Romans 14 - Matters of Indifference The Roman church did well and

Romans 14 - Matters of Indifference
The Roman church did well and grew, although not visited by an apostle. She was troubled by racial tension. HS was
bringing her to unity by true faith, and dedication to the body. Apostle closes his letter with discussion of how to deal with
difficult relationships... with enemies, government, brethren who disagree. We might preface the discussion
I. Verse 1, What the Apostle is not discussing (as accepting)
A. 2 John 9-11 - doctrinal error
B. Matthew 15:8-9 - different worship
C. Revelation 22:8-9 - discerning new truth
D. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - dividing the body
E. He is discussing opinions, matters of indifference
1. Not indifferent to men, matters of indifference to God!
II. What does HS teach about having differences?
A. Verses 1-2 - Some ARE weak in faith- we don’t like that
1. One who presses opinion, interpretation, application
2. Without clear scripture we need to proceed carefully
B. Verses 3-6 - Possible to differ and both be right
1. Review what is NOT under discussion
2. Acts 15:36-40 - Paul and Barnabas
a. there is a time to face down - Galatians 2:11, 14
3. Verse 2 - meat versus vegetables / verses 5-6 - special day versus not!
a. Christmas trees, Weddings/funerals in building, Christian soldier?
b. Gospel music to entertain, use of visuals, etc.
C. Verses 7-9 - We should be concerned about one another
1. Verses 14-17 - love should guide us, 1 Corinthians 8:1
D. Verses 10-13 - Giving in is not the automatic answer
1. Judging one also rebuked, implication? grow up!
E. Verses 3, 4a, 10, 13a - Neither side is being defended
1. Division seems to be what is being condemned
2. Judging and contempt seem to be the wrong here
F. Verses 13, 15 - Potential danger here is hurting. stumbling
1. Not speaking of feelings, being offended, disagreements
2. 1 Corinthians 8:4-12 - Speaking of being led into sin
III. What is the conclusion? Romans 14:17-23
A. Let’s determine to keep our own conscience clear
B. Let’s determine to be sensitive to other’s conscience
C. Let’s keep in mind what the kingdom is about, verse 17
D. Let’s work hard at forbearance, patience, self-control and love, and everything else that makes for peace
Romans 14 - Matters of Indifference
The Roman church had done well and grown, although not visited by an apostle. She was troubled by racial tension.
The Holy Spirit was bringing her to unity by true faith, and dedication to the body.
I. Verse 1, What the Apostle is not discussing
A. 2 John 9-11- doctrinal _______________,
B. Matthew 15:8-9- different _________________
C. Revelation 22:8-9- discerning new ____________,
D. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - ___________ the body
E. He is discussing opinions, matters of ___________________, not to men, but to God
II. What does the Holy Spirit teach about having differences?
A. Verses 1-2 - Some ARE ______________ in faith
1. One who presses ______________, _____________________, ___________________
B. Verses 3-6 - Possible to differ and both be _________________
1. Acts 15:36-40- Paul & Barnabas, There is a time to face down error- Galatians 2:11, 14
C. Verses 7-9 - We should be concerned about ________________________
1. Verses 14-17 - ______________ should guide us, 1 Corinthians 8:1
D. Verses 10-13- ______________________ is not the automatic answer
1. Judging one also rebuked, implication? grow up!
E. Verses 3, 4a, 10, 13a - Neither side is being ______________________
1. ___________________ seems to be what is being condemned
2. Judging and contempt seem to be the wrong in this passage
F. Verses 13, 15 - The potential danger here is __________________. _________________
1. Not speaking of feelings, being offended, disagreements
2. 1 Corinthians. 8:4-12 - Speaking of being __________________________________
III. What is the conclusion? Romans 14:17-23
A. Let’s determine to keep our own ______________________ clear
B. Let’s determine to be sensitive to other’s ____________________________
C. Let’s keep in mind what the _________________________ is about, verse 17
D. Let’s work hard at ________________, _______________, self-control, and _________,
and everything else that makes for peace