
Can I ask you a question?
•Do you have a
Last week the representative from the City Mission
(Donna Bussey) stated, “ Anybody could end up in
a homeless shelter.”
1. Remember the Thematic Apperception Test?
2. Create a story of how you ended up in a homeless
shelter from where you are now (over 1-4 years).
• PDE 430 Category III- Instructional Delivery: Student teacher/candidate,
through knowledge of content, pedagogy and skill in delivering
instruction, engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional
• PDE Chapter 354.33 G- Instructional Planning Skills: The teacher plans
instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the
community and curriculum goals.
• PSSA Title 7.3- The Human Characteristics of Places and Regions
• PA Academic Standard 7.3.9.B- Explain the human characteristics of
places and regions by their cultural characteristics.
• ESL/ELL English Language Proficiency Standard 5: Social Studies. Grade
Level Cluster 9-12; Writing Level 5 Bridging: Explain and evaluate
contributions of significant individuals or historical times in politics,
economics, or society.
• PA Alternative Academic 1.2.11.D- Reading Critically in All Content Areas:
Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of both
fiction and nonfiction text.
• Assessment Anchor R11.A.2- Demonstrate the ability to understand and
interpret nonfiction text.
Indiana Content Standards – Sociology - APA
Standard 1
Foundations of Sociology as a Social Science
Students will describe the development of sociology as a social science, by identifying methods and
strategies of research and by examining the contributions of sociology to the understanding of
social issues.
S.1.1 Discuss the development of the field of sociology as a social science. (History)
S.1.2 Identify early leading theorists within social science. (History)
Example: Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, Herbert Spencer, Max Weber, C. Wright Mills and Karl
S.1.3 Compare sociology with other social science disciplines. (Economics,
Government, Geography, History)
S.1.4 Examine changing points of view of social issues, such as poverty, crime and discrimination.
S.1.5 Evaluate various types of sociologic research methods. (History)
S.1.6 Distinguish fact from opinion in data sources to analyze various points of view about a social
S.1.7 Determine cause-and-effect relationship issues among events as they relate to sociology.
S.1.8 Identify, evaluate and use appropriate reference materials and technology to interpret
information about cultural life in the United States and other world cultures, both in the past and
today. (Geography, History)
S.1.9 Prepare original written and oral reports and presentations on specific events, people or
historical eras as related to sociological research. (History)
S.1.10 Develop a working definition of sociology that has personal application.
Approved October 2007 Sociology, Page 3
S.1.11 Choose a social issue and conduct research using the scientific method of inquiry, including
developing a hypothesis, conducting research, interpreting data and drawing conclusions about the
Sociology – Mr. Bunner
Chapter 2 Exam – Part 2 – 150 points
1. Please produce a visual representation of the
Sociological Perspective, Sociological
Imagination, and Sociological Investigation. You
must incorporate the following into your poster:
• A. the Structural-Functional Approach
• B. The Social-Conflict Approach
• C. The Symbolic-Interaction Approach
• D. Quantitative Research
• E. Qualitative Research
Please use the rubric as your guide.