Civil War Notes 15-1 and 15-2

Growing Tensions Between The
North And South as The Crisis
Disagreements between the North and
South, especially over the issue of
slavery, led to political conflict.
Key Terms and Key People
Key Terms
Wilmot Proviso
Free-Soil Party
Compromise of 1850
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Fugitive Slave Act
Popular Sovereignty
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Key People
Henry Clay
Daniel Webster
Stephen A. Douglas
Harriet Beecher Stowe
John Brown
A House Divided
Industrial Economy
Large cities with
Immigration to Midwest
Railroads and canals
connecting east and
Agricultural Economy
Wealthy Planters reliant
on foreign exports
Slave supported
Many poor small farm
Practice what you Preach
The North Began to oppose slavery and led the
Abolition Movement
Some northerners feared that slavery would
spread and some workers may be forced to
become slaves
Though opposed to slavery many northerners
were racist, and afraid, of the spread of African
The South began to defend slavery in order to
protect the slave culture of the south
Party Time…Excellent
With the nation expanding the Wilmot Proviso tried to
outlaw slavery in Mexican Territories
The South claimed the Wilmot Proviso was
unconstitutional because it took away their right to
move their property to new territories
The Wilmot Proviso would divide congress and not
become law with a southern controlled Senate
The Wilmot Proviso led to the Free-Soil Party which
aimed to outlaw the expansion of slavery and made
slavery a National Issue
North California/South California
When California Entered Statehood, the balance
of slave states was put in danger
As most People in California Opposed Slavery,
they applied for statehood before slave owners
could move to the state
If California entered the Union in 1850, Free
States would control both the House and
Senate, putting slave states in danger of being
This Guy LOVES compromise
With Congress Divided over the issue of
California Henry Clay would offer a compromise
to the issue
California would become a free state and
slavery would be abolished in Washington DC
Slavery laws would NOT be passed for the rest
of Mexico and congress would pass laws making
it easier to catch runaway slaves
Act of Union
Both Sides would think they gave up too much
but most, like Daniel Webster, wanted the
Union Preserved
Stephen Douglas would gain enough votes to
pass the proposal which would become the
Compromise of 1850
This Compromise would lead to more violence
in the Union
The Final Act
The Fugitive Slave Act makes it easier to return runaway slaves
to their former owners
Slaves were held without trial and a federal commissioner ruled
on each case with monetary rewards
The North opposed the act as it made them help recapture
slaves and led to free Africans being captured into slavery
The presence of slave catchers made the north face the decision
of following the act or breaking the law to oppose slavery
Acting Up
With the Fugitive Slave Act and Harriet Beecher
Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s cabin leading to Tension, The
Issue of Kansas and Nebraska would Bring Violence
Stephen A. Douglas drafted a Bill to allow popular
sovereignty decide the issue of slavery in the states
The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri
compromise and turn Kansas into a Battlefield
The Civil War…A Prequel
After the Act was passed Proslavery voters from
Missouri illegally voted to pass slavery in Kansas
Anti-slavery forces in Kansas formed their own
government in Kansas and armed themselves
The pro-slavery forces attacked the Anti-slavery
government leading John Brown to Kansas
Brown would Murder five pro-slavery people and led
to three years of civil war in Kansas
Main Event Fight
When Charles Sumner delivered a speech
against slavery in congress, pro-slavery
members felt insulted
Preston Brooks Would Defend his relative
A. P. Butler by attacking Sumner with his
The Attacks in Kansas and in Congress
would further divide the North in the
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