Know Your Candidate Andy Adams (Mayoral candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? I have been involved in the development of the SOCP, the Energy Task Force, I participate on the Advisory Planning & Environmental Commission, and have regularly participated in Rotary Beach Clean Ups, Campbellton clean ups, and other community initiatives. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? To maintain it as Public use with full waterfront promenade and beach access with open park and green space. Also, to consult with the community on the idea of having a combined public facility that houses a new Visitor Information Centre and Public Aquarium. There could be a coffee shop and restaurant that would assist in offsetting the operating expenses of the public facilities. The aquarium that Rotary was able to acquire from Ucluelet has been a great success and demonstrates the desire for a greater facility that showcases Campbell River's aquatic life. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland Road? When I first ran for Council nine years ago I stated on my platform that I envisioned a waterfront walkway from Maryland to Painter's Lodge. In 2000 as President of the Rotary Club of Campbell River I spearheaded the project to extend the Seawalk from Ken Ford Park to Maryland Road, reconstruct the Ken Ford Boat Ramp, build the log interpretive structure, install a counting fence on Willow Creek and rehabilitate the uplands area around Willow Creek. The next section from the end of the existing Seawalk to the Julbillee Parkway Trail is complex due to the highway, driveways, businesses, etc. City Staff have prepared options on how this may be completed, and will bring these forward for Council's consideration during the Financial Planning meetings. There are many projects that we would like to get done or complete, and we must be mindful of the limited funds there are to work with. For this particular section, I would look to work with partners to source grant and other avenues of funding to assist in getting this completed. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City's Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes, I have and will continue to do so. We need to address the trees along Shoppers Row that were planted with the best of intentions but are causing infrastructure challenges. A plan needs to be developed for a phased replacement that will transition the area while mitigating the visual impact and maintain the aesthetic beauty. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Know Your Candidate Yes. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes. Campbell River is so blessed to have so many individuals and community groups that want to 'get involved' to make a difference. Know Your Candidate Walter Jackway (Mayoral candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? Oceans Days & River Days (clean-ups) & Broom Busting. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? An open public ocean access park – forever 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? Completion of the Loop is a good idea and timing is determined by other priorities. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes. I also encourage planting of native species in non street locales. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Eagle Tree Protection is of the highest Priority as three active trees have been removed illegally within the last two years. Fines should be $1000 per growth ring. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes. Know Your Candidate Steve Wood (Mayoral candidate) *Steve Wood submitted his answers on Nov. 1, after our given deadline of Oct. 30. However, Greenways Land Trust is posting his answers in the interests of informing the electoral process. 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? A host of workshops & conferences over several years in the lower mainland, & similarly in Campbell River during the 1990's while on Council, when Chairing the City's Environment, Health & Multiculturalism Committee. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? To be determined with input from CR residents. The continuation of the Seawalk & Park area possibly, would be nice, however for anything to occur, we will need to confirm Provincial & or Federal Government, or alternative financial funding in place at this time, given our present very serious financial situation that we're in. I would like to hear and listen to CR residents thoughts on this certainly before any decision is made, including the potential discussion of generating City revenues, possibly through developing the property while keeping our oceanside views. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? If the financing is in place, this would be great. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Yes. Know Your Candidate 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes. Know Your Candidate Michele Babchuk (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? It has been a pleasure of mine to build environmental sustainability into the School District 72 Strategic planning process. Due to the proactivity of the Board of Education we have been recognized twice for our initiatives around energy conservation and efficiency. Once, just last month, at the Chamber of Commerce Business of Distinction Awards where we won an award sponsored by BC Hydro for Environmental Sustainability and once in 2013 where we accepted a Provincial award at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities in the Public Sector Collaboration category of Climate and Energy Action Awards for our work with the City of Campbell River. Over the last five years the School District and the City have collaborated on the development of a Community Energy and Emissions Plan that has not only shown benefits in operational savings but has allowed us to build an environmental ethic into the culture of the students in the school district. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? It is very clear to me that the 3.5 acre parcel needs to remain public property and owned by the citizens of Campbell River. We need to consult with our First Nations Community to see what their vision is for the adjacent property and determine whether there is a possibility of a joint venture or if we are looking at only the 3.5 acre site. What I am sure of is that that this piece of property is one of the most scenic pieces in town and currently it looks terrible. I would like to see us put a little bit of resources into it, level it out and sprinkle some grass seed until we can develop a publically accessible option for this unpolished gem of our community. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? I support any reasonable initiative that creates physical outdoor activity in our community. Due to my past experience advocating for students I have a passion for developing opportunities for children to get out of the house and away from their electronic devises, experience nature and explore. It is extremely important to offer the community and visitors safe recreational areas to enjoy Campbell River’s natural beauty and build on the philosophy of a “Healthy Campbell River” for all ages. Projects like these need to be given priority and will allow us to explore economic opportunities such as recreational running events. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes, Urban Forest Management Exercises have been proven to be extremely beneficial to communities, not only esthetically but by assisting with cost saving for infrastructure. Trees provide more to a community than just beautification; they help with soil stabilization, rain water run-off and act as a filter for clean air. I understand that part of the allure of Campbell River is splendor of its Know Your Candidate oceans views but I believe we can have the benefit of both. In the long run this can save the city money. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Yes I would support a bylaw that protects eagle-nesting trees but I have to admit that I would need more information before I feel comfortable making a statement on protecting ALL trees. It is my understanding that there is a bylaw that has been through first and second reading around this topic. I have concerns that third reading will not happen before the Municipal election and the process will once again go back to square one. It would be my hope that we have developed language that was either comparable or surpasses the Provincial language so that if the Municipality by-law is trumped by Provincial legislation we have the ability to, at a minimum, advocate and argue our case for the citizens of Campbell River and their strong feelings around protecting these for the eagle population. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? We have an incredible long standing history of community service and volunteerism in Campbell River and a lot of that is based around environmental stewardship. As we deal with extremely tight budgets the value of these dedicated people becomes that much more admirable. Community pride is alive and well here and I would support any initiatives to keep that front and center. However, if we are going to take invasive plant removal seriously and make it a city priority then we are going to have resource it correctly and place some professional staff on the projects to work directly with the volunteers. Know Your Candidate Charlie Cornfield (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? I have been very active both personally and politically. I was a member of the following organizations and resigned to avoid conflict of interest issues with Council. o Campbell River Environment Council o Campbell River Estuary and Watershed Society o Simms Creek Stewards founding director o Founding Member Beaverlodge Committee o Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Assn. Please see my web page accomplishments tab Council accomplishments As Mayor o Brought in over $2.5 million in JOP funding to put forest workers back to work on recreational projects in the immediate area includes old ERT, BLFL, and Jubilee trails o New Sustainable Official Community Plan is the Vision for our City developed by the people. o Initiated increased curbside recycling and added yard waste pick up and drop off. o Secured funding and implemented pilot project for Energy and Emissions Planning. o Passed a solar ready construction Bylaw. We are an award winning solar community. o Received the National Green Building Award from the FCM for our green roof retrofit. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? I do not have an ideal vision. I believe that it is up to the people through a proper community engagement process, not a" design charade" that did not allow discussion of all options. My personal view is that, in the short term, the area needs to be cleaned up, the walkway be extended from Discovery Shopping Center to Roberts Reach and Highway 19a. There is no rush to do anything other than to make it an attractive green space that can be used by all Campbell Riverites and visitors. In the long term, I think that there will be a need to retain exisiting and add more green space as park land, especially downtown. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? It needs to be done, preferably in conjunction with Highway 19a upgrades. Know Your Candidate 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Yes, but would prefer "management of all types" rather than protection. Protection is just one possible management action. There are other considerations involving public safety and liabilities. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes, as I always have. Know Your Candidate Andrea Craddock (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? I was raised in a home where we always had a compost, recycled glass, paper and aluminum and reused whatever we could. I've (mostly) converted my husband and we've raised our 3 daughters the same way. Backyard gardening to enjoy the freshest, healthiest, pesticide free veggies and fruit. I, with my Dragon Boat Team, River Spirit, participated in Sprucing Up the Slough by replanting wild plants down by the Campbell River Estuary. I've replanted trees out Cranberry Lane with Cub Scouts and participated in Shoreline Clean Ups. I've demonstrated at numerous anti pipeline/tanker rallies on the island and in Vancouver, written letters to elected officials, signed petitions and shared information on social media. I've worked with Timberline Earth Club to host a series of Film Nights to raise awareness about a number of environmental concerns. Helped organize and spoke at a Green Jobs BC Forum in Courtenay last year. This initiative was started by the BC Federation of Labour and has opened a dialog to overcome the jobs vs environment debate and prove that a strong economy and healthy environment can go hand in hand. Invited a variety of environmental groups to speak at CRCD Labour Council to raise awareness around a number of environmental issues. Volunteered at the Laughing Willow Community Garden and am researching a possible garden site for the CRCD Labour Council. Volunteered for numerous small scale school garden and composting projects. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? My ideal vision is to keep the 3-acre site public and endeavour to keep any buildings low so the view can be enjoyed by everyone. An Aquarium, built to one side of the property could be a well used educational/research facility and be attractive to visitors as well. The rest of the land could be maintained as park. Our current Aquarium, located in the Pier parking lot, was brought here from Ucluelet, after they built their own Aquarium that is seeing much success. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? Know Your Candidate Many people, including myself, use the Greenway Loop frequently and I would certainly support its completion. It provides a natural, safe, sheltered trail that links up to Rotary's Sea Walk. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? I would support a street tree-planting program but would want mindful discussions around appropriate tree species before planting so costly changes would not need to happen after the fact. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Yes 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes. I believe it is all our duty as citizens to participate in keeping Campbell River beautiful and healthy. Involving people encourages connection, ownership and responsibility. Know Your Candidate Colleen Evans (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? I use the trails that you have working hard to provide protection and stewardship for and I have actively participated in the broom bash. It's important to me that we encourage local food production and consumption and that's why I have worked in partnership with the city,local restaurants and growers to develop Think Local Eat Local and to promote the food map. Energy conservation is another area that I have worked with local businesses on and I developed a partnership with Power Smart BC to create a sustainability award to recognize our local businesses who are working hard to be more efficient in their energy consumption. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? 2. A fabulous foreshore green space with great access to walkable areas and an attraction like our aquarium that would attract and encourage the community and visitors alike to spend time there. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? 3.It is important to promote active lifestyles and provide access for all neighborhoods to enjoy our natural areas and trail system. I am supportive of the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Yes 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes Know Your Candidate Todd Jones (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? I have engaged as a volunteer, worker and supervisor on many environmental fronts including garbage removal on salmon-bearing lakes and rivers, deactivating and hydro-seeding logging roads on Pitt Lake, reclaiming mine land projects (Highland Valley Copper and Quintette Coal mines) and aerial seeding. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? Ideally, I picture the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina being used for a sea walk trail and green space park and would seek tax payers input on whether to have a public market open all year round there as well. When funding and public approval permit, a public market could be built, which will attract new revenue for Campbell River and provide its residents with a place to buy and sell local goods and celebrate city events and seasonal festivities. A year round market would draw tourists and generate an increase of cash flow into Campbell River. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? It is a great project that benefits the residents of Campbell River, but it must be prioritized in the fiscal budget. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Trees are important to our eco-system and help to beautify city landscapes. I would like to see increased involvement by youth in projects such as this and would explore sponsorship(s) as a possible source for funding. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? The protection of eagles’ nesting areas and preservation of environmentally sensitive areas are very important. We must ensure they are protected for our future generations. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? It is critical that we encourage volunteerism. That is why I state in my election platform that once overexpenditures are identified, some of these freed funds should be diverted to help support volunteer organizations. Know Your Candidate Ron Kerr (Councillor Candidate) *Ron Kerr submitted his answers on Nov. 2, past the Oct. 30 deadline, due to an administrative error at Elections BC. Greenways Land Trust apologizes for any confusion caused by the late submission. 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? As your City Councillor and former landscape contractor, I am deeply involved in land stewardship in Campbell River. I have planted thousands of trees and shrubs, which help make up our urban forest throughout our City. Broom bashing and invasive species removal has been a life long battle of mine. I support Greenways initiatives and participate in various clean-ups throughout the City. I worked on the recent SOCP (Sustainable Official Community Plan) Steering Committee from the beginning, guiding it through to policy adoption and approval. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? A public park and green space with a pedestrian sea walk to join with the existing southern sea walk, proceeding as far as north as possible, perhaps including public access to the ocean and pocket beach, is necessary to take advantage of the spectacular views available. This style of waterfront development will help us create a vibrant and interactive city core. A public park with some First Nations identity, public amenity spaces and view of the water ensures considerate usage for all. This, in my opinion, would ensure that the acreage not be for urban or development use. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland Road? Completion of the Greenway Loop and connecting trail systems is important and accessing grants and funding partnership is necessary to its development. A healthy and holistic Campbell River requires plenty of family orientated recreational opportunities. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City's Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes. An Urban Forest Management plan is essential not only for aesthetics but for our psychological well-being. For 30 years, as a landscape contractor, I have planted street and residential trees and many make up the urban forest throughout our beautiful City. Urban forest management holds the key to healthy communities. They sequester gaseous air pollutants and particulates, conserve energy through cooling, shade and wind reduction, help with storm water and erosion, buffer noise, provide wildlife habitat and increase property values. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Yes, as your City Councillor I support bylaws to protect trees in environmentally sensitive areas. Eagle Know Your Candidate nesting trees in particular are protected in Campbell River as part of the Environmental Protection Bylaw. The retention of trees and greenways along the old Elk River Timber road right-of-way is also essential in the enhancement of the Greenways loop. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes. It is essential that we promote volunteerism by example. As a long time volunteer I have always participated in invasive plant material removal, litter clean up, river clean up, graffiti (tagging) removal, and neighbourhood clean-ups. Know Your Candidate Peter Klobucar (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? Last election I run against incinerator and this time I am against LNG Project in Campbell River because of health, safety, environment concerns. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? Full time farmers and art market all year around 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? I support the Greenway Loop thru donations, grants not with raising taxes. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Yes 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes Know Your Candidate Les Lengyel (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? My commitment to Greenways goes way back to having the privilege of chairing the very first committee that began the Greenways loop. On the committee was Councillor Lynn Nash, City engineer Ron Neufeld and City Planner Susan Toyer and myself. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? I am strongly in favor of keeping the 3.5 acre site as a waterfront park and connecting it to the trail systems. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? I would really like to see the waterfront walkway completely linked from one end of Campbell River to the other incorporating the ERT and Beaverlodge lands. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes I am in favor of a tree planting program. Trees are the lungs of our planet. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Absolutely, we must protect eagle trees and our environmentally sensitive areas. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes, not only will I support this in council, but I will also continue to volunteer to help wherever I can. Know Your Candidate Marcia McKay (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? Recently I volunteered during the Frogger 15 race as a marshall, and I have a garden bed at the Laughing Willow garden. I recycle everything possible, from electronics to egg cartons, and encourage others to do the same. Due to a shoulder problem, I can’t participate in the Broom Bash, but I certainly applaud the effort! I attend as many events as possible, and of course lend financial support when I can. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? The site near the Marina needs to stay public and needs to be accessible to everyone. I’d like to see a relatively informal park with walkways and benches or picnic tables, but few formal plantings to keep maintenance costs manageable. Ideally we can work with our neighbours and integrate the park with their landscaping. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? I support the completion of the Greenway Loop as money permits. I am sure it will be well-used. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? I completely support tree planting in the City, but with the right kind of trees this time. I’d like to see our cement areas greened with trees in pots, and then see those trees transplanted into permanent locations. I encourage planters in front of businesses, and shrubs in suitable spaces wherever possible. I’d like to see a xeriscaping project suitable for Campbell River. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Eagle-nesting trees must be protected in the City, and any tree over 6 inches in diameter should need approval before it can be removed. However, the approval process needs to take less than 24 hours. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? As a volunteer, I understand and appreciate the impact of the unpaid labour force. I encourage everyone to participate to the best of their abilities. I’d like to see an Adopt-A-Street program in the City, and an enforced by-law to address litter. I thoroughly endorse the RCMP and Crimestoppers in their efforts to defeat tagging. Know Your Candidate Claire Moglove (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? In 2009, I voted to add the position of Sustainability Manager at the City and have continued to support initiatives brought forward from that very successful department. Those initiatives include: Community Energy and Emissions Plan, Carbon Neutral Strategy, Agriculture Plan and Food Map, Solar City initiative and the Solar Hot Water Ready Regulations, Energy Retrofits at City facilities, Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, soft shore shoreline enhancement, Urban Forest Management Plan, Laughing Willow Community Garden and above all, the Sustainable Official Community Plan; I participated in this spring’s Broom Bash and I diligently recycle and try to reuse as much as possible. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? My vision is that the City’s 3.5 acre site remain public property and is never sold to private hands. But I would also like to see it “developed” and I use that word in the broadest sense, as part of an overall plan for the 9 acres. I would like to see the overall 9 acre be a mixed use area, with significant and wide public access to the ocean, connected to both Downtown and to the Discovery Marina, room for residential/commercial and public amenities. Perhaps an enhanced and larger aquarium as the anchor on the 3.5 acre area. Perhaps another type of public amenity. My vision is to try and emulate other mixeduse waterfront space which have been successful in invigorating the waterfront while actually enhancing the public access – examples such as Sidney, Coal Harbour, Steveston come to mind. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? Completing the Greenway Loop would be an incredible achievement for the City and I believe most residents support the concept. As a recreational runner and cyclist, I fully support the Greenways Loop as well as all our other trails. As a City Councillor, I see the potential of the Greenways Loop as a key enhancement of our system of trails and parks, which are so important to the future of our City and which are identified as stated vision in the SOCP. I can also see the potential for enhanced tourism by having a completed Loop – perhaps a local marathon event in our future? But the key of course is funding. The scope of the Community Works Fund has been expanded recently and we may be able to use some of those monies to try and leverage other sources of funding. Greenways Land trust has always been very successful in leveraging seed money to find matching grants. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? Yes, but again, finding the right combination of funding is key. For instance, I would love to see a return of the Provincial Trees For Tomorrow Program; Know Your Candidate 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? The issue of bald eagle trees and nesting trees has come up at the City’s Advisory, Development and Environment Commission, as part of the Environmental Protection Bylaw. I support the recommendations from that Commission, and third reading of the Bylaw was passed on October 21st. The issue of protecting trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas should also come to the Commission for discussion and recommendations because the expertise and viewpoints on that commission are invaluable. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? Yes. I participated in the Broom Bash at the old BMX track this spring. I was pleased to see the number of volunteers and I was amazed at how much can be accomplished when you have more “hands on deck”. But I think we can do better for a city of 32,000 and I agree that we should look at our city policies to encourage safe voluntarism while also considering and respecting the City’s collective agreements. I supported other initiatives, including updated and larger facilities for our Volunteer Centre, Susan Black with her litter clean-up initiative, Clean Living, and extra funding last year to Downtown BIA for enhanced clean up. Know Your Candidate Larry Samson (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? As the council liaison to the environment, I have been very active on a number of issues: at the Council meetings ensuring Willow Creek rehabilitation was kept a priority, reinforcing Greenways is part of the consultation process with any development that affects steams or environmental sensitive lands (i.e. mountain bike skills park), supported Greenways at the Community Partnership Committee, member of the organizing committee for Frogger 15 K. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? My vision is to have the 3.5 acre site to remain with the City. I see a public park and green space that take advantage of our spectacular coastline. I see a pocket beach on the southwest corner of the site that will allow the public to enjoy the wonders of our foreshore. I believe there is an opportunity for an amenity such as a Visitor Information Centre with a First Nation and Campbell River Museum component. As stated in the SOCP, the 3.5 acres is ideal “for a major waterfront destination park that capitalizes on the significance of this land”. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? The completion of the Greenway Loop is an important component of the City’s transportation (biking and walking) network. The benefits of walking trails are well documented; walking is the number one recreational activity and health benefit, which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The Greenway Loop will incorporate some of the spectacular environmental areas of Campbell River and it’s completion is a key component of the Parks Master Plan. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? I am a strong advocate for urban forests. In my opinion urban forests have been greatly under valued. Studies such as the one by the Toronto Dominion on the City of Toronto are making people much more informed on the benefits of urban forests. Urban forests reduce erosion, trees have a higher level of ground water retention (lessens the impact on our infrastructure), reduce air pollution, modifies local climate, saves energy etc. These are just some of the examples on the importance of urban forests; I did not even begin to talk about the health benefits and social aspects of urban forest. Our percentage of urban forest is dropping and will continue to do so unless we bring in change that recognizes forest sustainability and the benefits to a healthy community. 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? Know Your Candidate Yes, I do. The City of Campbell River recently changed its Bylaw to reflect the protection of eagle trees and environmentally sensitive areas. But I believe much more work needs to be done in working with and educating the developers and the City. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? I do believe in volunteerism and have participated in a number of events and organizations such as clean the river, adopt a block (litter pickup), participated in events such as cleaning our beaches, invasive plant removal, litter pickup on our trails including the Beaver Lodge Lands. While I encourage and support these types of initiatives, there must be a coordinated approach and over sight. For example removal of Invasive species must be done in such a manner as not to damage/harm the environment, the native plants and the volunteers who are doing the work. Know Your Candidate Darryn Striga (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or Sustainability initiatives have you participated in? Besides suggesting the Greenways Land Trust to my peers who were looking to volunteer, I have only my environmental initiatives through work that I can cite. At Mount Washington, since we were the top of the watershed, environmental impact was a constantly on our minds and we took it seriously, as well as finding ways to be as self-sustaining as possible (to say nothing of our direct efforts to improve the marmot population), the only place more careful about potential impact has been at my current position with BC Hydro. I am not a spokesman for BC Hydro so I can only speak about what I have observed, and that’s how diligent we are to ensure no nest-bearing trees are cut down, to make sure there’s no impact on frog populations and of course absolutely zero impact on salmon habitats. 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? The waterfront is one of Campbell River's greatest assets and that should essentially go without saying as it's plain for anyone to see. That being the case, it would be great if that ugly dirt lot sitting on the 3.5 acres now could be turned into something that would emphasize that beauty as opposed to being an eyesore. An good example would be a park. Not only would it be great to connect that wonderful walkway behind the discovery plaza almost to the seawalk at the foreshore, but I think it lets us do away with the hurdles associated with other construction going in the area - but I cannot overstate the fact that whatever we do with that 3.5 acres (which is long overdue by far) must be done in relation with our local native band. I'd like to think that with something like a park we would have an easier time finding common ground, but it all comes down to how cooperative the new city council is and how strong of a relationship they are willing to foster with the bands. We all live here together and we all want what's best for our community. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? This almost strikes me as a trick question because of how clear it is. We’ve waited for a long time to see the loop completed, it’s a great vision and so many people in Campbell River already enjoy the trail system and the seawalk as it is today. Completing the loop should be high on our priorities. I personally use the seawalk often and I would like to see not only this section connected, but also to see the seawalk connected to downtown once we find a good solution to the littoral rights issues that surround it. I feel that both are projects that our community of recreational enthusiasts want to see completed. 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? There’s a reason why the newly redone section of Alder just below St.Anne’s street has nice trees and shrubbery planted along it. Because it makes the whole street look beautiful. If a street tree-planting Know Your Candidate program would see to more of our streets looking like that, you better believe it would have my complete support. 5 Will you Support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? There are already laws which protect eagle habitats as well as other nest-bearing trees, but of course that’s because it’s important for us to do so, and laws that protect wildlife habitats exist for not only good reason, but because it’s the will of our increasingly environmentally conscientious public. As a bylaw maker the existing laws are a trend I would not only continue but also help to remind people of and enforce the existing laws. 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter cleanup? This is one I can emphatically state “yes” to. Not only do I support volunteering since I am a volunteer in many organizations myself (some of which have even held their own “broom bash” while we’re on the topic of invasive plants), but I’ve directed friends to volunteer at the Greenways Land Trust. I also feels strongly about not just cleanup days like Ocean Day, but also about the very notion of taking ownership of your community which leads to not only less littering, but more people being willing to pick up the trash they find. This isn’t just good for the environment, it’s good for our sense of community. Know Your Candidate Marlene Wright (Councillor candidate) 1 What environmental or sustainability initiatives have you participated in? * broom bash * seawalk cleanup * the Beaver Lodge Lands 2 What is your ideal vision for the three-acre site adjacent to the Discovery Marina? * preserve the water view and extend the walkway * keep it public * I would like action to be taken during my term. 3 What are your views on the completion of the Greenway Loop section from Jubilee to Maryland road? * excellent idea I support it 100% 4 Will you support a street tree-planting program as part of the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan? * yes, as long as it doesn't interrupt the view corridor * it must be maintained 5 Will you support bylaws to protect eagle-nesting trees, and protect trees of all types in environmentally sensitive areas and City Property including the old Elk River Timber right of way? * yes absolutely 6 Will you encourage city policies that encourage community development through volunteerism, e.g. invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and litter clean up? * Yes Not only do I support this but I have been actively involved for over 15 years as a member of Rotary.