9 Microbial Control

Microbial Control
Basic Principles of Microbial Control
Action of Antimicrobial Agents
Alteration of cell walls and membranes
Cell wall maintains integrity of cell
Cells burst due to osmotic effects when damaged
Cytoplasmic membrane contains cytoplasm and controls passage of chemicals into and out of cell
Cellular contents leak out when damaged
Nonenveloped viruses have greater tolerance of harsh conditions
Damage to proteins and nucleic acids
Protein function depends on 3-D shape
Extreme heat or certain chemicals denature proteins
Chemicals, radiation, and heat can alter or destroy nucleic acids
Can produce fatal mutants
Can halt protein synthesis through action on RNA
The Selection of Microbial Control Methods
Ideally, agents should be:
• Inexpensive
• Fast-acting
• Stable during storage
Capable of controlling microbial growth while being harmless to humans, animals, and objects
• Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Methods
◦ Site to be treated
Harsh chemicals and extreme heat cannot be used on humans, animals, and fragile objects
Method of microbial control based on site of medical procedure
Relative susceptibilities of microbes to antimicrobial agents
Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Methods
Relative susceptibility of microorganisms
Germicides classified as high, intermediate, or low effectiveness
High-level kill all pathogens, including endospores
Intermediate-level kill fungal spores, protozoan cysts, viruses, and pathogenic bacteria
Low-level kill vegetative bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and some viruses
◦ Methods for Evaluating Disinfectants and Antiseptics
▪ Phenol coefficient
Evaluates efficacy of disinfectants and antiseptics by comparing an agent’s ability to control
microbes to phenol
Greater than 1.0 indicates agent is more effective than phenol
Has been replaced by newer methods
Methods for Evaluating Disinfectants and Antiseptics
Use-dilution test
Metal cylinders dipped into broth cultures of bacteria
Contaminated cylinder immersed into dilution of disinfectant
Cylinders removed and placed into tube of medium to see how much bacteria survived
Most effective agents entirely prevent growth at highest dilution
Current standard test in the U.S.
New standard procedure being developed
Kelsey-Sykes capacity test
Alternative assessment approved by the European Union
Bacterial suspensions added to the chemical being tested
Samples removed at predetermined times and incubated
Lack of bacterial reproduction reveals minimum time required for the disinfectant to be effective
Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Heat-Related Methods
Effects of high temperatures
Denature proteins
Interfere with integrity of cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall
Disrupt structure and function of nucleic acids
Thermal death point
Lowest temperature that kills all cells in broth in 10 min
Thermal death time
Time to sterilize volume of liquid at set temperature
In-use test
Swabs taken from objects before and after application of disinfectant or antiseptic
Swabs inoculated into growth medium and incubated
Medium monitored for growth
Accurate determination of proper strength and application procedure for each specific situation
Moist heat
Used to disinfect (remove organisms and spores), sanitize (kill organisms but not necessarily
their spores), and sterilize (kill all organisms and spores)
Denatures proteins and destroys cytoplasmic membranes
More effective than dry heat
Methods of microbial control using moist heat
Ultrahigh-temperature sterilization
Kills vegetative cells of bacteria and fungi, protozoan trophozoites, and most viruses
Boiling time is critical
Different elevations require different boiling times
Endospores, protozoan cysts, and some viruses can survive boiling
Moist heat
Pressure applied to boiling water prevents steam from escaping
Boiling temperature increases as pressure increases
Autoclave conditions – 121ºC, 15 psi, 15 min
Used for milk, ice cream, yogurt, and fruit juices
Not sterilization
Heat-tolerant microbes survive
Pasteurization of milk
Batch method
Flash pasteurization (High temp, short time)
Ultrahigh-temperature pasteurization (very short time)
◦ Pasteurization of milk Batch method
◦ The batch method uses a vat pasteurizer which consists of a jacketed vat surrounded by either
circulating water, steam or heating coils of water or steam.
◦ Pasteurization of milk Ultrahigh-temperature method
• Heating for 1-2 seconds at a temperature exceeding 135°C (275°F), which is the temperature
required to kill spores in milk.
The most common UHT product is milk, but the process is also used for fruit juices, cream, soy
milk, yogurt, wine, soups, and stews.
Can cause browning and change the taste and smell of dairy products.
UHT milk has a typical shelf life of six to nine months, until opened
Ultrahigh-temperature sterilization
140ºC for 1 sec, then rapid cooling
Treated liquids can be stored at room temperature
Dry heat
Used for materials that cannot be sterilized with moist heat
Denatures proteins and oxidizes metabolic and structural chemicals
Requires higher temperatures for longer time than moist heat
Incineration is ultimate means of sterilization
Refrigeration and Freezing
Decrease microbial metabolism, growth, and reproduction
Chemical reactions occur slower at low temperatures
Liquid water not available
Psychrophilic microbes can multiply in refrigerated foods
Refrigeration halts growth of most pathogens
Slow freezing more effective than quick freezing
Organisms vary in susceptibility to freezing
Dessication and Lyophilization
Drying (98% of the water is removed) inhibits growth due to removal of water
Lyophilization (freeze-drying)
Substance is rapidly frozen and sealed in a vacuum
Substance may also be turned into a powder
Used for long-term preservation of microbial cultures
Prevents formation of damaging ice crystals
Osmotic Pressure
High concentrations of salt or sugar in foods to inhibit growth
Cells in hypertonic solution of salt or sugar lose water
Fungi have greater ability than bacteria to survive hypertonic environments
Ionizing radiation
Wavelengths shorter than 1 nm
Electron beams, gamma rays
Ejects electrons from atoms to create ions
Ions disrupt hydrogen bonding, cause oxidation, and create hydroxide ions
Hydroxide ions denature other molecules (DNA)
Electron beams – effective at killing but do not penetrate well
Gamma rays – penetrate well but require hours to kill microbes
Nonionizing radiation
Wavelengths greater than 1 nm
Excites electrons, causing them to make new covalent bonds
Affects 3-D structure of proteins and nucleic acids
UV light causes pyrimidine dimers in DNA
UV light does not penetrate well
Suitable for disinfecting air, transparent fluids, and surfaces of objects
Biosafety Levels
▪ Four levels of safety in labs dealing with pathogens
Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1)
Handling pathogens that do not cause disease in healthy humans
Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2)
Handling of moderately hazardous agents
Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3)
Handling of microbes in safety cabinets
Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4)
Handling of microbes that cause severe or fatal disease
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control
Affect microbes’ cell walls, cytoplasmic membranes, proteins, or DNA
Effect varies with differing environmental conditions
Often more effective against enveloped viruses and vegetative cells of bacteria, fungi, and
Phenol and Phenolics
Intermediate- to low-level disinfectants
Denature proteins and disrupt cell membranes
Effective in presence of organic matter
Remain active for prolonged time
Commonly used in health care settings, labs, and homes
Have disagreeable odor and possible side effects
Intermediate-level disinfectants
Denature proteins and disrupt cytoplasmic membranes
More effective than soap in removing bacteria from hands
Swabbing of skin with 70% ethanol prior to injection
Intermediate-level antimicrobial chemicals
Believed to damage enzymes via oxidation or by denaturation
Widely used in numerous applications
Iodine tablets, iodophores, chlorine treatment, bleach, chloramines, and bromine
Oxidizing Agents
◦ Peroxides, ozone, and peracetic acid
◦ Kill by oxidation of microbial enzymes
◦ High-level disinfectants and antiseptics
◦ Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can disinfect and sterilize surfaces
Not useful for treating open wounds due to catalase activity: the tissues convert it into
H20 and 0ygen bubbles.
◦ Ozone treatment of drinking water
◦ Peracetic acid is an effective sporocide used to sterilize equipment
◦ “Surface active” chemicals
Reduce surface tension of solvents
◦ Soaps and detergents
Soaps have hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends
Good degerming agents but not antimicrobial
Detergents are positively charged organic surfactants
◦ Quats (Quaternary ammonium cations)
Low-level disinfectants; disrupts cell membranes
Ideal for many medical and industrial application
Good against fungi, amoeba, and enveloped viruses, but not endospores,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non-enveloped viruses.
Heavy Metals
Heavy-metal ions denature proteins
Low-level bacteriostatic and fungistatic agents
1% silver nitrate to prevent blindness caused by N. gonorrhoeae
Thimerosal used to preserve vaccines
Copper inhibits algal growth
Compounds containing terminal –CHO groups
Cross-link functional groups to denature proteins and inactivate nucleic acids
Glutaraldehyde disinfects and sterilizes
Formalin used in embalming and disinfection of rooms and instruments
Gaseous Agents
Microbicidal and sporicidal gases used in closed chambers to sterilize items
Denature proteins and DNA by cross-linking functional groups
Used in hospitals and dental offices
Can be hazardous to people
Often highly explosive
Extremely poisonous
Potentially carcinogenic
Antimicrobial enzymes act against microorganisms
Human tears contain lysozyme
Digests peptidoglycan cell wall of bacteria
Enzymes to control microbes in the environment
Lysozyme used to reduce the number of bacteria in cheese
Prionzyme can remove prions on medical instruments
Antibiotics, semi-synthetic, and synthetic chemicals
Typically used for treatment of disease
Some used for antimicrobial control outside the body
Development of Resistant Microbes
◦ Little evidence that products containing antiseptic and disinfecting chemicals is beneficial to
human or animal health
◦ Use of such products promotes development of resistant microbes
Antimicrobial Agents
Chemicals that affect physiology in any manner
Chemotherapeutic agents
◦ Drugs that act against diseases
◦ Drugs that treat infections
The History of Antimicrobial Agents
▪ Chemically altered antibiotics that are more effective than naturally occurring ones
▪ Antimicrobials that are completely synthesized in a la
Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Action
Key is selective toxicity
Antibacterial drugs constitute largest number and diversity of antimicrobial agents
Fewer drugs to treat eukaryotic infections (protozoa, fungi, helminthes)
Even fewer antiviral drugs
Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
◦ Inhibition of bacterial wall synthesis
Most common agents prevent cross-linkage of NAM subunits
Beta-lactams are most prominent in this group
Functional groups are beta-lactam rings
Beta-lactams bind to enzymes that cross-link NAM subunits
Bacteria have weakened cell walls and eventually lyse
Inhibition of synthesis of bacterial walls
Semi-synthetic derivatives of beta-lactams
More stable in acidic environments
More readily absorbed
Less susceptible to deactivation
More active against more types of bacteria
Simplest beta-lactams – effective only against aerobic Gram-negatives
Vancomycin and cycloserine
Interfere with particular bridges that link NAM subunits in many Gram-positives
Blocks secretion of NAG and NAM from cytoplasm
Effective against Gram positives
Isoniazid and ethambutol
Disrupt mycolic acid formation in mycobacterial species
Prevent bacteria from increasing amount of peptidoglycan
Have no effect on existing peptidoglycan layer
Effective only for growing cells
Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
Prokaryotic ribosomes are 70S (30S and 50S)
Eukaryotic ribosomes are 80S (40S and 60S)
Drugs can selectively target translation
Mitochondria of animals and humans contain 70S ribosomes
Can be harmful
Aminoglycosides: excellent against Gram negatives, partially effective against Gram positives
amikacin (Amikin®)
gentamicin (Garamycin®)
kanamycin (Kantrex®)
neomycin (Mycifradin®)
tobramycin (TOBI Solution®, TobraDex®)
Disruption of Cytoplasmic Membranes
Some drugs form channel through cytoplasmic membrane and damage its integrity
Amphotericin B attaches to ergosterol in fungal membranes
Humans somewhat susceptible because cholesterol similar to ergosterol
Bacteria lack sterols; not susceptible
Azoles and allyamines inhibit ergosterol synthesis
Polymyxin disrupts cytoplasmic membranes of Gram-negatives
Oral form is toxic to human kidneys, so only used topically
Some parasitic drugs act against cytoplasmic membranes
Which topical ointment is best?
Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic (disrupts protein synthesis). It has excellent
activity against Gram-negative bacteria, and has partial activity against Gram-positive bacteria.
Polymixin disrupts bacterial cell membranes by interacting with its phospholipids. They are
selectively toxic for Gram-negative bacteria.
Bacitracin disrupts cell wall synthesis. Its action is on Gram-positive organisms. It can cause
contact dermatitis and cross-reacts with allergic sensitivity to sulfa-drugs.
Which topical ointment is best: Neomycin or Triple Antibiotic (contains all three)
Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Action
Inhibition of Metabolic Pathways
Antimetabolic agents can be effective when pathogen and host metabolic processes differ
Quinolones interfere with the metabolism of malaria parasites
Heavy metals inactivate enzymes
Some agents disrupt glucose uptake by many protozoa and parasitic worms
Some drugs block activation of viruses
Antiviral agents can target unique aspects of viral metabolism
Amantadine, rimantadine, and weak organic bases prevent viral uncoating
Protease inhibitors interfere with an enzyme that HIV needs in its replication cycle
Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis
Several drugs block DNA replication or mRNA transcription
Drugs often affect both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Not normally used to treat infections
Used in research and perhaps to slow cancer cell replication
Nucleotide analogs
Interfere with function of nucleic acids
Distort shapes of nucleic acid molecules and prevent further replication, transcription, or
Most often used against viruses
Effective against rapidly dividing cancer cells
Acyclovir is used to decrease pain and speed the healing of herpes sores or blisters in
people who have varicella (chickenpox), herpes zoster (shingles; a rash that can occur in people who
have had chickenpox in the past), and first-time or repeat outbreaks of genital herpes (a herpes virus
infection that causes sores to form around the genitals and rectum from time to time).
Acyclovir is also sometimes used to prevent outbreaks of herpes sores in people who are
infected with the virus.
Acyclovir disrupts nucleic acid function. It works by stopping the spread of the herpes virus in
the body. Acyclovir will not cure herpes or protect others from catching it.
Quinolones and fluoroquinolones
Act against prokaryotic DNA gyrase (enzyme that is needed for DNA to unwind during
Inhibitors of RNA polymerase (enzyme used during transcription)
Reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Act against an enzyme HIV uses in its replication cycle
Does not harm people because humans lack reverse transcriptase
Prevention of Virus Attachment
Attachment antagonists block viral attachment or receptor proteins
New area of antimicrobial drug development
Clinical Considerations in Prescribing Antimicrobial Drugs
Ideal Antimicrobial Agent
Readily available
Chemically stable
Easily administered
Nontoxic and nonallergenic
Selectively toxic against wide range of pathogens
Spectrum of Action
Number of different pathogens a drug acts against
Narrow-spectrum effective against few organisms
Broad-spectrum effective against many organisms
May allow for secondary or superinfections to develop
Killing of normal flora reduces microbial antagonism
Spectrum of action for selected antimicrobial agents
Ascertained by
Diffusion susceptibility test
Minimum inhibitory concentration test
Minimum bactericidal concentration test
Routes of Administration
Topical application of drug for external infections
Oral route requires no needles and is self-administered
Intramuscular administration delivers drug via needle into muscle
Intravenous administration delivers drug directly to bloodstream
Must know how antimicrobial agent will be distributed to infected tissues
Safety and Side Effects
Cause of many adverse reactions poorly understood
Drugs may be toxic to kidneys, liver, or nerves
Consideration needed when prescribing drugs to pregnant women
Allergic reactions are rare but may be life threatening
Anaphylactic shock
Disruption of normal microbiota
May result in secondary infections
Overgrowth of normal flora causing superinfections
Of greatest concern for hospitalized patients
Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs
The Development of Resistance in Populations
Some pathogens are naturally resistant
Resistance by bacteria acquired in two ways
New mutations of chromosomal genes
Acquisition of resistance genes (R-plasmids) via transformation, transduction, and conjugation
Mechanisms of Resistance
At least six mechanisms of microbial resistance
Production of enzyme that destroys or deactivates drug
Slow or prevent entry of drug into the cell
Alter target of drug so it binds less effectively
Alter their metabolic chemistry
Pump antimicrobial drug out of the cell before it can act
Mycobacterium tuberculosis produces MfpA protein
Binds DNA gyrase preventing the binding of fluoroquinolone drugs
Multiple Resistance and Cross Resistance
Pathogen can acquire resistance to more than one drug
Common when R-plasmids exchanged
Develop in hospitals and nursing homes
Constant use of drugs eliminates sensitive cells
Cross resistance
Retarding Resistance
Maintain high concentration of drug in patient for sufficient time
Kills all sensitive cells and inhibits others so immune system can destroy
Use antimicrobial agents in combination
Synergism vs. antagonism
Use antimicrobials only when necessary
Develop new variations of existing drugs
Second-generation drugs
Third-generation drugs
Search for new antibiotics, semi-synthetics, and synthetics
Design drugs complementary to the shape of microbial proteins to inhibit them
Vaccine – use the immune system to protect against infectious disease
Types of vaccines
attenuated (weakened) microbe; virulence factors are removed
heat-killed / chemically killed microbe
Passive versus Adaptive vaccination
passive – immune system products from another
mothers milk (presence of IgA)
gamma-globulin (anti-bee venom, anti-hepatitis A, etc)
active – stimulate individuals immune system to produce memory cells