Culture Test: Sociology Concepts & Definitions

Culture Test (Ch. 2)
(Place a T or F in the space provided)
_____1. A counterculture rejects all the following EXCEPT
A. Values
B. Norms
C. Symbols
D. Practices
_____2. British drinking tea is an example of
A. Values
B. Folkways
C. Mores
D. Norms
_____3. To view one’s own culture and group as superior is referred to as
A. Subculture
B. Culture
C. Ethnocentrism
D. Sociological perspective
_____4. Norms that have great significance
A. Values
B. Folkways
C. Norms
D. Mores
_____5. All of the following are true about society EXCEPT
A. People who live in a geographic area
B. People who feel unity
C. People who are the same age
D. People who share a common culture
_____6. The disruption that people feel when they encounter cultures radically different from
their own is referred to as
A. Culture shock
B. Cultural relativism
B. Cultural lag
D. Ethnocentrism
_____7. What may create and reinforce inaccurate perceptions based on gender, race, ethnicity,
or other human attributes
A. Values
B. Symbols
C. Cultural universals
D. Language
_____8. All of the following are part of material culture EXCEPT
A. Cars, books, and ideas
B. Computers, tvs, and radios
C. Newspapers, buildings, and clothing
D. All of the above
_____9. William F. Ogburn is associated with
A. Cultural universals
B. Cultural relativism
C. Cultural lag
D. Cultural imperialism
_____10. The need for the same common tools in order to survive
A. Cultural lag
B. Cultural universals
C. Cultural relativism
D. Cultural shock
_____11. Shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act in specific situations
A. Norms
B. Values
C. Folkways
D. Mores
_____12. The belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards
A. Cultural universals
B. Cultural relativism
C. Functionalists
D. Manifest function
_____13. Saying thank you after a meal that was cooked for you is an example of
A. Values
B. Mores
C. Norms
D. Folkways
(Place a T or F in the space provided)
_____14. According to cultural imperialism, the world is becoming westernized.
_____15. Norms are mores so strongly held that their violation is considered to be extremely
_____16. Symbols are any word, gesture, image, sound physical object, event or element that
people recognize its particular meaning.
_____17. Folkways are norms for routine or casual interaction.
_____18. Values are the organization of written or spoken symbols into a standardized system
_____19. Most sociologists believe that language determines your behaviors.
_____20. The difference between society and culture is that society consists of people while
culture consists of the products people create.
_____21. Mores and folkways branch off from norms.
(Place the letter next to the best definition…not all will be used)
A. Cultural heterogeneity
G. Cultural transmission
B. Sapir-Whof Hypothesis
H. Cultural homogeneity
C. Counterculture
I. Cultural relativism
D. Cultural shock
J. Subculture
E. Cultural diversity
K. Cultural Imperialism
F. Ethnocentrism
_____22. Refers to the wide range of cultural differences found between and witin nations
_____23. Refers to the societies with very similar social, religious and political backgrounds
_____24. Refers to societies with very diverse cultural components
_____25. Strongly reject dominant social values and norms and therefore seek alternative
_____26. Category of people who share distinguishing attributes, beliefs, values, and/or norms
that set them apart in some significant manner from the dominant culture
_____27. The extensive infusion of one’s nation’s culture into other nations
_____28. The process by which one generation passes culture to the next
_____29. Language shapes the view of its speakers
30. _____________________________________ are shared beliefs of what is wrong and right
or good and bad.
31. _________________________ compiled a list of cultural universities
32. Physical objects, values, and beliefs make up _________________________________.
33. An example of a ___________________________________ is the Amish.
34. An example of a ________________________________________ is a cult.
35. Your grandparents not understanding why you are always on your phone texting is an
example of _________________________________.
36-37. ____________________________________ is what you people really do while
___________________________________ is what people profess to value.
38-42. List the 5 basic components of culture
43-53. List the 10 U.S. main values.