Exploring Business/Marketing/Entrepreneurship Obj. 5.02 Study Guide Ethics Ethics: Set of moral principles by which people conduct themselves personally, socially or professionally. Rules of behavior that govern a group or society. Business Ethics: A set of guidelines about how a business should conduct itself. Using ethical business practices means that a business must operate legally, ethically and humanely. Code of Ethics: A set of guidelines for maintaining ethics in the workplace. Ethical Employees: Confidential, dependable, able to get along with others, honest, prompt, respect other people and property, trustworthy. Ethics in the Workplace: Work during work time, use company money appropriately, respect company property and use it appropriately for work purposes, treat coworkers with respect. Computer Use Policy: General principles to guide computer user behavior. For example, not playing computer games, checking personal e-mail or shopping online for personal use during work hours. Acceptable Use Policy: A policy that a user must agree to follow in order to be provided access (log-in username and password) to a network or to the Internet. Ethical Decision Making: What is the ethical issue or problem? What facts have the greatest impact on the decision? Who could be affected by your decision and how? What would each person want you to do about the issue? What are 3 alternative actions? Who would be harmed by each choice and how? Are there automatic responses to eliminate any choice? Select your course of action – make an informed ethical decision. (Adapted from BF Skinner)