Classicism/Age of Reason

(Also known as the ______
______________ or
• Adherence to traditional standards such a
simplicity, restraint, moderation, and personal
freedom that are universally and enduringly
• Emphasis on logical, rational thought.
I. ENLIGHTENMENT The belief that we, as humans,
can arrive at the truth by using
our _______ rather than relying
on the authority of the past,
religious faith or on intuition.
__________ takes precedence
over authority.
II. DEISM - the belief that God’s will does
not control the universe; God gave man
reason in order to ___________________
Deists believe that God created the
universe, then disassociated himself from
his creation. God acts as an “___________
• “Members of the United Deist Community hold
the belief that God is discovered through Reason
– but the task of discovery is never over. We
each pursue a lifelong intellectual odyssey”
Excerpt from the United Deist Community web
• “My _____ is my church.” - ________________
Deists believe that:
1. God is not accessed through organized
___________ or a set of beliefs
2. God has not selected a ___________________
(e.g. Jews or Christians) to be the recipients of any
special revelation or gifts.
3. They believe that ____________ do not happen;
the "world operates by natural and self-sustaining
laws of the creator."
4. Deists pray, but only to express their appreciation
to God for his works. They generally do not ask for
special privileges.
based on Enlightenment & Deism
1. Faith in natural _________________ – man is basically good, born
without sin; the concept of tabula rasa or blank slate.
2. Perfectibility of a human being – every individual can achieve
_______________ through reason (and it is possible to improve
situations of birth, economy, society, and religion)
3. The sovereignty of reason - Rene Descartes’ “I think, therefore, I am.”
God gave people the ability to think in a logical, ordered manner.
_____________ takes precedence over authority.
4. Universal benevolence - the attitude of helping everyone; everyone
can achieve happiness through ____________________.
5. Clarity, order and balance are ideal qualities – the universe created
by God is _______________________.
1. Rooted in __________ and ____________, and
not God and the imagination.
2. A searching inquiry in all aspects of the world
• _________, ___________ and experiments
• __________ and __________ inquiry
3. Constant search of the _______ - emphasis on
individualism in
• Personal religion
• Study of the Bible for personal interpretation
Common forms of Classicist
• Pamphlets
• ___________
• Newspaper Articles
• Journals
• Almanacs
• Letters
• Essays
What are the major
differences between
Puritanism and Classicism?