World Military Spending

Please choose one of the following 6 topics for the government writing assignment:
1. “First to Worst”: California’s Education System in Crisis
2. Outsourcing
3. Healthcare in the U.S.
4. The Iraq War/Occupation/Aftermath
5. Gay Marriage
6. Media Issues
You will find background information on each issue along with online articles to use below. Note that
you can find a lot of information by reading the online editions of newspapers and magazines. You can
access online versions of most newspapers and magazines
using the library’s database collection at:
TOPIC 1. First to Worst: California’s Education System in Crisis
Background: California has the largest school system in the nation, with one in every eight American
students going to school here. In the 1950s and 1960s, California schools were the best in the country, and
had an international reputation. By the mid-1990s, California’s schools were tied for last with Mississippi.
On the most recent national assessment, California students ranked 9th from the bottom in math, reading
and science. According to the U.S. Department of Education, California, the country's richest state, ranks
44th in the country in spending per pupil (adjusted for the cost of living. The unadjusted figure is 37th).
One source of the crisis was the anti-tax movement of the 1970's and 80's, which drastically reduced
funds for schools. However, there are many other contributing factors (see the news articles below.) The
issue has recently received much attention with the airing of "First to Worst," a PBS documentary about
the dire state of California schools. In the documentary, a former high ranking education official says of
public schools in California: "they’re like Calcutta." John Deasy, superintendent of the Santa MonicaMalibu School District, is asked what Californians would do if they could see normal school conditions in
states such as Michigan, Iowa or Connecticut. "They'd move," he replies without hesitation. Many critics
argue that this problem threatens the economic, social and political future of California.
■ PBS Merrow Report: “From First to Worst” and
■ “'First to Worst' a call to fund quality education.” Marshall Smith. San Francisco Chronicle, February 4,
■ “No More Tinkering: Remake the Schools.” John Merrow. Los Angeles Times, February 4, 2004.,1,3600249.story
TOPIC 2: Outsourcing
A major topic of debate amongst politicians, academics and media pundits involves outsourcing. With the
emergence of broadband and other communication technologies, it is possible to outsource an increasing
number of professional and service jobs. In the recent past, blue collar manufacturing jobs moved
overseas as U.S. companies tried to increase profits and decrease costs (workers in manufacturing tended
to find replacement jobs in the service sector.) Now, however, professional jobs in computer
programming, financial analysis, accounting and the medical sector are starting to be outsourced. For
example, Kristof makes the case that
One reason for the jobless recovery in the U.S. is that it doesn't make much sense to have an
American radiologist, say, examine your X-ray when it can be done so much more cheaply in
New Delhi. Indeed, why should computer software be written, taxes prepared, pathology
specimens examined, financial analysis done or homework graded in the U.S., when all of that
can be done more cheaply in Bangalore? I.B.M. is moving thousands of jobs to India and China,
and Reuters says it will have Indian reporters cover some U.S. companies from there.
In a sign of rising tension over outsourcing, California is considering legislation that would ban
government vendors from sending contract work overseas. Politicians in California have introduced a bill
aimed at prohibiting call centers for state services such as welfare and food stamps from moving offshore
India is emerging as an important player in the outsourcing business. Indian students usually speak
English, and India produces large numbers of talented computer programmers, engineers, accountants and
medical personnel. The articles below make a number of different arguments about whether outsourcing
is a problem, and what should be done about it.
■ Bob Herbert, “Theory vs. Reality”. New York Times op-ed. Argues that outsourcing represents a
serious threat to American workers.
■ Thomas L. Friedman, “Meet the Zippies.” New York Times op-ed. Argues for outsourcing, but also
argues that the impact on American workers must be carefully managed.
■ E. J. Dionne Jr., “A Voice Of Trade Rebellion.” Washington Post op-ed about outsourcing. Discusses
the issue in relation the upcoming presidential elections.
■ Thomas L. Friedman, “Small and Smaller.” Argues that outsourcing is part of a major change in the
nature of globalization.
■ Daniel H. Pink. “The New Face of the Silicon Age: How India became the capital of the computing
revolution.” Wired article arguing that outsourcing is beneficial.
■ Warren Vieth and Edwin Chen, “Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas” Los Angeles Times article on a
report by the Bush administration which argues that while outsourcing may be painful in the short term, it
will enrich the economy eventually.
■ Nicholas D. Kristof, “Watching the Jobs Go By.” New York Times op-ed. Argues that fears of
outsourcing are exaggerated.
Paul Krugman, “The Trade Tightrope” Argues for a “balanced” approach to outsourcing.
■ Brian Behlendorf, “How outsourcing will save the world.” Argues that outsourcing of white-collar jobs
to developing nations is essential to global peace and prosperity.
TOPIC 3: Healthcare in the U.S.
Healthcare is shaping up to be a major issue in the upcoming presidential elections. Health insurance
premiums are increasing an average of 13 percent per year, coverage is shrinking, and employers are
increasingly asking workers to pay a greater share of the costs (one of the main issues in the current
supermarket strike). The U.S. spends far more than any other country in the world on healthcare (about
15% of GDP.) Yet there are about 40 million Americans without health insurance, and many millions
who are underinsured. California alone has 7 million residents without health insurance (a 2000 World
Health Organization analysis of the world's health systems ranked the U.S. 37th out of 191 countries.) The
U.S. health system is unusual for a developed country, in that it is largely private, paid through employers
(rather than through taxes) and is more profit-driven. Some critics say this leads to problems. For
example, if you lose your job, you usually lose healthcare coverage. If you lose your job and have an
ongoing medical condition, an employer may not want to hire you for fear of the health insurance costs.
Or you may feel tied to a job in order to keep the health benefits. People without health insurance still
have to be treated, so they turn up at emergency rooms when they are sick. This can cause dangerous
overcrowding at peak times, and it can increase costs – rather than getting cheap preventative medicine,
people without insurance may turn up at the emergency room when their health problems are serious and
much more expensive to treat. The Institute of Medicine, an independent, non-profit group which advises
Congress and the federal government on health matters, recently released a report stating that 18,000
people die every year because they lack health insurance, and that "Uninsured Americans get about half
the medical care of those with health insurance…as a result, they tend to be sicker and die sooner." (Fox.)
Another aspect of this problem is that the U.S. pays more for drugs than any other country in the world. A
growing number of patients are traveling to (or placing internet orders to) Canada and Mexico to buy
drugs, where they are sometimes 60% to 70% cheaper. Many of these people are seniors, for whom drug
prices have become a huge issue. The recently passed Medicare bill may help, but many criticisms
surround it. Some of the main criticisms are: a) it is too expensive, and too generous to drug companies,
b) some seniors may still have to pay too much, c) it bans the government from using its bulk purchasing
power to get discounts, and d) it bans the purchase of drugs at cheaper prices from countries like Canada.
■ Angell, “The Forgotten Domestic Crisis.” Describes problems with current health system and proposes
■ “Health-care meltdown,” Ruth Rosen. Argues that the system in California is melting down, and a
“single-payer system” is the solution.
■ Maggie Fox, “U.S. Advisers Call for Universal Health Care.” Describes a report by the Institute of
Medicine, which argues that we urgently need universal health coverage because those without health
insurance are sicker, die sooner and get half the medical care of those with health insurance
■ E. J. Dionne Jr., “Medicare Monstrosity.” Critical examination of the new Medicare bill.
■ Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, “Why We Pay So Much For Drugs.” TIME magazine article
exploring why Americans pay more than anyone else for drugs.
■ WHO Comparison of Health Systems
The study compares health systems, and concludes that the U.S. health system spends a higher portion of
its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37th out of 191 countries.
TOPIC 4: The Iraq War/Occupation/Aftermath
Debates about various aspects of the war are a huge issue as the November election approaches. You can
use the articles we read in class, which are at:
Alternatively, you can focus on more recent aspect of the war/occupation. Most major newspapers and
magazines are covering debates about the occupation.
TOPIC 5: Gay Marriage
Gay marriage is a very hot topic at present, and looks set to be a major issue in the upcoming election.
The following op-ed pieces represent a range of different positions. The can all be accessed at:
1. "The Other Marriage War" E. J. Graff
2. "Gay Marriage Devalues Women," William Mattox Jr.
3. "Marriage: Mix and Match" By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF
4. "A modest gay marriage proposal," Clarence Page
5. "Marriage: One Man, One Woman," Robert H Knight Peter Sprigg
6. "Move in Ohio to Ban Gay Marriage," CHRISTINE HAUSER
7. "Denial of gay rights an unethical trend," Matt FitzGerald DAILY AZTEC
8. "The Joy of Marriage," Frank Rich
9. "Joining the Debate but Missing the Point," Nathaniel Frank
You can choose one of the many issues we have looked at this semester, or examine issues we have not
covered. You can write on media and violence, media influence, media agenda setting, media “bias,”
media and democracy, etc.
Issue Paper #2 – Website Creation
The issues paper this week is going to be replaced by you creating a website and submitting it
to me upon completion.
1. Go to My website and select an issue from the four that are posted.
2. Research the issue and take notes from your research about the issue.
3. State your opinion about the issue using facts from the articles that you have found
about the topic.
4. Go to
a. This is the site building program that you will use to build your website.
b. Log in by giving an email address and creating a password.
c. You then will then click on Create your own website.
d. Follow all instructions to successfully create your site.
5. To turn in your issue related website you must turn in your newly created web
address to me by Wednesday, September 23.
Issues to choose from:
1. World Military Spending
Last updated Sunday, June 30, 2013.
World military spending had reduced since the Cold War ended, but a few nations such as the
US retain high level spending.
In recent years, global military expenditure has increased again and is now comparable to Cold
War levels. Recent data shows global spending at over $1.7 trillion. 2012 saw the first dip in
spending — only slightly —since 1998, in an otherwise rising trend.
The highest military spender is the US accounting for almost two-fifths of the world’s spending,
more than the rest of the G7 (most economically advanced countries) combined, and more than
all its potential enemies, combined.
Read “World Military Spending” to learn more
2. Global Financial Crisis
Last updated Sunday, March 24, 2013.
Following a period of economic boom, a financial bubble — global in scope —
burst, even causing some of the world’s largest financial institutions have collapsed. With the
resulting recession, many governments of the wealthiest nations in the world have resorted to
extensive bail-out and rescue packages for the remaining large banks and financial institutions
while imposing harsh austerity measures on themselves.
Some of the bail-outs have also led to charges of hypocrisy due to the apparent socializing of the
costs while privatizing the profits. Furthermore, the institutions being rescued are typically the
ones got the world into this trouble in the first place. For smaller businesses and poorer people,
such options for bail out and rescue are rarely available when they find themselves in crisis.
Plummeting stock markets at one point wiped out 33% of the value of companies, $14.5 trillion.
Taxpayers bailed out their banks and financial institutions with large amounts of money. US
taxpayers alone have spent some $9.7 trillion in bailout packages and plans. The UK and other
European countries have also spent some $2 trillion on rescues and bailout packages. More is
expected. Much more.
Such numbers, made quickly available, are enough to wipe many individual’s mortgages, or
clear out third world debt many times over. Even the high military spending figures are dwarfed
by the bailout plans to date.
This problem could have been averted (in theory) as people had been pointing to these issues for
decades. However, during boom, very few want to hear such pessimism. Does this crisis spell an
end to the careless forms of banking and finance and will it herald a better economic age, or are
we just doomed to keep forgetting history and repeat these mistakes in the future? Signs are not
encouraging as rich nations are resisting meaningful reform…
Read “Global Financial Crisis” to learn more.
3. Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions
Last updated Sunday, March 03, 2013.
It has long been feared that human activity is causing massive
extinctions. Despite increased efforts at conservation, it has not been enough and biodiversity
losses continue. The costs associated with deteriorating or vanishing ecosystems will be high.
However, sustainable development and consumption would help avert ecological problems.
Read “Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions” to learn more.
4. Tax Avoidance and Tax Havens; Undermining
Last updated Monday, January 07, 2013.
Through tax havens, transfer pricing and many other policies —
both legal and illegal — billions of dollars of tax are avoided. The much-needed money would
helped developing (and developed) countries provide important social services for their
Some tax avoidance, regardless of how morally objectionable it may be to some people, is
perfectly legal, and the global super elite are able to hide away trillions of dollars, resulting in
massive losses of tax revenues for cash-strapped governments who then burden ordinary citizens
further with austerity measures during economic crisis, for example. Yet these super elite are
often very influential in politics and business. In effect, they are able to undermine democracy
and capitalism at the same time.
As the global financial crisis has affected many countries, tackling tax avoidance would help
target those more likely to have contributed to the problem while avoid many unnecessary
austerity measures that hit the poorest so hard. But despite rhetoric stating otherwise, it does not
seem to high on the agenda of many governments as you might think.
Read “Tax Avoidance and Tax Havens; Undermining Democracy” to learn more.