
Mormon History
Overview of Mormon Faith
Most successful/distinctive religion born in USA
Founded as a “Restoration Movement” in 1830 by
Joseph Smith Jr.
 Official Names / Divisions
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
 Community of Christ (Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of LDS)
 Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
 Multiple “restoration” factions
Mormon History
Overview of Mormon Faith
Organizational Features of LDS
Hierarchical structure directed by “General
 Control via “priesthood”
Melchizedek order (higher)
 Aaronic order (lesser)
Priesthood exclusively male domain
 Church organized administratively
Wards and Stakes
 General Conferences
Mormon History
Overview of Mormon Faith
Church growth and resources
Annual membership increase of nearly 400,000
 Outstanding missionary effort (61,000 active)
 Membership characterized by thriftiness / zeal
High profile – potent social/political force
Highly visible Mormon institutions
 Multiple educational facilities
 Mutual Improvement Association
 Highly influential membership
Mormon History
LDS Origins: History of Joseph Smith Jr.
Heritage and Early Life – The Family Traditions
Joseph Smith Jr. born Dec 23, 1805 in Sharon, VT
 Family of social misfortunes
 Family relocated to Palmyra NY
Father continued unsuccessful farming
 No formal church affiliation, but very “religious” family
Joseph enamored by father’s hobbies / worldviews
Money-digging became his avid pastime
 Often recounted fantastic native civilization stories
Mormon History
LDS Origins: History of Joseph Smith Jr.
The Visions [in “The Pearl of
Great Price”]
The Back Woods Theophany of 1820
Joseph purposed to find true church
 Bright light vision in appearance of two “personages”
 Message: All Christian traditions/creeds were wrong, he
should join none of them
The Bedside Epiphany of 1823
Appearance of angel Moroni, son of Mormon
 Commission / instructions given concerning golden
 Delayed four years before permitted to recover
Role of Emma Hale of Harmony Pennsylvania
Mormon History
LDS Initial Developments
Translating the Gold Plates – A Team Project
Slow process filled with interruptions
Transfer to PA for translation work
 Tools for the task (Urim and Thummim)
Smith’s peculiar cavalier attitude
Plates not well-guarded
 Loaned and lost translation
Peculiar Methodist affiliation in 1828
Join church, but dropped under protests
 Unanswered questions…
Mormon History
LDS Initial Developments
Arrival of Oliver Cowdery (April 1829)
Schoolteacher convinced to investigate further
 Soon converted and began serving as scribe
 Smith desires him as “Translator”
Restoration of Aaronic Priesthood (May, 1829)
Smith & Cowdery– epiphany of John the Baptist
 New gift of prophecy and spiritual understanding
 Beginning of organization structure of LDS
Mormon History
LDS Initial Developments
Witnesses to the Golden Plates
At request of closest associates
 Vital “testimony” secured, but not of physical
witness to plates
Publication of the Book of Mormon (1830)
Martin Harris offered his property for purpose
 Book was published, advertised by Harris and
associates, and $1.25 / copy
Mormon History
LDS Initial Developments
Initiation of Priesthood of Melchizedek (April 1830)
Eight additional witnesses from inner circle
Melchizedek Priesthood then conferred in epiphany of Apostles
Peter, James and John
April 6th 1830, they lay hands on each other at farmhouse of
Peter Whitmer – ordaining as Elders
Initial LDS conference (June 9, 1830)
Thirty men gathered organize new religious society
Commissioned missionaries armed with Book of Mormon
Secured the “conversion” of Sidney Rigdon
Mormon History
LDS Transitions
The Kirtland Sojourning (1831-1838)
Church practices/doctrines expanded
Initial Officers appointed
Ongoing revelations
Mob violence against LDS leaders
Book of Abraham produced by Smith
Temple Dedication, 1836
Organization of a Bank, 1836
Mormon History
LDS Transitions
The new Zion – Independence Missouri
Frustrated followers emigrating to Jackson County
Smith purchased 63 acres deemed as “holy ground”
Growing hostility from neighbors
Mob Violence and Zion’s Camp
Role of Brigham Young emerges
Situation back in Kirtland deteriorating
Final Straw – Governor’s Evacuation Order
Mormon History
LDS Transitions
Prophecy, Power, and Polygamy Collide for
Smith in Nauvoo (1839-1844)
Huge population swell / Smith gains civil powers
Controversial aspects of Mormonism emerge
Masonic Lodge influences / Thirteen Articles of Faith
Increasing public criticism & analysis of actions
Martyrdom of the LDS Prophet-King
Burning of the Nauvoo Expositor / Mob justice
Mormon History
LDS Transitions
Leadership Transition and Migration West
No automatic line of succession -- rival claims arose
Brigham Young forced to remove group for survival
Arduous journey to Great Salt Lake valley (1846)
Salt Lake City – The Mormon empire in Utah
B. Young as Prophet, Seer and Revelator for 30 years
Confrontation with neighbors remained problem
Mountain Meadow Massacre, 1857
US interventions ended Mormon political hegemony
Mormon History
LDS Transitions
New historical era – Post Brigham Young
Significant changes in church after 1877
1890 Manifesto: Woodruff ends polygamy
Capitulation to appease government
Immense ramifications
Sign of new times
Original Mormon church come to end
Time to systematize / sanitize teachings from Smith
Authoritative Writings
“Four Standard Works”
The Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants
135 subsequent revelations compiled from 1830-1844
Issues of church organization/practices/doctrines
The Pearl of Great Price
Two ancient civilizations in Americas, fulfilling new covenant to Israel
Book of Moses, Book of Abraham and accounts of initial commission
Holy Bible
KJV insofar as it is properly translated—Article 8
Authoritative Writings
Overview of the “Book of Mormon”
Condensed history of high points of two ancient
civilizations located in Americas
Authored by prophet Mormon, and his son Moroni
 “Reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics” on plates of gold
 Unearthed 1400 years later by Joseph Smith
The plot of the book
Jaredites: (2250 BC) emigration and destruction
 Nephites: (600 BC) Lehi’s descendents war with Lamanites
 Christ visits Americas, revealing himself to Nephites
 Nephites annihilated at battle near hill Cumorah in 421
Authoritative Writings
Stated Purpose of the Book of Mormon
Eludes theologians, archaeologists & anthropologists
For Mormons, Bible predicts the Book of Mormon
Arguments against veracity of Book of
Dubious Authorship: Mormon and Moroni?
Solomon Spalding Theory
Ethan Smith Influence
Joseph Smith’s own lively imagination
Authoritative Writings
Arguments against veracity of Book of Mormon
Fraudulent transcription
Baseless claim of “Reformed Egyptian Hieroglyphics”
Transcription marked by deception & conflicting accounts
Very existence of plates is dubious at best
Archaeologically Untenable (anachronistic accounting)
Anthropologically Incorrect
Civilizations are beyond belief or obvious historical record
Little if any geno-typical / pheno-typical correlations
Multiple textual errors, contradictions, corrections
Authoritative Writings
Arguments against integrity of Author
Life story riddled with suspicion
Inconsistent accountings, frequent contradictions
 Unethical scheming/manipulative/controlling behaviors
It is possible to separate human character from divine
For Mormonism, this is not valid procedure…
 Smith is the vessel of revelation, thus the agency of their
 If character is untrustworthy, his message is at least
Mormon Doctrines
Mormonism’s Continuing Revelation
Enabled required metamorphosis for historical/local context
Created internal conflict with new doctrines and rituals
Doctrines emerged coincidentally with Mormon growth
Thirteen Articles of Faith appeared during Nauvoo period
Mormon doctrinal development has three major features:
1) Priesthood offers keys to exaltation
2) Family: basic unit of salvation
3) Afterlife: continuity of eternal union of preexistent souls
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of God
Trinitarian Ambiguity
Official Mormon Trinitarian teaching
Mormonism teaches a plurality of gods
"Elohim" as "the council of the gods" in creation
Bible references to One God as “one God pertaining to us”
Materialism: The Adam-God doctrines
Both the Father and Son possess material bodies
God is married and has a mother and father
Each god is begotten of other gods in succession
God and the plurality of gods were men before they were gods
Humankind, is likewise destined to become a god
“As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become”
Peculiar Adam-God doctrine of B. Young
Adam is our Father God, the “only God with whom we have to do.”
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of Jesus Christ
JC as founder of faith – our “elder brother”
 Confess Jesus was “son of God”
Reject his divinity implies he is the unique Son of God
Distort Virgin Birth
Actually conclude Lucifer is within brotherhood of Jesus
Jesus born from Father God impregnating Mary
Work of Christ explained in equivocal language
Atonement affects two different kinds of salvation
General: granted to all on basis of Christ’s resurrection
Individual: Christ’s work is enabling grounds upon which our
obedience effects salvation
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of Salvation
Christ’s resurrection enables all to resurrect
 Atonement is partial grounds for resurrection to
spiritual life
Saved by both grace and works of law
Plan of salvation processes through series of stages
All humans have pre-existent souls as spirit children of God
 Enter into earthly life gaining physical/mortal body
 Prove worthiness to be saved by keeping ordinances
 At time of death, the spirit awaits the general resurrection
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of The Blood Atonement
B. Young: “A man might be killed to save his soul”
Mormons deny the doctrine ever practiced
Heinous sins, for which cannot receive forgiveness in this
world, or world to come, can be atoned for by one’s own
blood, spilt on ground, that “the smoke thereof might
arise to heaven as an offering for their sins…”
Still argue, most humane form of capital punishment
Doctrine totally foreign to scripture
Teaches Christ’s blood alone atones
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of the Church
Exclusively claim priesthood of Aaron & Melchizedek
 LDS is the true church of God on earth
Doctrine of Preexistent Spirit Life
All humans preexisted as spirits
 God is literal parent of every human being
 Human preexistence & incarnation parallels Christ’s
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of End Things: Eschatology
Specific, literal Zionist model
Mormons as the gathering of Ephraimites
During millennium, two resurrections will take place
Righteous raised to meet Lord and descend with him
Peaceful millennium, baptisms for dead, led by JC
Millennium ends with second resurrection for wicked
Satan & forces of evil unite against JC who defeats them
Prepares way for final judgment which dissolves earth in preparation
for eternity as resurrected celestial body like the sun/stars
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of End Things: Eschatology
Final state divided into four classes of existence
Sons of Perdition
Telestial Kingdom (most populated)
Located on a planet, as repository for souls of lawless and wicked who
after much punishment will be offered salvation
Terrestrial Kingdom
Devil, demons, and humans who committed unpardonable sin
Located on specific planet/sphere for those of questionable faith
Less faithful / rejected gospel, but again embraced it in the afterlife
Celestial Kingdom (on recreated sanctified earth)
Reserved for the righteous and faithful who live forever in family unit
with millions of spirit children to inhabit the earth they will form
Mormon Doctrines
Doctrine of Worship & Religious Observances
Ward Meetings
 Word of Wisdom
 Tithing
 Sacraments of Lord’s Supper and Baptism
 Temple Ceremonies
 Celestial Marriage
 Baptism for the Dead
Reaching Mormons
Key attractions
Traditional family values and wholesome lifestyle
 Positive view of humanity, nearly all go to heaven
 Claim to be truly restored church
Key challenges
Self-perception as “true” Christians
 Non-biblical sources of authority
 Ignorance of own history
 Blurring of doctrinal distinctives
Reaching Mormons
Reaching Out to Mormons
Problem of finding common ground
 Publication of scholarly research
 Insider Bridging
Some strategic approaches
1) Target points of incoherence in Mormon beliefs
To begin from Bible is fraught with difficulties
 Prepare for “inner testimony” assuring their correctness
 Be on guard for equivocation of biblical terms/concepts
 Focus on key distinguishing doctrines
God’s nature, salvation, grace/works, eternal life, final authority
Reaching Mormons
Some strategic approaches
2) Demonstrate inconsistencies between Mormon
authoritative sources and current practices
If I believed the Book of Mormon were true, I would have to believe your
church is false; if I believed your church were true, I would have to believe
the Book of Mormon is false.”
3) Note contradictions in their own words and writings
Attitude can be mistaken as condescending and critical
Smith’s changing “revelations” are legitimate target
Blend methods of approach stressing God’s forgiving love
Approach from angle: What is God doing in your life?