Italian 101—Fall 2012 Dr. Anthony Costantini Office Room: ST 434- Phone ext: 7226 Office hours: T/Th 9:00-9:20 am and 3:50-5:00pm Last day of class 12/10 Final Exam- 12/13 (3-5pm)—course number 13532 Class Information Tu/Th 2:00-3:40PM-JR 330 Books Oggi in Italia (F. Merlonghi/F. Merlonghi, and J. Tursi) (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002) Workbook to accompany Oggi in Italia Recommended: English Grammar for Students of Italian (S. Adorni and K. Primorac (The Olivia and Hill Press 1995) Course Description The general characteristics of the course (methodology, origins of the Italian language, importance of studying a foreign language, language lab, grading, etc) will be discussed in depth the first day of class. This course has two objectives: 1) To provide the student with the basic skills for understanding and speaking Italian. To that end, work will consist of a) grammar; b) oral practice; c) practice in reading and writing. 2) To familiarize the student with Italian culture. This goal will be achieved through a) reading, discussion, presentations; b) cultural programs sponsored by the Italian Section of the Department of MCLL. Presentations and practice will be contextual (real life situations) and, whenever possible, oriented to the students’ interests. Italian will be the spoken language in class. Students will also use media material available in the Barbara Ann Ward Language Center (JR 316). A large portion of class time will be spent using the language interactively, your participation will be essential. Student Learning Outcomes Learning, speaking, reading and writing competencies based on ACTFL standards: Novice to Intermediate. At the end of this course students will be able to demonstrate ability to: comprehend and produce simple formulaic texts (addresses,, phone numbers, weather reports, notes written for native speakers, signs, etc) describe people, places and things with appropriate beginner level vocabulary ask questions, give directions, interpret time express likes, dislikes, and preferences narrate routines and events in the present and past verb tenses understand and follow instructions in the target language Requirements There will be regular assignments consisting of grammatical exercises and cultural reading in context with each chapter treated. You will be required to complete the exercises in the Workbook as well as handouts as assigned. As an integral part of your class assignments, you will be required to follow the “Tell me more” program and to use the Barbara Ann Language Center as indicated. Class attendance is mandatory. It is the University policy that if you miss more than three classes without proper justification, your grade will be lowered one letter grade (“A” will be changed to “B,” etc). Repeated later arrival will count as partial absences. Grade Distribution Grading will be both objective (attendance, homework, quizzes, exams, etc.) and subjective (effort, participation, progress, etc.). Grades will be determined based on the following: quizzes 25%; midterm 25%; final 25%; homework, attendance, class participation, completion of the “Tell Me More Program” 25%. Quizzes and exams While quizzes will concentrate more on the grammatical unit or units studied, midterm and final will cover the activities of listening, reading, and writing. The percentage of each activity will be spelled out in the exam. If necessary one quiz may be devoted only to activity of listening and answering questions. Helpful web sites Class etiquette Absolutely no cell activity during class. Unacceptable or negative behavior involves always asking teacher and classmate; moving around and going out to make phone calls; not paying attention to the teacher and acting bored as you were not part of the class; stretching your legs to occupy two seats; eating or munching; getting up to throw a piece of paper in the trash can or sharpening a pencil. Course Outline Week: 1) Lezione preliminare. Il saluto (1-5). I nomi italiani (6). Pronuncia (7). I numeri (9). Parole analoghe (10). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 2) Lezione preliminare. L’Italia nell’Europa (11). Carta fisica d’Italia (12-13). Carta politica d’Italia (14). Vocabolario (15-16). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 3) Lezione 1. Lei come si chiama? Domande (17-19). Vocabolario (20). Sillabazione (22). Accento tonico (22). Ampliamento del vocabolario (23) Cose utili (25). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook (Quiz 1). 4) Lezione 1. Pronomi personali (26-27). Presente di essere (28-29). Presente di avere (30-31). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook (Quiz 2). 5) Lezione 1. Genere di nomi e l’articolo indeterminativo (32-33). Conoscere l’Italia –Roma (36-37). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 6) Lezione 2. Presentazioni (38-40). Vocabolario (p. 42). Pronuncia (43). Ampliamento del vocabolario (43). Che ora è? e che ore sono? (44-46). Plurale dei nomi (47-48). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. (Quiz 3). 7) Lezione. 2. L’articolo determinativo (49-51). Conoscere l’Italia-La cucina emiliana (56-57). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 8) Lezione 3. Che cosa fai di bello? (58-59). Vocabolario (61). Pronuncia (62). Ampliamento del vocabolario (63-64). Espressiosni con avere (65). Presente dei verbi regolari in are (66-70). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. MIDTERM 9) Lezione 3. Preposizioni semplici e articolate. (71-73). C’è, ci sono, ecco (74). Conoscere l’italia (77). Caffè famosi (78). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 10) Lezione 4. Cosa prendono i signori (80-81). Vocabolario (84). Pronuncia (85). Ampliamento del vocabolario: I giorni della settimana/Alcune espressioni di tempo (8688). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 11) Lezione 4. Presente dei verbi regolari in ere (88-90). Formulare le domande (91-93). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. (Quiz 4). 12) Lezione 4. Verbi irregolari: dare/fare/stare (94-96). Conoscere l’Italia-La SiciliaRiposto (Catania) (99-102). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 13) Lezione 5. Ad un ballo in maschera (103-104). Dove fare gli acquisti (105). Vocabolario (106-107). Pronuncia (107). Ampliamento del vocabolario (108-110). Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. (Quiz 5). 14) Lezione 5. Concordanza degli aggettivi qualificativi (110-112). Posizione degli aggettivi con i nomi (113-115). Presente dei verbi irregolari in ire (115-117); andare e venire (125); bere, dire, uscire (151-152). Lezione 6. Le staigoni e i mesid ell’anno (139-140). 15) Lezione 6. Alcune espressioni di tempo al passato (141). Passato prossimo (present perfect) con avere (142-145+149-150). If we have time, we will cover the Passato prossimo with essere. FINAL