2015 Budget Hearing – November 17, 2014 Meeting Posted

2015 Budget Hearing – November 17, 2014
Meeting Posted Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 4:00 PM at the Bayfield Town Hall, Town
Garage, Star Route Garage, the Town website, and submitted to the Ashland Daily Press
Meeting Notices. Chairman Thomas J. Gordon and Supervisors Gerald Carlson, Craig
Hoopman, Karen Boutin, and Robert Meierotto were present, as well as Clerk Kelly Faye,
Treasurer Larry Weber, and Road Foreman Chuck Cadotte. Approximately four members of the
public were present. Chairman Gordon called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. The Pledge of
Allegiance was recited by all present.
Convene public hearing on Proposed 2015 Budget: Chairman Gordon introduced Clerk Faye
to summarize the Year-End 2014 Revenues & Expenses.
Presentation on Year-End 2014 Revenues & Expenses: Clerk Faye stated that copies of the
budget were available for public viewing on the back table and were included in the Town Board
Supervisor booklets. Faye summarized the 2014 revenues and expenditures to date and year end
projections using the 2014 section of the 2015 proposed budget document. The 2014 revenues
January through September 2014 totaled $882,343 and the expenses totaled $815,667. The
estimated revenue for 2014 is $1,190,385, while the estimated expenditure is $1,147,097, leaving
an estimated balance on 12/31/14 of $43,288.
Presentation on Proposed 2015 Revenues & Expenses: Faye explained that the 2014 Budget
was $1,141,898 and the proposed 2015 Budget is $1,412,464. Chairman Gordon explained that
increase in the 2015 budget is due to the inclusion of funding for the TRIP-D Star Route
Reconstruction Project.
Receive public input on Proposed Budget: David Galazen stated that he had an issue with lines
123-130 of the proposed budget, which covers the Road Wages and Salaries, Crew Expenses,
Payroll Expenses, Life and Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Retirement, Unemployment
Insurance and Workman’s Comp. Galazen stated that he was against the 2.5% increase in salary
for the road workers. He also stated that he is against the 4-day workweek in the summertime.
Chairman Gordon responded by explaining the challenges involved in the road worker job
descriptions and what a good job they do. He thanked Galazen for his comments.
Adjourn public hearing on Proposed 2015 Budget: Chairman Gordon adjourned the meeting
at 6:40 PM.
Special Electors Meeting – November 17, 2014- Immediately Following Budget Hearing
Call to order: The Town Board member joined the members of the public in the audience.
Gordon called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM.
To adopt the 2014 Town Tax Levy to be paid in 2015 pursuant to section 60.10(1)(a) of
Wisconsin State Statutes: Chairman Gordon presented the issue of adopting the levy as
presented. A motion was made from the floor by Karen Boutin, seconded by Gerald Carlson, to
adopt the levy. Gordon called for a raise of hands from the floor of all in favor of the motion.
Clerk Faye counted 9-Yes, 0-No. 3-Abstained. Motion carried.
To approve year 2015 Highway Expenditures pursuant to Section 81.01(3) of Wisconsin
Statutes over $5,000 per mile: Chairman Gordon presented the issue. A motion was made from
the floor by Craig Hoopman, seconded by David Galazen, to approve year 2015 Highway
Expenditures over $5,000 per mile. Clerk Faye counted 9-Yes, 0-No. 3-Abstained. Motion
Adjourn Special Electors Meeting: A motion was made by Gerald Carlson, seconded by David
Galazen, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:42 PM.
Regular Town Board Meeting – November 17, 2014- Immediately following Electors
Meeting Posted Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 4:00 PM at the Bayfield Town Hall, Town
Garage, Star Route Garage, the Town website, and submitted to the Ashland Daily Press
Meeting Notices. Chairman Thomas J. Gordon and Supervisors Gerald Carlson, Craig
Hoopman, Karen Boutin, and Robert Meierotto were present, as well as Clerk Kelly Faye,
Treasurer Larry Weber, and Road Foreman Chuck Cadotte. Approximately four members of the
public were present. Chairman Gordon called the meeting to order at 6:42 PM.
Public Input: David Galazen stated that he looked at Sand Point Road before and after it was
fixed and commented that it has a narrow crown. He also commented about the need for the
Town to replace two culverts in that area. Foreman Cadotte stated that one has been fixed.
Items for Future Agendas: It was suggested that the 10-Year Road Plan be placed on the
January agenda.
Approval of the minutes of the Budget Workshop, Adjourned Board of Review, and
Regular Town Board Meeting of October 20, 2014: A motion was made by Meierotto,
seconded by Boutin, to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Weber reported the following…
General Checking Account
Current Balance:
Money Market Savings Account
Current Balance:
$ 127,985.84
$ 146,565.36
Designated Funds
Growth Incentive Fund
Total Designated Funds
$ 4,752.24
Cash Available to Town
A motion was made by Carlson, seconded by Meierotto, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
Motion carried.
Report from Growth Incentive Fund Board and recognition of any recent GIF
contributions: None.
Report by Pikes Bay Sanitary District (PBSD): None.
Salmo Lakewalk Trail Update: Treasurer Weber reported that he has been contacted by Trout
Unlimited as they are interested in working with the project in 2015.
Old Business
Presentation by Dan Gustafson, Project Engineer, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH),
on Engineering of 2015 TRIP-D Star Route Road Reconstruction Project: Dan Gustafson
presented the Town Board members with engineering charts of the project area to reference. His
presentation covered several points including the following…
-A summary of the project surface as listed in the grant application.
-Research revealed that there have been three accidents at the project location within the
past five years, two of which were ice/snow related, and one of unknown cause.
-SEH is planning to seek certain exceptions to standards in the project area due to the
challenging terrain including…
1. Grading/Alignment Changes.
2. Ditches will be fit in to the best manner possible rather than by standard.
-Potential right-of-way plat to be incorporated. Hoopman, homeowner in the described
area, volunteered to allow them to open up a line of sight by removing one or more trees
from the edge for the road on his property. It was agreed that paperwork would be done.
-Gustafson explained that the amount of wetland fill will be shared with the Town once
the slopes are determined, and that there will be a lot of wetland.
Discussion also took place concerning the Town offering to put culverts in at private driveways
if the culverts are purchased by the landowner. Gustafson recommended using plastic culverts.
Hoopman suggested that the ravine near Gotchling Road should rundown to a catch-basin.
Foreman Cadotte commented that they may need to add a culvert which would eliminate the
need for a catch-basin.
Resolution 2014-07 pertaining to not including bike lanes in TRIP-D Star Route Road
Reconstruction Project: Dan Gustafson had previously presented the Town Clerk and
Chairman Gordon with the following resolution that is needed to be presented to the Wisconsin
Department of Transportation. Gordon presented the proposed resolution as follows…
WHEREAS, the Town of Bayfield, Bayfield County is proposing to reconstruct Star Route
WHEREAS, Wisconsin Administrative Code Trans 75.06 requires the construction of bikeways
and sidewalks for this project unless it is determined that there is an absence of need pursuant to
75.06; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Bayfield, Bayfield County has determined that pursuant to the
standards of Trans 75.06 there is an absence of need for sidewalks and bike lanes over the
portion of road of the aforementioned project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Bayfield, Bayfield County has
determined, as the Highway authority under Trans 75.06, that there is an absence of need for
and bike lanes for the reconstruction of Star Route Road.
Dated the ____day of _____________, 2014, Town of Bayfield, Bayfield County, Wisconsin.
Town of Bayfield
Thomas J Gordon, Chairman
Gerald Carlson, Supervisor
Robert Meierotto, Supervisor
Karen Boutin, Supervisor
Craig Hoopman, Supervisor
Kelly N Faye, Clerk
A motion was made by Boutin, seconded by Hoopman, to approve the resolution. Motion
Discussion and Possible Action on any issue needed to be addressed to move the TRIP-D
Star Route Road Reconstruction Project forward: A motion was made Meierotto, seconded
by Carlson, to allow the Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH) and Dan Gustafson, Engineer to take
action on the Star Route TRIP-D Project including fitting in and purchasing right-of-ways for
sight distance and applying for exceptions to standards as needed. Motion carried.
Report on interest received for Part-Time Snowplow Driver job openings: It was explained
that two letters of interest were received as of meeting time. The interested individuals were
Billy Hessing and Fred Faye. It was agreed upon that the two would be offered part-time
positions to come in to plow as needed to avoid other part-time workers going into overtime.
New Business
Discussion and Consideration of WI Department of Revenue Order for Supervised
Assessment dated October 31, 2014, requiring special supervision of the 2015 assessments of
all taxable property: Chairman Gordon explained that he planned to speak to Dan Soine at the
Board of Review meeting the next day to get his input on the situation. He brought up the
possibility of talking to Jenny Sanders, Perri Shuga, and others to assess their interest in working
as Assessor for the Town of Bayfield if Soine cannot gain compliance. Hoopman suggested
speaking with the Assessor for the City of Bayfield.
Adoption of 2015 Revenue & Expense Budget and Town Levy: A motion was made by
Hoopman, seconded by Boutin, to adopt the 2015 Revenue & Expense Budget. A roll call vote
was taken, 5-yes, 0-no. Motion carried. A motion was made by Boutin, seconded by Meierotto,
to adopt the Town Levy of $589,314 as approved at the Electors Meeting. A roll call vote was
taken, 5-yes, 0-no. Motion carried.
Resolution 2014-06 Obligation to Pay Taxes: Chairman Gordon presented the resolution as
TOWN OF Bayfield
Bayfield County, Wisconsin
Resolution 2014-06
Obligation to Pay Taxes
WHEREAS, the Town Treasurer is required by statute to furnish a bond to the County Treasurer
in a sum of double the amount of state and county taxes apportioned to his town conditioned for the
faithful performance of the duties of his office and that he will account for and pay over according
to law all state and county taxes which shall come into his hands, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board is given the power under Section 70.67 (2) of the Wisconsin
Statutes, to obligate the Town in case the Town Treasurer shall fail to pay all state and county
taxes required by law to be paid by the Town Treasurer to the County Treasurer.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of the Town of Bayfield, at its regular
meeting held this 17th day of November, 2014, that the Town of Bayfield does hereby obligate
itself to pay in case the Town Treasurer shall fail to do so, all state and county taxes required by
law to be paid by such Treasurer to the County Treasurer.
Adopted by the Town of Bayfield Board of Supervisors by a vote of 5-0.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
Thomas J. Gordon, Chair
Gerald L. Carlson, Supervisor
Robert Meierotto, Supervisor
Karen Boutin, Supervisor
Craig Hoopman, Supervisor
THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly and
legally adopted by the TOWN OF BAYFIELD at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of
November 2014.
Kelly N. Faye, Clerk
A motion was made by Meierotto, seconded by Boutin, to adopt the resolution. Motion carried.
Receive and place on file the Correspondence for October 2014:
Correspondence –November 2014
1. Order for Supervised Assessment from WI Department of Revenue.
2. 2014-2015 Tax Levy Certification Letter from WI Department of Public Instruction
3. WITC Tax Levy Report, Municipal Portion: $62,843.50.
4. Disaster Damage Aid Payment from WI DOT for Echo Valley Rd: $9,200.62.
5. WI Dept. of Safety and Professional Services Notice of plan submitted by Dale A. Schlieve at
Apostle Islands Area Campground.
6. Emails from Krishna Paterson, Pikes Bay Marina, regarding interest in Liquor License
Availability and Application Process.
7. Fuel Tax Refund Application from Deputy Clerk Dave Good.
8. Bayfield County Tax Apportionment Paperwork.
9. Emails with Jack Beagan on Plan Commission Meeting Agenda.
10. Various requests for information on Board of Review date and process of appeal.
11. Emails from Holly Hemingway regarding Chief Inspector duties.
12. September Pikes Bay Sanitary District Minutes.
13. September Scenic Byway Meeting Minutes.
14. Numerous emails from Scott Fibert, Bayfield County Clerk about the November General
15. Numerous email and written requests for absentee ballots for November General Election.
16. Numerous applications for voter registration.
17. 60 Absentee Ballots for Fall General Election (September-October).
18. Numerous Notices on Election duties and Voter ID from WI Government Accountability
18. Ameritrade Account Statement.
20. WI Energy Cooperative News Magazine.
1. Form WT-6 Withholding Tax Deposit Report- October 2014.
2. EFPTS Federal Withholding Tax Deport Report- October 2014.
3. Quarterly Unemployment Report.
4. Quarterly EFPTS Federal Tax Deposit Report.
5. Happy Hollow LRIP Request for Project Reimbursement.
6. Summary of Pikes Creek Bridge Expenses and Request for Bridge Aid to Bayfield
County Highway Commissioner, Tom Toepfer.
7. Notice of Public Budget Hearing, Electors Meeting, and Summary of Proposed Budget to
Ashland Daily Press.
8. Notice of November Town Board Meeting to Ashland Daily Press.
9. Notice of Plan Commission Meeting to Ashland Daily Press.
10. Notice of Open Book and Board of Review to Ashland Daily Press.
11. Letter to Kara Nelis, Agent and David Miller, President of Port Superior Marina
Association, Inc. requesting surrender of unused Liquor License.
12. Copy of Approved Driveway Application to Cheryl Pederson.
13. Various emails to residents interested in Open Book and Board of Review.
14. Numerous Fall General Election Notices: Testing of Election Equipment, Poll Hours, and
Outstanding Absentees and Provisional Ballots.
15. 66 Absentee Ballots for the Fall General Election (September-October), 34 in person, 32
by mail and through MyVoteWI website.
16. Election results paperwork to Bayfield County Clerk, Scott Fibert.
17. Various emails to David Good regarding Clerk duties.
A motion was made by Boutin, seconded by Meierotto, to approve the correspondence. Motion
Approve payment of bills: A motion was made by Carlson, seconded by Meierotto, to approve
payment of the bills. Motion carried.
Receive and place on file the Clerks Financial & Budget Report for September 2014:
October 17, 2014 - November 13, 2014
Checks written
October 2014
$ 1,037,444
(45,501) $
($108,422) $
Previous Mo.
Accts Recv $
Accts Pay $
GIF Balance $
$ 12,009.67
% of Budget
1. Levy is booked for January, February, and August.
2. Salmo Lakewalk Trail: Coastal Mngt Grant of $26,703 is not yet requested or received.
3. Salmo Lakewalk Trail: Stewardship Grant is not yet requested or received.
4. Salmo Lakewalk Trail: DNR Grant advance payment of $19,388.00 received and recorded.
5. TRIP-D Start Route SEH Engineering Bid recorded, partially paid, $25,000 expected to be paid in 2014
6. Happy Hollow LRIP Project bills paid, $25,395 grant requested, not yet received, expected in 2014.
7. Pikes Creek bills paid, Bridge Aid Requested, $130,339 grant not yet received, expected in 2014.
8. Jammer Hill Road bills paid, Forestry Grant of $12,000 requested, not yet received, expected in 2014.
9. Echo Valley Disaster Aid from FEMA for $9,200 received and recorded.
A motion was made by Boutin, seconded by Meierotto, to approve the Clerks Report. Motion
Holiday Gathering Plans: It was decided that the Town Board would once again gather for a
potluck Christmas party immediately following the December Town Board meeting and that the
meeting would be held early to allow time for event.
Reminder of Board of Review Meeting: Board members were reminded that they all were
expected to attend on Tuesday, November 18, 2014- 6:00PM to 8:00PM.
Set date and time for Regular December Town Board Meeting: December 15, 2014, 5:30
PM- Christmas Gathering to immediately follow.
Adjourn: A motion was made by Boutin, seconded by Meierotto, to adjourn. Meeting
adjourned at 7:40 PM.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:
Kelly N. Faye, Clerk