monthly - SASD - Sheboygan Area School District

Mentor Checklist
Provide her/him with a list of the school staff (or yearbook, if possible, to associate
names with faces).
Give a tour of the building
Introduce to available building staff
Standard Score – grading and use of
Where supplies are kept
Student illness procedures
Bulletin boards
Bus slips, detention slips, passes
Information cards
District forms
Classroom layout
Class parties
How to handle classroom routines
Teacher sick days
Beginning days supplies (text, desks)
Organizing a grade book
Lunch routine-teachers
Playground rules/equipment
School schedule (daily and weekly)
Bus procedures
Cumulative folders
Fire drill procedures
Specialists and their roles
Saving files on server
Internet User Policy
Accessing District Network and Website
File maintenance
Testing schedule
Classroom schedules
Copy center requests
Discipline (classroom/bus)/referrals to the office
“Chain of Command”
School calendar/mark key events
Parking area
Hall/playground duties
Social contacts
Classroom rules
Emergency procedures
AV procedures/check-out
Attendance procedures/recordkeeping
Lunch routine-students
Lunch card procedures
Building Consultation Team
Substitute folder
Schedules for special classes
Lesson plans
Tips on effective communication with students
Email and public folders
Web attendance and expectations
Voicemail (where applicable)
Observation and feedback
Develop collegial relationships
Review Points to Ponder (pg. 153-154)
Read “The First Days of School” and share highlights with your mentor and other peers.
The mission of the Sheboygan Area School District is to equip all students with a
foundation of knowledge and skills through quality instruction, opportunities, and
a positive learning environment in an active partnership with the family and
community, reinforcing values which will inspire them to access the opportunities
of this society, strive for excellence in their endeavors, and contribute as
responsible citizens.
All students will be productive and responsible citizens in a competitive world.
Goal 1
All students will perform at the “meets or exceeds” level on the common classroom and district
assessments by the 2015-16 school year.
Meets - The student has achieved grade level expectations.
Exceeds - The student has surpassed grade level expectations.
Goal 2
All students will perform at the “meets or exceeds” level for behavior as measured by schoolwide behavior data to provide for a safe school environment (office discipline referrals,
attendance, number of students and success rate of behavior interventions, etc.).
Meets - The student has achieved grade level expectations.
Exceeds - The student has surpassed grade level expectations.
Goal 3
District support systems are aligned to maximize student learning.
Goal 4
District stakeholders are engaged in the education process through effective and timely
BBSIP: Building Based School Improvement Program.
A school-based process adopted in the Sheboygan Area School District to improve student
achievement in each school and the district as a whole by involving each school staff in planning
and making specific applications of effective school practices to reach student performance goals
that they set for their respective schools.
SET: School Effectiveness Team.
The building leadership team consisting of the principal(s), representative staff members, and, in
some cases, parents and/or students and/or community representatives who share leadership for
planning, implementing and monitoring the BBSIP process in their school and for involving all
staff in the process.
How well do you know the “lingo?”
33. TAPP
34. PAS
Advanced Placement
Student Achievement Guarantee in Education
Response to Intervention
Cooperative Educational Service Agency
Department of Public Instruction
Local Education Agency
Sheboygan Education Association
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Emotional Behavioral Disability
Specific Learning Disability
Cognitively Disabled-Borderline
Cognitively Disabled-Severe
Other Health Impaired
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Children with Disabilities
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Individual Education Plan
Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam
Measures of Academic Progress
Program Prioritization Process
American College Test
Professional Learning Community
Youth Tutoring Youth
English Language Learner
Limited English Proficient
Student Achievement Cycle Action Plan
Site-Based Management
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
Program for Academic and Creative Enrichment
Sheboygan Treatment through Reintegration and Vocational
Teenage Parent Program
Partnership for Academic Success
Dimensions of Learning
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder
Building Consultation Team
Wisconsin State Reading Association
Wisconsin Math Council
Early Learning Center
Thank Goodness It’s Friday
Qualified Economic Offer
Sheboygan Area School District
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Student Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program
Cooperative Academic Partnership Program
Professional Development Plan
Student Achievement Accountability Team
Understanding by Design
No Child Left Behind
Executive Management Team
For Your Information
Straight Ahead to Independent Living
Work and Vocational Education
The Sheboygan Area School District Board of Education, District Administrators, Sheboygan
Education Association, and AFSCME Local #1750 agree to explore a process of decisionmaking that will deliberately place greater authority and responsibility for education and related
decisions within the school itself for the purpose of enhanced student achievement, behavior
and/or attitudes. The Board of Education, the Sheboygan Education Association, District
Administrators, and AFSCME Local #1750 will jointly explore changes in structures and
procedures that will facilitate this change with the goals of:
1. Providing better collaboration in quality educational services;
2. Listening to all constituent groups and any suggested strategies;
3. Providing for the effective communication of efforts made by various teams, groups and
4. Monitoring and encouraging progress for inclusive shared decision-making; and
5. Evaluating and adjusting parameters over time (acknowledging the realistic need to consider
statutory, contractual and functional responsibilities of member groups).
The Board of Education, District Administrators, Sheboygan Education Association, and
AFSCME Local #1750 agree that we are willing to explore all the implications of the Site-Based
Decision-Making process. However, none of the parties are able to set aside the legal
responsibilities or certain dimensions of respective organizational roles. Therefore, it is
understood that, unless waivers are granted, this process cannot change the following:
Federal and Wisconsin laws as they pertain to schools;
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction rules and regulations;
Sheboygan Area School District policies and rules;
The collective bargaining agreement between the Sheboygan Area School District and the
Sheboygan Education Association; and
5. The collective bargaining agreements between the Sheboygan Area School District and
AFSCME Local #1750.
The parties recognize the mutual exploration of Site-Based Decision-Making might lead into
difficult areas and unforeseen problems. We each take this risk in good faith and with a readiness
to examine our own attitudes and behaviors and improve together. So that we may have the
necessary safeguards and acceptance of the process, Sheboygan Area School District Board of
Education, District Administrators, Sheboygan Education Association, and AFSCME Local
#1750 have the right to request either a slow-down or, in extreme cases, a withdrawal from the
joint process.
In the event that one or all of the anchors wish to terminate participation in the Sheboygan’s
Village Partnership Team, it is agreed that:
1. Other anchors of the Oversight Team will be informed in writing of the reasons for wanting
to withdraw endorsement of the concept or wanting a slow-down.
2. All anchors agree to allow 60 days “cooling off” period. During the 60 days, the Oversight
Team will meet to discuss the termination concerns at least two times, possibly using a third
party consultant, in an effort to resolve the concerns.
3. If one anchor decides to end participation after the above procedures have been followed, the
remaining anchors will determine whether the Oversight Team will be considered terminated
or not.
Oversight Team – Composition:
Representatives of the Sheboygan Education Association (3)
Administrators (2)
School Board Members (2)
Representatives of AFSCME Local #1750 (2)
Parents/Representatives of the Community at Large (5)
Students (2)
Current members of the Sheboygan’s Village Partnership Team will serve as the Oversight Team
through the 1996-97 school year at which time some new members will be appointed. Terms will
be staggered so that some new members will be appointed each year. Members will be appointed
by their respective stakeholder groups.
 To provide a listening and learning place for the school district.
Responsibilities of the Oversight Team:
1. To give direction and guidelines to the process.
2. To obtain resources and other support for those involved in the form of training sessions and
facilitated meetings.
3. To establish general steps for participation and training at sites.
4. To ensure that the pace and support are in harmony to provide high quality while keeping the
change process moving.
5. To facilitate the flow of information throughout the district.
6. To process waivers for site councils or site teams in regard to Board policies, master
agreements, etc.
7. To collaborate in “unsticking” the process when it runs into difficulties and obstacles.
When a Site Council has identified a course of action to improve an area of student achievement
or school climate, but the course of action would conflict with systemic constraints, such as
Board of Education policies, collective bargaining agreements or established practices of the
administration, it may submit a request for a waiver to the Oversight Team. The request will
include an explanation of the purpose of the proposed action, the process by which the proposal
was developed/adopted, the constraint(s) that must be waived, the duration of the waiver, the
parties and programs affected, and the proposed method for evaluating whether the course of
action has achieved the desired improvement. The Oversight Team will review such requests and
offer any suggested additions or changes it believes may enhance the likelihood of success of the
request (i.e.: if other sites have made similar requests in the past, or if other sites have similar
requests pending, such information may help in the formulation of a request for waiver).
Thereafter, the Oversight Team will refer such requests to the appropriate parties for
consideration and will also share information with other sites about the request and its
disposition, as appropriate. The Oversight Team will collect and share with the rest of the
District the results of the evaluations of all actions taken pursuant to such waivers as they are
completed by the sites.
The anchors agree to process waiver requests within a reasonable time following receipt. If the
waiver is granted, that information will be communicated to the requesting site in writing with a
copy to the Oversight Team. If the waiver is denied, members of the anchor shall communicate
that decision in person at the site so that the reasons for the denial may be explained to the Site
Site Councils
Please refer to Sheboygan Area School District Site-Based Management-Definitions and
Directions 1993 and Building-Based School Improvement Program-An Overview 1993 for
directions of the purpose, make-up, functions and responsibilities of the site-based councils and
School Effectiveness Teams.
Approved 4/8/96
Revised 2/3/97
Dimension 1
Dimension 3
Dimension 5
 Classroom Climate
 Feeling accepted
 Teacher
 Peers
 Feeling comfortable and
perceiving order
 Physical comfort
 Clear rules and
 Safety
Classroom Tasks
 Value
 Ability
 Clarity
Dimension 2
Declarative Knowledge
Constructing meaning
Procedural Knowledge
Constructing models
Analyzing errors
Constructing support
Analyzing perspectives
Dimension 4
Decision Making
Experimental Inquiry
Problem Solving
 Critical Thinking
 Being accurate and seeking
 Being clear and seeking
 Being open-minded
 Restraining impulsivity
 Taking a position when the
information warrants it
 Being sensitive to the
feelings and level of
knowledge of others
 Creative Thinking
 Engaging intensely in tasks
even when
answers/solutions are not
immediately apparent
 Pushing the limits of one’s
knowledge and abilities
 Generating, trusting, and
maintaining one’s own
standards of evaluation
 Generating new ways of
viewing a situation outside
the boundaries of standard
 Self-Regulation
 Being aware of one’s own
 Planning
 Being aware of necessary
 Being responsive to
 Evaluating the
effectiveness of one’s own
Stages of Backward Design
1. Identify
2. Determine
3. Plan learning
experiences and
The backward design process consists of three general stages:
Stage 1. Identify Desired Results – What should students know, understand, and be
able to do? What is worthy of understanding? What “enduring” understandings are
desired? In this first stage we consider our goals and identify the targeted
understandings for a unit of study.
Stage 2. Determine Acceptable Evidence – How will we know if students have
achieved the desired results and met the standards? What will we accept as evidence of
student understanding and proficiency? The backward design orientation suggests that
we think about a unit or course in terms of the collected assessment evidence needed to
document and validate that the desired learning has been achieved, not simply as
content to be covered or as a series of learning activities.
Stage 3. Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction – With identified results (enduring
understandings) and appropriate evidence of understanding in mind, it is now the time
to plan learning activities. What questions will serve to ‘uncover’ the big ideas we want
students to come to understand? What enabling knowledge and skills will students
need in order to perform effectively and demonstrate the desired results? What will
need to be taught and coached, and how should it best be taught, in light of the
performance goals? In planning the learning activities, we consider the WHERE
elements. It is important to note that choices about teaching methods, sequence of
lessons, resource materials, etc. are made after the desired results and assessments are
identified. Teaching is a means to an end.
From: “Understanding by Design,” Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, ASCD, 2000, p. 33
2014-15 School Year Schedule of Testing and Surveys
Four-Year Old Kindergarten and Elementary Schools
Records Rigby
(Sept 2 – Oct
Records - DRA
(Sept 2 – Oct
PALS Testing
(Sept 15 – Oct
Records Rigby
(Nov 3 – Jan
(Sept 29–Oct
Records - DRA
(Nov 3–Jan 16)
Records - DRA
(Sept 2 – Nov
Records - DRA
(Nov 10 – Jan
(Sept 8 – Nov
*Assess only
students below
ceiling score
(Sept 8– Nov
(per teacher
(Dec 1 – Feb
(Oct 27 – 30)
PALS Testing
(Sept 15 – Oct
Winter Break
(Dec 24 – Jan
Spring Break
(Mar 30 –
Apr 6)
WKCE and
(Oct 27 – Nov
(Dec 1 – Feb
PALS Testing
(Jan 12 – Feb
Records Rigby
(Jan 20 – Apr
(Dec 1 – Feb
(Dec 1 – Jan
(Dec 1 – Feb
(Sept 8 – Nov
PALS Testing
(Apr 27 – May 22)
PALS Testing
(Jan 12 – Feb
(Dec 1 – Feb
(Mar 2 – 13)
Running Records Rigby
(Apr 7 – June 10)
PALS Testing
(Apr 27 – May 22)
(Apr 7 – May 14)
Running Records DRA
(Apr 7 – June 10)
PALS Testing
(Apr 27 – May 22)
Running Records DRA
(Apr 7 – June 11)
(Mar 2 May 8)
Smarter Balanced
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 2 –
May 8)
(Mar 2 –
May 8)
PALS Testing
(Apr 27 – May 22
(Jan 5 – Feb
PALS Testing
(Jan 12 – Feb
Records Rigby
(Jan 20 – Apr
(Dec 1 – Jan
WIDA Child Find
(Apr 7 – 30)
PALS Testing
(Jan 12 – Feb
PALS Testing
(Oct 13 – Nov
PALS Testing
(Oct 13 – Nov
Smarter Balanced
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
Smarter Balanced
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(May 4- 14)
(May 11 –
Jun 10)
2014-15 School Year Schedule of Testing and Surveys
Middle and High Schools
Winter Break
(Dec 24 –Jan 4)
(Dec 1 – Jan 23)
(Sept 8 –
Nov 21
(Dec 1 – Feb 3)
(Dec 1 – Jan 23)
(Sept 8 –
Nov 21
(Dec 1 – Feb 3)
Spring Break
(Mar 30 –Apr 6)
(Mar 2 – May 8)
(Mar 2 – May 8)
(Dec 1 – Jan 23)
WKCE and
Science & SS
(Oct 27 – Nov 7)
(Sept 8 –
Nov 21
(Dec 1 – Feb 3)
(Mar 2 – May 8)
Wisconsin Career
(selected schools)
(Oct 6 – 24)
(Oct 6 – 24)
(Dec 1 – Jan 23)
SRI Lexile
(Dec 1 – Feb 3)
WKCE and
(Oct 27 – Nov 7)
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 30 – May
(Mar 2 – May 8)
(Dec 1 – Feb 3)
SRI Lexile
(Mar 30 – May
(March 3)
Make up Mar 17)
(Dec 1 – Feb 3)
(Dec 1 – Feb 3)
(March 4)
Make up Mar 18)
Online Survey
about Graduate
(Mar 2 – April 24)
Online Survey
about Graduate
(Mar 2 – Apr 24)
(Mar 30 – May
(Apr 27 –
May 22)
(Apr 27 –
May 22)
What it is and how it came to be:
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), a major reform of the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was passed by congress and signed into law by
President Bush on January 8, 2002. The purpose of the act is to close the achievement
gap between disadvantaged and minority students and their peers. The Act
encompasses 45 programs totaling an annual investment of $19 billion. President Bush
has described the act as “the cornerstone of my administration”.
No Child Left Behind embodies President Bush’s education reform plan: stronger
accountability for results, expanded flexibility and local control, expanded options for
parents, and an emphasis on teaching methods that have been proven to work.
The Components:
Evidence that all students are meeting high academic standards must be
provided in the form of annual assessments in grades 3-8 in reading and math. Data
from the annual testing will be disaggregated for students by poverty levels, race,
ethnicities, disabilities, and limited English proficiencies. States also must report on
school safety on a school-by-school basis.
Annual “school report cards” will provide comparative information on the quality
of schools. Districts and schools that do not make adequate yearly progress towards
state proficiency goals for their students will be targeted for assistance and then be
subject to corrective action and ultimately restructuring. Schools that meet or exceed
objectives will be eligible for “academic achievement awards.”
In exchange for greater accountability for results, states and school districts will
have greater flexibility in how they can use federal education funds. The intent is to put
greater decision-making powers at the local and state levels where educators are most
in touch with students’ needs.
Each state, hoping to receive federal dollars, must submit plans to the secretary
of education outlining evidence that they have content and achievement standards and
aligned assessments, school report card procedures, and statewide systems for holding
schools and districts accountable for the achievement of their students. In turn each
school district must report to their state agency (Department of Public Instruction)
outlining their district standards, testing procedures and results, and highlighting student
Each state will determine, pending federal approval, what constitutes adequate
yearly progress (AYP) for students in that state. All students must reach proficiency, as
defined by their state, by the school year 2013-2014.
Annual “school report cards” will provide parents with comparative information
about how particular schools are performing. For parents whose children are attending
“failing” schools there are immediate options:
1. Public school choice: Parents with children in failing schools would be allowed to
transfer their child to a better-performing public or charter school immediately after a
school is identified as failing. There will be expanded federal support for the creation
and maintenance of charter schools.
2. Supplemental services: Title 1 funds can be used to provide supplemental
educational services such as tutoring, after school services, and summer school
programs for children in failing schools.
NCLB places a special emphasis on determining what educational programs and
practices have been clearly demonstrated to be effective through rigorous scientific
research. Scientific research is defined as research that involves the application of
rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge
relevant to education activities and programs. Federal funding will be targeted to
support these programs and teaching methods.
Instructional Mentor Training
Jeanne Pfeiffer
Monthly Instructional Mentor Checklist
 Review and discuss:
Reporting Child Abuse (pg. 38-40)
School Resource Officer Program (pg. 41)
Developmental Guidance (pg. 42-43)
Developmental Stages (pg. 44-48)
Classroom Management Strategies (pg. 49-61)
Code of Classroom Conduct Policy (pg. 64)
Homework Policy (pg. 65)
Review Professional Growth Plan and Staff Development Expectations
Review Standards/Benchmarks/Report Cards
 Testing procedures
 Grading procedures
 Parent communications
 Pacing of the curriculum
 Extra curricular school activities/duties/
 Youth-Tutoring-Youth (YTY)
 Field trips/bus requests
 Parent organizations (PTA/PTO)
 Work orders/maintenance
 Homework/policies
 Assemblies
 Parent volunteers/Grandparent Program
 Progress reports
 Contract/professionalism
 Mentee observes mentor and other colleagues (pg. 157-185)
Assist with curricular planning and timeline
Prepare for formal observations
Grade level/department meetings
Review Points to Ponder (pg. 153-154)
Review “The First Days of School” and share highlights with your mentor and
other peers.
Department of Student and Instructional Services
Office of School Social Workers
830 Virginia Avenue
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Staff members of the Sheboygan Area School District are required to report suspected incidents
of child abuse to either the Police Department or the Department of Health and Human Services.
A staff member does not have to have absolute certainty that the abuse occurred; the staff
member is mandated (required) to report suspicions of child abuse.
According to Wisconsin Statute 48.981, school personnel are mandated to report the following
types of situations:
1. Physical abuse, which may be inflicted by an adult or another child.
2. Emotional damage, which is exhibited by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or
outward aggressive behavior that is caused by the child’s guardian.
3. Neglect, which is the lack of food, clothing, medical or dental care, or shelter that seriously,
endanger the physical health of the child.
4. Threatened harm, which occurs when a child reports that she/he is afraid that she/he will be
physically abused.
5. Sexual abuse, which includes sexual contact, which means any intentional touching, directly
or through clothing by the use of any body part or object of the person’s intimate parts. The
intentional touching must be for the purpose of either sexually degrading the victim or
sexually arousing the perpetrator. Any child under sixteen years of age is presumed not
capable of giving consent for sexual contact.
A staff member who discovers a suspected abused, neglected, or threatened child shall
immediately relate this information to the child’s teacher or principal. According to school
District Policy 8462, the staff member must complete a written report regarding the incident of
abuse and when it was reported. This report is given to the building principal.
If you have other questions about reporting child abuse, please contact your building guidance
counselor, social worker, and psychologist or call the Department of Health and Human Services
at 459-6400.
The Board of Education is concerned with the physical and mental well-being of all children of
this District and will cooperate in the identification and reporting of cases of child abuse or
neglect in accordance with law.
The Board shall require every employee to receive training provided by the Department of Public
Instruction (DPI) in identifying children who have been abused or neglected and in the laws and
procedures detailed herein governing the reporting of suspected or threatened child abuse and
neglect. Such training shall be completed within the first six (6) months of employment in the
District and thereafter at least once every five (5) years after the initial training.
Each District employee who has reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or neglect has occurred
or is occurring shall be responsible for reporting immediately every case, whether ascertained or
suspected, of abuse or neglect resulting in physical or mental injury to a child by other than
accidental means.
Reporting of Suspect Child Abuse or Neglect
All Sheboygan Area School District employees having reasonable cause to suspect that a child
seen in the course of professional duties has been abused or neglected or who has reason to
believe that a child seen by the person has been threatened with abuse or neglect shall
immediately contact Sheboygan County Health and Human Services, Manitowoc County Human
Services Department, or the Human Services Department in the county of which the child resides,
or the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction.
Safeguarding children from hazardous conditions brought about by child abuse and neglect can
be accomplished by increasing employee awareness of the problem, and by developing a logical
procedure to deal with the problem. The Board of Education charges the administration to
provide all employees with in-service training necessary to enable each employee to understand
the problem of child abuse and neglect, and the necessary procedures in dealing with suspected
The employee shall immediately call the local office of the Child Welfare Department or local
law enforcement agency and shall secure prompt medical attention for any such injuries reported.
Employees shall also notify the appropriate administrator according to the District's Reporting
Procedure for Student Abuse or Neglect.
The identity of the reporting person shall be confidential, subject only to disclosure by consent or
court order. A reporting employee shall not be dismissed or otherwise penalized for making a
report of child abuse or neglect.
Information concerning alleged child abuse is confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure by an
official or employee of the District is a violation of the law and may subject the disseminator to
civil liability for resulting damages and disciplinary action.
Each principal should be mindful of the possibility of physical or mental abuse being inflicted on
a student by an employee. Any such instances, whether real or alleged, should be dealt with in
accordance with the administrative guidelines established by the District Administrator.
48.981, 118.07(5) Wis. Stats.
Revised 8/14/12
Sample form to use
as documentation
(To be completed by staff member observing the suspected abuse. Call the information in to
Sheboygan County Social Services at 6418.)
Child’s Name: _______________________________________________________________
Grade: _________ School: __________________________ Birth date: _______________
Parent(s): _____________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________________
Parent(s) Workplace and Phone (if known): __________________________________________
Other siblings/adults and ages in home (if known): ____________________________________
Date and time of observation: _____________________________________________________
Alleged Perpetrator: ____________________________________________________________
Relationship/phone/address (if known): _____________________________________________
Description of suspected abuse, neglect, or threat warranting referral (If any injuries observed,
describe them): ________________________________________________________________
Contact made with Social Services:
Date: ___________________________
Time: ____________________________________
DSS Staff or Law Enforcement Officer contacted: ____________________________________
DSS Follow-Up:
Date of contact with child: _______________________________________________________
DSS Social Worker: ____________________________________________________________
Report received from DSS: _______________________________________________________
Referring staff member’s signature/title: ____________________________________________
(Give report to building principal)
The School Resource Officer Program is an integral part of the overall school program. There are
school resource officers at both high schools, Central High School, and the three middle schools.
Everyone is highly encouraged to contact the school resource officer to discuss concerns about
individual students and also use him/her as a resource for classroom presentations. The school
resource officer’s job responsibilities include the following:
To establish liaison services between the Sheboygan Police Department, school youth,
parents of youth, Department of Health and Human Services, other law enforcement
agencies, and all other related agencies in dealing with youth.
Formulate and conduct juvenile crime prevention education programs in areas such as
drug and alcohol abuse, vandalism, shoplifting, theft, and abuse cases.
Promote public speaking engagements to service organizations in the community.
Investigate all cases, which would violate Wisconsin statutes, and city ordinances, which
occur on or in the area of the schools.
Provide counseling to youth and their parents as needed.
Attempt to keep the community alert as to possible problem areas in the community
concerning delinquency.
Attend school functions and activities that are appropriate as requested by the
Deal with any violations of law committed by students while attending school.
Assist teachers when requested to do so with presentations in the classroom.
A responsibility NOT included in the school resource officer’s position is the enforcement of
school rules and regulations.
The primary responsibility for the enforcement of school rules and regulations lies with the
administration and professional staff of the schools.
Educators, in their effort to create an effective learning climate, have recognized the primary
importance of assisting students with their intellectual and physical development; and many have
recognized the importance of assisting with their social and emotional development. The
importance of dealing with all of life’s growth process is emphasized by the fact that successful
achievement of developmental tasks, as they arise in the life of an individual, lead to happiness
and success with subsequent tasks.
Developmental tasks identified by Robert J. Havighurst, University of Chicago, have assisted
teachers in recognition of the needs of students. The students need to:
Understand themselves
Understand their feelings
Understand other people
Understand interaction
Understand communication
Understand roles and responsibilities
Understand the world of work
Understand choices and consequences
Conditions today make more evident than formerly the need for a developmental guidance
program for our school age youth. We live in an age of complexity and uncertainty as evidenced
Choices, which are more numerous and come earlier;
Decreasing stability of the family structure;
The incidence of crime, drug abuse, emotional disturbance, and suicide among young
The tremendous increase in man’s body of knowledge;
Rapid changes and inconsistencies in society’s values;
The rapid shifting nature of the world of work, including the phasing out of many jobs for
the unskilled worker and the emergence of new jobs requiring higher skill levels.
Educators are charged with the responsibility of preparing our youth for a future which none of
us can predict with any accuracy. We do not know what information currently being taught will
be valid and useful to today’s school youth when they reach adulthood. It is important, therefore,
that we find some means of helping youth to make sense of their present experiences, to find
personal meaning in what they are being taught in school, to develop values and attitudes, and to
learn to practice the decision-making skills which will enable them to function in a charging
The Developmental Guidance Model for the Sheboygan Area School District is an organized
effort to help each youth to achieve all of which he or she is capable. Its focus in on personal
development, that guidance is an inherent part of all curriculum, and that the classroom teacher is
a central figure in the guidance function. It is designed to systematically, purposefully, and
actively involves youth in acquiring personal human skills, and to prevent problems before they
occur. It is based on the belief that:
Counseling and guidance services should be provided for all youth at all grade levels
(Wisconsin State Statutes, Chapter 90, 1973).
That total growth, development and adjustment of each individual is of utmost
Emotional growth enhances intellectual growth and prevents maladjustment.
Youth learn better when they feel good about themselves.
Growth in self-understanding enables young people to find personal meaning in learning
Youth who understand their own feelings are better able to control their own behavior
and to understand and get along with others.
Persons grow in helping others to grow, and growth is affected more by what we do than
by what is done to us.
The process of psychological development is a vital arm of education and should not be
left to chance factors in the school.
Attitudes formed during the school years shape the future attitudes toward learning, self,
and society.
The total educational program, including all curriculum areas, would have to share one
common objective: the total and integrated development of the individual. Collaborative
planning by all staff members is needed.
The developmental guidance program is more effective when it is a cooperative enterprise
among the youth, parents, school, and community; and when teachers include specific guidance
experiences in their teaching. The classroom teacher exerts considerable influence on youth as
they view, sense, interpret, and draw conclusions from the teacher as a leader and as a person.
The classroom teacher is an influential person on the guidance of students, and is a key person in
an organized program of guidance activities.
A. Physical Characteristics:
1. Preschool children are extremely active. They have good control of their bodies and
enjoy activity for its own sake.
2. Because of their inclination toward bursts of activity, kindergartners need frequent rest
periods. They themselves often don’t recognize the need to slow down.
3. Preschoolers’ large muscles are more developed than those that control fingers and hands.
Therefore, they may be quite clumsy at, or physically incapable of, such skills as tying
shoes and buttoning coats.
4. Young children find it difficult to focus their eyes on small objects; therefore, their eyehand coordination may be imperfect.
5. Although the children’s bodies are flexible and resilient, the bones that protect the brain
are still soft.
6. Although boys are bigger, girls are ahead of boys in practically all other areas of
development, especially in fine motor skills, so don’t be surprised if boys are clumsier at
manipulating small objects.
7. Handedness is established in most children, and 90 percent are right-handed.
B. Social Characteristics:
1. Most children have one or two best friends, but these friendships may change rapidly.
Preschoolers tend to be quite flexible socially; they are usually willing and able to play
with most of the other children in the class. Favorite friends tend to be of the same sex,
but many friendships between boys and girls develop.
2. Playgroups tend to be small and not too highly organized; hence they change rapidly.
3. Younger children may play beside others; older ones with others. (Unoccupied behavior,
solitary play, onlooker behavior, parallel play, associative play, cooper-active play)
4. Quarrels are frequent, but they tend to be of short duration and quickly forgotten.
5. Preschoolers enjoy dramatic play; most of the plots they invent stem from their own
experiences or TV shows.
6. Awareness of sex roles is evident.
C. Emotional Characteristics:
1. Kindergarten children tend to express their emotions freely and openly. Anger outbursts
are frequent.
2. Jealousy among classmates is likely to be fairly common at this age, since kindergarten
children have much affection for the teacher and actively seek approval. When there are
thirty individuals competing for the affection and attention of just one, some jealousy is
D. Cognitive Characteristics:
1. Kindergartners are quite skillful with language. Most of them like to talk, especially in
front of a group.
2. Preschoolers may stick to their own rules in using language.
3. Competence is encouraged by interaction, opportunities, urging, limits, admiration, and
signs of affection.
PRIMARY GRADES (1, 2, and 3; Six to Nine Years)
A. Physical Characteristics:
1. Primary grade children are still extremely active. Because they are frequently required to
participate in sedentary pursuits, energy is often released in the form of nervous habits –
for example, pencil chewing, fingernail biting, hair twirling, and general fidgeting.
2. Children at these grade levels still need rest periods; they become fatigued easily as a
result of physical and mental exertion.
3. Large-muscle control is still superior to fine coordination. Many children, especially boys,
have difficulty manipulating a pencil.
4. Many primary grade pupils may have difficulty focusing on small print or objects. Quite
a few children may be far-sighted because of the shallow shape of the eye.
5. At this age children tend to be extreme in their physical activities. They have excellent
control of their bodies and develop considerable confidence in their skills. As a result,
they often underestimate the danger involved in their more daring exploits. The accident
rate is at a peak in the third grade.
6. Bone growth is not yet complete; therefore, bones and ligaments can’t stand heavy
B. Social Characteristics:
1. At this level children become somewhat more selective in their choice of friends. They
are likely to have a more or less permanent best friend and may also pick out a semipermanent “enemy”.
2. Children during this age span often like organized games in small groups, but they may
be overly concerned with rules or get carried away by team spirit.
3. Quarrels are still frequent. Words are used more often than physical aggression, but many
boys (in particular) may indulge in punching, wrestling, and shoving.
C. Emotional Characteristics:
1. Primary grade pupils are sensitive to criticism and ridicule and may have difficulty
adjusting to failure.
2. Most primary grade children are eager to please the teacher.
3. Children of this age are becoming sensitive to the feelings of others.
D. Cognitive Characteristics:
1. Generally speaking, primary grade pupils are extremely eager to learn.
2. They like to talk and have much more facility in speech than in writing.
3. Because of their interpretation of rules, primary grade children may tend to be tattletales.
INTERMEDIATE GRADES (4, AND 5; Nine to Eleven Years)
A. Physical Characteristics:
1. A growth spurt occurs in most girls and starts in early-maturing boys. On the average,
girls between the ages of ten and fourteen are taller and heavier than boys of the same age.
2. As children approach puberty, concern and curiosity about sex are almost universal,
especially among girls.
3. Fine motor coordination is quite good; therefore, the manipulation of small objects is
easy and enjoyable for most children. As a result, arts and crafts and music activities are
B. Social Characteristics:
1. The peer group becomes powerful and begins to replace adults as the major source of
behavior standards and recognition of achievement.
2. Between the ages of six and twelve, the development of interpersonal reasoning leads to
greater understanding of the feelings of others.
C. Emotional Characteristics:
1. Conflict between the group code and adult rules may cause difficulty, including juvenile
2. Behavior disorders are at a peak at the elementary grade level, but most children find
their own ways to adapt.
D. Cognitive Characteristics:
1. There are sex differences in specific abilities and in overall academic performance.
2. Differences in cognitive style become apparent.
MIDDLE SCHOOL (GRADES 6, 7, and 8; Eleven to Fourteen Years)
A. Physical Characteristics:
1. Most girls complete their growth spurt at the beginning of this period. A boy’s growth
spurt; however, usually is not completed before the eighth or ninth grade, and it may be
precipitous. Some boys add as much as six inches and 25 pounds in a single year.
2. Puberty is reached by practically all girls and many boys.
3. There is likely to be a certain amount of adolescent awkwardness – probably due as much
to self-consciousness as to sudden growth – and a great deal of concern about appearance.
4. Although this age period is marked by generally good health, the diet and sleeping habits
of many junior high students is poor.
B. Social Characteristics:
1. The peer group becomes the general source of rules of behavior.
2. The desire to conform reaches a peak during the junior high years.
3. Students are greatly concerned about what others think of them.
C. Emotional Characteristics:
1. Many adolescents may go through a period of “storm and stress”.
2. Crime rates are at a peak during the adolescent years, and vandalism may be a problem in
certain schools.
D. Cognitive Characteristics:
1. This is a transition period between concrete operational and formal thought.
2. This is a transition period between the moralities of constraint and cooperation.
3. Between the ages of twelve and sixteen, political thinking becomes more abstract, liberal,
and knowledgeable.
HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12; Fifteen and Eighteen Years)
A. Physical Characteristics:
1. Most students reach physical maturity, and virtually all attain puberty.
2. Many adolescents experience confusion regarding sexual relationships.
3. Increased sexually activity among adolescents has led to high rates of illegitimate births
and sexually transmitted diseases.
B. Social Characteristics:
1. Parents are likely to influence long-range plans; peers are likely to influence immediate
2. Girls seem to experience greater anxiety about friendships than boys.
C. Emotional Characteristics:
1. Toward the end of the secondary school years, girls may be more likely than boys to
experience emotional disorders.
2. The most common type of emotional disorder during adolescence is depression.
3. If depression becomes severe, suicide may be contemplated.
D. Cognitive Characteristics:
1. High school students become increasingly capable of engaging in formal thought, but
they may not use the capability.
2. Keep in mind that novice formal thinkers may engage in unrestrained theorizing, be
threatened by awareness of possibilities, and be subject to adolescent egocentrism.
Psychology Applied to Teaching; 6th Edition, Robert F. Biehler & Jack Snowman, Houghton
Mifflin Co., 1990, p. 98-142
Taken from: Wong, H. c. 1998. The First Days of School. Harry K. Wong Publications.
Mountain View: CA. pgs. 82-94 and 141-193.
You, the classroom teacher, are responsible for organizing a
well-managed classroom.
“You were not hired to teach third grade, coach football, or
teach English. You were hired to take a group of students
and turn them into interested and productive learners in a
well-managed classroom.” (p. 84)
Begin on Day 1 and follow through on each subsequent
school day.
Your personal classroom and wherever your students are in
your charge.
Classroom management is everything a teacher does to
organize students, time, space, and materials, so that
instruction can take place.
Discipline constitutes student behaviors that need to be
Rules reflect the expectations of appropriate student
behavior and create a safe and protected environment.
Consequences and rewards are the logical results of the
choices people make. People must responsibly accept
consequences throughout their entire life.
Procedures are a method or process for how things are to be
done in a classroom. A procedure becomes a routine when
students begin to do it automatically.
Classroom management is the single most important factor
in governing student learning and determining teaching
Before you ever meet your students begin by determining
your classroom procedures. How do you want things done in
your classroom? What procedures need to be determined to
make things run efficiently?
Explain and demonstrate procedures.
Rehearse procedures until they become a routine.
Reinforce procedures and reteach them as needed.
Develop a discipline, your expectations of student behavior.
Communicate the rules (3-5 for optimum success) to parents
and students in verbal and written form.
Determine consequences and rewards that are logical
results of the choices students make.
Have all of this ready for the first day of school!
Be consistent in using procedures and enforcing
classroom rules. You get only what you demand.
Instructional Mentor Training
Jeanne Pfeiffer
(active kids will act out if need not met)
(passive kids will withdraw if need not met)
Source: Control Theory by William Glasser – For additional information contact CTRTQM Institute as 22024 Lassen Street, Suite 118,
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Giving a choice is a very useful behavior management technique. Some benefits
from giving choices are as follows:
1. A choice reduces the probability of a power struggle.
2. A choice will keep the student in the thinking mode. If the choice is
presented in the form of a question, it increases the probability of the student
remaining in the thinking mode.
3. A choice is a deposit in the “Relationship Bank.”
Some guidelines for giving choices are as follows:
1. Never give a choice that you don’t like.
2. Giving a choice seldom works when the student is in an emotional state.
3. When you offer the choice, you must be ready to make the decision if the
student doesn’t.
4. Bottom Line Behaviors are not choice issues.
The way you present the choice is a key factor in your successful use of choices as
a behavior management technique. Some things to keep in mind are as follows:
Use a calm voice.
Present the choice as a question if possible.
Give the student time and space after you present the choices. If you
disengage for a short period of time, you increase the probability that the
student will make the best choice.
Giving a choice is a powerful and useful technique. However, it isn’t the best
technique for every situation. You need to evaluate every situation to determine if
it is a non-choice situation. A non-choice situation might be a time to use an
“enforcement statement.”* The activity on the next page is designed to give you
some practice generating statements that give a choice.
* The concept of Enforceable and Unenforceable Statements comes from Jim Fay. For more information
contact the Cline/Fay Love and Logic Institute, Inc. 2207 Jackson Street, Golden, CO 80401 or call 1800-338-4065.
A number of behavior situations are described in column one. In column two you will find a power statement that could increase the
probability of a power struggle. Please write a statement giving a choice in column three for each of the power statements. Remember,
a Bottom Line Behavior is a non-choice situation. Write the word non-choice in column three for such a situation.
Behavior Situation
Power Statement
1. A student is wasting time during work
“Get to work right now!”
2. A student is playing with a toy during
“Put it away right now!”
3. A student has a problem completing
his/her homework.
“You better get it done right now!”
4. Two students are smoking in the
“You can’t smoke in school!”
5. It is time to clean up for lunch. A
number of students are not helping
with clean up.
“None of you will be going to lunch
until this room is clean!”
6. A student calls another student a “butt
“You will apologize!”
Choice Statement
All disciplinary situations are different. Giving a student a choice is a very
powerful behavior management technique. However, giving a choice will not be
the best option in all situations. The “enforceable” statement is a very useful
behavior management technique when you believe a choice isn’t an option. It is
very important to make “enforceable” statements. Some adults get caught up in the
emotion of the situation and make an “unenforceable” statement. The difference
between the “enforceable” and the “unenforceable” statement is as follows:
“Unenforceable” Statement – The adult tells the student what the student is going
to do or what the student can’t do. Example: “You can’t yell at me like that!”
“Enforceable” Statement – The adult tells the student what the adult is going to
do. “I will listen when you lower your voice.”
Some negative side effects of the “unenforceable” statements are as follows:
1. Increased stress for the adult in charge.
2. Increased probability of a power struggle.
3. Students frequently refuse to comply with the “unenforceable” statement.
“Unenforceable” statements violate the basic premise of control theory. Control
theory contends that you cannot control other people. Your attempts to control are
met with resistance and rebellion. Therefore, “unenforceable” statements tend to
result in noncompliance, refusals, and power struggles.
It is non-productive to tell the student what he/she is going to do or what he/she
can’t do. It is more productive to tell the student what you are going to do.
You will increase your effectiveness in the process of making “enforceable”
statements if you keep the following tips in mind.
Calm voice.
Respect the student’s space.
Give the student time to think after you make your statement.
The activity on the next page is designed to give you some practice generating
“enforceable” statements.
*The concept of Enforceable and Unenforceable Statements comes from Jim Fay. For more information
contact the Cline/Fay Love and Logic Institute, Inc. 2207 Jackson Street, Golden, CO 80401 or call 1800-338-4065
A number of behavior situations are described in column one. These situations are followed by an unenforceable statement. Please
write an enforceable statement in column two for each of these situations.
Situation and Unenforceable Statement
Enforceable Statement
1. A student is being sarcastic. “You can’t talk to me like that!”
2. Several students are very excited. They all want to talk at
once. “I don’t want all of you talking at one time.”
3. A student has several late assignments. “You had better turn
your assignments in tomorrow.”
4. Two students are having difficulty playing fair at recess.
“You had better play fair.”
5. You ask the student to go to the counselor. The student
responds, “I’m not going and you can’t make me.” You
respond, “Get out now!”
6. A student sharpens a pencil during instruction. “You can’t
be at the pencil sharpener when I’m talking.”
Be Empathetic – Be Sad - Be Caring – Be Gentle – Be Kind
How are you going to fix it?
How are you going to solve the problem?
What are you going to do about the problem?
Do you need help?
Would you like help?
Do you want an idea?
How would that work for you?
Do you think the idea would work for you?
What do you need to do?
What are you going to do?
Source: Corwin Kronenberg,  1993, For information, contact Corwin Kronenberg Consulting, Inc. (952) 8313619
Lee Canter’s Assertive Discipline
1. Create a Classroom Discipline Plan and Post it in Your Classroom
A. Establish Rules for Your Classroom
 Choose rules that are observable
 Choose rules that apply throughout the day
 Include the rule “Follow directions” in your classroom rules
 Rules should be limited to five
Examples of some appropriate general classroom rules for different grade levels
Grades K-3
Grades 4-5
 Follow directions
 Follow directions
 Keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself
 Keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself
 Do not leave the room without permission
 No swearing or teasing
 No swearing or teasing
 Be in your seat when the bell rings
 No yelling or screaming
 Bring all necessary materials to class
Grades 7-12
 Follow directions
 No swearing or teasing
 Be in your seat when the bell rings
B. Determine Positive Reinforcement for Your Classroom
 Praise
 Positive Notes and Phone Calls
 Special Privileges (Free time, extra computer time, correcting papers, special art activity, cross-grade tutor,
first in line, caretaker of the class pet, teacher’s assistant, class monitor, share something brought from home,
read to kindergarten class)
 Behavior Awards
 Tangible Rewards
C. Determine Disciplinary Consequences for Your Classroom
 Must be something student does not like
 Must be presented to student as a choice
 Does not have to be severe to be effective
 Should be organized into a discipline hierarchy (if appropriate, include calling parents,
sending the student to the principal, and a severe clause)
Examples of some appropriate discipline hierarchies for different grade levels
Grades K-3
Grades 4-5
1st time: Warning
1st time: Warning
2nd time: 5 min. working away from group
2nd time: 10 min. working away from group
3 time: 10 min. working away from group
3rd time: 15 min. working away from group
4th time: Call parents
4th time: Call parents
5 time: Send to principal
5th time: Send to principal
Severe clause: Send to principal
Severe clause: Send to principal
Grades 7-12
1st time: Warning
2nd time: Stay in class 1 minute after the bell
3rd time: Stay in class 2 minutes after the bell
4th time: Call parents
5th time: Send to principal
Severe clause: Send to principal
Behavior Documentation Record
Make copies of this page to use throughout the year.
Student Name
Problem Behavior
Disciplinary Action Taken
End-of-the-Year Checklist
Now that the year is closing, take a few
minutes to assess how well you used Assertive
Discipline to manage behavior in your class.
Use the results to develop an even better
program for next year.
Indicate: A=Always, S=Sometimes, R=Rarely
I Assumed an Assertive Attitude
 I felt in control of my classroom.
 I stayed calm whenever students
misbehaved (I did not yell or become
I Developed a Classroom Discipline Plan
 The classroom discipline plan was posted
in my classroom.
 The classroom discipline plan included
rules, positive reinforcement, and a
hierarchy of consequences.
 I followed the plan closely.
 I changed the plan when it wasn’t working.
 I developed individualized behavior plans
for chronically disruptive students.
 I informed the principal of the classroom
discipline plan.
 I informed the parents of the classroom
discipline plan.
 I provided a copy of the classroom
discipline plan for substitute teachers.
I Taught the Classroom Discipline Plan
 I carefully explained the rules, positive
reinforcement, and disciplinary
consequences to the students.
 I questioned the students to be sure they
understood the plan.
 I reviewed the plan periodically to remind
the students what was expected of them.
I Clearly Communicated the Rules and
Specific Directions
 I communicated my expectations to
students at all times.
 My students knew what was expected of
them at all times.
 I communicated to students in a clear,
firm, and caring manner.
I Used Positive Recognition
 I positively recognized every student once
a day.
 I used praise frequently.
I Used Redirecting Techniques
 I consistently redirected students who
strayed off task and were not disruptive.
I Provided Disciplinary Consequences
 I consistently provided consequences
when students were disruptive or
continually off task.
 I consistently followed through on the
consequences promised.
 I provided consequences in a calm,
assertive manner.
 I used positives that students liked and
looked forward to receiving.
 I changed the consequences when they
weren’t effective.
 I changed the type of reinforcement I used
when it wasn’t effective in motivating
students to behave.
If you find that you are weak in one particular
area, review the new and revised Assertive
Discipline® text and workbooks.
 I changed the positive ideas periodically
Individual Plans for Students
Pro-Active Strategies:
 procedures and routines that are specific and clear
 clear behavioral expectations
 cuing systems
 consistency
 Cantor’s 3 weeks/33 weeks ratio
 fair does not mean equal
 maintain rapport
 communication with parents, introductory calls and letters
“Reactive” Strategies:
 never give up
 maintain rapport
 refer to Harry Wong—reinforce procedures and routines—classroom “tune-up”
 location, location, location—sometimes “near the teacher” isn’t always the best
 calls or notes to parents
 notebooks
 report charts broken down into small parts of the day for a better chance of success
 classroom based plans should be positive and supportive and specific
 modifications (homework and other requirements)
 the appropriate use of educational assistants and support staff
 “this isn’t’ working for either of us” and “we’re going to problem solve our way through this”
Response to Intervention (RtI)
A systematic and data based method of identifying,
defining, and resolving student’s academic and
behavioral difficulties.
The RTI committee has worked together, looking at national models, state models, best
practices, and recommendations from the US Dept. of Education. This is an
accumulation of this data.
 An extension of No Child Left Behind and a component of IDEA.
 Produce better outcomes for all children specifically focused on reading, mathematics,
written language, and behavior.
 Multi-tier of instruction and intervention options.
 Emphasis on prevention and early intervention.
 Keep in mind equity of instruction and intervention!
WI DPI Preliminary
RTI is the practice of providing high quality instruction/intervention, matched to
student needs, and using learning rate over time and level of performance to
make important educational decisions (Batsche, 2005).
Early intervention and prevention to enhance outcomes for children by providing
access to increasingly intense supports, eliminating the “wait to fail” system, and
linking instruction to progress monitoring.
Multi-tiered instruction/intervention
Problem Solving Process
Integrated data collection and analysis system
Includes all systems (regular, remedial, special education) to develop a UNIFIED
EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM within schools and districts.
Five Essential Components
Universal Screening
Evidenced based Instruction
Evidenced based Interventions
Progress Monitoring
Intervention Integrity
Tier 1
General Education Curriculum 80% of students should be successful.
 All students are screened
 Progress towards benchmarks monitored at least three times per year
 Elementary: screenings should focus on reading, math, written language, and
 Secondary: broader range of skills and behaviors (for now)
 Establish classroom intervention plan
 Begin progress monitoring
 Weekly for six weeks
 Check rate of growth – determine if additional or different intervention is needed,
if so move to Tier 2 intervention.
Tier 2
Students who are not meeting benchmarks. 10-15% should respond rapidly.
Tier 3
Intensive and specific instruction
Typically small group
Data collected more frequently
Intensity and duration of intervention emphasized
Most Intensive. State is looking at 4%.
 Interventions may be individual, occurring daily and on-going
 May take place in regular education, ELL, or special education
 Problem-solving team is monitoring the effectiveness of individualized
interventions and adapting as needed
 Evaluation/specialized assessment may drive interventions
 Focus on intensity and duration, not who or what
It is the policy of the District to establish and maintain a favorable learning environment for students
and staff. Effective learning cannot take place in a class where student behavior interferes with the
ability of the teacher to teach effectively or the ability of other students to participate in class learning
Students shall be expected to abide by the code of classroom conduct adopted by the Board for the
purpose of maintaining order and a favorable academic atmosphere. Any student who violates the code
of classroom conduct or other District policies, rules, and expectations set forth in the Rights and
Responsibilities Student Handbook is subject to removal from class and/or disciplinary action.
The District recognizes and accepts its responsibilities to create, foster, and maintain an orderly and
safe class environment, conducive to teaching and to the learning processes. Every member of the
school community is expected to cooperate in this central mission.
118.13, Wis. Stats.
118.164, Wis. Stats.
120.13, Wis. Stats.
Wis. Admin. Code P.I. 9.03
Wis. Admin. Code P.I. 41
Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution
20 U.S.C. Section 1681, Title IX of Education Amendments Act
20 U.S.C. Section 1701 et seq., Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974
29 U.S.C. Section 794, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
42 U.S.C. Section 2000 et seq., Civil Rights Act of 1964
42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq., The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Vocational Education Program Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services,
Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, 1979
Definition. Homework is a learning activity to be conducted by students outside of the regular
classroom setting and scheduled under guidelines provided by teachers. It is an integral part of the
instructional process and important to the total educational development of students. It should be a
positive, meaningful learning experience.
Purpose. Through the grades, homework should be designed to reinforce classroom learning, to
provide appropriate applications of classroom learning, to develop study and work habits, to use family
and community resources for learning, to promote problem-solving and creativity, to develop
independent learning skills, and to promote an interest in life-long learning.
Schedule. Appropriate purposeful homework should be scheduled through the grades under the
following guidelines to develop student responsibility and study skills through the years.
Homework Guidelines
Periodic activities
Average of 10-20 minutes per school day
Average of 20-40 minutes per school day
Average of 40-60 minutes per school day
Average of 60-90 minutes per school day
Average of 90-150 minutes per school day
Within these guidelines, it is recognized that the actual length and nature of homework will vary with
the ability of the student, the requirements of various subjects, and the pattern of instructional activities.
Implementation. The administration and staff shall develop district and school guidelines for
homework, provide parents with information and suggestions on effective homework, and develop
student homework and study skills.
The Board of Education acknowledges the educational validity of out-of-school assignments as
adjuncts to and extensions of the instructional program of the schools.
"Homework" shall refer to those assignments to be prepared outside of the school by the student or
independently while in attendance at school.
The District Administrator shall develop administrative guidelines for the assignment of homework
according to these guidelines:
Homework should be a properly planned part of the curriculum to extend and
reinforce the learning experience of the school.
Homework should help students learn by providing practice in the mastery of skills,
experience in data gathering, and integration of knowledge, and an opportunity to
remediate learning problems.
The number, frequency, and degree of difficulty of homework assignments should be
based on the ability and needs of the student and take into account other activities,
which make a legitimate claim on the student's time.
As a valid educational tool, homework should be assigned with clear direction and its
product carefully evaluated.
Homework should always serve a valid learning purpose; it should never be used as a
punitive measure.
Monthly Instructional Mentor Checklist
AODA/SAP (pg. 81-82)
PACE Student Nomination Form (pg. 83-84)
Special education referral terminology/procedures (pg. 85-89)
Staff development
Grade Advancement for Kindergarten through 8th Grade (pg. 100)
Prepare for parent/teacher conferences (pg. 68-73)
Mentee observes mentor and other colleagues (pg. 157-85)
Review items from August list that are appropriate
Meeting with principal to discuss mentor program
Review Points to Ponder (pg. 153-154)
Review “The First Days of School” and share highlights with your mentor and other
As parent-teacher conferences approach, these suggestions may be helpful to you.
Before Conferences
1. Stagger the schedule so that more difficult conferences don’t come one right after the other
2. Allow yourself break time in your conference schedule.
3. Consider having materials available to occupy younger siblings who may attend the conferences.
This will eliminate interruptions at the conference.
4. Invite additional staff, as needed, counselors, therapists, principals, etc.
5. For each student, prepare a folder of his report card, samples of his work, and any materials you
intend to share with the parents.
6. Be prepared to jot down any notes on what you may need to follow up on after conferences.
7. Have students prepare the displays on tables and counters for parents to review.
At Conference Time
1. Have chairs available for parents waiting their turn. If it is in the hallway, have an interesting
display of children’s work to keep parents interested and at ease.
2. Greet the parent professionally. Welcome them to the room. Provide adult-sized chairs. Be careful
of seating at a table. Don’t sit on one side, with the table as a barrier. It’s more comfortable to sit
next to, or at the end of the table.
3. Keep in mind that some parents are not comfortable in a school setting. Use your best listening
skills to what the parents are telling. Make their visit to school seem worthwhile to them.
4. At the start of the conference, go over your agenda to provide structure and save time.
5. At some point in the conference, allow parents to address their own concerns. Make a record of
these on your sheet.
6. Develop an attitude of mutual cooperation.
7. Be sure to list the student’s strengths and accomplishments.
8. When addressing a child’s problems, avoid being totally devastating. Offer suggestive ways the
parents could assist. Be very careful to include the student if he attends, and not talk negatively
while the child plays off to the side.
9. Keep to your schedule. If a conference appears to need more time for discussion, arrange an
additional meeting time.
10. Walk parents to your door, but not down the hall, etc. End the conference at the door. Thank the
parents for coming, for their concern and input.
11. Dress comfortably - but professionally.
12. Sample questions:
a. What does your child like best about school?
b. What does your child do after school? (What are his/her interests?)
c. Does your child have time and space set aside for homework?
d. How is your child’s health?
e. Are there any problems that may affect your child’s learning?
f. What type of discipline works well at home?
Following Conferences
Save your notes for future references.
Follow up immediately on parents’ requests.
Use suggestions that were brought up at conference.
Start a new information, student-work folder for the next conference.
Report any concerns or findings to additional personnel, principals, school counselors, and school
social workers.
6. Contact parents who did not attend. Attempt to arrange a conference - offer to come to their home
(if your school approves), or to hold a phone conference.
Parent Communication Recommendations
1. Send a “before school starts” greeting to all parents and incoming students.
2. Communicate your expectations to parents.
 Discipline procedures
 Homework
 Other procedures you have set up for your classroom. (classroom schedule, how
to reach you, classroom volunteers, how you will communicate during the school
3. Communicate to parents positive student behavior on a regular basis.
4. Consider a classroom newsletter, a journal that the student writes at the end of the
week to share information that happened in class, or some other method to share
classroom learning and events.
5. Always show your concern for the child whenever you interact with parents.
6. Keep a record of your parent contacts.
Share information about your child with the teacher. Include outside interests and
hobbies, any medical or health concerns, and things that are happening at home that
may affect work at school.
School conferences are a great way for parents and teachers to learn more about children.
The key to a successful conference is two-way communication. Here are some
suggestions to prepare for conferences:
 Ask what he or she would like you to talk about with the teacher?
 Ask what he or she thinks the teacher will say?
 How are my child’s work habits? Does he/she use time well?
 Does my child read at the level you would expect for this grade?
 Is my child able to do the math you would expect for this grade?
What are your expectations for homework? Has my child missed any assignments?
Does my child get along well with others?
What can I do at home to help my child be more successful at school?
Ask the teacher to explain anything you don’t understand.
Talk with your child. Emphasize the positive things the teacher discussed. Include your
child’s ideas when talking about suggestions for improvement.
If you’ve followed the preceding steps, routine parent conferences will be just that - routine. The
meetings will be easy and pleasant for both you and the parent.
Remember: Parents should not receive any negative surprises during parent conference time
or on report cards. Major behavioral and academic problems should have been
brought to their attention the moment they occurred.
Routine Parent-Conference Time Should Be Used to:
Update parents on their child’s progress in school.
Discuss the child’s strengths.
Discuss minor behavioral problems.
Offer parents specific suggestions to improve weak academic areas.
Explain your grading procedure.
Explain ambiguous categories on report cards such as, “Work Habits,” “Social Skills,”
“Initiates Projects.”
Allow parents to air any concerns or problems they have regarding their child.
Inform parents of any upcoming projects or new curriculum you are planning to introduce.
Contact Parents at First Sign of Problem
Do’s for Routine Parent Conferences
Arrive at the conference site before the parent.
Greet the parent warmly.
Usher the parent to the seat you’ve selected.
Look the parent in the eyes when speaking.
Address the parent often by name.
Mention some commendable trait about the child early in the conference.
Hand the parent the child’s work to look over. Refer to points, which should be noted.
End the conference on time, and schedule another one if needed.
Make detailed notes of what was discussed.
Don’ts for Routine Parent Conferences
 Don’t surprise parents with new problems. Parents should be notified the moment a problem
Don’t make small talk. Use every moment of the parent’s time to discuss the student’s
Don’t do all the talking. You do want to maintain control of the conference, but you should
allow the parent to discuss his or her concerns and ideas. You may learn an important piece
of information that can be useful in helping the child.
The following guidelines will further enhance your ability to communicate assertively.
Your son is a leader in the class.
Your daughter is an excellent math student.
She always looks neat and well-dressed.
He’s a great basketball player.
In the past two weeks, your daughter has been late to school six times.
Your son does not do his work. He spends too much time talking to a neighbor.
She comes to school unprepared every day - no pencils, paper, books, or homework.
He had a fight in the cafeteria on Monday and a fight in the yard on Wednesday.
Other parents have tried . . .
* Refer to Lee Canter’s Assertive Discipline for Parents.
I’m really sorry you had to come to school tonight. (Why should a teacher apologize when
feeling concern over an important issue about the child?)
There’s a small problem with Johnny. (In truth, the problem may be very serious, one that
is potentially harmful to another child and disruptive to the class.)
I’m having such a hard time. I really don’t know what to do with him. (Of course you know
what is needed. You need the cooperation of the parent in disciplining his or her child.
Remember, you can’t do it alone.)
I don’t know what will happen to him. (When in reality you do know what will happen. The
child may be suspended or fail the subject.)
Don’t hold a conference if you are not prepared for it. If a parent enters the class
during the day for an unscheduled visit, greet him or her pleasantly, but suggest
another time for a conference. Explain that you want to give him or her your full
attention and can only do so when the class is not present.
Source: Lee Canter’s Parent Conference Book by Lee Canter, Santa Monica, CA: Canter and
Associates, 1984.
Active listening is when you understand how the person talking to you feels about a situation and your
response to that person makes him feel that you really do under stand. Concentrating first on the feelings
that a person has concerning a particular experience does not mean we do not need data or a deeper
understanding of dynamics of behavior. It merely means that for a person to feel understood the listener
must first come through with a response (verbal or nonverbal) that indicates an awareness of the feeling.
To begin with questions or fact-finding is to get the “cart before the horse.” The facts of a situation are
seldom if ever as important as we feel about the situation.
Active Listening:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:
The listener’s expressions are clearly unrelated to what the first person is feeling at the
moment. The listener tends to respond to the content of the discussion and either does
not attend to the feelings being expressed or avoids them.
While the listener does respond to the expressed feelings of the second person, he does
so in a very surface or minimal way. The second person is likely to respond, “No, that’s
not quite what I was feeling.”
The verbal or behavioral expressions of the listener are essentially interchangeable with
the talker, in that they express essentially the same effect and meaning. The second
person (client, child, or parent) responds: “Right, that’s how I feel!”
The responses of the listener add noticeably to the expressions of the second person in
such a way that he continues to explore his feelings at a deeper level.
The listener responds to the second person in such a way as to add significantly to the
feelings and meaning the second person is trying to express. Not only does the second
person feel that you are with him, he feels you deeply understand both his feelings and
Tips for Active Listening:
1. Face your speaker.
2. Use nonverbal encouragement.
3. Don’t agree or disagree.
4. Remember what the subject is.
5. Don’t be afraid of moments of silence.
6. Don’t talk about yourself.
7. Summarize what you hear.
8. Don’t be afraid to interrupt.
9. Try to understand.
10. Don’t ask “why” questions.
11. Don’t offer solutions or give advice.
Green, Brad; “Roadblocks to Communication” Intra-Staff Communication Training,
Teachers’ Manual. (I.C.T. Corp., 1971).
Good Listening Questions:
1. “I hear you saying that . . .”
2. “What happened then?”
3. “What kinds of things do you mean?”
4. “Can you expand on that?”
5. “Wait, I don’t understand?”
6. “Yeah, it sounds like . . .”
7. “Let’s get back to what you were saying about . . .”
8. “I sense you feel pretty strongly about that.”
9. “Is that important to you?”
10. “I’m not sure if I am following you.”
Bad Listening Questions:
1. “Why do you feel that way?”
2. “What can you do to improve your situation?”
3. “Have you tried . . . ?”
4. “Are you sure you really think that way?”
5. “Don’t you want to be different?”
6. “Do you want to know what I think?”
7. “Can you figure out why you got that way?”
8. “What are you going to do about it now?”
9. “What’s your problem?”
Clarifying Responses:
Restating the other person’s message in similar but fewer words.
Summarizing the meaning or intent of the message without
judgment or evaluation of the content.
Advancing examples:
Stating a specific example of a general statement made by the
other person (based on your knowledge of the person and the
Requesting further information:
Asking a question. If you can’t paraphrase or state an example,
you need more information.
Typical Beginnings of Clarifying Responses:
“Are you saying . . . ?”
“Does that include . . . ?”
“Would this be an example . . . ?”
“I hear you say that . . . ”
“You think that . . . ”
“It seems you to that . . . ”
There are nine roadblocks to effective listening and communication. Some you use consistently: others
you may use with certain people or in particular situations; others you don’t use at all. Everyone uses
listening blocks sometimes, but it is helpful to be aware of your personal blocks and to consider their
impact on effective communication.
Comparing makes it hard to listen because you are always trying to assess who is smarter, funnier,
more competent - you or the other. Some people focus on who’s suffered more, who has bigger
problems. While someone’s talking you think to yourself: “Could I do that well? . . .” “I’ve had it
worse, he doesn’t know what bad is . . .” “She’s so much more together than me.” You can’t let much
in because you’re too busy worrying about how you measure up.
You don’t have much time to listen when you’re rehearsing what to say. Your attention is on the
preparation and crafting of your next comment. You look interested, but your mind is somewhere else
as it remembers a story to tell or thinks of a point to make.
Mind Reading
The mind reader is busy trying to figure out what the other person is really thinking and feeling: “She
says . . . but I’ll bet she’s really thinking . . .” The mind reader is interpreting and analyzing, and
typically pays less attention to words than to interactions and subtle cues, in an effort to see through to
the “truth.”
Negative labels or judgments have enormous power. If you prejudge someone as incompetent,
uncaring, or stupid, you don’t have to pay much attention to what they say. You’ve already written
them off. A basic rule of listening is that judgments should only be made after you have heard and
evaluated the content of the message, and then the judgment should be considered tentative and subject
to modification.
When you identify, you take everything a person tells you and refer it back to your own experience. A
parent waits to tell you about their child’s tantrums, but that reminds you of the time little Stephanie
lay on the floor and screamed for an hour. You launch into your story before the parent can finish.
Everything you hear reminds you of something you’ve felt or done. There’s no time to listen and
empathize or to get to know the other person because you’re so tied into your own experiences.
You are always ready with help and suggestions. You don’t have to hear more than a few sentences
before you start searching for the right advice. However, while you are thinking up solutions, you
don’t hear the feelings; and you diminish others’ personal power to solve their own problem. Advice is
best given after you have fully heard another, and generally when you are asked.
When you divert, you typically change the subject, district, or humor the other person. You tend to
divert when you get bored or uncomfortable with a conversation. You may try to joke with the other
person to help avoid the discomfort. Or you may completely change the subject to distract attention
from uncomfortable issues. “Let’s not talk about . . .” “Did you hear about . . .” “I’ve got a funny story
about . . .” All these responses serve to divert attention from listening to the concerns of another.
Being Right
Being right means you have the correct answer and you’ll go to great lengths not to be wrong. Your
convictions are unshakable. You often warn, order, admonish, or command others to adhere to your
beliefs; or you may find that you preach or moralize - anything to try to let the other see how right you
are. “Do this or else; You should . . .; You need to . . .; You had better. .” This tactic produces
defensiveness and resistance.
“Right . . . right . . . I know . . . yes . . . really . . . it’ll be OK . . .” You want to be nice and you want
people to like you, so you agree with everything. You may be half listening, but you’re not really
involved. You aren’t tuned in to what’s being said.
Which of these blocks apply to you? In this space list the roadblocks that seem typical of the ways you
avoid listening to parents.
“Exceptional Training for Caregivers,” Barb Wolfe, Portage Project and The Greater
Minneapolis Day Care Association, 1987.
Generally, you will rarely have problems with parents who share your perception that their child is
doing fine. It is when discrepancies arise in the parents’ and teachers’ perceptions, or even when both
agree that the child is having problems that difficulties may tend to arise. The UNM Institute for Parent
Involvement suggests “Tips for Dealing with Aggression,” (1979), should you ever encounter an angry,
hostile, or verbally aggressive parent. Their “tips” are listed verbatim and require little elaboration:
“Write down what they say.”
“When they slow down, ask them what else is bothering them.”
“Exhaust their list of complaints.”
“Ask them to clarify any specific complaints that are too general.”
“Show them the list and ask if it is complete.”
“Ask them for suggestions for solving any of the problems that they’ve listed.”
“Write down the suggestions.”
“As much as possible mirror their body posture during this process.”
“As they speak louder, you speak softer.”
“Defend or become defensive..”
“Promise things you can’t produce.”
“Own problems that belong to others.”
“Raise your voice.”
“Belittle or minimize the problem.”
Source: Bluestein, Jane. The Beginning Teacher’s Resource Handbook. Albuquerque, NM: I.S.S.
Publications, 1982.
When speaking with a difficult parent, it is easy to become flustered and lose your train of thought.
Use any of these phrases to assert your authority.
 I have a right to your help.
I need your support.
 I cannot do this job alone.
I understand, but . . .
 It is in your child’s best interest that we work together to solve this problem.
 You are the most important person in your child’s life.
 I need you to take stronger disciplinary action at home.
 If this problem isn’t solved, it could lead to greater problems later on.
 I will be involved with your child for 10 months of his life. You will be in the picture a lot
 Your child is your responsibility 24 hours a day.
TIP: When talking to parents: Stay calm, speak slowly, keep it short, and don’t
become defensive or angry.
With the increase in minority students enrolled in school, you may find that you need to communicate
with parents with limited English skills. This is unfamiliar territory for most of us. Here are some tips
to make it easier.
Your students’ parents may speak sufficient English to discuss a behavior or school problem. If you
don’t know if they speak English, check it out. We have two bilingual interpreters, Hmong and
Hispanic, who know the individuals in the respective communities well.
Houa Yang is our Hmong bilingual translator (803-7770) and Adriana Uribe is our Hispanic bilingual
translator (459-3698). Both are located in the Department of Student and Instructional Services, third
floor at Central. They both are tremendous resources for translation and knowledge of individual
families and cultural issues. They work with the school social workers and psychologists and
frequently translate special education terminology and concepts. They understand confidentiality.
It is important to use an adult translator when discussing a student’s academic or behavior problems
with a parent. Use a school system translator as much as possible, not a family member. Sometimes
parents will have someone they trust to use as a translator. This often works well if the person is not a
brother or sister of the student in question.
If you have a bilingual educational assistant, you may want to use her for messages or minor academic
or behavior problems. When the issue of concern involves family issues, confidentiality or special
education, please consider using Houa or Adriana. Remember, your educational assistant must
continue to work with the student in your classroom. Respect your student’s right to privacy when
discussing a sensitive issue with parents. Allow your non-English proficient parents and students the
same courtesy and confidentiality you would your English-speaking students.
Attached is a set of guidelines for using a foreign language translator, which was adopted by the
Sheboygan Area School District Minority Student Committee several years ago. The guidelines were
prepared by the Madison Metropolitan School District.
Once you take the plunge of talking with your limited English-proficient parents and using our
bilingual interpreters, you will find these parents helpful and problems will be resolved. Good luck!
What is a Translator?
A translator is one who speaks two languages and is able to convey the
meaning of a conversation or dialogue from one language to the other. The
following guidelines are meant to serve as just that—guidelines. They are
intended to provide a framework for you in your work.
1. Meet with the translator to assure that you and he/she are aware of what is to be discussed.
2. Many of the terms used in English for special education or technical information simply DO NOT
exist in other languages.
3. Discuss the school’s concerns or what you want to accomplish during the interview or meeting.
Come to an agreement on what words will be used to communicate the concepts. This will prevent
you and the translator from having to “invent” a word on the spot.
4. Make sure that the translator has had time to ask questions BEFORE any and all meetings.
5. Discuss the following strategies with the translator:
a. Where will the translator sit? It is best to have him/her next to the person who is doing most of
the talking.
b. Have all people who speak look directly at the parent or guardian and NOT at the translator.
This provides validation of the parent/guardian’s position and importance in this meeting.
c. Speak in regular volume and pace, allowing the translator time to translate. Usually one to three
regular length sentences is the maximum amount.
d. It is necessary to remember that the school personnel are dealing with a very special vocabulary
(when discussing special education).
6. Be culturally sensitive. Remember that translators are usually from the cultural groups in our
community and that these groups are very tight-knit. Therefore, there may be certain pressures
placed upon the translator, such as:
a. Translators may be seen as employees of the “government” and therefore able to help with or
do almost anything.
b. It can be embarrassing for a translator from the same cultural group to relay certain information
about a child to the parents or guardians (i.e., that the child is retarded or not able to do the
work other students can do).
c. Most, if not all, special education programs do not exist in many cultures (i.e., the Hmong,
Laotian or Cambodian). Therefore, the terminology we use also does not exist. Translation is at
best difficult to do and has not been codified in any way.
d. Strong beliefs about special problems may exist in different cultures. For example, a physical
impairment may be seen as intellectual impairment. While information is clearly conveyed to
parents, they may not be able to accept this or become angry with them for their beliefs. It may
take a long time for individuals to become acculturated, if they ever do.
(Our thanks for Madison Metropolitan School District/LEP Programs for these guidelines.)
Sheboygan Area
School District
Student Assistance
AOD/SAP District Coordinator
Mark Holman
January 2003
What is the Student
Assistance Program?
Sometimes students have
personal concerns that interfere
with their ability to do well in
school (for example, alcohol or
drug use of someone close to
them, divorce, low self-esteem, or
death of a loved one). Often it is
very difficult to leave these
feelings at the classroom door,
and they can negatively affect
students' academic achievement.
The Student Assistance Program
(SAP) is a collaborative process,
provided within the Sheboygan
Area School District, to provide
students the opportunity to
address these concerns. Building
SAP Coordinators will explain the
Student Assistance Program to
students, parents and staff within
the buildings they serve. Parents
must make a request, in writing,
to the building principal if they do
not wish their children to
participate in the SAP.
There are several ways students
may be referred to the Student
Assistance Program
What Happens as A Result of
a Referral to the Student
Assistance Program?
Self - Students can seek assistance
from their school counselor or SAP
Building Coordinator.
Upon receiving a referral to the
SAP, the building coordinator will
gather behavioral information
and determine the appropriate
action to be taken. This could
Family - Often parents have
concerns about their children or
other family members. Parents can
refer their children to the SAP by
contacting the Building Coordinator.
Peer - Students who are concerned
about a friend are encouraged to
discuss this with their school
counselor or SAP Building
Community - Community agencies
may be in a position to have
concerns about students, and may
make referrals to the SAP Building
School staff - Staff members may
have concerns about students at
school. Referrals to the school
counselor or SAP Building
Coordinator may be appropriate.
1. No immediate action.
2. One to one meeting with a
counselor or other resource
3. Participation in an in-school
concerned persons, insight, or
other issue -focused group.
4. Referral for outside evaluation
or treatment.
5. Referral to community
6. Parent contact.
For more information, contact your
school office for the name of the
SAP Building Coordinator.
Children who show early and rapid
development of language ability;
advanced vocabulary; strong powers
of reasoning, analysis, or synthesis;
and advanced ability in critical
thinking and problem solving are
candidates for identification as
intellectually gifted. These children
usually retain information with ease,
have wide interests, which they
potential for unusual learning capacity
in most academic areas.
“consuming” desire for knowledge in
a specific area and achieve goals
several grade levels above other
students. This student tends to read
extensively in the special area, apply
knowledge with little assistance, and
give extended attention to this interest.
The academic areas may include, but
are not limited to, mathematics,
reading, and writing.
Creativity cuts across all areas of
giftedness and is exhibited in oral,
written, and nonverbal ways. Creative
students demonstrate flexible and
elaborate thinking. They possess
strong visualization and imagination
abilities, and resist conformity. They
often identify problems and invent
solutions; they seek and offer
alternatives to routine thinking; they
ask questions that are advanced and
may be controversial.
Students in this category show high
potential significant contributions to
the visual and performing arts,
including acting, painting, sculpting,
singing, dancing, playing a musical
instrument, and composing.
Students show unusual ability to
relate to and motivate others. They are
self-assured and display an interest in
and understanding of other people.
Often they see the “whole issue” and
as problem-solvers are willing to take
risks. They are good organizers.
discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race,
national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or
parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental,
emotional, or learning disability or handicap in its
educational programs or activities. Federal law prohibits
discrimination in employment on the basis of age, race,
color, national origin, sex, or handicap.
rogram for
cademic and
Name of Student _____________________________________
Grade _________________
School ___________________________________ Date of Birth _____ / ______ / _________
Name of Nominator ____________________________ Date ____________________________
Relationship to Nominee (parent, teacher, peer, etc.) __________________________________
If not a staff member, please provide the following:
Phone __________________________________ E-Mail ________________________________
GENERAL DEFINITION: Gifted students are those who give evidence of high performance
capabilities in one or more of the following areas: intellect, specific academic areas, creativity,
art, music, or leadership. (See descriptions of potential areas of giftedness on reverse.) These
students may need adjustments in the rate or depth of instruction in order to maximize their
Give any evidence that you believe shows this student is gifted. A screening committee will
review this nomination and other information to determine how best to meet the student’s
Specify and describe below only the area(s) of potential giftedness. Other areas may be
left blank.
SPECIFIC ACADEMIC AREA(S) (Math, Reading, Writing)
Cognitively Disabled
CD-B Cognitively Disabled-Borderline
CD-S Cognitively Disabled-Severe
-2, -3
-3, -4
-4, -5
S.D. Mild Handicapping Condition
S.D. Moderate Handicap Condition
S.D. Severe Handicapping Condition
S.D. Profound Handicap Condition
Measured by: Intelligence
Adaptive Behavior Functioning
Academic Functioning
EBD Emotional Behavioral Disability
 severe, chronic, frequent behavior manifested in two or more of the child’s social
systems (home, school, community)
Specific Learning Disability
Specific learning disability means a severe learning disability due to a disorder in one
or more of the basic psychological processes involved in acquiring, organizing or
expressing information that manifests itself in school as an impaired ability to listen,
reason, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations, despite appropriate
instruction in the general education curriculum. Specific learning disability may include
conditions such as perceptual disability, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction,
dyslexia and developmental aphasia.
Exclusions for SLD Consideration
A) Other handicapping conditions
1) cultural
2) economic disadvantage
3) environment
B) Learning problems resulting form extended absence, continuous inadequate
instruction, curriculum planning, or instructional strategies
C) Discrepancies between ability and school achievement due to motivation
D) Functioning at grade level but with the potential for greater achievement
Speech and language handicaps are characterized by a delay or deviance in the
acquisition of pre-linguistic skills, or receptive skills or expressive skills or both of oral
communication. The handicapping condition does not include speech and language
problems resulting from differences in paucity of or isolation from appropriate models.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury means an injury to the brain caused by an external physical
force or by an internal occurrence such as stroke or aneurysm, resulting in total or
partial functional disability or psychosocial maladjustment that adversely affects
education performance. The term includes open or closed head injuries resulting in
mild, moderate, or severe impairments in one or more areas, including cognition;
language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving;
sensory perceptual and motor abilities; psychosocial behavior; physical functions;
information processing; and speech. The term does not include brain injuries that are
congenital or degenerative, or brain injuries induced by birth trauma.
Autism (Pervasive Development Disorder)
Autism means a development disability significantly affecting verbal and non-verbal
communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three that
adversely affects educational performance. Characteristics of autism include
irregularities and impairments in communication, engagement in repetitive activities
and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily
routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences. The term does not include
children with characteristics of the disability of serious emotional disturbance.
Hearing Impaired
1) Auditory handicap
2) Medically determined (audiologic evaluation)
3) Loss is hearing acuity which affects normal development of language
4) Medically irreversible
Visually Impaired
1) Medically determined
2) MVI – moderately visually handicapped 20/70 – 20/200 after correction in better
3) SVI - severely visually handicapped 20/200 – 20/700 after correction in better eye
Orthopedically Impaired
Orthopedically impaired means a severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects
a child’s educational performance. The term includes impairments caused by
congenital anomaly (e.g., clubfoot, absence of some member, etc.), impairments
caused by disease (e.g., cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures or burns which
cause contractures).
Other Health Impaired
Other health impairment means having limited strength, vitality or alertness, due to
chronic or acute health problems such as a heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic
fever, nephritis, asthma, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning,
leukemia, or diabetes, which adversely affect a child’s educational performance.
Early Childhood
IEP Team Individual Education Programming Team (Evaluation and Programming)
Individual Education Program (the Document of Choice)
Child with Disability – having a handicapping condition and requiring special
Non-CWD Non-Child with Disability – not qualifying for a CWD program
Least Restrictive Environment – Federal/State law requiring general education to
the most extent possible; Non LRE programs justified by IEP
Designated Vocational Instructor
Building Consultation Team
Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Specially Designed Physical Education
Specially Designed Vocational Education
Individual with Disabilities Education Act - federal government rules and
regulations regarding the laws governing special education
The Wisconsin Administrative Code regulating the special education programs at
the state/local level
Content Mastery – Content Learning Program
 educational program for servicing students with learning disabilities
 true resource concept
 students receiving services in the CM classroom by CWD teacher
 develop education concepts with classroom interventions and curricular and
instructional modifications
This term has generally been used to refer to the selective placement of special education
students in one or more “regular” education classes. Mainstreaming proponents generally
assume that a student must “earn’ his or her opportunity to be mainstreamed through the
ability to “keep up” with the work assigned by the teacher to the other students in the class.
This concept is closely linked to traditional forms of special education service delivery.
This term is used to refer to the commitment to educate each child, to the maximum extent
appropriate, in the school and classroom he or she would otherwise attend. It involves
bringing the support services to the child (rather than moving the child to the services) and
requires only that the child will benefit from the class (rather than having to keep up with the
other students). Proponents of inclusion generally favor newer forms of education service
This term is primarily used to refer to the belief that instructional practices and technological
supports are presently available to accommodate all students in the school and classrooms
they would otherwise attend if not disabled. Proponents of full inclusion tend to encourage
that special education services generally be delivered in the form of training and technical
assistance to “regular” classroom teachers.
Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf,
modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional
capabilities of children with disabilities.
Any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of
an assistive technology device. The term includes:
A) The evaluation of the needs of a child with a disability, including a functional evaluation
of the child in the child’s customary environment;
B) Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology
devices by children with disabilities;
C) Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying retaining, repairing, or
replacing assistive technology devices;
D) Coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive
technology devices, such as those associated with existing and rehabilitation plans
and programs;
E) Training or technical assistance for a child with a disability or, if appropriate, that
child’s family; and
F) Training or technical assistance for professionals (including individuals providing
education or rehabilitation services), employers, or other individuals who provide
services to, employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions
of children with disabilities.
School districts are now responsible for funding these services and when purchased for a
child, the device is used by the child but is the property of the school district. Schools need to
plan ahead for these services and budget appropriately. This does not mean, however, that
the child automatically qualifies for the “Cadillac” of equipment choices when it comes time
for purchasing a particular device. It does mean that some type of tool needs to be obtained
so that the child can meet their needs within the customary environment of the school setting.
States can add their own objectives to their provisional service plan, but they cannot do
anything less than what the IDEA Act states. An example would be devising their own
policies and procedures. In addition to the provision of the device, training also needs to be
provided in teaching people how to use the devices purchased. This includes training time for
the students, teachers, and related personnel.
Advocates for assistive technology must keep in mind that all through this process the code
of ethics for your individual professional area always adhered. The bottom line is doing the
best and what is right for the child. The children need advocates throughout this entire
process. Training is also a continuous process for all people that could potentially come into
contact with the child using technology. There are obviously degrees of involvement in terms
of necessary knowledge, but the fact of the matter is that the training never ceases and that it
is knowledge to be obtained from the administrative level on down.
Below is a list of “possible” classroom interventions for you to refer to and try out in your classroom.
These interventions are specifically designed to help you deal with students who are struggling either
academically or behaviorally in your classroom. It is important that you select interventions with
regard to your own, as well as the individual student’s personal and cultural background (i.e., not all
interventions are appropriate for all students or all teachers). It is also beneficial for you to document
what interventions you have tried with a particular student. This information is invaluable at team
meetings and conferences, and is the first step of the referral process.
 Utilize outside resources: the library, speakers.
 Give students more choices.
 Utilize high interest activities.
 Break the task down into small steps.
 Utilize a different learning approach: visual, auditory, multi-sensory, tactile/ kinesthetic,
 Reduce the degree of difficulty of the task.
 Help the student get organized.
 Provide a list of make-up assignments.
 Change grouping of students.
 Rearrange your room.
 Utilize the library.
Change a student’s seat.
Utilize the Learning Lab.
Use Time-Outs.
 Provide a routine schedule.
 Reduce the amount of task.
 Allow students more time to complete the task.
 Encourage after-school make-up.
 Allow student to make up failing grades.
 Reward student for desired behavior.
 Utilize individualized instruction.
 Utilize cooperative learning techniques.
 Send positive note home.
 Conference with parent.
 Utilize a study carrel.
 Call on student more/less.
Have students serve as tutors.
Utilize parents as tutors.
Provide quick results of task.
Utilize small group instruction.
Discover and use students’ interests.
Ignore misbehavior.
Provide extra help after school.
REWARD THE TASK: for starting, for continuing, for completing.
Please remember these are only suggestions. If you already utilize other interventions in your
classroom, or as you discover different interventions, please share them with your colleagues.
Modifying Means Allowing Students to Demonstrate Knowledge Meaningfully and
Written Language Modifications
Provide models for writing tasks; patterned sentences or stories or a sample of the finished
Have groups of students write the story/report together.
Give students a story starter; first sentence or several sentences.
Provide a series of questions for the student to answer, which will serve as a guide to writing
the report.
Revise and proof the student's writing only for assignments that are to be read by people other
than the teacher.
Allow students to conference with each other on writing assignments.
Journals - Place a note card inside each student's journal with individual
suggestions/expectations for each student.
Example: 1. Write the date.
2. Write three sentences.
3. Use a capital letter to begin each sentence.
4. Use a punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.
As students consistently demonstrate the expectations, new ones can be added.
Writing Alternatives
Oral or illustrated book reports, taped stories, dictate story to peer, use of a computer word processor,
provide a copy of notes to students (allow a capable student to make a copy of notes for student).
Spelling Modifications
Allow students to spell orally.
Allow students to spell words using manipulatives (letters from a Scrabble game, alphabet
magnetic letters).
Shorten the list.
Use words from content area classes.
Use high frequency words and/or left skill words.
Demonstrate for the student a spelling study system. Put the steps on a note card to help the
student remember.
Allow the student to choose the correctly spelled word from a list of three words for the test.
Reading Modifications
Students listen to the story on tape.
Read the selection orally in class.
Ask questions throughout the reading.
Students work with a reading "buddy."
Build background knowledge/pre-teach new vocabulary.
Allow students to practice reading prior to orally reading in class.
Use story mapping.
Content Area Class Modifications
Teach the parts of a textbook; table of contents, glossary, index, chapter headings,
introductions, and summaries.
Use of study guides.
Use of highlighted texts.
Provide some alternatives to the text (videos, filmstrips, and computer programs).
Adapting the Regular Text
1. Instruct the student to read only the boldface type, italics, and certain crucially placed paragraphs.
2. Get the student to read the questions at the end of each section or chapter before reading the text.
3. Highlight the student's text.
Highlight answers to questions at the end of each section/chapter.
Highlight information needed for worksheets.
Highlight vocabulary words; definitions, if necessary
Highlight key words in questions.
Number pictures and sentences if a sequence is indicated.
Color code answers to questions from the textbook in one color.
Color code vocabulary in one color.
Put page numbers for questions at the end of the chapter. For low performing students,
include the paragraph.
If the answer is found in another section or resource than the text chapter, indicate as
follows: "D" for dictionary, "THE" for thought questions, "M" for map, etc.
Math Modifications
Use of calculator.
Use of graph paper to help with alignment and spacing of problems.
Shortening of assignments.
Make copies of the assigned problems to reduce the amount of copying that needs to be
Use "cue cards." List steps to different math problems on note cards. Laminate them.
Students can tape the cards to the inside cover of their math texts.
Use manipulatives whenever possible.
1. Use charts and tables to illustrate concepts/directions whenever possible.
2. When explaining concepts to the class, illustrate on board or with pictures.
3. Supplement content area presentations with films and filmstrips.
4. Use bright colors for visuals such as charts, flashcards.
5. When asking for recall, have student close his/her eyes and attempt to re-visualize material.
6. Supplement verbal directions with cues on chalkboard or on individual assignment sheets.
7. Instruct student in self-recording techniques such as note taking with key words or phrases; use of
personal assignment notebook.
1. Ask frequent questions or require feedback or materials presented.
2. Use color cueing to indicate to student where to begin and where to stop.
3. Use a marker for reading or a window card if the marker still allows for too much visual confusion.
4. Have necessary visual classroom components reduced and placed on student's desk whenever
possible (number line, alphabet, daily assignment sheet).
5. Develop spelling list from sight word mastery list. Present student with three possible spellings,
requiring him/her to choose the correct one.
6. Highlight essential material from content area textbooks.
1. Give verbal as well as written directions for assignments.
2. Tape-record the essential material from content area textbooks.
3. Allow the student to take tests orally.
4. Provide the student with a tape recorder to recite information, play it back.
5. Allow the student to use a recorder for recording assignments.
6. Tape record oral presentations for the student to use as study notes.
7. Teach the student to re-auditorize, repeating key words and phrases.
1. Encourage the student to internally verbalize what is being presented.
2. Do not repeat directions and questions as initially presented when the student does not understand.
3. Teach the student to take notes of only key words, concepts.
4. Provide the student with a study outline or oral presentation, having him/her fill in key concepts.
5. Give verbal directions one step at a time.
6. Provide the student with written copy or oral directions.
7. After giving oral directions, have the student repeat these to you.
(from LD Forum: Winter 1987)
1. Use of IEP criteria - Evaluation is based on the objectives in the IEP.
2. Narrative or written evaluations - The teacher describes in narrative form what the student has
3. Contracts - The student agrees to work toward predetermined criteria for each grade.
4. Pass/Fail - If the minimum criteria are reached, the student receives all the credit available.
5. Checklists - The task is broken down into subtasks, and the teacher records the student's progress
toward mastery of the task as a whole.
6. Subscripts - Letter grades are given but with a subscript to indicate the level of work. Example: A
"C" with a subscript "4" would indicate average work at the fourth grade level.
7. Point system - Points are given for appropriate classroom behavior and averaged as part of the final
8. If grades are broken into separate areas, i.e., tests, assignments, projects and notes, the lowest
average is dropped.
9. Percentage of items attempted - The student's grade is determined by the percentage of items
correct out of those attempted.
It is a broad civil rights law, which protects the rights of individuals with handicaps in programs, and activities
that receive federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.
It identifies all school-age children as handicapped who meet the definition of qualified handicapped person, i.e.,
(1) has or (2) has had a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity, or (3) is
regarded as handicapped by others. Major life activities include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing,
learning, working, caring for oneself or performing manual tasks. The handicapping condition need only
substantially limit one major life activity in order for the student to be eligible.
Due to substantial mental or physical impairments that limit one or more of the student's major life activities,
special accommodations to the student's program are required. A 504-accommodation plan is designed for each
student according to individual need.
Examples of potential 504 handicapping conditions not typically covered under IDEA are:
 communicable diseases - HIV, Tuberculosis
 medical conditions - asthma, allergies, diabetes
 temporary medical conditions due to illness or accident
 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD, ADHD)
 behavioral difficulties
 drug/alcohol addiction
 other conditions
If a district has reason to believe that, because of a handicap as defined under Section 504, a student needs either
special accommodations or related services in the regular setting in order to participate in the school program,
the district must evaluate the student; if the student is determined to be handicapped under Section 504, the
district must develop and implement a plan for the delivery of all needed services. Again, these steps must be
taken even though the student is not covered by the IDEA special education provisions and procedures.
What is required for the Section 504 evaluation and placement process is determined by the type of handicap
believed to be present, and the type of services the student may need. The evaluation must be sufficient to
accurately and completely assess the nature and extent of the handicap, and the adequate in some circumstances.
For example, in the case of the student with juvenile arthritis, the evaluation might consist of the school nurse
meeting with the parent and reviewing the student's current medical records. In the cases of students with ADD,
current psycho-educational evaluations may be used in combination with appropriate medical information if
such evaluation assessed the ADD issue. In other cases, additional testing may be necessary.
The determination of what services are needed must be made by a group of persons knowledgeable about the
student. The group should review the nature of the handicap, how it affects the student's education, whether
specialized services are needed, and if so, what those services are. The decisions about Section 504 eligibility
and services must be documented in the student's life and reviewed periodically.
In summary, it is important to keep in mind that some students who have physical or mental conditions that limit
their ability to access and participate in the education program are entitled to rights (protection) under Section
504 even though they may not fall into IDEA categories and may not be covered by law. It is also important to
realize that Section 504 is not an aspect of "special education". Rather, it is a responsibility of the
comprehensive general public education system. As such, building administrators and superintendents of
schools are responsible for its implementation within districts. Special education administrators are participants
but are not ultimately the responsible LEA administrators.
Special Education Forms
Please see the special education teacher in your building for all
Progress and Report Cards
The following forms can be obtained in your building:
4K through 5th Grade Progress and Report Cards
Running Record Assessment Levels
(Rigby PM and the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)
Literacy language structures integrated with natural
Three-twelves lines of print
Illustrations provide moderate to minimum support
Word count exceeds 266
Levels A-2
Repeated word or sentence pattern
Natural Language structure
One line of text; well spaced print
Simple illustrations
10-36 words
Levels 30-44
Complex stories that include descriptions of setting,
characters, problems, and resolution in greater detail
More sophisticated language and vocabulary
Realistic fiction, folk tale, or animal adventure
Background knowledge and higher-level thinking
Minimum of picture support
Text size is smaller and fills full pages or partial pages
with illustrations.
Levels 3-6
Simple stories with repetitive words, phrases, actions
Predictable language structures
One-three lines of text
Pictures provide support
47-75 words
Levels 8-14
Stories about children and problems to which students can
Repetition of events
Book and language structures are integrated
Use of high frequency words is expanded
Illustrations provide moderate support
Two-six lines of print
86-207 words
Levels 44-60
Informational texts (e.g. biographies, historical fiction)
Inclusion of graphic features (diagrams/flowcharts) to
reinforce information
Level 60
Informational texts, realistic fiction and tall tales
Maps and timelines reinforce information
1260-1719 words
Complex vocabulary and increased sentence length
Levels 16-28
Characters are either imaginary or animals with human
Context builds a basis with which to compare/contrast
other stories
6-Trait Writing Information
Lexile Framework
Suggested Guidelines for
Assessing Text Difficulty and
Student Reading Ability
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Typical Reader
Level 200-400
Levels 140-500
Levels 330-700
Levels 445-810
Levels 565-910
The Six Traits of Writing
Well developed writing examples display the following traits:
Ideas: The paper is clear in purpose and conveys ideas in an
interesting, original manner that holds the reader’s attention. Often,
the writing develops as a process of discovery for both reader and
writer. Clear, relevant examples, anecdotes or details develop and
enrich the central idea or ideas.
Organization: The writer organizes material in a way that enhances
the reader’s understanding, or that helps to develop a central idea or
theme. The order may be conventional or not, but the sequence is
effective and moves the reader through the paper.
Voice: The paper bears the unmistakable stamp of the individual
writer. The writer speaks directly to the reader, and seems sincere,
candid and committed to the topic. The overall effect is
individualistic, expressive and engaging; this paper stands out from
the others.
Word Choice: The writer consistently selects words that convey the
intended message in an interesting, precise and natural way. The
result is full and rich, yet not overwhelming; every word carries its
own weight.
Sentence Structure: The paper is fluid, and reads easily throughout.
It has an easy-on-the ear flow and rhythm when read aloud.
Sentences have a strong and rhetorically effective structure that
makes reading enjoyable.
Conventions: The writer’s skillful use of standard writing
conventions (grammar, capitalization, punctuation, usage, spelling)
enhances readability. There are no glaring errors. In fact, while the
paper may not be flawless, errors tend to be so minor that the reader
can easily overlook them unless searching for them specifically.
(Deliberate, controlled deviations from convention-in dialogue, for
instance—are acceptable, provided they enhance the overall effect.)
Typical Text
Lexile scores vary within tests and within grades. The
Lexile Framework is one part of a comprehensive
assessment system. Students should be allowed to read
above their Lexile Level if they express interest and
persistence in the subject.
Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP)
Spring Reading Screening (RIT values)
Grade Level Median
At Risk/Special Needs
1 sd below grd mean
2 sd below grd mean
1 grd level below
2 grd level below
Department of Student and Instructional Services
5410 F3/page 1 of 2
Grade Advancement for Kindergarten though 8th Grade
Academic Performance
C- or better in each subject area monitored quarterly
Criteria not obtained
On track for promotion
Teacher Recommendation
 Teacher determines quarterly if the child is on track
for promotion or at risk of grade retention and in
need of an Academic Improvement Plan when
considering the following:
Status as a student with an IEP, a 504 Plan, or
ELL Programming
Evidence child is working to ability (effort,
previous evaluations)
* At-risk Indicators (see back for list)
On track for promotion
Recommendation not obtained
Academic Improvement Plan
 Teacher is responsible for developing an Academic
Improvement Plan
AIP team must include teacher and parent(s)
AIP may be developed as part of the Building
Consultation Team process
The student may be included in the AIP process
as appropriate
AIP is developed and submitted to the building
Quarterly AIP Review
and Teacher
On track for promotion if:
 Student meets
academic performance
Teacher recommends
promotion to next grade
Quarterly AIP Review and Teacher Recommendation
Building Consultation Team
 BCT (including teacher and parent) make a
promotion decision that is in the best interest of the
student when considering retention research and the
WKCE performance –scores of proficient in 3
out of 5 areas or basic in all 5 areas provide
evidence for grade advancement (4th & 8th
Evidence student is working to ability (effort,
previous evaluations)
Evidence student is making expected progress
toward IEP goals
Evidence student is making expected progress
through ELL programming or a 504 plan
Evidence student may have an educational
disability requiring an evaluation and promotion
decision by an IEP team
Record of prior grade retention
Other data as appropriate
for Promotion
Promote to next grade
level – include statement
of instructional
Recommendation not obtained
Retain in current grade – include statement of
instructional recommendations
Exhibit of the Board of Education
Sheboygan Area School District
Department of Student and Instructional Services
page 2 of 2
At-risk Indicators for Retention
Teachers may use their discretion in identifying children who are in need of an Academic
Improvement Plan. The following is a list of indicators that may be used to identify children who are
at-risk of failing at their current grade level and in need of an Academic Improvements Plan (AIP).
1. Consistently does not show progress toward grade level benchmarks
2. Two or more grades of F within a quarter in academic classes
3. Inconsistent attendance which inhibits progress
4. Incomplete or missing work
5. Poor work quality
6. Assessments fail to show progress, (i.e. running records, district and classroom assessments)
7. Skill attainment and/or content knowledge not progressing
8. Failure to show progress after parent contact
9. Overall Grade Point Average (GPA) below 1.67 (below a C-)
10. Recommendation of Building Consultation Team (BCT)
Student and Instructional Services
5410 F2/page 1 or 2
Academic Improvement Plan
1 2 3 4 (Please Circle)
Student Grade
Parent Contact: (check one)  mother  father
Method of Contact:  phone  conference
 guardian
 other (specify)
The same AIP may be utilized for the length of the school year.
AIP’s can be incorporated into the BCT process.
For AIP’s utilized for more than one quarter, quarterly progress may be documented on the
original AIP form.
1. Please list courses with grades below "C-" or K-2 “Needs Improvement"
(Or attach copy of report card)
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
2. Academic Improvement Plan
A. Instructional Goals(s) – actions needed to improve this student's achievement:
B. Strategies to Achieve Goals:
1. Student Strategies
come to class on time
bring necessary materials
complete homework
read daily for enjoyment
follow classroom rules
utilize self-monitoring strategies
 _________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________
See Reverse Side
page 2 of 2
2. Teacher Strategies
monitor daily homework journal
weekly progress reports
arrange after school tutoring/homework club
utilize Title I or other resource staff
consult with Building Consultation Team
arrange for YTY or other tutors
provide study guides or class notes
behavioral contracting or monitoring related to student strategies (see #1)
 __________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________
Home Strategies
monitor homework journal
provide structured time for homework
encourage daily reading
utilize community resources – list ideas parents may wish to consider:
 _________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________
C. Plan for Evaluation
 review grades at next grading period
 BCT review at mid-quarter
 BCT review at next grading period
 parent contact at mid-quarter
 parent contact following grading period
 parent-teacher (and student if appropriate) follow-up conference
(specify date) ____________________________________
 _________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________
Student (if appropriate)
Monthly Instructional Mentor Checklist
Religious/Patriotic Ceremonies and Observances (pg. 105)
Working with children with special language needs (pg. 106-111)
Snow day procedures
Budget Requests
Share information about staff holiday party
Observation and feedback (implement peer coaching) (pg. 157-185)
Review Points to Ponder (pg. 153-154)
Teaching culturally diverse students
Review “The First Days of School” and share highlights with your mentor and other
Differentiated Instruction
Decisions of the United States Supreme Court have made it clear that it is not the province of a public
school to advance or inhibit religious beliefs or practices. Under the First and Fourteenth Amendments
to the Constitution, this remains the inviolate province of the individual and the church of his/her
choice. The rights of any minority, no matter how small, must be protected. No matter how well
intended, either official or unofficial sponsorship of religiously-oriented activities by the school are
offensive to some and tend to supplant activities which should be the exclusive province of individual
religious groups, churches, private organizations, or the family.
District staff members shall not use prayer, religious readings, or religious symbols as a devotional
exercise or in an act of worship or celebration.
The District shall not function as a disseminating agent for any person or outside agency for any
religious or anti-religious document, book, or article. Distribution of such materials on District
property by any party shall be in accordance with Policy 7510 and AG 7510A - Use of District
Facilities and Policy 9700 - Relations with Special Interest Groups and AG 9700A – Distribution of
Materials to Students.
The Board acknowledges that it is prohibited from adopting any policy or rule respecting or promoting
an establishment of religion or prohibiting any student from the free, individual, and voluntary exercise
or expression of the student’s religious beliefs. However, such exercise or expression may be limited to
lunch periods or other non-instructional time periods when students are free to associate.
Observance of religious holidays through devotional exercises or acts of worship is also prohibited.
Acknowledgement of, explanation of, and teaching about religious holidays of various religions is
encouraged. Celebration activities involving nonreligious decorations and use of secular works are
permitted, but it is the responsibility of all faculty members to ensure that such activities are strictly
voluntary, do not place an atmosphere of social compulsion or ostracism on minority groups or
individuals, and do not interfere with the regular school program.
The Board shall not conduct or sanction a baccalaureate service in conjunction with graduation
The Board shall not include religious invocations, benedictions, or formal prayer at any schoolsponsored event.
The flag of the United States shall be raised above each school and/or at other appropriate places
during all school sessions, weather permitting. The flag shall be raised before the opening of school
and taken down at its close every day.
Professional staff members are authorized to lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance or the National
Anthem at an appropriate time each school day. No student may be compelled against the student’s
objections or those of the student’s parents to recite the pledge or sing the national anthem.
Every school in the District shall offer the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem each school
day in grades 1 through 12. The District Administrator shall develop administrative guidelines which
ensure that any staff member who conducts this activity does it at an appropriate time, in an
appropriate manner, and with due regard to the need to protect the rights and the privacy of a
nonparticipating student.
118.06(2), Wis. Stats.
20 U.S.C. 4071 et seq.
ELL (English Language Learner)/Bilingual Terminology
Limited English Proficiency
LEP Level 1 The student uses little or no English, ELL center student.
LEP Level 2 The student uses English words and sentences with difficulty and needs beginning
instruction in reading and other academics, ELL center student. These students may be
mainstreamed for certain classes.
LEP Level 3 The student uses English words and sentences fairly smoothly but needs support for
academics from ELL teacher and/or bilingual support person.
LEP Level 4 The student uses English very well orally but needs help from the ELL teacher to
support his/her progress in the content areas.
LEP Level 5 The student is working close-to-grade level at the elementary level and needs only
minimal support from the ELL teacher. At the middle and high school level these
students receive resource/tutorial support may be reading below grade level.
LEP Level 6 The student is exited from the ELL program.
A term, which means the student performs in a successful way at school with no extra
help from an ELL teacher or a bilingual educational assistant. The family is notified and
the teacher and principal sign the student out of the ELL program.
The ELL teacher who provides language/content area support primarily for LEP 3, 4,
and 5 students.
The teacher who works primarily with LEP 1 and 2 students, but may support LEP 2, 4,
and 5 students.
The teacher who works primarily with LEP 3, 4, and 5 students.
A classroom in which LEP 1 and 2 students receive the greater part of their instruction.
The regular education class in which the ELL student is assigned and where he/she
receives part or all of his/her instruction.
Hmong Learning Styles
Verbal Processing
Listen to Instruction
Learning comes from Test or
Direct Verbal Instruction
Individual Work with Structured Tasks
Visual Processing
See Then Do
Observational Learning
Learning by Example
Work Best in Informal Group Settings
Instructional Strategies
1. Group work – cooperative learning
2. Peer tutoring
3. Student centered
4. Provide constant feedback
5. Offer hands on, direct experience models
Hmong Cultural Characteristics
1. The importance of family and friends, community, and personal qualities.
2. Respecting elders especially in one’s own family.
Suggestions for Working with Hispanic Children
1. Learn about the culture. Study and learn about the various Hispanic groups that you are working
with. Try and utilize some of what you learn in your instructional activities. Stereotypes are likely
to interfere with y our ability to work effectively with the children and their families.
2. Call children by their right names. Check with the student what he or she likes to be called. Try and
watch your pronunciations as much as possible.
3. Work with the family. The family plays a very important role in the Hispanic cultures. It is
especially important to work with the family during any referral and evaluation process. Recognize
that the family may be very broad and include various extended family members.
4. Recognize the concept of “hijo de crianza.” Occasionally someone other than the child’s parent
will be raising the child. Teachers and clinicians should be tolerant and nonjudgmental of these and
other living situations.
5. Refrain from using the child as an interpreter during a family conference. Undue strain may be
placed on the child, which is readily apparent. Such could lead to misunderstanding and the receipt
of distorted information.
6. Understand that to the Hispanic, the Anglo-American is the stranger (or foreigner). Difficulty in
establishing rapport may be encountered. A number of contacts with the family may be necessary
before permission for evaluations/placements is obtained. Families may need to get to know you as
a person before they allow you to become involved with their children. Don’t hesitate to share
information about yourself, family, etc. This will only help in establishing your credibility, honesty,
and reliability. Some family may feel that school personnel will be prejudiced, arrogant, and
lacking in knowledge about their children. Staff who are patient, understanding, competent, and
tolerant will likely be able to diminish these feeling and help the family realize that the child’s
welfare is the concern of all involved.
Appropriate Strategies for Working with ELL Students
1. Adjust Language
a. Simplify vocabulary
b. Simplify syntax
c. Shorten sentences
d. Slow rate of speaking
e. Avoid slang, idioms, and acronyms
2. Use Concrete Referents
a. Relate what you are doing to student’s past experience
b. Use props, realia, and visuals
c. Provide models
d. Use examples and demonstration
3. Use the Following Communication Strategies
a. Repeat
b. Rephrase
c. Ask questions that require a physical response
d. Avoid yes/no questions
4. Use Cooperative Learning
a. Pair work
b. Group work
5. Make Learning Meaningful
6. Simplify and Minimize Written Instructions
7. Respect the Student’s Need to be Silent
a. Silent period in language acquisition
b. Shyness
c. Passive learners
8. Recognize that Eye Contact may be Considered a Sign of Disrespect
What Teachers Can Do for ELL/Bilingual Students in the Classroom
1. Rephrase your questions and the answers other children give so that LEP children have more than
one opportunity to understand what is said.
2. Change questions that require full content answers into questions that give the student a simpler
choice when you see the child is having trouble understanding.
3. Use plenty of visual aids, such as writing on the chalkboard, or giving demonstrations where
possible, to provide more than just an aural channel for comprehension.
4. Recycle your content so that children have multiple opportunities to understand what is going on in
the classroom.
5. Use synonyms frequently to ensure LEP children’s understanding.
6. Have children give directions to each other.
7. Have the children work together in p airs or small groups to complete workbooks or worksheet
exercises and to produce “collaborative” responses.
8. Ask students to read the questions together and help each other with spelling and correct terms.
9. Vary the composition of the groups to put LEP and native speakers together sometimes and for
LEP children to work together sometimes.
10. Use comprehension checks questions, which require answers other than “yes” or “no”.
11. Attempt to establish that the learner is following what is being communicated.
Diversity in the Classroom
1. Parent communication is key to student success - just because the student speaks English does
not mean his parents do. Be sure to talk to the ELL teachers in you building to arrange for
translations either phone or written for all aspects of your class. This needs to be done in a timely
matter, in other words at the same time the English communication is made to parents the
translations should go out, not later. This requires some planning on the part of teachers.
2. Understanding that minority students may come into the schools with different expectations
than monolingual English speakers. In some cases boys may get more support from parents as far
as academics are concerned than girls. Girls in many cases are expected to come home right after
school to help with housework, and care for younger siblings. This limits after school participation
in many activities. The cultural paradigm varies from culture to culture, even within the same
language group. The variation can be cause by education social status and economic level.
3. Knowing about the student's home and cultural values will help you to understand the student
and meet their specific needs. You cannot be expected to know everything, but the knowledge that
the students are coming from different places where role, gender, values, and even personal space
are different than the mainstream can be very helpful. This knowledge also helps in classroom
management. Some of our students live at or below the poverty level. They do not have a quiet
place to study, a computer at home, or even parents that can read in their own language. In some
cases students do not have a bedroom, even to share. We must remember that we can assume
4. Realizing children from different cultures may learn best in different ways than our
mainstream students, and using the teaching strategies necessary to meet these needs will assure
student success. One good way to assure student understanding is to make frequent oral
comprehension checks. Another is to access prior knowledge from their own country or culture,
and compare and contrast to ours.
5. Teaching minority children will involve you on a "deep culture" level. Deep culture is a broad
area. It includes values, male female roles, a definition of worth, social customs, morals, religion,
personal space and attitudes. Deep culture is not holidays, food or music, yet these aspects of
culture are fun to share and can be a positive way to involving minority students in the school
community. An example of deep culture is that in our culture we value independence, education,
personal wealth and accomplishment. In the Hispanic culture these things are valued, but not to the
same degree as personal character, honor, ethics, wisdom, responsibility to each other and helping
6. Jim Cummins: It takes only 6 months to a year to acquire social English (Basic Interpersonal
Communication Skills), while it takes from seven to 10 years to acquire the academic English
(Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency), students need to be successful in the classroom, and
to compete equally with monolingual English speakers. The social English can be deceiving, and
teachers tend to think because students speak and play well with other students they know English.
The amount of time needed for academic English acquisition is in great part responsible for the
lack of academic progress we sometimes see with ELL students, and also is responsible for the
great amount of time many ELL students spend as LEP 3's.
1. Poverty is relative. If everyone around you has similar circumstances, the notion of poverty and
wealth is vague. Poverty or wealth only exists in relationship to known quantities or expectations.
2. Poverty occurs in all races and in all countries. The notion of middle class as a large segment of
society in a phenomenon of this century. The percentage of the population that is poor is subject to
definition and circumstance.
3. Economic class is a continuous line, not a clear-cut distinction. In 1994, the poverty line was
considered $14,340 for a family of four. In 1994, 7% of the population made more than $100,000
per year. Individuals are stationed all along the continuum of income; they sometimes move on that
continuum as well.
4. Generational poverty and situational poverty are different. Generational poverty is defined as
being in poverty for two generations or longer. Situational poverty is a shorter time and is caused
by circumstance (i.e., death, illness, divorce, etc.).
5. This work is based on patterns. All patterns have exceptions.
6. An individual brings with him/her the hidden rules of the class in which he/she was raised.
Even though the income of the individual may rise significantly, many of the patterns of thought,
social interaction, cognitive strategies, etc., remain with the individual.
7. Schools and businesses operate from middle-class norms and use the hidden rules of middle
class. These norms and hidden rules are not directly taught in school or in businesses.
8. For our students to be successful, we must understand their hidden rules and teach them the
rules that will make them successful at school and at work.
9. We can neither excuse students nor scold them for not knowing; as educators we must teach
them and provide support, insistence, and expectations.
10. To move from poverty to middle class or middle class to wealth, an individual must give up
relationships for achievement (at least for some period of time).
11. Two things that help one move out of poverty are education and relationships.
12. Four reasons one leaves poverty are: It’s too painful to stay, a vision or goal, a key
relationship, or a special talent or skill.
aha! Process, Inc.
1. In the Unites States in 2001, the poverty rate for all individuals was 11.7%. For children under the
age of 18, the poverty rate was 16.3%, and for children under the age of six, the rate was 18.2%.
2. There were 6.8% million poor families (9.2%) in 2001, up from 6.4 million (6.7%) in 2000.
3. The foreign-born population in the United States has increased 57% since 1990 to a total of 30
million. In 2000 one out of every five children under age 18 in the U.S. was estimated to have at
least one foreign-born parent. Immigrant children are twice as likely to be poor as native-born
children. Among children whose parents work fulltime, immigrant children are at greater risk of
living in poverty than native-born children (National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia
University, 2002).
4. Regardless of race or ethnicity, poor children are much more likely than non-poor children to suffer
developmental delay and damage, to drop out of high school, and to give birth during the teen
years (Miranda, 1991).
5. Poverty-prone children are more likely to be in single-parent families (Einbinder, 1993). Median
female wages in the United States, at all levels of educational attainment, are 30 to 50% lower than
male wages at the same level of educational attainment (TSII Manual, 1995, based on the U.S.
Census data, 1993). See 2001 U.S. census data on page 151.
6. Poor inner-city youths are seven times more likely to be the victims of child abuse or neglect than
are children of high social and economic status (Renchler, 1993).
7. Poverty is caused by interrelated factors: parental employment status and earnings, family structure,
and parental education (Five Million Children, 1992).
8. Children under age six remain particularly vulnerable to poverty. Children living in families with a
female householder and no husband present experienced a poverty rate of 48.9%, more than five
times the rate of children in married-couple families, 9.2% (U.S Bureau of the Census, 2001).
9. The United States’ child poverty rate is substantially higher – often two or three times higher –
than that of most other major Western industrialized nations.
aha! Process, Inc.
Could you survive in poverty?
Put a check by each item you know how to do.
1. I know which churches and sections of town have the best rummage sales.
2. I know which rummage sales have “bag sales” and when.
3. I know which grocery stores’ garbage bins can be accessed for thrownaway food.
4. I know how to get someone out of jail.
5. I know how to physically fight and defend myself physically.
6. I know how to get a gun, even if I have a police record.
7. I know how to keep my clothes from being stolen at the Laundromat.
8. I know what problems to look for in a used car.
9. I know how to live without a checking account.
10. I know how to live without electricity and a phone.
11. I know how to use a knife as scissors.
12. I can entertain a group of friends with my personality and my stories.
13. I know what to do when I don’t have money to pay the bills.
14. I know how to move in half a day.
15. I know how to get and use food stamps or an electronic card for benefits.
16. I know where the free medical clinics are.
17. I am very good at trading and bartering.
18. I can get by without a car.
aha! Process, Inc. (800) 424-9484
Could you survive in middle class?
Put a check by each item you know how to do.
1. I know how to get my children into Little League, piano lessons, soccer, etc.
2. I know how to set a table properly.
3. I know which stores are most likely to carry the clothing brands my family
4. My children know the best name brands in clothing.
5. I know how to order in a nice restaurant.
6. I know how to use a credit card, checking account, and savings account –
and I understand an annuity. I understand term life insurance, disability
insurance, and 20/80 medical insurance policy, as well as house insurance,
flood insurance, and replacement insurance.
7. I talk to my children about going to college.
8. I know how to get one of the best interest rates on my new-car loan.
9. I understand the difference among the principal, interest, and escrow
statements on my house payment.
10. I know how to help my children with their homework and do not hesitate to
call the school if I need additional information.
11. I know how to decorate the house for the different holidays.
12. I know how to get a library card.
13. I know how to use most of the tools in the garage.
14. I repair items in my house almost immediately when they break – or know
a repair service and call it.
aha! Process, Inc. (800) 424-9484
Could you survive in wealth?
Put a check by each item you know how to do.
1. I can read a menu in French, English, and another language.
2. I have several favorite restaurants in different countries of the world.
3. During the holidays, I know how to hire a decorator to identify the
appropriate themes and itmes with which to decorate the house.
4. I know who my preferred financial advisor, legal service, designer,
domestic-employment service, and hairdresser are.
5. I have at least two residences that are staffed and maintained.
6. I know how to ensure confidentiality and loyalty from my domestic staff.
7. I have at least two or three “screens” that keep people whom I do not wish
to see away from me.
8. I fly in my own plane, the company plane, or the Concorde.
9. I know how to enroll my children in the preferred private schools.
10. I know how to host the parties that “key” people attend.
11. I am on the boards of at least two charities.
12. I know the hidden rules of the Junior League.
13. I support or buy the work of a particular artist.
14. I know how to read a corporate financial statement and analyze my own
financial statements.
aha! Process, Inc. (800) 424-9484
Classroom Instruction that Works
Participants will learn ways to incorporate a variety of research-proven classroom
instructional strategies that increase student achievement.
Similarities &
Setting Objectives
& Providing
Reinforcing Effort
& Providing
Summarizing &
Note Taking
Instruction that
Cues, Questions,
& Advanced
Generating &
Homework &
Teaching Specific
Types of
Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
Marzano, Pickering and Pollock
Identifying Similarities and Differences
Summarizing and Note Taking
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
Homework and Practice
Nonlinguistic Representations
Cooperative Learning
Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
Generating and testing Hypotheses
Questions, Cues and Advance Organizers
View these as tools to do the job of educating children in ways that will increase their
achievement and enhance their learning. An important element to remember is to know
your tools. To understand their use and application. To know what tool to use when. When
a teacher is familiar and comfortable with these strategies, their use becomes second
nature when planning lessons and providing learning experiences for their students.
Alone, these strategies may not create higher levels of student achievement, as they are
one part of effective pedagogy, the science of teaching.
Elements of Effective Teaching
Instructional Strategies
Management Techniques
Curriculum Design
Instructional strategies are not stand alone items, but are a significant part of the big
picture of what constitutes effective teaching and learning.
Identifying Similarities and Differences
Research and Theory
1. Presenting students with explicit guidance in identifying similarities and differences
enhances student understanding of and ability to use knowledge. (teacher directed)
2. Asking students to independently identify similarities and differences enhances
student understanding of and ability to use knowledge. (student directed)
3. Representing similarities and differences in graphic or symbolic form enhances
student’s understanding of and ability to use knowledge.
4. Identification of similarities and differences can be accomplished in a variety of
ways. The identification of similarities and differences is a highly robust activity.
Classroom Practice
Comparing is the process of identifying similarities and differences between or among things or
Classifying is the process of grouping things that are alike into categories on the basis of their
Creating metaphors is the process of identifying a general or basic pattern in a specific topic and
then finding another topic that appears to be quite different but that has the same general pattern.
Creating analogies is the process of identifying relationships between pairs of concepts. In other
words, identifying relationships between relationships.
(Provide samples from text. Invite staff
(Provide samples from text. Invite staff
(Provide samples from text. Invite staff
(Provide samples from text. Invite staff
share their
share their
share their
share their
Summarizing and Note Taking
Research and Theory
1. To effectively summarize, students must delete some information, substitute some
information, and keep some information.
2. To effectively delete, substitute and keep information, students must analyze the
information at a fairly deep level.
3. Being aware of the explicit structure (organization) of information is an aid to
summarizing information.
Classroom Practice
The rule based strategy deletes trivial and redundant material. Substitutes terms such as
“flowers” for “daisies, tulips and roses”.
Summary frames are applications of generalization. The teacher supplies a series of
questions designed to highlight critical elements and specific information.
Narrative Frame
Topic-Restriction-Illustration Frame
Definition Frame
Argumentation Frame
Problem/Solution Frame
Conversation Frame
(Provide samples of each from text, pgs. 35-41)
Reciprocal teaching has four components: summarizing, questioning, clarifying and
predicting. (Provide figure 3-10, from text page 43)
Note Taking
Research and Theory
Verbatim note taking is, perhaps the least effective way to take notes.
Notes should be considered a work in progress.
Notes should be used as a study guide for tests.
The more notes taken, the better.
Classroom Practice
Teacher prepared notes provide students with a clear picture of what is important and
models how notes might be taken.
Different formats for notes should be introduced and varied as needed. i.e. outline or
Combination notes combines the elements of outlines and webbing that result in summary
Summarizing and note taking are not just study skills, they can be effective learning tools.
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
(addresses attitudes and beliefs)
Reinforcing Effort
Research and Theory
1. Not all students realize the importance of believing in effort.
2. Students can learn to change their beliefs to an emphasis on effort.
Classroom Practice
Teaching About Effort
Students may not be aware of the importance of believing in effort. Teachers can teach
this by specifically teaching that effort and achievement are connected. Personal stories
and examples in literature and life can be used.
(figure 4.2, pg. 52 Effort and Achievement Rubric)
Keeping Track of Effort and Achievement
As part of teaching the belief in effort and making the connection, having students track of
their effort and resulting achievement will strengthen this connection and reinforce the
Providing Recognition
Research and Theory
1. Rewards do not necessarily have a negative impact on intrinsic motivation
2. Reward is most effective when it is contingent on the attainment of some standard
of performance
3. Abstract symbolic recognition is more effective that tangible rewards
(figure 4.5, pg. 56 Guidelines for Effective Praise)
Classroom Practice
Personalizing Recognition
Pause, Prompt, and Praise
Concrete Symbols of Recognition
Reinforcing effort helps teach the lesson that the harder you try, the more successful you
are. Specific recognition for specific achievements improves achievement and increases
Homework and Practice
(deepen understanding and skills about content already presented)
Research and Theory
1. The amount of homework assigned to students should be different from elementary
to middle to high school.
2. Parent involvement in homework should be kept to a minimum.
3. The purpose of homework should be identified and articulated.
4. If homework is assigned, it should be commented on.
Classroom Practice
1. Establish a homework policy. (it is not what you think, see pg. 64-65)
2. Design homework assignments that clearly articulate the purpose and outcome.
3. Vary the approaches to providing feedback.
Research and Theory
Mastering a skill requires a fair amount of focused practice. (learning line)
While practicing, students should adapt and shape what they have learned.
Classroom Practice
Charting accuracy and speed
Designing practice assignments that focus on specific element of a complex skill or
Planning time for students to increase their conceptual understanding of skills or
Homework and practice are ways to provide students with opportunities to refine and
extend their knowledge. Teacher involvement in planning and providing specific feedback
is a key to making these effective instructional tools.
Nonlinguistic Representations
(generating mental pictures)
Research and Theory
1. A variety of activities produce non-linguistic representations.
… to produce pictorial images of knowledge in the minds of students, through graphic
representations, making physical models, generating mental pictures, drawing pictures and
pictographs and engaging in kinesthetic activity.
2. Nonlinguistic representations should elaborate on knowledge.
Classroom Practices
Creating Graphic Organizers (pages 75-80) (teacher models)
Descriptive patterns
Time-sequence patterns
Process/cause-effect patterns
Episode patterns
Generalization/principle patterns
Concept patterns
Using Other Nonlinguistic Representations
Making physical models
Generating mental pictures
Drawing pictures and pictographs
Engaging in kinesthetic activity
Creating nonlinguistic representations is underused as an instructional tool, although it can
help students understand content in a new way.
Cooperative Learning
(popular and if used well, it is powerful)
Research and Theory
Five Defining Elements of Cooperative Learning
Positive interdependence (sink or swim together)
Face-to-face promotive interaction (helping each other learn, applauding success and efforts)
Individual and group accountability (each of us has to contribute to the group achieving its
Interpersonal and small group skills (communication, trust, leadership, decision making and
conflict resolution)
Group processing (reflecting on how well the team is functioning and how to function even better)
1. Organizing groups based on ability levels should be done sparingly.
2. Cooperative groups should be kept rather small in size. (3-4)
3. Cooperative learning should be applied consistently and systematically, but not
Classroom Practice
Using a variety of criteria for grouping students
Informal, formal and base groups
Manage group size
Combining cooperative learning with other classroom structures
Cooperative learning is very flexible and can be used in a variety of ways in differing
situations. Can be a very powerful strategy.
Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
(establish a direction for learning)
Goal Setting
Research and Theory
1. Instructional goals narrow what students focus on.
2. Instructional goals should not be too specific.
3. Students should be encouraged to personalize the teacher’s goals.
Classroom Practice
Specific but (student) flexible goals
Providing Feedback
Research and Theory
1. Feedback should be corrective in nature.
2. Feedback should be timely.
Classroom Practice
Criterion-referenced feedback (specific levels of knowledge and skill)
Feedback for specific types of knowledge and skill
Student-led feedback
Clear and focused objectives with a purpose coupled with timely and specific feedback
have positive effects on achievement.
Generating and Testing Hypotheses
(it’s not just for science anymore)
Research and Theory
1. Hypothesis generation and testing can be approached in a more inductive or
deductive manner. (Inductive thinking draws new conclusions using known information.
Deductive thinking uses general rules or logic.)
2. Teachers should ask students to clearly explain hypotheses and their conclusions.
Classroom Practice
Using a variety of structured tasks to guide students through generating hypotheses
Systems analysis
Problem solving
Historical investigation
Experimental inquiry
Making sure students can explain their hypotheses and their conclusions
Provide students with templates for reporting their work
Provide sentence stems for students to aid in explaining
Students’ use of audio taped explanations
Provide rubrics for the student explanations
Science fair demonstrations and explanations
The cognitive skill of generating and testing hypotheses is not just for science anymore.
Cues, Questions, and Advanced Organizers
(activating prior knowledge)
Cues and Questions
Research and Theory
1. Cues and questions should focus on what is important as opposed to what is unusual.
2. “Higher level” questions produce deeper learning than “lower level” questions.
3. “Waiting” briefly before accepting responses from students has the effect of
increasing the depth of students’ answers.
4. Questions are effective learning tools even when asked before a learning experience.
Classroom Practice
Explicit clues
Questions that elicit inferences
Analytic questions
Analytic skills
Analyzing errors
Constructing support
Analyzing perspectives
Advance Organizers
Research and Theory
1. Advance organizers should focus on what is important as opposed to what is unusual
2. “Higher level” advance organizers produce deeper learning than the “lower level”
advance organizers.
3. Advance organizers are most useful with information that is not well organized.
4. Different types of advance organizers produce different results.
Classroom Practice
Expository Advance Organizers
Narrative Advance Organizers
Skimming as a form of advance organizer
Graphic advance organizers
Assisting students to think about new knowledge before experiencing it can improve
student achievement.
Monthly Instructional Mentor Checklist
End of the semester procedures
Report cards/records day
Final grading
Retention policies
Spring programs/trips
Secondary school scheduling
Teaching strategies/learning styles (pg. 148-149)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (pg. 150-151)
Plan for second semester
Meeting with principal (optional)
Peer coaching observation and feedback (pg. 157-185)
Review Points to Ponder (pg. 153-154)
Use of community resources
Review “The First Days of School” and share highlights with your mentor and other
Differentiation of Instruction
is a teacher’s response to learners’ needs
guided by general principles of differentiation, such as
ongoing assessment
and adjustment
flexible grouping
Teachers can differentiate
according to students’
Learning Profile
through a range of instructional and management strategies such as
multiple intelligences
taped material
anchor activities
varying organizers
tiered lessons
tiered centers
tiered products
learning contracts
small-group instruction
varied questioning strategies
interest centers
interest groups
varied homework
varied texts
varied supplementary materials
literature circles
group investigation
independent study
varied journal prompts
complex instruction
Responding to the Needs of All
Learners in the Classroom
Students vary in their readiness to learn, their interests, their styles of
learning, their experiences, and their life circumstances.
The differences in students are significant enough to make a major impact
on what they need to learn, the pace at which they need to learn, and the
support they need from teachers and others to learn well.
Students will learn best when they are moderately challenged, but not
Students will learn best when they can make connections to the
Students will learn best when learning opportunities are engaging and
Students are more effective learners when classrooms and schools create a
sense of community in which students feel significant and respected.
The central job of schools is to maximize the capacity of each student.
Distinguished teaching focuses on the essential understandings and skills
of a discipline, causes students to wrestle with profound ideas, calls on
students to use what they are learning in meaningful ways, helps students
organize and make sense of ideas and information, and aids students in
connecting the classroom with a wider world.
FROM: “Reconcilable Differences? Standards-Based Teaching and Differentiation” by Carol Ann Tomlinson in
Educational Leadership, September 2000
Out With The Old . . .
Traditional Classroom
Student differences are masked or acted upon when problematic.
Assessment is commonly done at the end of learning to see who “got it.”
A relatively narrow sense of intelligence prevails.
A single definition of excellence exists.
Student interest is infrequently tapped.
Relatively few learning profile options are taken into account.
Whole-class instruction dominates.
Coverage of texts and curriculum guides drives instruction.
Mastery of facts and skills out-of-context are the focus of learning.
Single option assignments are the norm.
Time is relatively inflexible.
A single text prevails.
Single interpretations of ideas and events may be sought.
The teacher directs student behavior.
The teacher solves problems.
The teacher provides whole-class standards for grading.
A single form of assessment is often used.
FROM: The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson
In With The New
Differentiated Classroom
Student differences are studied as the basis for planning.
Assessment is ongoing and diagnostic to understand how to make
instruction more responsive to learners’ needs.
Focus on multiple forms of intelligence is evident.
Excellence is defined in large measure by individual growth from a
starting point.
Students are frequently guided in making interest-based learning
Many learning profile options are provided for.
Many instructional arrangements are used.
Students’ readiness, interests, and learning profiles shape instruction.
Use of essential skills to make sense of and understand key concepts
and principles is the focus of learning.
Multi-option assignments are frequently used.
Time is used flexibly in accordance with student need.
Multiple materials are provided.
Multiple perspectives on ideas and events are routinely sought.
The teacher facilitates students’ skills at becoming more self-reliant
Students help other students and the teacher solve problems.
Students work with the teacher to establish both whole-class and
individual learning goals.
Students are assessed in multiple ways.
FROM: The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson
Where Is This Coming From?
The research related to how students learn says:
Learning is more natural when students see the big picture, understand the
purpose of what they are doing, and grasp how parts fit together.
Learning is more natural when it is interesting and relevant to the learner when the learner sees a connection between the ideas and his life.
Learning is more natural when the learner feels empowered by what is
being learned and when what is being learned clearly has a use and
The brain likes pattern-laden learning experiences. Concepts and
principles or generalizations typically represent the building blocks of
meaning and patterns in an area of study.
The brain learns better with sense-making activities rather than rotelearning ones.
The brain learns better with deep meaning than with surface meaning.
Therefore, it makes better sense to study fewer things more broadly and
Skills are mastered much more readily and deeply when they are taught in
meaningful and meaning-laden context than when they are taught and
practiced in isolation.
Most of us retain only a few bits of information from even an extended
learning experience. Therefore, it is important to plan teaching in such a
way that we ensure that students learn what is more powerful (useful,
transferable, memorable, meaningful).
How Does Differentiation
Impact Students?
Students exposed to differentiated
instruction . . .
think at higher levels
see the connection between effort
and success
are able to multi-task
anticipate how to solve problems,
approach new tasks, and handle
willingly collaborate with both
peers and adults
are engaged by the learning process
feel self-confident and “in control”
are satisfied by the reward of
completing a task successfully
expand their range of abilities
set goals for themselves
feel respected and supported
manage their own behavior
accept differences between
themselves and others
The Teacher’s Role
Appreciate each child as an individual; model acceptance of differences
for students.
Remember to teach whole children.
Continue to develop expertise.
Hold students to high standards, but offer them lots of ladders.
Strive to engage and motivate students.
Acknowledge and help students make sense of their own ideas.
Provide students with clear road maps for individual learning.
Encourage and celebrate student independence.
Use positive energy and humor.
Collaborate with students frequently; share responsibility for structuring
the learning with them.
Be ever attentive to what constitutes powerful curriculum.
Ensure students experience success and can connect it with hard work.
Demonstrate flexibility in attending to individual student needs.
Address behavioral concerns through shared problem solving with
Encourage students to focus on personal growth versus competing with
Elements Of Effective
Curriculum Design
1. Identify Desired Results
What should students know, understand, and be able to do?
Key facts
Organizing concepts
Guiding principles
Associated attitudes
Essential skills
2. Determine Acceptable Evidence
How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the
standards? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and
3. Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
What background knowledge and skills will students need to perform effectively
and achieve desired results? What activities will equip students with the needed
knowledge and skills? What will need to be taught and coached, and what is the
best way to do it? What materials and resources are best suited to accomplish
these goals? Is the overall design coherent and effective?
Where Does Differentiation
Fit In?
Throughout the curriculum design process, individual student
differences and needs must be taken into consideration.
Teachers can differentiate content, process, and/or product
according to students’ readiness, interests, and learning profiles.
Strategies For Differentiating
Differentiating Content
Provide texts and supplementary materials at varied reading levels.
Demonstrate ideas or skills in addition to talking about them.
Reteach for students having difficulty.
Offer extended teaching groups for advanced students.
Use audiotapes and videotapes to supplement and support instruction.
Offer students choices on what to study.
Use students’ questions and interests to guide instruction and selection
of materials.
Provide organizers to guide note taking.
Build in opportunities for student reflection.
Present in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modes.
Use applications, examples, and illustrations from a wide range of
FROM: The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson
Strategies For Differentiating
Use tiered activities (activities at different levels of difficulty, but
focused on the same key learning goals).
Make task directions more detailed and specific for some learners and
more open or “fuzzy” for others.
Provide teacher-led mini-workshops on varied skills at varied levels of
complexity to support student work.
Use flexible instructional grouping.
Vary the pacing of student work.
Encourage students to design or participate in the design of some tasks.
Use a variety of criteria for success, based on whole-class requirements
as well as individual student readiness needs.
Design tasks that require multiple interests or the use of multiple
perspectives for successful completion.
Balance competitive, collegial, and independent work arrangements.
FROM: The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson
Strategies For Differentiating
Use tiered product assignments.
Use similar-readiness critique groups during product development.
Allow students to use a range of media or formats to express their
knowledge, understanding, and skill.
Provide opportunities for students to develop independent inquiries
with appropriate teacher or mentor guidance.
Encourage students to work independently or with partner(s) on
product development.
Lead optional, in-class mini-workshops on various facets of product
Develop rubrics or other benchmarks for success based on both gradelevel expectations and individual student learning needs.
FROM: The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson
Sample Unit Schedule
Days 1 & 2
Whole-class instruction on key concepts and terminology
Days 3 & 4
Class moves to work individually and in small groups on new
material through tiered lessons.
Day 5
Class shares information as a whole group to clarify and
refine ideas.
Days 6 & 7
Tiered lessons.
Day 8
Class moves together to share and clarify.
Days 9 – 12
Explore and extend knowledge through tiered lessons, centers,
independent research, and contracts. Skill development
through flexible grouping, tiered lessons, centers, or contracts.
Days 13 & 14 Students share what they’re learning. New information given
to complete the unit and begin work on products.
Days 15 – 19 Students complete work on differentiated activities and work
on products.
Days 20 – 24 Final review of material, final assessment, and sharing of
student products.
FROM: Dr. Kathie Nunley’s Layered Curriculum Web Site for Educators
Getting Started
Start small—try one new idea or strategy at a time and select one
curricular area to differentiate, not your whole curriculum.
Acknowledge what you already do.
Differentiate current units and activities.
Talk with students about the fact that we all learn differently; help them
to understand that assignments don’t have to be the same to be fair.
Break students in slowly with brief tiered activities—grow from there.
Set behavioral guidelines and discuss them with students.
Arrange your classroom for group work.
Establish routines for distributing and collecting materials and for
turning in work.
Discuss with students what to do when they finish a task early.
Think through tasks ahead of time, and prepare and organize materials.
Keep families informed.
FROM: Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom by Diane Heacox, Ed. D.
Essential Principles Of
Principle 1:
Good curriculum comes first
Principle 2:
All tasks should be respectful of each learner
Principle 3:
When in doubt, teach up!
Principle 4:
Use flexible grouping
Principle 5:
Become an assessment junkie
Principle 6:
Grade for growth
What’s In A Layer?
C Layer:
Basic knowledge, understanding; builds on current level of core
B Layer:
Application or manipulation of the information learned; problem
solving or other higher level thinking tasks
A Layer:
Critical thinking and analysis; highest and most complex thought
Classroom Practices Inventory
Use this inventory to look at what you are already doing in your classroom to differentiate instruction.
Mark an “X” on each line to show where your current teaching practices lie on the continuum.
Traditional classroom:
Differentiated classroom:
Covering the curriculum is my first priority
and directs my teaching.
I base my teaching on students’ learning
needs as well as on the curriculum.
Learning goals remain the same for all
Learning goals are adjusted for students based
on their needs.
I emphasize mastery of content and skills.
I emphasize critical and creative thinking and
the application of learning.
Students use the same informational resources
(books, articles, Web sites).
I match students to specific informational
resources based on their learning needs and
I primarily use whole-class instruction.
I use several instructional formats (for
example, whole class, small groups, partners,
I tend to group students heterogeneously.
As appropriate, I group students for
instruction based on their learning needs.
All students move through the curriculum
together and at the same pace.
The pace of instruction may vary, based on
students’ learning needs.
All students complete the same activities.
As appropriate, I give students opportunities
to choose activities based on their interests.
Continued 
From Differentiated Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to Reach and Teach All Learners, Grades 3-12 by Diane Heacox, Ed. D.,
copyright  2002. Free Spirit Publishing Inc., Minneapolis, MN; 800/735-7323; This page may be photocopied for
individual, classroom, or small group work only.
Classroom Practices Inventory continued . . .
Traditional classroom:
Differentiated classroom:
I tend to use similar instructional strategies
day to day.
I use a variety of instructional strategies (for
example, lectures, manipulatives, role plays,
simulations, readings).
All students complete all activities.
Students complete different activities based
on their needs or learning preferences.
All students are involved in all instructional
I use methods for testing out of work and for
compacting (speeding up, eliminating,
replacing) work, as appropriate.
My enrichment work provides more content
or more application of skills.
My enrichment work demands critical
and/or creative thinking and the production
of new ideas, thoughts, and perspectives.
In reteaching, I provide more practice using
a similar instructional method.
In reteaching, I use a different instructional
method from the one I used to teach the
material the first time.
My reteaching activities typically involve
lower-level thinking—knowledge and
comprehension—to reinforce basic skills
and content.
My reteaching activities demand higherlevel thinking while reinforcing basic skills
and content.
I assume that students have limited or no
knowledge of curriculum content.
Before beginning a unit, I use preassessment
strategies to determine what students already
I usually assess students’ learning at the end
of an instructional sequence.
I use ongoing assessment to check students’
learning throughout an instructional
I typically use the same assessment tool,
product, or project for all students.
I allow for learner differences by providing
a variety of ways to show learning.
From Differentiated Instruction in the Regular Classroom: How to Reach and Teach All Learners, Grades 3-12 by Diane Heacox,
Ed. D., copyright  2002. Free Spirit Publishing Inc., Minneapolis, MN; 800/735-7323; This page may be
photocopied for individual, classroom, or small group work only.
What’s Your Learning Style???
To learn, you depend on your senses to bring information to your brain. Most people tend to use one of
their senses more than the others.
Some people learn best by listening. They are called auditory learners. Other people learn best by
reading or seeing pictures. They are called visual learners. Still others learn best by touching and doing
things. They are called kinesthetic learners.
Knowing your learning style may help you learn. It may also explain why some things don’t make
sense to you.
For these questions, choose the first answer that comes to your mind. Don’t spend too much time
thinking about any question.
1. Which way would you rather learn how a computer works?
a. Watching a movie about it
b. Listening to someone explain it
c. Taking the computer apart and trying to figure it out for yourself
2. Which would you prefer to read for fun?
a. A travel book with a lot of pictures in it
b. A mystery book with a lot of conversation in it
c. A book where you answer questions and do puzzles
3. When you aren’t sure how to spell a word, which of these are you most likely to do?
a. Write it out to see if it looks right
b. Sound it out
c. Write it out to sense if it feels right
4. If you were at a party, what would you be most likely to remember the next day?
a. The faces of the people there, but not the names
b. The names but not the faces
c. The things you did and said while you were there
5. How would you rather study for a test?
a. Read notes, read headings in a book, look at diagrams and illustrations
b. Have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts silently to yourself
c. Write things out on index cards and make models of diagrams
6. When you see the word “d-o-g,” what do you do first?
a. Think of a picture of a particular dog
b. Say the word “dog” to yourself silently
c. Sense the feeling of being with a dog (petting it, running with it)
7. What do you find the most distracting when you are trying to concentrate?
a. Visual distractions
b. Noises
c. Other sensations like hunger, tight shoes, or worry
8. How do you prefer to solve problems?
a. Make a list, organize the steps, and check them off as they are done
b. Make a few phone calls and talk to friends or experts
c. Make a model of the problem or walk through all the steps in your mind
9. Which are you most likely to do while standing in a long line at the movies?
a. Look at the posters advertising other movies
b. Talk to the person next to you
c. Tap your foot or move around in some way
10. You have just entered a science museum. What will you do first?
a. Look around and find a map showing the locations of the exhibits
b. Talk to a museum guide and ask about the exhibits
c. Go into the first exhibit that looks interesting, and read directions later
11. When you are angry, which are you most likely to do?
a. Scowl
b. Shout or “blow up”
c. Stomp off and slam the doors
12. When you are happy, what are you most likely to do?
a. Grin
b. Shout for joy
c. Jump for joy
13. Which would you rather go to?
a. An art class
b. A music class
c. An exercise class
14. Which of these do you do when you listen to music?
a. Daydream (see images that go with the music)
b. Hum along
c. Move with the music
15. How would you rather tell a story?
a. Write it out
b. Tell it out loud
c. Act it out
16. Which kind of restaurant would you rather not go to?
a. One with the lights too bright
b. One with the music too loud
c. One with uncomfortable chairs
The answers indicate:
A’s – Visual
B’s – Auditory
C’s – Kinesthetic
It is not uncommon to use different learning styles for different tasks.
Find strength in the ordinary.
The Aurora EAP: A free benefit for
you and your family
Your employer pays for this service. If
you or your family member need
assistance beyond the scope of the
EAP, you will be referred to appropriate
Our Promise to You
Your privacy is protected in accordance
with both federal and state laws
regulating mental health and medical
treatment records. The Aurora EAP
makes every effort to protect your
privacy and ensure that your
participation in the program is
completely confidential.
Program Access
Call 800-236-3231 and identify yourself
as an employee of this company. Your
family members may do the same. Our
goal is to ensure that your use of the
EAP will be convenient, timely, and
The Aurora Employee Assistance Program has
locations throughout Wisconsin, the United
States and Canada.
Visit us at
The Aurora Employee Assistance
Since its establishment in 1983, the Aurora
Employee Assistance Program has grown
into one of the premier EAPs in the country,
serving businesses of all sizes throughout
North America. We provide confidential,
quality services to help employees and
their families successfully meet home and
workplace challenges.
As part of Aurora health Care, the
Employee Assistance Program is
committed to enhancing the well-being and
quality of life of the diverse populations we
serve through an integrated network of
providers addressing the full spectrum of
family and workplace needs.
Aurora Health Care is a community-owned,
non-profit health care system dedicated to
promoting health, preventing illness, and
providing state-of-the-art diagnosis and
treatment, whenever and wherever we can
best meet individual and family needs.
Aurora Employee Assistance Program
For confidential help, call
Aurora Health Care®
Introducing the Aurora
Employee Assistance
Healthy Solutions
for Life
Aurora Health Care ®
Welcome to Aurora’s Premier
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The Aurora EAP has been serving
employees and families for nearly 25
years. Our dedicated team of
professionals is committed to helping
you find healthy solutions for life:
solutions that can help you and your
family deal with complications of your
busy lives, solutions that get results –
quickly, conveniently and confidentially.
Finding a Better Way
Life is filled with change and uncertainty.
The responsibilities and demands on
our time can be overwhelming. It
happens to all of us. Calling the Aurora
Employee Assistance Program can be
the first step towards taking charge of a
situation that is affecting your health
and well-being.
The Aurora EAP is available to
employees and family members
residing in the household.
How it Works
Help begins as soon as you make the first call
for assistance. An EAP specialist will listen to
your concerns and ask you relevant questions.
Based on your needs, we will immediately:
 connect you with a professional EAP
 schedule a consultation, or
 link you with a specialized services to help you
balance the demands of work and family
If a telephone or in-person assessment is
indicated, the EAP counselor may offer a variety
of suggestions such as referral to a support
group, community resource or counseling.
Sometimes the counselor’s suggestions may be
all that is needed to help you resolve your
When to Use the Aurora EAP
This varies with each individual. Generally, it is
wise to seek help when a problem:
occupies too much of your time,
interferes with normal activities, or
persists for more than two to three weeks.
Typical concerns may include:
Adult stresses such as relationship issues,
workplace concerns, anxiety and depression
Marital conflict
Parent/child problems
Childhood stresses such as difficulty with
school or peers
Alcohol/drug abuse: yours or a family
Financial pressures
Caring for aging parents
Balancing work and family
Legal issues
Specialized Work-Life Services
 Child Care and Elder Care
Consultation, Information and
Referral. Our experts can guide you
through the array of options and help
you choose the most appropriate
resources for you and your loved one.
 Educational Resource Assistance:
K12 and Higher Education. We can
match families with private and public
schools and assist with choosing the
most appropriate options, includng
colleges and universities, as well as
understanding financial aid options and
assisting in scholarship services.
 Legal Consultation and Mediation
Services. If you need legal information
or guidance, your EAP privides a free
30-minute consultation with an
experienced attorney in your area.
Mediation services offer a time- and
money-saving alternative for resolving
many legal issues.
 Financial Consulation. Our certified
credit counselors can help you take
control of your finances, whether you
need guidance in developing a budget
or a repayment plan to help you get
and stay out of debt.
EAP Work-Life Services include
Adoption Information Services to guide
you through every aspect of the adoption
process, and unlimited access to our
Legal and Financial Resource Center
Monthly Instructional Mentor Checklist
Contract signing
Classroom inventories
Year-end activities, awards
Strategies for the final weeks of school
Year-end reports
Transfer possibilities
Year-end cumulative folder information
Summer school referrals
Meeting with principal (March and June)
Observation and feedback (pg. 157-185)
Review Points to Ponder (pg. 153-154)
Review “The First Days of School” and share highlights with your mentor and other peers.
Readying the Learning Environment
1. Provide appropriate instruction, making sure no one sees himself or herself as a “dummy”.
2. Minimize unhealthy competition among students.
3. Personalize instruction in fact as well as in claim.
4. Solicit pupil interests as legitimate subjects to be studied.
5. Provide appropriate materials and methods of instruction.
6. Manage to have a pleasant and cheerful classroom setting.
7. Enlist the pupils in frequent campaigns to improve the classroom environment.
8. Help your pupils establish personal achievement goals.
9. Guarantee your pupils a relevant instructional program.
10. Allow for maximum self-directed learning.
11. Consider using contracts with pupils to improve performance and/or behavior.
12. Rearrange your classroom furniture.
13. Provide ample encounters with success.
Managing Classroom Routines
1. Provide a lot of physical involvement in learning.
2. Allow for different learning modalities to be served.
3. Solicit pupil suggestions daily and put them to use.
4. Use a signal system to help pupils remember.
5. Make all expectations perfectly clear.
6. Move freely about the classroom and interact with everyone.
7. Maintain eye contact with all students at their own level.
8. Provide an alternation of high-energy and low-energy activities.
9. Develop group pride in your class’ uniqueness and identity.
10. Keep your class members aware of the uniqueness of every individual.
11. Vary your voice as you address different groups.
12. Give all students an equal chance to participate.
13. Encourage pupils to undertake responsibility for their own welfare.
14. Move briskly through the day.
15. Change activities before interest starts to lag.
16. Use pupils’ names liberally during group interactions.
17. Overprepare to keep pupils’ attention engaged.
18. Solicit student input into selected problems.
19. Reduce your classroom rules to an absolute minimum.
20. Redirect the attention of those pupils whose actions are wandering from the task.
21. Catch your students being good.
22. Use examples of positive reinforcement instead of negative ones.
23. Plan strategies to deal with aggressive behaviors.
24. Incorporate behavior modification techniques for problem cases.
25. Change your location in the classroom itself.
Coping with Individuals
1. Confer with parents before problems escalate.
2. Confer with colleagues who are also familiar with the pupil.
3. Maintain anecdotal records on pupil behavior.
4. Ask the student to keep a log or a diary.
5. Use video or audio taping to analyze the setting and the pupil responses.
6. Assess pupils diagnostically rather than for group comparisons.
7. Provide appropriate resource areas and special materials.
8. Approach each pupil fresh each day.
9. Ask pupils to think of reasons for their misbehavior.
10. Ask pupils to tell how they felt while misbehaving.
11. Ask pupils to describe the situation from the other person’s point of view.
12. Require appropriate compensatory actions for misdeeds.
13. At times, let the offender help decide appropriate consequences.
14. Provide frequent reminders and ignore much of what you see.
15. Plan as carefully a punishment as you would plan any other learning activity.
“111 Alternatives to Abusive Discipline” was compiled by Hal Malehorn of Eastern Illinois University
50 Tips on Motivating Students
2. Plan for every class; never try to wing it.
17. Accept students’ ideas and comments, even
if they are wrong; correct in a positive
3. Pay attention to the strengths and
limitations of each of your students.
Reward the strengths and strengthen the
weak spots.
18. Maintain eye contact and move toward your
students as you interact with them; be sure
to nod your head to show that you are
hearing what they say.
4. Set your room in a U-shape to encourage
interaction among the students.
19. Give lots of positive feedback when
students respond, offer their ideas, perform
a task correctly, come to class on time,
bring their materials to class.
1. Know your students and use their names as
often as possible.
5. Send lots of positive messages with posters,
bulletin boards and pictures.
20. Foster an active student organization.
6. Be sure that your classroom is comfortable;
check the air circulation, temperature,
lighting and humidity.
21. Use appropriate humor in your teaching and
in tests, to relieve anxiety.
7. Keep the laboratory well organized and
22. Post program-related cartoons, and use
them on overheads and in handouts.
8. Vary your instructional strategies; use
illustrated lectures, demonstrations,
discussions, computers, tutoring, coaching
and more.
23. Provide opportunities for the students to
speak to the class.
24. Be available before class starts, during
break, and after class to visit with students
who wish to see you.
9. Review the class objective each day. Be
sure the students see how the entire
program moves along.
25. Return assignments and tests to students
ASAP. Be sure to make positive comments
and suggestions.
10. Make your instruction relevant. Be sure
your students see how the content relates to
them and the world of work.
26. Teach by asking lots of questions during
introductions, presentations,
demonstrations, and laboratory work.
11. Open each presentation with an
introduction that captures the interest of
your students.
27. Plan laboratory activities so that all of the
necessary tools, equipment and materials
are available when the students are ready to
use them.
12. Move around the room as you teach; walk
energetically and purposefully.
28. Give the students an opportunity to
participate in the organization and
management of the classroom.
13. Be expressive with your face - SMILE!
14. Put some excitement into your speech; vary
your pitch, volume and rate.
29. Be aware of those students requiring
assistance, and then see that they get it.
15. Use demonstrative movements of the head,
arms, and hands; keep your hands out of
your pockets.
30. Maximize the use of time so that the
students keep busy with productive,
relevant activities.
16. Use words that are highly descriptive; give
lots of examples.
31. Be a model of the work ethic in your dress,
language, support of the school and respect
for the profession.
50. Be enthusiastic about yourself, your
students, and your profession.
32. Be consistent in your treatment of students.
33. Make sure that your tests are current, valid
and reliable. They must be based on your
curriculum objectives.
34. Organize a “student of the month” award.
35. Invite parents, advisory committee
members and school administrators to visit
your program for special activities.
36. Plan relevant study trips out of the school.
37. Bring a dynamic subject matter expert into
your program.
38. Recognize appropriate behavior and reward
it on a continuing basis.
39. Use a surprise - an interesting film, special
break, or similar activity - to reward the
class for good behavior.
40. Use games and simulations to spark
interest, provide a break in the routine, and
to supplement a unit in your curriculum.
41. Praise students in front of the class;
reprimand them in private.
42. Explain why rules are used, why activities
are important, and why some requests must
be denied.
43. Involve all of your students in your
44. Provide clear directions for program
activities and assignments.
45. Plan around 15-30 minute cycles - students
have difficulty maintaining attention after a
longer period of time.
46. Provide opportunities for the students to
read alone and in a group.
47. Make home visits (in the summer) for new
students entering your program.
By Richard Sullivan and Jerry Wircenski
48. Send “happy-grams” home to parents
49. Use task and job sheets to help students
remember the steps to perform skills.