile Easier group work in pairs, one to work out 20 ×
context (see resources).
regarding layout
They work in groups of
2153 (by doubling and multiplying by 10), and the other to use short
GUIDED: Medium
of long
four. The 1st child
multiplication (or grid method) to work out 4 × 2153. They add their answers Observe chn to make sure that they are confident
multiples your number
together to find 24 × 2153. Take feedback. Agree that the answer on the
in using both short and long multiplication.
Ask if chn have
by 8, the 2nd child
screen is wrong. Draw out the child has not kept their place value columns
Harder: Also challenge chn to find the smallest 4any other top
multiples by 80, the 3rd
tidy, and has added wrongly the ‘carry’ figures in the addition at the end.
digt product of a pair of 2-digit numbers, all digits
tips about
by 800 and the 4th by
Today’s top tip for tests is to make sure your layout for long multiplication is
different in the two numbers.
8000. The write the
really tidy! Suggest chn give themselves plenty of room so figures don’t get
e.g. rounding to
corresponding divisions
squashed, write their ‘carry’ figures small/in a different colour so they don’t
find an approx
Chn have more practice with smaller nos and can
facts. Rpt for each card.
add them in at the end and to keep their place value columns tidy!
use the grid method (see resources).
Recognise prime nos to Short division, including by 11 and 12
Whole class activity
Today’s top tip
at least 19
Write 496 ÷ 3, 496 ÷ 6, 496 ÷ 12 and 896 ÷ 3 on the board. Chn
Chn shuffle a pack of 1-9 digit cards, take four cards and use
for tests is to use
Shuffle a set of 1 to 20
discuss in pairs which they think will have the biggest answer and
them to create a 3-digit by single-digit division, e.g. 256 ÷ 4.
cards. Show one to the
which will have the smallest answer and why. Ask a few pairs to
They find the answer, writing the remainder as a fraction or
to check
class. Chn show thumbs explain their reasoning, e.g. 496 ÷ 12 will have the smallest answer decimal. Repeat at least six times. They then take four cards
divisions. Ask
up if they think it is
as the smaller number is divided into the biggest number of
to create a 4-digit number to divide by 11 and by 12. Rpt.
chn to use
prime, and thumbs
groups, so the answer will be low; 896 ÷ 3 will give the biggest
GUIDED: Easier: Chn only create 3-digit by single-digit
multiplication to
down if they think it is a answer as the bigger number is divided into the smallest number
divisions. Work with chn to check that they are confident in
check two of
composite number (not
of groups. Give each quarter of the class one of the divisions to
using this written method and writing answers as fractions.
their divisions.
prime). Rpt with any chn work out using short division. Ask a child from each group to show Harder: Chn then use the same four digits to create the
What do you
weren’t sure of, e.g. 1
how they found the answer, and help them to write each
division with the biggest possible answer and the division
need to do with
which is not prime.
remainder as fraction, simplifying where possible.
with smallest possible answer.
the remainder?
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
MATHS Y6 Week 2 Summer
Maths Year 6 Weekly Plan: Summer
Week 2: REVISION: Multiplication and division
Square nos to 144
Chn work in pairs
to shuffle a set of 1
to 12 cards, and
place face down.
When you say go,
they turn over
each card, one at a
time, and square
the number on the
card. Can they get
through the whole
pack in under 2
minutes? Rpt.
Find a mean
Ask chn to
find the mean
(average) of
the following
tree heights:
6m, 4m, 5m,
8m, and 7m.
Challenge chn
to work in
pairs to write
other groups
of 5 heights
with the same
Whole class teaching
Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities
Use long division to divide 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
Most children/Harder
Ask chn if
Martin the florist is making up bunches of 15 roses. He has 1250 roses in stock. How many bunches can he
Chn practise using long
they found
make? Ask children what calculation is needed to work out the answer. Discuss how we can use long
division, firstly
today’s top
division to work out 1250 ÷ 15, and remind children that it is helpful to make a list of multiples of the
straightforward calculations,
tip (make a
divisor, the number we are dividing by, to help. Record ‘List multiples of the divisor when working out long then in context (see
list of
division’ as today’s top tip for tests. Ask chn from the Easier group to help you to list multiples of 15 on the resources).
multiples of
board, and then ask for a volunteer from Medium/Harder groups to model using long division. The answer
GUIDED: Medium
the divisor to
to the calculation is 83 r 5, but what is the answer to the question? If he found 10 more roses, how many
Observe a group to make sure help) helpful.
bunches could Martin make then? Remind chn that when working out a division to solve a word problem,
that they are confident in
Did any make
we often have to think what to do with the remainder, e.g. whether to round the answer down, up, or
using long division.
use of
write it as a fraction or decimal. Repeat with: A 9m price of ribbon is divided into 24 equal lengths to tie
round bunches. What is the exact length of each piece? Discuss the problem together, drawing out that it
Chn use the list of multiples of top-tip?
will be useful to think of 9m as 900cm, and to estimate the answer by thinking how many 25s are in 900.
15 to divide as many numbers
Together list multiples of 24 and use to work out the long division 900 ÷ 24, to give an answer of 37 r12.
between 150 and 1000 as
How can we write this as an exact length in centimetres? Agree that 3712/24 is 73 ½, i.e. 37.5cm.
they can.
Use four operations to reason and solve puzzles
Whole class activity
Write 7 □ 5 = 45 □ 10 on the
Write the following puzzle on the board: Anna chooses two numbers, adds them together, and
Chn solve puzzles like
board. What operations need
then divides by 2. Her answer is 19. One of the numbers she chose was 14. What was the other
Anna’s mystery number
to go on each side to make
number? Ask chn to discuss this in pairs, and then take feedback on how this puzzle could be
puzzle, multiplication
this statement true? Rpt with
solved. Draw out using inverse operations, i.e. multiplying 19 by 2 to give 38, then subtracting 14
arithmagons and addition
36 □ 3 = 4 □ 3 and 45 □ 24 =
to give 24. Let’s check this works. Add 14 and 24. Now divide your answer by 2. Do you get 19?
grids (see resources).
7 □ 3. Ask chn to work in
Yes! Repeat with: Anna chose two whole numbers. They had a product of 18 and a difference of 7.
GUIDED: Harder
pairs to make up their own
What were her numbers? Chn discuss how to go about this and feedback, e.g. list factor pairs of 18 Chn solve every other one,
equalities, involving at least
and look for ones with a difference of 7. That’s 9 and 2. Display the arithmagon (see resources).
then investigate the
one multiplication or
Explain that numbers written on neighbouring vertices are multiplied together to give the
minimum number of cells
division. Share some with the
numbers written on the sides. What number is a factor of both 18 and 12? Write 2 at the top. If 2
which need to be complete
class. Today’s top tip is to
goes here, what goes on the bottom left vertex? And the bottom right. Ah, that doesn’t work.
in order to solve an addition check your answer works in
What other numbers go into both 18 and 12? Try these and complete the arithmagon. Show one
missing number problems.
of the addition grid on the activity sheet. Explain how the outside numbers are added to give the
inside numbers. Ask chn to discuss how the missing numbers might be found.
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
MATHS Y6 Week 2 Summer
Maths Year 6 Weekly Plan: Summer
Week 2: REVISION: Multiplication and division
 ITP Spinners (see resources)
 Monday: Whole class practice (see resources)
 Large set of 1-12 cards
 Tuesday: Example of an error in long multiplication, 24 × 2153 (see resources)
 Tuesday: Multiplication practice (versions for Most children/Harder group and for Easier group) (see resources)
 Large set of 1 to 20 cards
 1-12 cards
 IWB 2 minute timer
 Thursday: Long division Activity sheet (see resources)
 Friday: Solving number puzzles Activity sheet (see resources)
 Abacus Year 6 Textbooks 1, 2 and 3
A choice of Abacus Textbook Pages for Alternative/Additional Practice
Mixed calculation practice
Most children
Most children
Most children/Harder
Textbook 2, page 51
Textbook 2, pages 51 and 53
Textbook 3, page 29
Textbook 2, pages 32 and 33; Textbook 3, pages 30, 32 and 34
Textbook 2, page 33; Textbook 3, pages 31, 33 and 34
Textbook 3, page 35
Most children
Most children
Textbook 2, page 88
Textbook 2, page 89; Textbook 3, pages 38 and 41
Textbook 2, page 90; Textbook 3, page 39
Textbook 1, page 102, Textbook 2, page 101; Textbook 3, page 77
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© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
MATHS Y6 Week 2 Summer
Maths Year 6 Weekly Plan: Summer
Week 2: REVISION: Multiplication and division
1. Use place value and number facts
to multiply and divide mentally.
1. Use short and long multiplication
to multiply 3-digt and 4-digit
numbers by 1-digit and 2-digit
Outcomes for most children
1. Use short division to divide 3digit and 4-digit numbers by singledigit numbers and 11 and 12.
1. Use long division 3-digit and 4digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.
1. Use knowledge of operations and
reasoning to solve number puzzles.
Default (outcomes for children not on statements but not able to reach the outcomes for most children)
1. Use place value and number facts
to multiply and divide mentally.
1. Use short multiplication to
multiply 3-digt numbers by 1-digit
and the grid method to multiply by
2-digit numbers.
1. Use short division to divide 3digit numbers by single-digit
1. Use multiples of the divisor to
support using long division 3-digit
numbers by 2-digit numbers.
1. Use knowledge of operations and
reasoning to solve number puzzles.
Only record names of children who struggled or exceeded these outcomes
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
MATHS Y6 Week 2 Summer