
The notes on verbs
that will change your
lives FOREVER!
Three key words
•Principal Parts
• A form of a Latin verb that ends in –re
• In English an infinitive is translated as “to verb”
• Examples: numerare = to count, decidere = to fall down
• Conjugation is the new declension
• REMEMBER – Declension = Nouns, Conjugation = Verbs
• We can tell the conjugation of a verb from its Present Infinitive
• The letter that comes before the –re is our clue
• Latin has 4 conjugations
1st conjugation, -are
2nd conjugation, -ēre
3rd conjugation, -ere
4th conjugation, -ire
• Let’s try to identify some verbs from Stage 13
Principal Parts
• Every Latin verb has
principal parts
• Think of the parts like
our assistant principals.
Each one has a slightly
different job.
• First principal part is the 1st
person singular present
tense verb form
• Second principal part is the
present infinitive
• Third principal part is the
1st person singular perfect
verb form