USAAVNC Reg 350-4 & USAACE Reg 350-3 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Learning Objectives Be able prepare a classroom for instruction as per USAACE Reg 350-3 and USAAVNC 350-4. Be able to manage a class without distractions. Purpose 350-4. To establish responsibilities and standardize procedures concerning the utilization of classrooms at the United States Army Aviation Center (USAAVNC). Responsibilities. Formal and informal programs of instruction; i.e., company training, will conform to this regulation. Procedures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prior to class Inspect the classroom. Adequate heating and cooling. Adequate lighting. Adequate seating and working space. Required training aids. Eliminate all possible distraction. Current Lesson Plan available for visitor. Visitor’s Table Visitor’s Sign Pen Note pad on Left-hand side of folder LP/folder open w/LP and USAAVANC (DPTMSEC) Form 716 on right-hand side Conduct of Students The instructor is responsible for student conduct during class. The class or section leader is responsible for student conduct prior to class and during breaks. Reason for 350-4 1. Creating a learning environment. 2. Maintaining discipline. 3. Structure. 4. Preparing for IP of the quarter. USAACE 350-3 Dated 17 SEP 08 PURPOSE. To establish policies and procedures for scheduling instructional units, classrooms, transportation requirements, troop support, aircraft, stagefields, and other required support for the United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence (USAACE). SCHEDULING PROCESS. Quarterly 5 weeks prior 4 weeks prior 3 weeks prior 2 weeks prior 1 week prior SQUARING BN vs Fort Rucker Aircraft MSN SYMBOLS USAACE 350-3 AM NLT 1500 (Day prior) PM NLT 2100 (Day prior) AF1 AM3 AF2 AS6 SQUARING TIMES ACTUAL TIME N1 0830 SAME DAY GF1 AM 1430 NEXT DAY GF2 PM 2045 NEXT DAY N1 NLT 0900 (same day) AF7 GF7 All changes to the 325 must be made NLT 30 mins prior to squaring times TRAINING SCHEDULE The G-3 Scheduling Section will publish training schedules for each resident class at the USAACE (excluding enlisted and professional development courses) for compliance by students, instructors, and USAACE staff agencies. a. The training schedules are prepared from information posted to the master course flows that have been coordinated with training departments, 110th AB, and support agencies for each course prior to implementation. b. Organizations desiring to make changes to the master course flow will coordinate the changes through the responsible program of instruction (POI) proponent. The responsible POI proponent will send master changes to the G-3 Scheduling Section to be implemented into the final training schedules. c. 1AB will produce professional development training schedules. SCHEDULE CHANGES Instructional department representatives may make changes to the final training schedules in the following manner: a. Authorized representatives must review and approve all requests for schedule changes. Submit all changes via electronic USAACE Form 118-E (Student Schedule Change). Changes should reach the G-3 Scheduling Section NLT 3 duty days prior to the date of presentation to allow sufficient time for notification of affected departments. Changes to start date or class extension must go through the 110th AB S3 and to the G-3 RTMD for approval or disapproval. See Page 2 paragraph 5, c-e for more information. Flight Simulator Scheduling Warrior Hall (1) Approved POI. Flight battalions will assign projected requirements in the Education, Training, and Administration (ETA) Web-based scheduling program as early as 3 weeks prior to applicable training or NLT 1400hours on the Thursday of the week prior to projected training. Flight battalions will schedule (assign simulators with the instructor pilot (IP) and student names) and clear any unneeded simulators previously assigned. On the Friday prior to use, any simulator that is assigned but not scheduled can be cleared (made available for use) by Warrior Hall Operations to facilitate lower priority training, with the exception of those assigned for the Rotary Wing Instrument Flight Examiner Course. Flight Simulator Scheduling Goodhand Approved POI. Flight battalions will assign projected requirements in the ETA Web-based scheduling program at least 3 weeks prior to applicable training. NLT 1400 hours on the Thursday of the week preceding training, flight battalions will schedule (assigned simulators with the IP’s name) and clear any unneeded simulators assigned. On the Friday prior to use, any simulator that is assigned but not scheduled will be cleared (made available for use) by Goodhand Operations for lower priority training. Simulator Priorities 1. 2. 3. 4. Approved POI. Reimbursable Support. ARNG. ATP Aviators. Adherence to the preceding priorities will be enforced. Under no circumstances will higher priority categories schedule over off-post personnel traveling to utilize the devices without a 72-hour notice. Aircraft Priorities 1. Battalion and brigade commander directed flights. 2. Flight School XXI undergraduate. 3. Method of instruction (MOI). 4. Graduate student training and support (Maintenance Test Pilot Course (MTPC) and Instructor Pilot Course). 5. Aviator Qualification Course. 6. Reimbursables Aircraft Priorities 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Staff/Faculty aircrew training manual and refresher training. Other student support and administrative requirements. The 110th AB S3 will review weekly aircraft requirements. Local MOI will be limited to that which is mission essential. Local MOI training will be conducted for aviators assigned to an instructor, section leader, platoon leader, or company commander position as well as those that are designated by the 110th AB commander. 12. Aircraft required for annual standardization, ATP minimums, local transition, and refresher training flights will be scheduled through the Aircrew Training Management Division, USAACE G-3. 13. Battalion and brigade staff and commander’s aircraft will be scheduled on an as-needed basis. Usage of aircraft by commanders and/or their representatives is restricted to that required for direct supervision of student training. Aircraft authorized for this purpose are OH-58A/C and TH-67 with proper forecast. USAACE 350-3 ALSO COVERS CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTS STUDENT EQUIPMENT AND REFERENCES MASTER COURSE FLOWS STUDENT TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR STAGEFIELD AND RANGE SUPPORT USAACE 350-3 ALSO COVERS WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY REQUESTS FOR AIRCRAFT FLIGHT TRAINING PERIODS DA FORM 2408-12 (CODING FORM) INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF AIRCRAFT INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF AIRCRAFT 1. ACLC has the responsibility of monitoring and administering the aircraft maintenance contract at Fort Rucker. To adequately perform this mission, we need your assistance and support. IAW the aircraft maintenance services contract, the responsibility for inspection and acceptance of aircraft rests with you (the pilot, copilot, IP, student pilot, or crew chief), and you will determine if the aircraft meets the requirement for which it is to be used. 2. To assist you in conducting your inspection, the following lists of contract responsibilities and information items are provided. Items marked with an * are required by contract. *a. Perform a preflight inspection, runup, and depart the assigned parking pad within 2 hours of the issue time (3 hours for maintenance test pilot aircraft). *b. Record all discrepancies on DA Form 2408-13. (Enter the time the discrepancy was found following the writeup and sign the entry.) *c. If a fault is discovered during the preflight inspection or during aircraft runup that must be corrected prior to flight, contact the contractor and ACLC. The contractor must be allowed a minimum of 30 minutes to correct the fault and return the aircraft to service before rejecting the aircraft. The IP/PC may allow the contractor additional time at his/her discretion before rejecting the aircraft. d. Do not engage in arguments with contract personnel, but contact ACLC. e. If your issued aircraft is not flyable, request a spare through ACLC from the contractor. *f. Return the aircraft to the assigned pad, make logbook entries, and leave the aircraft by the published downtime unless you receive an authorized extension through ACLC. g. Do not overfly phase inspection times on DA Form 2408-13. h. Upon returning from a flight, park the aircraft on its assigned parking spot (noted on front of the logbook). i. Perform a postflight inspection and record any discrepancies found on DA Form 2408-13. If the discrepancy requires correction prior to the next issue period, notify the contractor. If contractor personnel are unavailable, stop at the ACLC office on your way off the flight line or call with the information. ACLC will notify the contractor. (This reduces the possibility of an aircraft being reissued in an unacceptable status.) j. Do not enter the maintenance hangars or shops without obtaining approval from ACLC first. ACLC is here to assist you. If you have any questions or comments or just want to see a copy of the contract, please do not hesitate to call or stop by the ACLC Field Office. k. ACLC is dependent on input from IPs/PCs regarding the unacceptable condition of the aircraft issued for training. USAAWC Form 67-R (ACR) is the tool available for providing information to ACLC. IP/PC input can make a difference. QUESTIONS?