Week 6 Monday October 19 Numbers 14:26

Week 6
Monday October 19
Numbers 14:26-45
Rebellious People
1. Because of the people’s rebellious nature what did God make as a consequence in verses 26-30?
Who was exempt from the consequence according to verses 30-31?
2. In verses 36-38, what happened to all those who came back from spying out the land and gave a bad report?
3. In verses 39-45, the people mourned over their sin and attempted to do what?
Were they successful?
Pray for Transformation Ministries as they help to plant and support churches in our area
Tuesday October 20
Numbers 15:1-21
Bringing Offerings
1. God gave some detailed instructions on what to bring and sacrifice to Him upon coming into the land which they would
inhabit. What do you bring as an offering to the Lord?
How much thought and prayer goes into what you offer to the Lord?
2. According to verse 20-21, not only were you to bring an offering to the Lord but it was to be your _______________.
3. How would you describe your giving/offering to the Lord?
Pray for people in you oikos
Wednesday October 21
Numbers 15:22-41
God’s Direction
1. Sometimes we unintentionally sin. What example do you have? What do you do to reconcile that sin?
2. In verses 37-41, God had given the people a tangible object that would remind them of Him. Was that it?
3. What are some things that remind you of God and how you are to live for Him?
Is there a specific object that you have which encourages you with God?
Pray for Christians to be a testimony at school, work and at home
Thursday October 22
Numbers 16:1-27
Rejecting Authority
1. How did Korah, Dathan, and Abiram along with other sons of Levi feel about Moses and Aaron according to verses 1-3?
Have you ever felt your boss or someone wasn’t doing as good a job as you could do?
Have you ever felt you could do it better?
2. How did God feel about their rejection of authority according to verses 20-24?
3. What does this teach you about authority? Read Romans 13:1 to broaden your understanding of authorities in your life.
Pray for our government and its leaders
Friday October 23
Numbers 16:28-50
1. In your own words, what was Moses proposing in verses 28-30? How would this dictate who God was for?
2. Who did God choose according to verses 31-35?
3. Did the people respond to God’s judgement with repentance or complaining according to verse 41? What does true
repentance look like to you?
Pray for family and friends