October 2015 Wood Innovations Project Application – Part 1: Cooperator Contact Information (FY2016) APPLICANT LOCATION State: Check One Category 1: Wood Energy Market ☐ Wood Energy Product ☐ Category 2: ☐ City: County: FINANCIAL AGREEMENT AND PROJECT INFORMATION Financial Agreement Applicant Person officially responsible for the financial administration of the project. Name: Phone: Fax: State: Zip: Title: Organization/Company: Bureau/Division: Section/Program: Street Address: P.O. Box: City: E-mail Address: Web Site: Key Project Contact Person responsible for management/coordination of the project; if named above, check here ☐ Name: Phone: Fax: State: Zip: Title: Organization/Company: Bureau/Division: Section/Program: Street Address: P.O. Box: City: E-mail Address: Web Site: COOPERATIVE FUNDING AND PROJECT COST Requested U.S. Forest Service Funding: $ Cooperator Funding: $ Funding Ratio (U.S. Forest Service : Cooperator) ( : 1 ) Total Cost: $ October 2015 Wood Innovations Project Application – Part 2: Narrative Proposal and Program of Work Application Guidelines for Fiscal Year 2016 A. Project Title: (Specific name of the project) B. Length of Project: (Typical award is for 2-3 years. Maximum length is 5 years.) C. Costs: (Estimated overall project costs – include both Forest Service funds requested and cooperator match. Show costs for each year for the length of the project.) D. Abstract: (Provide a brief description of the project. Please be concise and clear. If the project is funded, the abstract will be posted on the Wood Education and Resource Center Web site.) E. Project Narrative (4 pages) The project narrative should provide a clear description and anticipated impact of the project, including the following where appropriate: 1) magnitude of the impact on markets generating renewable energy or creating non-energy wood products; 2) benefits to National Forest System lands (e.g., tons of biomass removed in fire-prone areas, air quality improvements, cost savings for forest management, or carbon offsets); 3) source of biomass removed from forested areas broken out by land ownership; and 4) job creation and retention. Describe methods and reasoning for selecting areas of focus (e.g., geographic clusters, sector-based clusters, or larger projects to be targeted). F. Program of Work (3 pages) Describe statement of need, goals, and objectives. Describe methods to accomplish goals and objectives. Specify project accomplishments and deliverables. Discuss communication and outreach activities that create social acceptance in communities or markets where projects are targeted. Describe the monitoring plan, which must include annual and final reports. Discuss all relevant aspects of the project, such as preliminary assessments, resource inventories, and success stories. Describe projected impact on wood energy or wood products markets. Include a timeline for key activities. 2 October 2015 G. Qualifications of Staff, Organization, and Partners (1.5 pages) Include key personnel qualifications, certifications, and relevant experience. Describe experience and success of any prior-funded Forest Service projects. Describe experience and success of similar projects completed in the past. H. Project Outcomes, Annual Progress Reports, and Final Reports (0.5 pages) List anticipated project outcomes and accomplishments as well as desired results. Describe the types of reports, documents, and success stories that will be provided at the end of the project for posting on the Wood Education and Resource Center web site. Annual progress reports are required on a calendar basis. The reports will provide an overview of progress and accomplishments by goals and objectives included in the approved Cooperative Agreement or grant narrative. A detailed final progress report is required and will include the following items: Final Summary Report: A brief overview of accomplishments by goals and objectives included in the approved Cooperative Agreement narrative. Final Accomplishment Report: Includes various assessments, reports, case studies, and related documents that resulted from the project’s activities. Final reports will be added to the WERC Wood Innovations Web site. I. Budget Summary and Justification in Support of SF–424A (2 pages): Address proposed expenditures in relation to the proposed program of work. Include cash and in-kind match, other Federal funds, and staff time that may help accomplish the program of work. Describe fee structure for fee-for-services work, if planned. Please complete the following two budget tables. The budget should support the narrative statements and reflect needed costs. A budget detail worksheet that can be used as a guide is located at http://www.na.fs.fed.us/fap/budgetdetailtemplate.shtm. A minimum 35:65 match is required; an applicant must contribute at least 35% of the total project cost, and the Forest Service’s share of the project will be no more than 65% of the total. The match needs to be within the agreement timeframe. Proposals selected for funding should begin around June 1, 2016. Forest Service funds cannot be used for construction or equipment. 3 October 2015 1. Budget Table Categories I Forest Service Share II Cooperator’s Share III Total 1. Personnel 2. Fringe benefits 3. Travel 4. Equipment Not Applicable 5. Supplies/Materials 6. Contractual (identify below) 7. Construction Not Applicable 8. Other (identify below) 9. Direct charges 10. Indirect charges 11. Total 12. Percentage of Total Instructions for the Budget Table: Lines 1-8: Enter the dollar amount for each item. Lines 6 and 8: Provide details below. Line 9: Sum of 1 – 8. Line 10: Enter charges not directly attributable to accomplishing the project, such as overhead. You are encouraged to keep the Forest Service share of indirect charges to a minimum. Line 12: Use the total in Line 11, Column III to determine the percentage of each share. Explanation and details for use of Forest Service Requested Funds in Category 6 (Contractual): Explanation and details for use of Forest Service Requested Funds in Category 8 (Other): 4 October 2015 2. Cooperator Contributions Table (not including U.S. Forest Service contributions) Cooperator Cash Total Cash: Materials Total Materials: In-Kind Services Total In-Kind Services: Total Grand Total: Instructions for the Cooperator Contributions Table: Excluding U.S. Forest Service contributions, identify the value of all other cooperator contributions. Please value in-kind contributions and materials at reasonable and acceptable rates. J. Appendices: Include attachments as appropriate based on project category. Please note: All organizations that provide matching funds (other than the applicant) must submit letters of support specifying the amount of cash or in-kind services to be provided. These letters of support should be included as an Appendix. 5 October 2015 Wood Innovations Project Application – Part 3: Required Financial Forms Guidelines for Fiscal Year 2016 Application for Federal Assistance The following forms need to be completed and submitted with your proposal: 1. SF–424: Application for Federal Assistance 2. SF–424A: Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs 3. SF–424B: Assurances for Non-Construction Programs 4. AD–1047: Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension 5. AD–1049: Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace (or AD–1052 for States and State agencies) 6. AD–3030: Representations Regarding Felony Conviction and Tax Delinquent Status for Corporation Applicants 7. FS–1500–35: Certificate Regarding Lobbying Activities (go to http://www.na.fs.fed.us/werc/wip/FS1500-35-Certification-Regarding-Lobbying-2.pdf) 8. FS–1500–22: Financial Capability Questionnaire (see Financial Capability section) Forms numbered 1 through 6 and 8 in the list above can be viewed at and downloaded from this Web site: http://www.na.fs.fed.us/fap/fap_forms.shtm. Items to note when completing the SF–424 and SF–424A: Catalog of Domestic Assistance number is 10.674 Program name is Wood Utilization Assistance Anticipated project start date should be around June 1, 2016 Please Note: If your proposal is funded, you must obtain a DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet, and then register your organization at the System for Award Management Web site www.sam.gov (formerly Central Contracting Registration). To verify that your organization has a DUNS number, or to take steps needed to obtain one, you may call the dedicated toll-free DUNS number request line at (866) 705–5711, or go to http://www.dnb.com/. When you submit your application through www.grants.gov, these items need to be completed before your application can be successfully submitted. 6