Week of February 8-11 & February 17-19 Homework: The word wall words this week are: I’m, many, saw, by, been. *Please practice them nightly. Students should be able to read them by next week. *Please remember to continue to review past word wall words also. *Please complete 3 or more Word Wall Activities by next Friday. The spelling pattern for the week is the same as last week. When studying the spelling pattern with your child, please focus on the sound we are working on or the rule, rather than just memorization. Your child will be tested on some of those words as well as similar words on the spelling test. Spelling Test Date: This Thursday, February 11 Monday, 2/8- Spelling Sort: Practice your spelling words Tuesday, 2/9- Word Wall activities- Due next Friday Wednesday, 2/10- Math Sheets *Spelling test is tomorrow!* Wednesday, 2/17- Math Sheets Thursday, 2/18- Read the book in your reading bag. Notes and Reminders: No School Friday, 2/12 and Monday, 2/15, Tuesday, 2/16 Wednesday, February 10 is our Valentine’s Day Party. Be sure all valentines are sent in by Tuesday, February 9th. The students may bring in completed cards anytime before the party date to place in the valentine day bags. The card should say who it is going to and who it is from. One card for each person in the class. Thanks! Reading Logs- Please be sure that your child is reading at home for 15 minutes and filling in the reading log Monday- Thursday. Overview of the Week: In Language Arts, the students will listen to and discuss a passage read aloud by the teacher. We have a new story in our anthology, The Sleeping Pig. As we listen to the read aloud, read the story in our anthologies, and read leveled books the students will work on comprehension skills with an emphasis on: summarizing a text and identifying the story elements (characters, setting, problem, solution). In phonics, we will practice writing and spelling long o vowel words. Children will learn how to read and write words with the long /o/ sound (with the pattern CVCe). Students will also practice blending with different word families (graphemic bases) using the long /o/ sound (such as –oke). In Writer’s Workshop, we will continue with our unit Realistic Fiction. Students will create realistic characters, settings, and problems for their stories. As we practice our creative writing and develop our stories, students are working on forming clear, complete sentences. Each sentence needs to be one complete thought, starting with a capital letter and ending with the correct punctuation. In Math, the students will use models and write to represent equivalent forms of tens and ones. The students will understand that the two digits of a 2-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones (place value). In social studies, we will continue to learn about President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln. We will talk about why they are so important to our country. Students will compare and contrast Washington and Lincoln as we learn about them both and complete a venn diagram comparing them. In Science, we began our exploration of motion and balance last week, and will continue to learn more about balance this week! Happy Valentine’s Day and enjoy your time off!