A Exam outline

“A” Exam Guideline
Please see the GGD handbook for details regarding the A exam.
The oral exam
The oral component of the A-exam is a defense of the written proposal (please
see the GGD handbook for details regarding the written proposal). It is presented
to an Exam Committee of 4 faculty: the student’s Special Committee plus one
additional faculty member. It is expected that the majority of questions that the
exam committee will ask the student will directly relate to the proposal and to
areas that are considered off-shoots of it; however no area is off-limit. The
Exam Committee will likely ask the student to explain, in more detail than the
written format permits, background material, logic and rationale for choice of
aims, and experimental protocols.
The Committee will likely also ask broadly-based questions on basic
concepts, to ensure the student has strong command of foundational
knowledge in GGD. The committee member representing the minor subject
area is particularly responsible to ascertain that the student has achieved
competency in that area.
Although the Exam Committee may run the A exam in whatever way it deems
appropriate, the Field recommends that during the exam, the mentor (thesis
advisor) should not ask questions or make comments except when asked by
other committee members or when clarification is needed. The intended goal of
this policy is to dissuade the mentor, who may have a vested interest in the
outcome of the exam, from stepping in to justify the research or the particular
experimental approach being used. The student is expected to fully defend the
proposal by him/herself. However, the mentor should participate fully in the
discussion of the student’s performance, during the evaluation discussions once
the student has left the room.
In addition to evaluating the written proposal, its oral presentation and defense,
and the student’s knowledge of basic concepts, the A exam is the time when the
Committee will discuss and evaluate the potential of the student to accomplish
significant dissertation research in a timely manner. In its evaluation discussions
(carried out in camera, with the student out of the room) the Exam Committee will
discuss the student’s course work and course performance, the student’s
performance in the laboratory, as well as the motivation of the student for
Some factors that may be judged in evaluation of the A-exam are:
- Course work
- Performance in research project
- Breadth of knowledge
- Ability to respond to questions
- Communication / presentation skills
- Regarding the A-exam proposal:
importance of the problem chosen
demonstrating a command of the field.
evidence of creativity in formulating experimental approaches
feasibility of the proposed experiments
whether a range of different approaches are brought to bear on the
whether the scope of the proposed experiments is feasible for a 3-4 year
adequacy of control experiments
clarity of the proposal
Possible outcomes
Possible outcomes of the A exam are listed below. While one of these outcomes
will apply in most cases, it should be noted that the final outcome is
determined by the Exam Committee and they are not limited to the examples
given below.
1. Pass. When the committee decides that the overall proposal, defense and
progress are satisfactory. There may still be some small areas for improvement
and these can be stated to the student verbally at the defense.
2. Conditional Pass. This option will be exercised when the committee judges
that SOME aspect of the proposal and/or defense and/or the student's
progress in the program needs substantial improvement. In this case, the
committee will specify the “condition” that must be met within a certain
time-frame, before the student can receive a pass.
Some options for Conditional Pass:
(a) The committee may specify that the entire proposal or that parts of it need
to be revised within a certain time frame. The extent to which the major
professor wants to be involved in the rewriting is up to him/her.
Some reasons for revision are:
- The writing needs to be improved (for example, grammar, clarity, or
logical flow of ideas).
- Some aspect of the science needs to be rethought (for example, better
controls, more cautious interpretation, or more detailed description).
- An additional section needs to be incorporated into the proposal.
(b) The committee may specify that the student carries out additional
literature review, e.g. weekly written report of a paper, participation in journal
clubs, etc. This might be particularly helpful when the student appears to have
weaker command of the literature surrounding an area.
(c) The committee may specify that the student complete a piece of research
/ a particular sub aim within a certain time-frame. This is particularly relevant
when the committee has some concerns about the ability and/or motivation of the
student to complete the proposed research.
(d) Any other options that the committee deems to be helpful for the further
training of the student.
3. Fail. This option will be exercised when the committee judges that MOST of
the proposal and/or defense and/or the student's progress in the program
is inadequate.
In the case of exam failure, the committee will usually recommend one of two
actions. If the committee has confidence in the overall ability of the student
to complete the Ph.D. program, they may recommend that the student
retake the A exam. In this case, they will specify whether an entirely new
proposal on a different topic is to be written or whether they expect a major
rewriting of the original proposal. Note that the rules of the Graduate School
specifies that a second A exam cannot be scheduled earlier than 3 months after
the first.
If the committee has serious concern about the motivation or ability of the
student to complete the Ph.D. program, it may recommend that the student
complete a piece of research, write a Masters-level thesis based on that
work, and then defend that thesis. If the student‘s committee judges that the
Masters-level work and thesis defense demonstrates qualification, and if the
student wants to continue for a Ph.D. degree, and then the thesis defense may
be accepted in lieu of a second A exam. In some cases, the Exam Committee
may specify that reentering the Ph.D. program requires retaking the A exam, in
addition to the MS thesis.
If the committee feels that the gap between the student’s ability/motivation
and the expectation of the program is too wide to be bridged, it may
recommend dismissal of the student from the program.