
Forename Surname
Title of the Dissertation,
Which Can Span Multiple Lines ‒
Use the Forced Line Break
to Get a Nice Layout
To be presented with the permission of the School of Information Sciences of the
University of Tampere, for public discussion in the Pinni auditorium XXXX
on November 22nd, 201X, at noon.
School of Information Sciences
University of Tampere
Dissertations in Interactive Technology, Number XX
Tampere 201X
Professor Veikko Surakka, Ph.D.
School of Information Sciences,
University of Tampere,
Associate Professor Erik Frøkjær, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science,
University of Copenhagen,
Professor Matt Jones, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science,
Swansea University,
Wales, United Kingdom
Dr. Mark D. Dunlop, Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer and Information Sciences,
University of Strathclyde,
Scotland, United Kingdom
The originality of this thesis has been checked using the Turnitin OriginalityCheck
service in accordance with the quality management system of the University of
Dissertations in Interactive Technology, Number XX
School of Information Sciences
FIN-33014 University of Tampere
ISSN 1795-9489
Juvenes Print ‒ Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy
Tampere 201X
This is a document template for the Dissertations in Interactive Technology
series. It includes title pages, pre-text sections (abstract, acknowledgements,
contents, list of publications (for nippuväikkäri), and author’s research
contributions), and the body of the thesis.
By far the easiest way to make sure that your thesis is set according to the
guidelines is to start with this template and insert your own text in the
appropriate places in the template.
Practical advice on the dissertation preparation process is also given in this
Your own abstract should preferably fit on one page, or at most on two
pages. It should be readable on its own. This implies that it should not
contain citations.
This is the very personal part of your dissertation, and you can write here
whatever you like. Typically not even the language is checked, unless you
ask for it yourself. The acknowledgments are added in the final version, i.e.,
they are not yet in the version sent to the reviewers.
Although the content of the acknowledgments is entirely up to you, it is
customary to start the acknowledgments by thanking those involved in the
research, especially your supervisor and co-workers. It is polite to thank the
reviewers as well. Similarly, do acknowledge those who funded your
research. Other thanks can be given just as you like. Typically the thanks
get more personal towards the end of the acknowledgements, with your
relatives and closest family thanked last.
Tampere, October 10, 201X
Forename Surname
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1
2 LAYOUT .................................................................................. 3
2.1 Basic Settings ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Citations and References ................................................................................. 5
3 DISSERTATION PREPARATION PROCESS.................................................. 10
3.1 Preparing the Manuscript .............................................................................. 10
3.2 Originality Check ............................................................................................ 12
3.3 Publication Process ......................................................................................... 12
4 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................... 16
REFERENCES ................................................................................ 18
List of Publications
This dissertation is composed of a summary and the following original
publications, reproduced here by permission.
I. Käki, M., & Aula, A. (2005). Findex: improving search result
use through automatic filtering categories. Interacting with
Computers, 17(2), 187‒206. doi:10.1016/j.intcom.2005.01.001
II. Käki, M. (2004). Proportional search interface usability
measures. In Proceedings of the Third Nordic Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI ’04, Tampere, Finland),
365‒372. New York, NY, USA: ACM.
III. Käki, M. (2005). Optimizing the number of search result
categories. In CHI ’05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in
Computing Systems (CHI EA ’05, Portland, OR, USA), 1517‒
1520. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/1056808.1056955
IV. Käki, M. (2005). Findex: search result categories help users
when document ranking fails. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’05,
Portland, OR, USA), 131‒140. New York, NY, USA: ACM.
V. Käki, M. (2005). fKWIC: frequency based keyword-in-context
index for filtering web search results. Report D-2005-3,
Department of Computer Sciences, University of Tampere,
Finland. (In review for publication in Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology.)
VI. Käki, M. (2005). Findex: properties of two web search result
categorizing algorithms. Accepted for publication in
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on World Wide
Web/Internet (Lisbon, Portugal).
VII. Tuisku, O., Surakka, V., Gizatdinova, Y., Vanhala, T.,
Rantanen, V., Verho, J., & Lekkala, J. (2011). Gazing and
frowning to computers can be enjoyable. In Proceedings of the
Third International Conference on Knowledge and Systems
Engineering (KSE 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam), 211‒218. Washington,
DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/KSE.2011.41
VIII. Tuisku, O., Rantanen, V., Špakov, O., Surakka, V., & Lekkala, J.
(Submitted). Pointing and selecting with facial activity.
Submitted to Interacting with Computers.
IX. Tuisku, O., Surakka, V., Rantanen, V., Vanhala, T., & Lekkala,
J. (2013). Text entry by gazing and smiling. Advances in HumanComputer Interaction, Article ID 218084, 13 pages.
The Author’s Contribution to
the Publications
If you are the sole author of all the articles included in the dissertation, then
this section is not needed. Usually, however, at least some of the papers
have co-authors, and then you need to explain your role in them.
If the set of authors is (almost) the same in all the papers, then you can
probably get away with a fairly generic statement. See Mirja’s dissertation
(Ilves, 2013) for an example.
If, on the other hand, the roles of the authors vary a lot, or if there are several
papers without co-authors, then you should give a more detailed
explanation. Tomi’s dissertation (Heimonen, 2012) provides a good
example of this.
1 Introduction
This document gives guidelines for dissertations that are published in the
Dissertations in Interactive Technology series. Chapter 2 gives guidelines
on the layout, while Chapter 3 gives advice on the process.
This document is maintained by the editor of the Dissertations in Interactive
Technology series. The current editor is Roope Raisamo. He can be
contacted by email at
2 Layout
General rules on page layout are first given in Section 2.1, followed by
details on references and citations in Section 2.2.
We start with the basics. Body text (Word style “Normal”) is typeset in Book
Antiqua 12pt. Headings and other stand-out text is typeset in Trebuchet MS
in varying sizes. Spacing in the text is based on the use of styles: there are
no empty paragraphs between text paragraphs.
Use the styles of this template in setting up your document. Headings are
set using styles “Heading 1”, “Heading 2”, etc. Note that there is a tab mark
after the chapter or section number (i.e., not a space). Content words (nouns,
verbs, adjectives and adverbs) in the title of the dissertation, as well as in
chapter and section headings, are set with an initial uppercase letter1.
This example has heading numbering only up to the second level headings.
Feel free to include numbering below that point if you wish. In addition,
headings below the second level are not included in the table of contents,
you are free to change that if you wish.
Each first level heading is decorated with a graphic consisting of two
horizontal lines and a bitmap picture. Its creation is not automatic; instead,
you need to copy it manually. Make sure that it is aligned with page
margins to the top of the page.
The publications (in a dissertation that is not a monograph) are not
mentioned in the table of contents, but are listed in the next page along with
page numbers indicating where the articles are located in the book. There is
no automatic way of knowing on which pages the articles will appear so
you need to insert the page numbers as one of the final steps in preparing
the dissertation. The format of the references in the list of publications is the
same as in the list of references at the end (see Section 2.2), with one
exception: in the list of publications you can also give the location of the
More detailed advice is available, e.g., at
conference where a conference paper was presented. List the publications
in their logical sequence. Often, but not always, this is the order in which
they were published.
The last page of the template contains the list of publications in this series.
Contact the series editor to get the last page for insertion in your dissertation.
That will guarantee that all the previous publications are mentioned in the
list. Send the series editor a version of your thesis as soon as you have it in
the form of this template, for checking that it confirms to the house style
used in the series.
The number of this publication in the series is mentioned in three places:
first page, second page, and the list of publications in the last page. Make
sure that the publication number is correct in all these places. In addition
you need to update the ISBN number on the second page (see Chapter 3 on
how to obtain the ISBN number).
Actual text starts at page 1 (Arabic number). All the preceding pages are
numbered using Roman numerals. Thus you need to introduce a section
break before the start of the actual text and restart the page numbering. Each
new chapter starts on an odd-numbered page. If needed, leave the previous
page blank. This is obviously something to do only after the text does not
change any more.
The footers on even-numbered and odd-numbered pages are different, so
you need to set those separately (as already done in this template).
The template does not use headers. If you wish, you can add them to show
titles of chapters (on even numbered pages) and sections (on odd numbered
pages); see Aulikki’s dissertation (Hyrskykari, 2006) for examples. Be
warned that this does require quite a bit of manual processing and is best
done only as the last step when the body text is frozen.
In general, it is recommended that you take a look at previous dissertations
in this series for examples on layout. The style has evolved slightly over the
years, so the newest dissertations are the best examples in this respect. The
editor also appreciates suggestions on how this template document should
be modified or extended.
Images and their captions are centered (see Figure 1 for an example). The
text “Figure x.” in the caption is in boldface, followed by a space. Do not
use abbreviations like “Fig. 1” in the text. When referring to Figure 1, the
“F” is in upper case, whereas if you want to for instance talk about “the
figure below”, it is not. Thus “Figure 1” is treated as the “name” of the figure
and therefore written with a capital F.
Figure 1. A piezoelectric actuator placed under the touchscreen of a mobile device. The
actuator is shown in its bent stage (Laitinen & Mäenpää, 2006, Figure 2, © IEEE 2006).
Similarly, captions of tables are placed below the table, with “Table x.” set
in boldface. The caption ends with a period. Make sure to keep all the rows
in the table on the same page and also on the same page with the caption
(see Table 1 for an example).
Kamvar &
Baluja (2006)
Kamvar &
Baluja (2007)
Church et al.
Church et al.
Yi et al. (2008)
(> 20%)
(> 25%)
Adult (53%)
Adult (61%)
(> 10%)
(> 10%)
messaging &
chat (9%)
Internet &
(> 5%)
Internet &
(> 4%)
messaging &
chat (8%)
Search &
finding things
People (3%)
Local services
(> 5%)
communities (>
Search &
finding things
Retail (3%)
(> 2%)
Local (> 4%)
Travel (3%)
Table 1. The top search query categories in log analysis studies
(based on Heimonen, 2012, p. 74).
The style of citations and references used in the Dissertations in Interactive
Technology series is based on the APA style (American Psychological
Association, 2010). For detailed rules and additional examples the reader is
referred to the APA Manual (American Psychological Association, 2010).
Only the main rules and some examples are given here.
A reference consists of the name of the author followed by the year of
publication in parentheses. This is followed by the title of the paper (no
capitalization of words in the title) that usually ends in a period (unless the
title itself ends in a question mark or exclamation mark). Next comes the
name of the publication forum and the pages in the publication. The
reference ends with the doi or urn address (when available).
Names of journals, books and conference proceedings are written in italics
and with uppercase first letters for content words. The publisher’s name
and city are given for books and conference proceedings but not for journals.
Below are two example references, one for a journal publication and another
for a conference publication.
Kaikkonen, A., Kallio, T., Kekäläinen, A., Kankainen, A., & Cankar, M.
(2005). Usability testing of mobile applications: A comparison between
laboratory and field testing. Journal of Usability Studies, 1(1), 4–16.
Kammerer, Y., Nairn, R., Pirolli, P., & Chi, E. H. (2009). Signpost from the
masses: Learning effects in an exploratory social tag search browser. In
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (CHI ’09), 625–634. New York, NY, USA: ACM.
All references should follow these rules:
If the paper lists several forenames or initials for an author, all the
corresponding initials should be given in the reference. There is a
space between the initials (preferably a non-breaking space, created
in MS Word by clicking “Ctrl+Shift+Space”).
In case of multiple authors there is a comma after every author’s
name. Exception: the last author’s name is not followed by a comma.
Instead, it is preceded by the “&” sign. Note, in particular, that also
in the case of two authors the first author’s name is followed by a
There is a period after the closing parenthesis of the publication year.
The separator between page numbers is an n-dash (“–”), not a
hyphen. You can create an n-dash in MS Word by clicking
“Ctrl+Num –” or by selecting it through the INSERT menu.
If an Internet address of a publication is given, it is at the end of the
reference. It should preferably be in the form of a doi or urn (see the
list of references for examples). If such a version of the web address
does not exist or is not known, give the full url.
Additional rules for journal references:
The name of the journal is set in italics with capitalization of the
content words. The name is written in full without abbreviations.
The name is followed by a comma and volume number, still in italics.
If the issue in the volume is given, it comes immediately after the
volume number (no space in between). It is given in parentheses and
set in regular font, not italicized.
Additional rules for references to conference papers:
The name of the conference is preceded by “In” (in regular font).
The name of the conference is set in italics with capitalization of the
content words. The components of the name are not abbreviated.
Thus, do not write “Proc.” or “Int.”, use “Proceedings of” and
“International” instead.
Conferences are often known by their short name (e.g., “CHI”). That
should be given in parenthesis after the full name, followed by the
year of the conference. Note, in particular, that for papers that appear
in CHI Extended Abstracts (works in progress, SIGs, etc.), the name
of the publication and the abbreviation should read “In CHI ’13
Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(CHI EA ’13)”.
The name and abbreviated name of the conference are followed by a
comma, page numbers, and period.
The publisher information is given in the form “Place: Publisher.”
Even with the best intentions it is difficult to get the references right in every
detail. It is probably easiest to take a couple of the rules at a time and go
through the entire list of references focusing on just those rules, and then
repeat this for all rules. This is a bit tedious, but negligible compared to all
the time you’ve already invested to get the thesis this far.
For papers that appear in the ACM Digital Library you can get a good start
for your reference entry by clicking on the “ACM Ref” link on the right in
the window that gives the paper’s data (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. ACM Digital Library entry for the paper by Kammerer, Naim, Pirolli, and Chi
Clicking that link brings up the window shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Reference in ACM reference format.
You can copy the text to your list of references and then edit it there to
confirm to the house style. All the right components (and the official name
of the conference, in particular) are included, but you need to edit and
reorder the components to match the style in the dissertation series.
Other reference management systems, such as RefWorks2 and EndNote3,
may provide additional tools.
The papers appear in the references (the last chapter of the summary part,
before the publications) ordered alphabetically by last name of author. In
case of several papers with the same first author the names of the co-authors
determine the sorting order. Several papers by the same author(s) are
ordered according to year of publication. If there are several publications
by exactly the same authors in the same year, they are distinguished by
appending small letters (“a”, “b” etc.) after the year and ordered by the title
of the paper.
The alphabetical order follows the convention of English, where characters
with diacritical marks are sorted equally with their non-diacritical versions.
Thus, a paper by “Öquist” comes after a paper by “O’Hara” but before a
paper by “Ottmann”.
The basic form of citations contains surname of the author with the year in
parenthesis. For instance, Jones (2012) gives a review of mobile search. This
form is used when the citation is part of the text, and the narrative should
remain readable and correct English even if the year was omitted. Therefore
it is not correct to say that “Jones (2012) is a review…”.
The other form of citations is to include both the author and year in
parentheses. For instance, several different solutions for mobile search have
been developed (e.g., Jones, 2012). If there are several publications cited in
this format at the same time, separate them using semicolons. Exception: for
several papers by the same author(s), give the name of the author only once
and separate the years of publication by commas. Thus, for instance, the
need for more research on mobile search has been brought up by several
authors (Heimonen, 2009, 2012; Jones, 2012). However, keep such lists short
if you need them: each new citation included in the list decreases the weight
of the others.
When you cite long works like books or dissertations, and especially if you
cite them verbatim, it is useful to give the page number in addition to the
basic citation. For instance, “Should we focus on simple, activity-centered
devices – ones that might well combine task-specific communication and
formation facilities – or look to providing a ‘Swiss Army Knife’ …” (Jones
& Marsden, 2006, p. 11).
Things get a bit trickier when the paper that you cite has multiple authors.
For a paper with two authors, always give both last names. However, when
the citation appears in text, the separator between the names should be
“and”, but when it appears in parentheses, it should be “&”. Thus, when
you cite the book by Jones and Marsden in text, you should write “Jones
and Marsden (2006) give a detailed account of …” (compare with the
citation in the previous paragraph).
When you cite a paper with three to five authors, list them all the first time
you cite the paper in the dissertation. After that use the “et al.” form of
citation, and list only as many names as needed to make the citation
unambiguous. Thus, you can cite for the first time a paper by San Agustin,
Hansen, Hansen, and Skovsgaard (2009) (note the comma before “and”),
but after that you should cite it only using San Agustin, Hansen, et al. (2009).
That is sufficient to distinguish it from the paper by San Agustin, Mateo,
Hansen, and Villanueva (2009).
The above is the rule given in the APA handbook (American Psychological
Association, 2010). If you wish, you may resort to a simpler solution where
you always cite a paper with multiple authors in the same way, without
making a distinction between the first and subsequent citations. No matter
which of the two techniques you decide to choose, use it consistently.
For papers with six or more authors, the citation consists of the surname of
the first author followed by “et al.” and the year. If, however, this is
ambiguous, list as many names as needed to make the citation
unambiguous. For papers with exactly the same authors published on the
same year append “a”, “b” etc. to the year to make them distinguishable.
If you cite the same paper several times within the same paragraph using
the within-text format, you don’t need to give the full reference in the later
citations within the paragraph. For instance, when you start by saying that
Jones and Marsden (2006) present a comprehensive account of mobile user
interface design, you can continue by saying that Jones and Marsden also
discuss this and that, without repeating the year. Also, don’t forget that
personal pronouns can often be used to the same effect.
3 Dissertation Preparation
The School of Information Sciences has its official guidelines for doctoral
students4. This document supplements the guidelines with particulars of
the Dissertations in Interactive Technology series.
Reuse Permissions for Your Own Publications
For a dissertation that consists of a summary and original publications you
need to get permission from the copyright holders of the publications to be
able to include them in the dissertation.
ACM, IEEE, Springer and many other publishers use the Copyright
Clearance Center 5 (CCC) for handling the permissions. For instance, for
papers published by ACM, click on the ’Request permissions’ link on the
page that gives the information of your paper in ACM Digital Library. That
will take you directly to the RightsLink page of CCC. ACM charges about 6
euros for each publication, while some other publishers may give the
permission for free. The School will reimburse the cost of permissions. Ask
your supervisor for details.
The copyright rules of ACM, in particular, are evolving. In January 2015 the
web page on author rights 6 states the following: “Authors can include
partial or complete papers of their own (and no fee is expected) in a
dissertation as long as citations and DOI pointers to the Versions of Record
in the ACM Digital Library are included.” In other words, you do not need
to contact CCC and pay for your papers published by ACM.
If the publisher does not use CCC you need to contact the copyright holder
of the publication by email. Usually the publisher’s web site contains an
email address for the editorial office or editor-in-chief. Here is a model letter
that you can use for your email.
Dear sir/madam,
An article titled “____” written by me and my collagues (N.N. and
M.M.) was published in XXX, Vol 1, pp. 1987−1989. I am currently
finishing my doctoral dissertation with a title “______”, in the series
“Dissertations in Interactive Technology” (School of Information
Sciences, University of Tampere, Finland). The work consists of a
summary and original publications and I am planning to include
the aforementioned article as part of it.
Since the copyright of the article was transferred to ______, I hereby
request a permission to reprint the article as part of my printed and
electronic dissertation.
N.N., researcher
Your thesis should be published both in print and in electronic form, so
make sure that you select this option when you ask for the permission from
CCC. If the copyright owner does not grant rights for the electronic version,
you should include so-called author’s copy in the electronic version.
Reuse Permissions for Pictures
If you use in your dissertation pictures from other publications, you need
to obtain permission for reuse from the copyright holder. If the authors have
transferred the copyright to the publisher, which is the most common case,
you need to purchase the permission for reuse from the publisher. This is
again typically handled through CCC.
If you want to include a picture from a paper where the authors themselves
are copyright holders, it is sufficient to contact the corresponding author
(the first author, unless otherwise indicated) for permission. However, in
your email ask the corresponding author to ensure that all authors of the
paper agree to give the permission.
The fact that permission has been obtained for the pictures is indicated in
the caption of the picture. See Figure 1 for an example of the format.
ISBN Number
Your thesis needs an ISBN number. It is listed on page 2 of the thesis. You
get the ISBN number from the library by sending email to State
your name and the number of the thesis in the Dissertations in Interactive
Technology series.
Page 2 also shows the ISSN number, which is the same for all the
dissertations in the series.
The University of Tampere uses the Turnitin service 7 in checking the
originality of dissertations. This template contains on page 2 the statement
that the thesis has been checked using Turnitin. Insert it only as the last step
after the thesis has indeed gone through the process described in the
It is recommended that you use Turnitin during the writing process, not
only at the end. Ask also your supervisor to review an intermediate
OriginalityCheck report, as explained in the guidelines.
Publisher and Printer
General information8 on the publication process is given by the library of
the University of Tampere. Here we repeat the most important points and
give advice on issues that are specific to this series. In addition to the printed
version that is published in the Dissertations in Interactive Technology
series, the electronic version should be published in the Acta Electronica
Universitatis Tamperensis series9 of the university. Therefore you need to
comply with those rules as well. You have to apply for publication permit
in the Acta series using a form that is linked from the info page of the Acta
Suomen yliopistopaino will produce the printed version. Contact them at for agreeing on the schedule and other
details. The printed thesis must be on public display at least 10 days (in
practice, two weeks) before the defense. The School’s office will take care of
this once they get the printed copies. Another requirement is that the library
must get the pdf of the thesis at least two weeks before the defense, at the
latest (private communication from the library, January 2015). Also this
deadline is strict, and it only holds for this series (other publishers may
impose other deadlines). Take this into account when agreeing on the date
of the defense with your supervisor.
File Formats
Send your thesis for printing as a pdf file. The page size shoud be A4 (the
size used in this template). The articles included in your thesis may
originally use a different page size, but it is best to print also them using
Acrobat in the A4 size, before you add the page numbers and combine all 
Originality check of a doctoral or licentiate thesis at the University of Tampere using the
Turnitin programme
the pdf files into a single file. You need Adobe Acrobat Pro for this. It is not
free, so ask your colleagues or the series editor for help if needed; it does
not make sense to purchase a license for Acrobat Pro only for this purpose.
Yliopistopaino will produce the thesis in the final B5 size.
It is advisable to transform all images into CMYK format. In RGB images
the white may come out as grey in printing. This transformation is easiest
to do with Acrobat when you produce the final pdf file for the printer. Also
the page numbers for the articles included in your thesis can be added using
Yliopistopaino used to have in stock preprinted coloured boards for the
thesis, but this has changed after the department structure was changed –
the text on the preprinted covers is not valid anymore and they should not
be used. Now the text in the front cover, the summary in the back cover and
the text in the spine (selkämys) are sent to Yliopistopaino as one pdf file.
The cover pages in the file are prepared using Adobe Illustrator. Harri
Siirtola will help you with the covers. In addition, the content of the
dissertation is sent as another pdf file.
When you discuss the production of the dissertation with Yliopistopaino,
remind them that the paper used for the content is regular 80g offset paper.
Dissertations in the printed Acta series use different paper.
The default format is black and white. If you need to have color pages in
your dissertation, indicate to the printer explicitly the pages that should be
reproduced in color. Each color page affects the cost, and if all pages are
printed in color the cost will be extremely high.
Printing and Delivery
After you have sent the files, Yliopistopaino prepares a proof usually in a
week and sends it for your inspection by internal mail. Check that
everything is OK and show the proofs also to the series editor before giving
the printer the permission to proceed. Actual printing takes about five days
after you have accepted the proof, but there may be a backlog close to the
end of semester.
You need to inform Yliopistopaino on the number of copies that should be
printed. Printing 60 copies is usually enough, and (depending on the unit
cost) would leave some funding for the coffee service as well. Out of these
ten copies should be delivered to the School’s office. These ten copies
include those sent to the opponent, reviewers and the custos. You can agree
with the School’s office to take care of these four copies yourself.
The printer automatically sends six copies of the thesis to the National
Library of Finland, as determined by the law. You will thus get from the
printer six fewer copies than you ordered.
A full collection of the dissertations published in this series is kept in the
lobby of the School (room Pinni B1029–30). Please place one copy of your
dissertation in that bookshelf.
The remaining copies should be made available to the audience in the
auditorium where the defense takes place.
The library will send out the press information about your thesis before the
defense10. At least two weeks before the defense you should fill in the press
release form in Finnish11 or in English12. Spend some effort on producing an
announcement that is catchy and understandable by the public. Work on
the text together with your supervisor.
The form asks for the publisher of the thesis. Here you can put
University of Tampere, School of Information Sciences.
After the defense information on your dissertation will appear on a specific
web page of TAUCHI13. You should send to the series editor the following
information after your defense.
1. The text in the back cover of your thesis in plain ASCII. This is the
text that will appear on the web page.
2. A picture that serves as an illustration of your dissertation. Often this
is one of the pictures that appear in the dissertation, but it can be
custom made for the web as well. It is important that you have
permission to allow the inclusion of the picture on this public web
page. The best way to ensure this is that you yourself are the
copyright holder of the picture.
If needed you can send a separate thumbnail version and a
bigger version to be linked from the thumbnail. The thumbnail will
be scaled to a width of 230 pixels.
In principle, the author is in charge of covering the expenses related to the
dissertation. Typical cost items are the cost of language review, the cost of
printing, and the cost of coffee service after the defense. The school will
cover the cost of the auditorium for the defense.
Fortunately, many forms of support are available. First, you should
definitely make use of the grants offered by the Science Fund of the City of
Tampere to subsume part of the printing cost14. The information on the web
is only available in Finnish, so work with your supervisor if needed to fill
in the application form. Applications can be made each year in early
December, and the decisions on accepted applications are made in May the
following year. You can apply for this grant either before or after the
defense. Allotments stay valid for two years after they have been granted.
In 2015 the size of the grant was a fixed amount of 440 euros.
Another source of support is your employer. If you work in a research
project, the budget may contain funds for dissemination of the research
results, and a thesis defense definitely falls in this category.
As a last resort, if there are cost items not covered by the above sources, the
School of Information Sciences can support the thesis expenses. Currently
the maximum support from the School is 1.000 euros.
It should also be mentioned that if you proceed with your studies quickly
and get the PhD in less than four years, the School can award you with an
extra bonus. Recently that remuneration has also been 1.000 euros.
4 Conclusions
Although some of the steps presented above may seem tedious and
pedantic, they are the culmination of a long process. Give the hard work the
final touch it deserves!
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Paper I
Käki, M., & Aula, A. (2005). Findex: improving search result use
through automatic filtering categories. Interacting with Computers,
17(2), 187‒206. doi:10.1016/j.intcom.2005.01.001
© Elsevier B.V., 2005. This is a minor revision reprinted with
Paper II
Käki, M. (2004). Proportional search interface usability measures.
In Proceedings of the Third Nordic Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction (NordiCHI ’04, Tampere, Finland), 365‒372. New York,
NY, USA: ACM. doi:10.1145/1028014.1028072
© ACM, 2004. Reprinted with permission.
Paper III
Publications in the Dissertations in Interactive Technology series
Details of the dissertations are available at
Timo Partala: Affective Information in Human-Computer Interaction
Mika Käki: Enhancing Web Search Result Access with Automatic Categorization
Anne Aula: Studying User Strategies and Characteristics for Developing Web Search
Aulikki Hyrskykari: Eyes in Attentive Interfaces: Experiences from Creating iDict,
a Gaze-Aware Reading Aid
Johanna Höysniemi: Design and Evaluation of Physically Interactive Games
Jaakko Hakulinen: Software Tutoring in Speech User Interfaces
Harri Siirtola: Interactive Visualization of Multidimensional Data
Erno Mäkinen: Face Analysis Techniques for Human-Computer Interaction
Oleg Špakov: iComponent ‒ Device-Independent Platform for Analyzing Eye
Movement Data and Developing Eye-Based Applications
10. Yulia Gizatdinova: Automatic Detection of Face and Facial Features from Images
of Neutral and Expressive Faces
11. Päivi Majaranta: Text Entry by Eye Gaze
12. Ying Liu: Chinese Text Entry with Mobile Phones
13. Toni Vanhala: Towards Computer-Assisted Regulation of Emotions
14. Tomi Heimonen: Design and Evaluation of User Interfaces for Mobile Web Search
15. Mirja Ilves: Human Responses to Machine-Generated Speech with Emotional
16. Outi Tuisku: Face Interface
17. Juha Leino: User Factors in Recommender Systems: Case Studies in e-Commerce,
News Recommending, and e-Learning
18. Joel S. Mtebe: Acceptance and Use of eLearning Solutions in Higher Education in
East Africa
19. Jussi Rantala: Spatial Touch in Presenting Information with Mobile Devices
20. Katri Salminen: Emotional Responses to Friction-based, Vibrotactile, and Thermal
21. Selina Sharmin: Eye Movements in Reading of Dynamic On-screen Text in Various
Presentation Formats and Contexts
22. Tuuli Keskinen: Evaluating the User Experience of Interactive Systems in
Challenging Circumstances