M. Yusron Hasani A. Muammar Kadafi Nira Meirita W. Putri Indisari Group 3: (105090100111037) (115090101111012) (115090100111017) (115090107111021) JURUSAN BIOLOGI FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA MALANG 2013 Substance that stimulates the production of antibodies and can be recognised by a B cell receptor or antibody, or a T cell receptor. Protein, polisakarida or other molecule Part of the antigen which comes into contact with the antigen receptor is called the epitope or antigenic determinant ANTIGEN STRUCTURE linear or sequential epitope is an epitope that is recognized by antibodies by its linear sequence of amino acids, or primary structure Conformational epitope that has a specific three-dimensional shape and its protein structure. In contrast, most antibodies recognize this epitope Major histocompatibility Complex The binding between antibodies and antigens has high specificity and affinity resulting from various structural and energetic aspects. Is a non covalent bond ( similar mechanism as lock and key on enzyme and a substrate ) Happens because the molecular structure of an antibody typical Pre-natal used IgG as antibody Post-natal used IgA from colostrum as antibody Response to the first exposure to antigen called primary immune response, mediated by lympocytes, called naïve lympocytes Subsequent encounters with the same antigen lead to responses, called secondary imune response First exposure to antigen stimulate primary imun responses signalling by IgM few days after exposing. Time between exposure and appearance of IgM antigen called the lag phase In serum, IgG start to be detected 6-7 days after exposure When second exposure to antigen occurs, secondary immune response in which IgM and IgG levels increased rapidly with a short lag phase IgM levels did not exceed the peak levels of the primary response, but IgG levels rise much higher and lasts longer Much better response faster on secondary immune response