Minutes General Meeting 2012

European Co-operation
in Anthroposophical Curative
Education and Social Therapy
Post box 560, N-3700 AN Zeist
tel. +31 30 694 55 40
fax +31 30 694 55 90
info@ecce.eu / www.ecce.eu
Draft Minutes General Meeting ECCE 2012
May 3rd 18.00h – May 6th 12.00h
Asociación San Juan, Centro de Pedagogía Curativa y Terapia /
Tourism Development Centre Costa Adeje, Tenerife (ES)
Record of those present and excused: see appendix.
Thursday May 3rd
Welcome by our host Mr. Fidel Ortega Dueňas, director of Asociación San Juan. He gives a short
history of San Juan.
On behalf of everyone present, Mrs. Adrienne Thier expresses her thanks to Mr. Ortega for his
kind hospitality.
Friday May 4th
The president, Mrs. Adrienne Thier, opens the meeting and gives everyone a warm welcome.
A special welcome goes to new delegates; they will shortly introduce themselves (see point 2.)
and to a number of guests from the Federation for anthroposophical curative education and social
therapy in Spain and Portugal.
The eurythmy sessions during this General Meeting will be held by Natasa Kraus. She comes
from Serbia, lives in Germany, works in the Czech Republic; she teaches eurythmy at a social
academy in Prague (Akademie Tabor).
Mrs. Adrienne Thier: GOVAG, the Flemish parent organisation, wrote a note about their activities,
translation in English is available during this meeting.
Christian Gaegauf (CH) and Hannu Outakivi (FI) send their greetings.
Guests from the Federation of Spain and Portugal:
Mrs. Maria Jose Medina and Mr. Angel Gilsanz from Casa Tobias in Madrid, Spain.
Mrs. Telma and Mr. Carlos Páscoa from Casa Santa Isabel, Portugal.
Mrs. Maria Jose Dinis and Mrs. Cristina Monteiro from Asta, Almeida, Portugal.
Mrs. Marie-Helena Iglesias from Barcelona.
Draft minutes General Meeting, Camphill Community Sylvia-koti, Lahti, Finland,
May 19th – 22nd 2011
Comments on the minutes:
Mr. Jan Vogelij (NL) - page 2 pt. 3: report revitalization of the Dutch parent organisation. The
comments will be taken up in the final draft of these minutes.
- Disastrous development took place in the Netherlands: the organisation for curative education
and social therapy ‘Zonnehuizen’ got financially broke; more than 4000 people were involved in
this process. The biggest part of the organisation has been taken over by a large regular
It is a question to the Dutch parent organisation whether curative education and social therapy
are secured with this overtake.
Mrs. Paulamaria Blaxland: in the UK there is a very serious situation: eligibility criteria have
changed to cut out funding for people with a moderate or medium learning disability, the councils
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
will no longer support someone, unless they have severe disabilities. Social workers now appear
to use their care plans as a funding tool not only as a tool for needs based care and support.
The UK has no written constitution. From an anthroposophical point of view this seems to be so
right for our time. For it's a problem for a state or nation to say whether this or that group have
rights or not. European wide there are laws, which do this and we think it is good, but do we not
need to question this, as rights given are rights that can be taken away. There are many changes
in the National Health Service, the "NHS" in England, and old forms are falling away. There is
more and more privatisation of Health and Social Care.
Mr. Pim Blomaard (NL): page 2 pt. 4: research is abstract (not annoying) it is one-dimensional!
NVAZ is not a movement, but an association. It is not only for people with a handicap but also for
other anthroposophical activities.
With these remarks, the minutes are approved.
Membership issues
2.1 Short introductions new delegates of ECCE members:
BundesElternVereinigung e.V., Germany (BEV) is represented by Mrs. Sabine von der
Recke. She would like to work with ECCE intensively, strengthen it and bring it to the German
parents. She has 4 children and has been a teacher. She belongs to a group of parents not far
from Bonn. See also the resume.
Verband für Anthroposophische Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie, Switzerland is
represented by Mr. Jorgos Kalyas. Mr. Kalyvas lives and works in Zurich and has become a
social pedagogue after a career as a technical engineer for Reuter and a commercial pilot. He
has taken over the representation of Mrs. Brigitte Kaldenberg.
European politics and organisations
The magazine Point and Circle is published on behalf of the Council for Curative Education and
Social Therapy (CH) in association with the anthroposophical Curative Education and Social
Therapy Association in the UK (ACESTA). More information and subscriptions can be obtained by
Mrs. Bianca Hugel: pandcsubs@gmail.com
Mr. Bernard Heldt: ELIANT is a co-operation of anthroposophical working areas in Europe. ECCE
has been one of its founders. Its first task was to bring together 1 million signatures for supporting
the aims of its Charter (see www.eliant.eu). The second task is now to follow up the demands and
questions. Especially in BD agriculture, medicine and Waldorf education there are about 15
actionpoints to bring under the attention of the European Commission.
ELIANT has now its own office in Brussels, they addressed antroposophical funds and
organisations to find budgets in order to maintain this office. The Council for curative education
and social therapy in Dornach has been paying the fee for ECCE up till now. Because of the rate
exchange (the Euro has been diminished) the Council has financial problems, therefore can’t
afford to contribute for ECCE anymore. The fee of € 2.000 is impossible for ECCE. A solution
needs to be found.
3.2 Reflection on the International Training Conference Kassel (DE), April 25-28 2012.
This point is skipped. No one from ECCE has been able to attend.
3.3 6th European congress ‘Living in the Encounter’ 2014 in Brussels
Mr. Thomas Kraus: the last event took place in Vienna (AT) in 2011, more than 650 people with
and without disabilities attended. This year it took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil (May), and also in
Bangkok, Thailand (February), the next congress there has already been planned.
In Europe the 6th congress will take place in Brussels (BE), end of September 2014. For more
information please have a look on: www.in-der-begegnung-leben.eu
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
The umbrella foundation Michaelisstichting will take part in the organisation of this congress. Mrs.
Adrienne Thier has already been in contact with a liaison officer of the European Disability Forum
(EDF); he might be able to help her to organise the congress in the European Parliament.
Unfortunately the congress fee for people with a handicap can’t be made cheaper, because there
are no funds willing to make donations. It might be an idea to find funds locally. The last congress
in Vienna balanced out because of local funding and fundraising.
3.4 Contact with EDF, Inclusion Europe and EASPD
Mrs. Adrienne Thier: the EDF is the advisor of the European Commission on disability matters.
For the coming 10 years it will be policy to draw up a document of 8 subjects, all about laws but
not on how to implement on them.
Mr. Luk Zelderloo (EASPD) held a lecture at last years General Meeting about this subject, how
to implement these rights and the ethical aspects thereof. This could be the face of ECCE in the
coming years. Mr. Zelderloo has asked ECCE to co-operate in a shadow report that EASPD will
then take to the UN Convention and the European Disability Strategy. This shadow report (every
4 years) will hold what is lacking still. The point of Ethics is needed in both reports: the report from
the Government and the report from the NGO’s (shadow report). The reports show how
everything is done; the shadow reports show what is not working and what has not been done.
Mr. Michael Mullan (AT) and Mr. Pim Blomaard (NL) are willing to work on this. Mrs. Paulamaria
Blaxland will sit in from the UK point of view. Mr. Michael Dackweiler is working on the shadow
report of Germany. All reports should be collected and read; this will take up a lot of time (they will
probably be read in 2016).
Mrs. Deborah Ingves: If Sweden really implements the articles 3 and 4, there will be problems. In
these articles it says that people have the right to live where they want. Within the Swedish parent
organisation there is one parent who has read every single little law. Every county have their own
lawyers, the parents have no one to represent them; this parent has been able to win several
times, but he is only one person…..
Mr. Bernard Heldt: in April 2013 there will be an international symposium in Strassbourg on
Ethics. Mr. Zelderloo will give a lecture; can ECCE organise a working group there?
4.1 Annual report 2011
Page 18: debtors from before 2004 are skipped.
ECCE is an European organisation and not Dutch. In 2011 we have less contribution for EASPD.
ECCE is associate member of Inclusion Europe; they are associate member to ECCE, we pay
contribution to each other.
There have been no contributions from Norway of Finland. It is difficult to get hold of the right
person; no reactions came on the invoices send.
Mrs. Marianne Lindström: Varna has a budget now for ECCE. She will contact Geir Legreid from
the Sosilterapeutisk Forbund, Norway.
Mr. Pim Blomaard: what is the result of 2011? There is a loss of € 2.800. Net result: - € 8.269.
See page 14: are there 2 results?
Mr. Bernard Heldt: this concerns the financial household. The debt is taken with the difference.
Mr. Pim Blomaard: what is the debt what has been left over? On page 18: € 1.333.
Mr. Bernard Heldt: These are the debtors from before 2004. They have been skipped.
Mr. Blomaard would like a clear understanding of the figures; finds no connection with the budget
in comparison with the annual report.
Mr. Heldt: this is the position of December 31st 2011; what hasn’t been paid on contribution over
2011 becomes a debt in 2012. We decided not to mention the debtors, but we count as if they
have paid on December 31st 2011; this is how it is done in Holland.
This problem comes back every year, we should solve it!
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
4.2 Draft budget 2012
Mr. Bernard Heldt: the Committee decided that the need to become more economical with
attending conferences is urgent. Mrs. Roelien Kort will stop her work for the Committee and the
General Meeting; this will help also to cut travelling costs.
Mr. Michael Mullan: ECCE is focused on people in need of special care in Europe, about 30.000
people; if every person would donate € 0,50 per person, then we would have an extra income
towards ECCE, this would make the difference. One could ask parents to pay € 1 a year for
ECCE and then it is off the shoulders of the institutions. How can we implement this; it is an
affordable amount, that everyone can pay.
The Committee will discuss this great suggestion and come with a proposal to be discussed by
the members.
It would be important to look at the position of ECCE in the coming years; there is need for more
than the current € 20.000. Also the framework of a policy is necessary, we should talk about what
we do for the money, not only about expenses; make clear what ECCE aims for, then people
might donate not just only € 1. Talk about our vision more than about money.
4.3 Membership contribution 2013
Mr. Bernard Heldt: the contribution key we have now is deducted, it is based on the key of the
International Council for curative education and social therapy in the past; 4 years ago they
adopted a new key. ECCE also had to find a new key, which is to be understood by everyone.
The Financial working group: Mr. Manfred Trautwein, Mr. Christian Gaegauf and Mr. Bernard
Heldt have put together 5 categories (the names on the proposal paper are from 2 years ago).
The categories are important, based on the number of clients. Will this be a proper objective key?
A discussion follows with a number of suggestions how to put together a new contribution key.
1) we could create 2 keys: one for institutions and one for parent organisations.
2) ask the same contribution from institutions and parent organisations, related to the amount of
parents in the organisation.
3) the difference between countries is also considered important. Maybe governmental subsidies
need to be taken in account too.
4) make a difference between day care pupils and residential pupils.
5) trust each other: countries who don’t have the finances should have the freedom to donate
what they can.
In any way the key needs to be transparent.
The proposal to raise the ECCE contribution with 2,5% for 2013 is hereby accepted by the
PR and public affairs
5.1 Reflection on ECCE-Link, April 2012
Please sent articles etc. to the office. Participation of members is important. Other languages than
English can be put in as well.
5.2 Call for voluntary helpers to maintain our website
Vincenzo Ruisi is maintaining ECCE’s website.
New policy paper ECCE, draft version
As decided in 2009, ECCE will present and discuss its new policy paper to its members. This
policy paper takes into account the ‘UN-Convention on the rights of persons with disability’ and
the European Disability Strategy 2011-2020.
Some remarks:
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
- it should contain more practical translations of the goals from the UN Convention. Make
concrete projects.
- take up the problems in the different countries
- is it possible to have 2 versions, 1 for ourselves and 1 for the other NGO’s. We then work with
the ECCE version with a language of our own. UN Convention is not a focus; it gives a realm in
which people know what to do. ECCE can contribute theoretical thoughts in threefold thinking,
polarisation. Talk of free will is a difficult concept. Hemmerich said that integration is a higher level
of polarisation. We are challenged to threefold thinking. ECCE doesn’t need to say that we need
education, rights etc. We need examples and a way of thinking.
- difficult to work on this paper before the vision of the future of ECCE has been developed.
- make it accessible for those for who it is meant, not another paper on the UN Convention. What
does inclusion mean? If we don’t include the people with special needs, what is inclusion then?
- concrete actions and steps which are going to be taken can also be expressed by external
people, internal message to the outside. A policy paper is about the next 3 years, to specify our
steps. Have specific papers to specific problems. It is the aim to guide the paper.
- the paper has to fit every aspect.
- we need to create a paper which is understandable for the people, for parents we work with. The
core ethical basis of anthroposophy. Deepen our work together in and out of anthroposophy. That
will shine through to people, that is what they want from us. Help one another in this way, a good
heart alone is not enough. Hemmerich is talking out of his experience and is therefore
The Committee will look at these remarks in her meeting the end of June next.
Saturday May 5th
Symposium ‘Producing or creating?’, STAG and ECCE vision on labour’
in co-operation with the Social Therapeutic Working Group, STAG -Sozialtherapeutische
Arbeitsgruppe- is a working group of the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy in
Dornach (CH). In the working group experts in coaching persons with disabilities from all parts of
Europe co-operate in researching new ways of awakening creativity by working and arts.
See Annex 1.
Supper - Anniversary ’20 years ECCE’
Sunday May 6th
Committee issues
The Committee proposes to appoint Mrs. Sabine von der Recke, representative of the
German parent organisation BEV, as a member of the Committee
Outcome of the voting: out of 6 supporting members (1 vote) and 75 full members (3 votes per
member): 81 votes for yes and 3 abstentions.
With this the Committee is very happy with the accession of Mrs. Sabine von der Recke to the
The Committee proposes to re-appoint Mr. Thomas Kraus (DE) as a Committee member for
another term of 3 years
Without voting Mr. Thomas Kraus has been appointed as a member of the Committee for the
term of another 3 years.
In the last Committee Meeting the tasks have been divided. Mr. Thomas Kraus has become the
secretary (correspondence and minutes), Mr. Bernard Heldt will continue as treasurer and
secretary general and will handle the office tasks. The position of treasurer is still open!
Mrs. Adrienne Thier and Mr. Leonardo Fulgosi will withdraw from the Committee in 2013. The
Committee is aware of this and will try and come with a solution. The office is in the Netherlands,
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
but Bernard Heldt will retire. The members in Germany have been asked to take on the office of
ECCE; it is still to be decided.
Mr. Michael Dackweiler: in Germany we were not comfortable with the idea that the office should
be in Germany. They are wondering how they can contribute to the wonderful job the office of
ECCE has been doing up till now. There are many questions, also from out of a spiritual point of
view. The ‘European being’ should be nourished, it is important to find the words to show what on
the EU realm spiritually is asked of our movement. Hopes that ECCE will form a realm in which it
can show in a new way her quality, a new grip. Younger people should look at it and find out what
is asked to reach the goals. Hopes ECCE comes to a new solution.
Moneywise: the richer a country is, the less chance you have that volunteering work will be
offered. Work needs to be paid.
Mr. Fidel Ortega always had an idea of ECCE: thinking-feeling-willing. The Latin part with the
strength of the heart, the Germans have the will to do things, the Anglo-Saxons have the thinking.
Mr. Pim Blomaard: ECCE is at a point that the future must be taken in consideration. Projects are
in need of clarifying. He hopes we get to talk about this. The members of the Committee have to
mirror the needs of the members.
Mrs. Paulamaria Blaxland: if we think of youth, it doesn’t always have to do with age. There needs
to be a combination of both. People of different ages, everyone has something to give. We are
English speaking at the moment. Is that the language we would like to continue with? In legal
words, the Anglo-Saxon part of ECCE, England, is a melting pot of languages. This makes it
possible that Britain is the only country with an unwritten constitution, by definition there are no
laws about rights. Everyone has without saying, rights. ECCE is an association which will be able
to work with this concept, these underlying human rights. As ECCE should feel to underpin this,
England can offer something in this point; can look inward. Find someone from Britain to join this
work of ECCE.
Mr. Thomas Kraus: it is a special moment for him, 21st anniversary year of ECCE. Celebration of
the full moon, volcanic islands, and the process of the last 20 years have been transformed. The
possibility the future can change, and how, will be depending on us. Thomas hesitated to become
secretary, because he feels that changes are coming about. Important: what do we want, is there
a spiritual being around us, this is very tangible. We are completely free. We are not a normal
organisation with bla, bla, bla etc. We need to think about this!! He would like to open up a
discussion about this theme. What are we going to do in the future? This is important!
Mr. Michael Dackweiler: nobody knows where ECCE will be in between past and future. One
person can’t think out this process. It needs to be a communal process, a social process. Suggest
that 2 or 3 persons of the younger generation will take this up.
Mr. Leonardo Fulgosi: Thomas has made this suggestion, which is very good, everyone can
cooperate, give the possibility to evaluate. The Committee can share the evaluation with
everybody, suggestions can be made to him. Do not create too many groups! The Committee is a
good group to work out this concept of a working group about the future of ECCE. People have
the possibility to say and react directly to Thomas. ECCE is going towards a process of a new
beginning and structure.
Mrs. Margaretha Fulgosi: the challenge for Europe is the danger that it becomes the tower of
Babel; language wise it is already difficult. Or we can try in ECCE to create a new language, but
that should not be the language we speak, but the language we work for.
Reactions should go to Thomas, evaluation of what kind of experiences there are over the last 20
years and now. The Committee will take this up in her next meeting.
Reflection on Symposium May 5th
Future of ECCE in relation to the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy,
What has to be reached in Europe and how?
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
Four working groups will reflect on these points, summarizing each working group. The outcome
is open.
Outcome working groups:
1) Mr. Jan Vogelij: Dutch/Belgium group:
- freedom of choice. Limitation in where or how to live. Free movement within or out of a country
is not given because of regulations and financing systems.
- commercial aspects exploits only how to reduce costs to make profits (can be in contradiction to
point 1)
- acceptation that there are people with special needs. Do we actually accept?
- quality of the care, there are many systems of quality. Control mechanism systems are
established; type of criteria doesn’t have something to do with the care of the individual.
Secondary criteria. Square meters in the room: “but I can decide what you eat”.
- how the parents are heard and could bring their thoughts during the General Meeting? The need
of a parent meeting on the European level is expressed!
2) Mrs. Béatrice Cussac: Spanish/French group:
- difference between law and reality (free choice).
- ECCE could help with training recognitions in the different countries.
- too small budget and too much time spent on discussion about it.
- ECCE is more on the social cultural part but not on the economic part.
- ECCE should be more active in creating quality criteria.
- people with special needs should be producers and not consumers.
3) Mrs. Adrienne Thier: English group:
- parent meeting!
- parent organisations shall share their experiences in the different countries.
- questions referring the figures should be done in advance.
- future symposium: themes like sexual relationships and consequences. Discussion about the
subject (parents and co-workers).
- voluntary co-workers have no human rights, they can be expelled without explanation.
- human rights for everybody.
- different themes for co-workers and parents.
4) Mr. Michael Mullan: German group:
- UN Convention and paradigm shift on the individual person.
- the individual needs to be taken care of with all the different movements.
- the personal will of people with special needs himself should be more respected: “free will”.
- biographic question of the person with special needs, individual approach of everybody living
with a disability.
Ethical point of view is mentioned several times, but not by every working group. Is it not alive
enough? Write next time: space for open programme (that can be for parents or something else).
12. Conclusion and agreements
Mrs. Helle Hansen: research workshop about inclusion; 40 people are invited to Hertha (DK)
www.hertha.dk. Representatives of working groups and institutions will come. ‘Live well’ – is the
title of the group.
Decision makers are involved and invited as well, economists working in the field. it needs a lot of
money to make a book, an anthology about the documentation of the meeting next week. Next
step is to make a virtual research centre, centre of excellence, it is called. Reflection of Helle: ask
for time during the ECCE General Meeting to report about your country, beforehand.
She will write something for the ECCE LINK!
Mrs. Sabine von der Recke: thanks Fidel Ortega for his warm hospitality. Was disappointed with
the STAG meeting; missed there creativity. She could have given the same report about work, it
didn’t add anything.
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
Mr. Michael Dackweiler: many thanks to the good work being done in San Juan.
This will be his last ECCE General Meeting.
Mrs. Ann Naeyaert would like to see more work done on the situation in the different countries,
through working groups. Many thanks to Fidel!
Mr. Jorgos Kalyvas: thanks to be here, a picture of ECCE has been formed. Has missed the
quality for people with special needs, the talk about it. They are the people we work with, they are
the basic! He would like to hear more about the management of institutions. Reflect on this. In
Switzerland they made visits to other institutions, work on that! He would like to see this point
back on the agenda and talk about it more within the General Meeting.
Anthroposophy is accepted; different countries and different problems, we have to work for these
countries and problems. This meeting was not a very effective one, but he has a high esteem for
ECCE. We have to make a new start.
Mrs. Béatrice Cussac thanks Fidel Ortega. Some countries are too rich in comparison with Spain,
Tenerife. Was confused about the past and future.... the movies were not really necessary on the
Saturday. We need to share more what happens in the different countries. We all have the same
questions. This should be the theme for next year. There hasn’t been time enough time to talk
about this. It should be taken up in the agenda of the General Meeting to give time to the different
countries to give reports.
Mr. Fidel Ortega was sincerely happy with the presence of ECCE on Tenerife, to have felt the
existence of ECCE. The press conference reports will be sent to the office. He thanks everyone
for their presence.
Mr. Pim Blomaard was very impressed by San Juan. ECCE can try to achieve a kind of Europe
here, in a special way of language; that will take up forms of working together.
Mr. Jan Vogelij: thanks not only to Fidel Ortega but also to the organisers, he is very much aware
of the amount of work to organise the General Meetings. The effectiveness of the meeting is
difficult, it is impossible to have an effective meeting with so many different expectations and
opinions. This is also the only occasion to exchange with each other. Exchanging and
communicating is more important than the non-practical and organisational side of the meeting.
Mrs. Susanne Frey: thanks Fidel Ortega, is very impressed. In Switzerland there is little do to for a
parent around their child, it is impressing to see what happens in San Juan.
Mrs. Margaretha Fulgosi: the symposium was in the morning, with a wonderful lecture; this should
have been deepened out during the day. We need this moment to be united through content! That
is nourishing us. In the past it was more consequent, yesterday it was not quite obvious for her.
We should pay attention to this.
Mrs. Elisabetta Zorn: feels disabled because of the languages. She takes into her heart that
through ECCE she doesn’t feel alone in Italy.
Mrs. Renate Chwatal feels she can take a lot back to the parent organisation in Austria.
Mrs. Paulamaria Blaxland: loves meeting everyone every time! To meet and to hear about the
impulses one is connected to. She finds a lot of struggling within San Juan, but Pericles has even
less than them! It is really a poorer place, but not moneywise.
Enjoyed the symposium, is a member of STAG herself. It was a good possibility to meet together
with ECCE and STAG.
Content in the morning and deepening in the afternoon. Art is not something to be added, it is part
of what we do! Deepening of a theme is also done through art!
Mr. Bernard Heldt thanks Mrs. Natasa Kraus for the eurythmy sessions.
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
Mr. Thomas Kraus: culmination of 20 years, next program: less is more! Less points on the
agenda. Invite people with special needs to talk to them and not to talk about them.
Mr. Leonardo Fulgosi is thankful to everyone to be able to go towards a change within ECCE.
Thanks everyone very much, in this way we can say we are on the right way to become friends
with each other. This brings us much further into the future.
Mrs. Roelien Kort will stop with her work for ECCE. She gives thanks to everyone for their kind
and warm support during the years she has worked for ECCE. Wonderful that this last meeting
happened on the beautiful island of Tenerife, together with the celebration of 20 years ECCE! She
wishes everyone all the best and above all: good work in the future.
Mrs. Adrienne Thier concludes the meeting. She especially thanks Fidel Ortega for his warm
hospitality; the celebration diner was memorable! Many, many thanks to everyone from San Juan.
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
Overview of members present and excused
General Meeting ECCE, May 3rd – 6th 2012, Asociación San Juan, Adeje, Tenerife
- Renate Chwatal
Michael Mullan
Sprachrohr für Menschen in anthroposophisch orientierten
Lebens-Lernstätten (PO) and PlatO (IC / CM)
PlatO (IC / CM)
- Ann Naeyaert
- Adrienne Thier
Michaëlis vzw (IC)
GOVAG vzw (PO / CM / EC)
- Helle Hansen
Dansk Forbund for Helsepaedagogik og Socialterapi (IC)
- Bernadette Bernier
- Béatrice Cussac
Mouvement de Pédagogie Curative et de Sociothérapie (IC)
‘Les Ravis’; Association française de parents d'hand.ment. (PO/CM)
- Michael Dackweiler
Thomas Kraus
Natasa Kraus
Sabine von der Recke
- Margaretha Fulgosi
Leonardo Fulgosi
Elisabetta Zorn
- Pim Blomaard
- Alexandra Buijsman
- Bernard Heldt
- Jan Vogelij
- Ineke Vogelij
- Roelien Kort
Verband für anthroposophische Heilpädagogik, Sozialtherapie und soziale
Arbeit e.V. (IC)
(CM / S)
BundesElternVereinigung für Anthroposophische Heilpädagogik und
Sozialtherapie e.V. (PO)
Associazione di Lingua Italiana per la Pedagogia Curativa e Socioterapia
Antropsofica (PO / IC) ; Fondazione per la Scuola 'Bruno Marchesin' (TC)
(CM / S)
Associazione di Lingua Italiana per la Pedagogia Curativa e Socioterapia
Antroposofica (PO / IC)
Ned. Ver. Antroposofische Zorgaanbieders, sector IZ (IC)
Edith Maryon College (TC / CM / EC)
Landelijk Ouder Verbond – LOV (PO)
Spain / Portugal
Federaçao de pedagogia curativa e sócio-terapia em Espanha e Portugal (O):
- Fidel Ortega Dueñas / Saga Katarina Grönberg
Asociación San Juan, Adeje, Tenerife (ES)
- Maria Jose Medina / Angel Gilsanz
Asociación Tobias, Madrid (ES)
- Mme. Helena Iglesias
Barcelona (ES)
- Telma & Carlos Páscoa
Casa Santa Isabel, São Romão, Seia (PT)
- Maria Jose Dinis / Cristina Monteiro
ASTA, Cabreira (PT)
- Deborah Ingves
- Marianne Lindström
Individuellt Liv I Gemenskap (PO)
Värna (IC)
- Susanne Frey
- Jorgos Kalyvas
Parentela CH (PO / S)
Verband für anthroposophische Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie (IC)
United Kingdom
- Paulamaria Blaxland de Lange: ACESTA (IC)
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
- Geert Freyhoff
Inclusion Europe (AM)
Czech Republic
- Anežka Janátová
Spolek pro Lécebnou pedagogiku a sociální terapii v Ceské republice (IC)
- Hannu Outakivi
- Thomas Prange
Camphill Community Sylvia-koti / Suomen hoito-ja sosiaalipedagoginen
yhdistys ry
Stiftung Estia Agios Nikolaos (IC)
- László Jakubinyi
Szimbiózis a Hamonikus Együtt-létért Alapítvány (O)
- Walter Bosch
- Geir Legreid
Sosilterapeutisk Forbund
- Adrian Pintea (notified) Federatia de Pedagogie Curativa din Romania (IC)
- John Byrde (notified)
Federatia 'Impreuna' Pentru Promovarea Sociotherapiei in Romania (IC)
- Roxana Byrde (notified) (S)
- Iztok Suhadolnik
Sonček – Zveza društev za cerebralno paralizo Slovenije (O)
- Katharina Karlsson
- Rüdiger Grimm
- Christian Gaegauf
International Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy
Parentela CH (PO)
United Kingdom
- Elaine Bradley
- Martin Sturm
The Association of Camphill Communities for Great Britain and Ireland (IC)
The Association of Camphill Communities for Great Britain and Ireland (IC)
AM = Associate member ; CM = Committee member ; EC = Executive committee ; IC = Intentional community ;
PO = Parent organisation ; S = Supporting member ; TC = Training centre ; O = Observer
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012
Annex 1
Symposium ECCE
Draft minutes ECCE General Meeting, May 3rd – 6th 2012