The Selective Service and Civil Liberties during World War I

The Selective Service and Civil
Liberties during World War I
APUSH: Spiconardi
Freedom of Speech
• What does freedom of speech mean to you?
Is this protected under free speech?
• KKK rally
Is this protected under free speech?
• Wearing a t-shirt in a public high school
promoting Budweiser
Is this protected under free speech?
Is this protected under free speech?
• Burning a U.S. Flag
Selective Service
• Selective Service Act
▫ All males from ages 18
to 45 must register for
the draft
▫ The constitutionality
of the draft was
challenged in the
Supreme Court, but
the Selective Service
Act was upheld
What do you think? Should you be forced
to fight in the army by your government?
Eugene V. Debs
• Union leader and member
of the socialist party who
was a vocal critic of World
War I
• An anti-draft speech would
lead to his arrest and
▫ See Document
Espionage Act
• Espionage Act (1917)
▫ Forbade any “false statements” from being made
about the draft
▫ It was illegal to interfere in the draft
▫ Postmaster could ban “treasonous” material from
being sent in the mail
 How would the Postmaster General know if you were
sending treasonous material?
Sedition Act
• Sedition Act (1918)
▫ See Documents
Results of the Acts
• 1,500 Americans sent to jail
• Labor unions were weakened
• Schenck vs. U.S. (1919)
 See Documents
We must make
the world safe
for democracy.
• Explain President Wilson
disregarded these famous words of
• Should there be limitations on civil
liberties during times of war?