Unit 5 Key Terms John L. O'Sullivan Manifest Destiny "Empire of

Unit 5 Key Terms
John L. O'Sullivan
Manifest Destiny
"Empire of Liberty"
Stephen Austin
Santa Fe Trail
General Antonio López de Santa Anna
Sam Houston
Remember the Alamo!
Lone Star Republic
John Jacob Astor
Oregon Trail
Donner Party
"54° 40' or Fight!"
"Mr. Polk's War"
General Zachary Taylor
"Old Rough & Ready"
General Winfield Scott
"Old Fuss & Feathers"
Slidell Mission
John C. Frémont
Bear Flag Republic
Battle of Vera Cruz
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
Wilmot Proviso
popular sovereignty [or "squatter sovereignty"]
Free-Soil Party
personal liberty laws
Compromise of 1850
omnibus bill
Gadsden Purchase (1853)
"Young America" Movement
Fugitive Slave Act (1854)
Ostend Manifesto (1854)
Sen. Charles Sumner
Congr. Preston Brooks
Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Land, & Free Men
Thomas R. Dew
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
Roger B. Taney
Daniel Webster
Henry Clay
Stephen Douglas
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Republican Party
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Freeport Doctrine
John Brown
Pottawatomie Massacre
Crittenden Plan
Confederate States of America
Jefferson Davis
Ft. Sumter, SC
"irrepressible conflict" argument
"economic determinism" argument
Morrill Tariff Act (1861)
Homestead Act (1862)
Pacific Railway Act (1862)
Morrill Land Grant College Act (1862)
National Bank Acts (1863 & 1864)
Conscription Act (1863)
A rich man's war, but a poor man's fight!
New York Draft Riots (1863)
Peace Democrats [Copperheads]
Clement L. Vallandigham
writ of habeas corpus
Ex parte Merriman (1861)
Ex parte Milligan (1866)
Union Party
War Democrats
General George B. McClellan
Confiscation Acts (1861, 1862)
13th Amendment
Emancipation Proclamation
54th Massachusetts Regiment
Clara Barton
National Woman's Loyal League
Mathew Brady
Jefferson Davis
Alexander H. Stephens
"backcountry" southerners
"upcountry" southerners
Alexander Cartwright
The Committee on the Conduct of the War
Southern Bread Riots (1863)
Mary Boykin Chestnut
U.S.S. Monitor
C.S.S. Merrimac [Virginia]
William Seward
Charles Francis Adams
"King Cotton" diplomacy
Trent Affair
William C. Quantrill
Samuel Colt
Oliver Winchester
First Battle of Bull Run [First Manassas]
Anaconda Plan
Admiral David G. Farragut
General Robert E. Lee
General "Stonewall" Jackson
General George B. McClellan
General Ulysses S. Grant
Battle of Antietam (1862)
Battle of Gettysburg (1863)
General William Tecumseh Sherman
Sherman's "March to the Sea"
War is hell!
Appomattox Court House
"Lost Cause"
Field Order #15
13th. Amendment
Freedman's Bureau
Radical Republicans
Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (R-PA)
Sen. Charles Sumner (R-MA)
Ten Percent Plan
Wade-Davis Bill (1864)
Ford's Theater
John Wilkes Booth
Sic temper tyrannis!
Black Codes
Civil Rights Act of 1866
14th. Amendment
Reconstruction Act of 1867
15th. Amendment
Tenure of Office Act (1867)
Blanche K. Bruce
Hiram R. Revels
Crop-lien system
Horatio Seymour (D-NY)
Hamilton Fish
"Waving the bloody shirt!"
Horace Greeley
Amnesty Act (1872)
Crédit Mobilier Scandal
Whiskey Ring
Panic of 1873
National Greenback Party
William H. Seward
"Seward's Folly"
Alabama claims
White League
General Nathan Bedford Forrest
Ku Klux Klan
Force [KKK] Acts of 1870/1871
Social Darwinism
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Gov. Samuel Tilden (NY)
Compromise of 1877
Bourbon rule
"Readjuster" Movement
Henry W. Grady
Joel Chandler Harris
Uncle Remus (1880)
"convict-lease" system
chain gang
"fence laws"