1 Jesus 6 BC – 30 AD Hebrew Leader Established the religion of Christianity Gospels tell his life story 2 Muhammad 570-632 Arab Leader Established the religion of Islam Wrote the Koran 3 Newton 1642-1727 English Scientist Most influential scientist of all time 4 Laws of Motion, Gravity 4 Buddha 563-483 BC Indian Leader Established the religion of Buddhism Summarized Teachings in 4 Noble Truths 5 Confucius 551-479 BC Chinese Philosopher Established the philosophy of Confucianism Wrote Analects 6 Saint Paul 4 – 64 AD Hebrew leader Spread Christianity Wrote much of the New Testament Greatest Christian Writer 7 Tsai Lun 105 AD Chinese inventor of paper 8 Gutenberg 1400 - 1468 German Inventor of the printing press 9 Columbus 1451-1506 Italian explorer (for Spain) Discovered the Americas Began the Age of Exploration. 10 Einstein 1879-1955 German Scientists established the Theory of Relativity E=MC2 11 - Pasteur 1822-1895 French Scientist Germ theory of disease Preventative inoculation Pasteurization 12 - Galileo • 1564-1642 Italian Scientist Key figure in the development of the Scientific Method Improved Telescope 13 - Aristotle 384-322 BC Greek philosopher Developed the study of Formal Logic Greatest Ancient Scientist/Philosoph er 14 -Euclid • 300 BC Greek philosopher / mathematician Developed the fundamentals of geometry Wrote the “Elements” 15 - Moses 1250 BC Hebrew leader Led the exodus from Egypt Wrote the 10 Commandment and the Torah 16 - Darwin • 1809-1882 English scientist Theory of Evolution Wrote “Origin of Species” 17 - Huang Ti 257-210 BC Chinese Emperor Unified China Built Great Wall 18 - Augustus 63BC -14 AD Roman Emperor Founded Roman Empire Began era known as Pax Romana • 19 Copernicus 1473-1543 Polish astronomer Heliocentric theory • 20 - Lavoisier 1743-1794 French scientist Father of Modern Chemistry Wrote “Elements of Chemistry” 21 Constantine 280-337 AD Roman emperor Helped to make Christianity the dominate religion of the West Edict of Milan 22 - Watt 1736-1819 English inventor Invented the 1st practical steam engine Started Industrial Revolution 23 - Faraday 1791-1867 English scientist Invented the electric motor Invented the electric generator (dynamo) 24 - Maxwell 1831-1879 English scientist Established 4 laws of electromagnetism • 25 - Luther 1483-1546 Started the Protestant Reformation • 26 Washington 1732-1799 1st President of the United States President of the Constitutional Convention Led America through Revolutionary 27 - Marx 1818-1883 German political philosopher Founded Communism (scientific Socialism) 28 - Wright Brothers American inventors Invented the airplane 29 - Genghis Khan 1162-1227 Mongol emperor Established the Mongol Empire Had many influential descendants 30 - Smith • 1723-1790 English economist Economic philosophy of capitalism Study of economics 31 Shakespeare English poet / playwright Most influential author/poet/ playwright of all time Influenced English Language • 32 - Dalton English scientist Developed the modern atomic theory 33 Alexander Greek emperor Conquered Persia Spread Hellenistic culture • 34 Napoleon French Emperor Conquered most of Europe Spread ideals of French Revolution Napoleonic Code Sold Louisiana to the United States 35 - Edison American inventor Developed First Modern Research Laboratory Invented Light Bulb • 36 Dutch scientist Leuwenhoek Improved the microscope Discovered microscopic organisms 37 - Morton American physician Developed the first practical anesthesia 38 - Marconi Italian inventor Invented the radio 39 - Hitler German leader Key instigator of World War II Most evil man in history 40 – Plato 428 BC Founder of Western political thought 41 - Cromwell English leader Preserved parliamentary democracy 42 - Bell American inventor Invented the telephone 43 - Fleming British scientist Developed world’s first anti-biotic (penicillin) 44 - Locke English political philosopher Key figure in the development Constitutional Democracy 45 - Beethoven Austrian composer Most influential composer 46 German Heisenberg scientist Quantum mechanics 47 Daguerre French inventor Invented modern photography 48 - Bolivar Venezuelan leader Main leader of the liberation movements in South America 49 Descartes French mathematician Contributed DEDUCTIVE reasoning to the Scientific Method Furthered the role of MATHEMATICS in the Scientific Method 50 Italian artist Michaelangelo Greatest/ most influential artist of all time 51 - Urban II Roman Catholic Pope Called for the Crusades 52 - Umar Arab religious & political leader Expanded the religion of Islam Expanded the Islamic Empire 53 - Asoka Indian ruler Helped to make Buddhism a major religion 54 - St. Augustine Roman Catholic Bishop Most important theologian of the early Roman Catholic Church 55 - Harvey English physician Discovered / proved blood circulation and the role of the heart 56 New Zealand Rutherford scientist Founder of the study of nuclear physics 57 - Calvin Swiss religious leader 2nd most important figure in the Protestant Reformation 58 - Mendel Austrian monk / scientist Founded the study of heredity / genetics 59 - Planck German scientist Quantum theory 60 - Lister English physician Introduced anti-septic measures into surgery 61 - Otto German inventor First practical internal combustion engine 62 - Pizarro Conquered Inca/Peru Spread Spanish/ European culture to South America 63 - Cortes Conquered the Aztec/Mexico Spread Spanish/ European culture to Mexico 64 - Jefferson American president Put into cogent form the ideas on which the United States was founded 65 - Isabella I Spanish queen Sponsored Columbus Helped spread Spanish / European culture Established the Spanish Inquisition 66 - Stalin Soviet (Russian) leader Spread communism Made Soviet Union a superpower Instigated the Cold War 67 - Julius Caesar 100 – 44 BC Roman leader Conquered Gaul First Dictator of Rome 68 - William 1027-1087 King of England / Duke of Normandy Conquered England at Battle of Hastings 69 - Freud Austrian physician Founder of modern psychiatry/ psychology 70 - Jenner English scientist Developed the vaccine for smallpox 71 - Rontgen German scientist Discovered X rays 72 - Bach German composer nd 2 most influential composer 73 - Lao Tzu Chinese religious leader Founded the philosophy / religion of Daoism 74 - Voltaire French philosopher Key figure of the French Enlightenment 75 - Kepler German astronomer Laws of Planetary Motion 76 - Fermi Italian / American scientist Developed the world’s first nuclear reactor 77 – Leonardo Da Vinci 2nd Greatest Artist Universal Genius Made major advances in technology, anatomy, physiology The Last Supper, Mona Lisa Greatest Painter 78 - Rousseau French philosopher 2nd most influential figure of French Enlightenment Responsible for romanticism, socialism, and the concept of popular sovereignty 79 Italian political Machiavelli philosopher Influenced many leaders with his book “The Prince” 80 - Malthus English economist Writings on population growth and its affect on society 81 - Kennedy American president Key supporter of the Apollo space program 82 - Pincus American scientist Developed the world’s first practical and effective oral contraceptive 83 Benjamin Franklin Key Diplomat during US Revolution Wrote Poor Richards Almanac Invented lightening rod, bi-focals and experiments with electricity Universal Genius (business, science, literature, politics) 84 - Lenin Russian leader Established Communism in Russia 85 - Sui Wen Chinese Ti emperor Re-unified China in the 6th century 86 - Da Gama Portuguese explorer Discovered all water route to India Began the European efforts into Indian Ocean basin 87 - Cyrus Persian Emperor Founded the Persian Empire 88 - Peter the Great Russian czar Westernize d Russia 89 - Mao Chinese Zedong leader Made China communist Made China a world power 90 - Bacon English philosopher Introduced the concepts of Inductive Reasoning and Empiricism to the Scientific Method 91 - Ford American industrialist Developed the assembly line 92 – Abraham Lincoln President during American Civil War Freed Slaved with Emancipation Proclamation 93 Zoroaster Persian religious leader Established the religion of Zoroasterianism 94 - Elizabeth I English queen Greatest monarch in English history 95 Gorbachev Soviet (Russian) President Key figure in the ending of the Cold War Allowed the Soviet Union to break up peacefully 96 - Menes Egyptian pharaoh Unified Upper and Lower Egypt 97 Charlemagne Frankish emperor Temporarily reunited Western Europe Founded Holy 98 - Homer Greek poet Most influential writer/poet of ancient history 99 - Justinian Byzantine emperor Wrote the influential law code “Corpus Juris Civilus” 100 Mahavira Indian religious leader Established the religion of Jainism