PROF. PATRIZIA MILLER BAWC Director/Lecturer in Italian OFFICE: JRH 316 – Web page: under construction PHONE: (818) 677-3452 FAX: (818) 677-4342 Messages to Dept. Office @ (818) 677-3467 OFFICE HOURS: TW 1:00-2:00 and by appoint. Elementary Italian 1, Fall 2012 - Ticket # 13457 – MW 11:00-12:40 REQUIRED TEXTS: Oggi in Italia – vol.1 – 9th ed., Merlonghi, Tursi, O’Conner (Boston, Houghton Mifflin, c.2007) Workbook to accompany Oggi in Italia, 9th ed. RECOMMENDED TEXT: English Grammar for Students of Italian (S.A. Adorni and K. Primorac (The Olivia and Hill Press, 1995) WEB SITE: (2 hours /week) HELPFUL WEB SITES: Guide turistiche: Televisione: Riviste: Giornali: Musica: Dizionario: COURSE DESCRIPTION AND POLICIES: The general characteristics of the course (methodology, origins of the Italian language, importance of studying a foreign language, language lab, attendance, grading, etc.) will be discussed in depth the first day of class. This course has the following goals: to help students acquire the basic skills for understanding and communicating in Italian. We will concentrate our efforts on active vocabulary acquisition, proper use of grammar, oral practice, and reading and writing. to familiarize students with the richness of Italian culture and traditions. This goal will be achieved via 1) readings, discussions, and presentations; 2) attendance at cultural programs sponsored by the Italian Section of the Department of Modern and Classical Languages, the CSUN Italian Club La Dolce Vita, the Italian cultural Institute, and Dig LA. Presentations and projects will be contextual (real life situations) and, whenever possible, oriented to students’ interests. A large portion of class time will be spent using the language interactively, your participation will be essential. Italian will be the language spoken in class. The course will include an Internet/Web/Software element. CSUN DISENROLLMENT POLICY: (CSUN 2012-14 Catalog) “Students who are absent the first two meetings of a class that meets more than once per week, or from the first meeting of a class that meets once per week, loose the right to remain on the class roll UNLESS the instructor is notified that the absence is temporary. Students who lose the right to remain in class must FORMALLY WITHDRAW from the class…” SLOs – STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Cultural proficiency, reading, writing and speaking competencies are based on ACTFL Novice to Intermediate Standards. Based on these standards, after completing the Beginning Italian 1 course, students will have the ability to: comprehend and produce simple formulaic phrases (addresses, phone numbers, weather reports, signs, and notes written for native speakers) describe people, places, and things using appropriate beginner level vocabulary and grammar ask questions, give directions, and interpret time express likes, dislikes, and preferences narrate events and routines in the present and past verb tenses understand and follow instructions in the target language COURSE REQUIREMETS: Assignments consisting of grammatical and vocabulary building exercises, cultural readings, and web driven projects in the context of each chapter and cultural topic treated. You will be required to complete exercises from the textbook, the workbook, and handouts as assigned. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED and PROJECTS MUST BE SUBMITED ON THE FACULTY SPECIFIED DATE. NO MAKE UP QUIZZES OR EXAMS. INTERNET RESEARCH AND FINAL PRESENTATION: Scegliete una città italiana. Familiarizzatevi con la vostra località. Le vostre ricerche saranno eseguite via internet e saranno poi condivise con la classe. Il vostro progetto sarà presentato in classe sotto forma di Power Point (non più di 3 o 4 minuti). NOTE: your choice of topic will need to be submitted to me at the end of the 3rd week of class (Thursday, Sept. 13th). This assignment will be due at the end of the 13th week. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. University policy states that, if more than 5 classes are missed without proper justification, your grade can be lowered by one letter grade (an "A" would change to a "B"). Please check the 2012-14 CSUN University catalog for a detailed description of this policy. GRADING - Grading will be both objective (attendance, homework, quizzes, exams, etc.) and subjective (effort, participation, progress, etc.). Plus/minus scale will be used in this course - SEE CSUN CATALOG FOR DETAILD POLICY- grades will be determined based on the following criteria: quizzes - 40 midterm - 15% final - 20% attendance, participation, progress - 10% internet/web/software assignments, and oral reports 15%. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY - will not be tolerated. Please see the 2012-14 CSUN catalog – pgs.647-648) for the University's policy regarding this subject. EXAMINATIONS - Quizzes will be given on the average every 2-3 weeks and will concentrate on the grammar and vocabulary of the chapter studied. The midterm and the final exam will include listening, reading comprehension and writing activities. FINAL EXAM WILL BE COMPREHENSIVE – Week of December 12th, 2012 – 10:1512:15 CLASS ETIQUETTE: Absolutely no cell phone or hand held device activities during class! Unacceptable behavior towards faculty and classmates includes: excessive talking; exiting class to make phone calls; use of inappropriate language; not paying attention; irreverent comments, etc. Please be respectful and the class will be enjoyable for all! AIUTO! - PLEASE, PLEASE, PER PIACERE, see me in my office or call me the moment you are aware of any problems in understanding. I will do my best to help. TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE Each week you will need to access the following web site: in order to practice topics and grammar relating to lezione preliminare-lezione 6. Be sure to spend 2 hours per week working with this site. The site includes a voice recognition component designed to greatly enhance your speaking skills. WEEK: 1- Lezione preliminare. Il saluto. I nomi italiani. Pronuncia. I numeri. Parole analoghe. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 2- Lezione preliminare. L’Italia nell’Europa. Carta fisica d’Italia. Carta politica d’Italia. Vocabolario. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. Primo Quiz, Lezione Preliminare – Monday, Sept. 10, 2012 3- Lezione 1. Lei come si chiama? Domande. Vocabolario. Sillabazione. Accento tonico. Ampliamento del vocabolario. Cose utili. Pronomi personali. Presente di essere. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook 4- Lezione 1. Presente di avere. . Genere di nomi e l’articolo indeterminativo. Conoscere l’Italia – Roma. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook Divertiamici: 5- Secondo Quiz - Lezione I – Monday, September 24, 2012 . Lezione 2. Presentazioni. Vocabolario. Pronuncia. Ampliamento del vocabolario. Che ora è? e che ore sono? Plurale dei nomi. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 6- Lezione. 2. L’articolo determinativo. Conoscere l’Italia-La cucina emiliana. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. Effettuate ricerche sulla cucina regionale italiana. Cercate siti web che vi aiuteranno a creare una collezzione di buone ricette. Descrivete il cibo regionale (Emilia-Romagna) da voi preferito e introducete la classe ad un buon ristorante regionale. This assignment is due at the end of the 8th week. One page double spaced with internet references. Terzo Quiz – Lezione 2 – Monday, October 15, 2012 7- Lezione 3. Che cosa fai di bello? Vocabolario. Pronuncia. Ampliamento del vocabolario. Espressiosni con avere. Presente dei verbi regolari in are. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 8- Lezione 3. Preposizioni semplici e articolate. C’è, ci sono, ecco. Conoscere l’italia. Caffè famosi. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. Internet assignment: Una visita al Florian e al Ganbini. La tradizione dei grandi caffè italiani. MIDTERM (tentative date: Wednesday, October 31, 2012) 9- Lezione 4. Cosa prendono i signori. Vocabolario. Pronuncia. Ampliamento del vocabolario: I giorni della settimana/Alcune espressioni di tempo. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 10- Lezione 4. Presente dei verbi regolari in ere. Formulare le domande. Verbi irregolari: dare/fare/stare. Conoscere l’Italia-La Sicilia-Riposto (Catania) Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. Quarto Quiz – Lezione 4 – Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11- Lezione 5. Ad un ballo in maschera. Dove fare gli acquisti. Vocabolario. Pronuncia. Ampliamento del vocabolario. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 12- Lezione 5. Concordanza degli aggettivi qualificativi. Posizione degli aggettivi con i nom. Presente dei verbi irregolari in ire. Esercizi dal Testo e dal Workbook. 13- Lezione 5. Verbi irregolari: andare e venire. Conoscere l’ItaliaL’Umbria-Le attrazioni dell’Umbria. Ampliamento del vocabolario. 14- Lezione 6. Inizio della lezione e del passato prossimo. 15- PRESENTAZIONI ORALI Ripasso.