• Pulitzer Prize Notes on The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck What is a Pulitzer Prize? Wikipedia – US Award achievements in • • • • Newspaper On-line journalism Literature Musical composition – Established in 1917 – Provided in the will of American (Hungarian born), Joseph Pulitzer • The Grapes of Wrath – Won the Pulitzer Prize John Steinbeck • Born in Salinas California in 1902 • 1919 – went to Stanford University • 1925 – left Stanford w/o taking a degree. • Next five years – supported himself as a laborer and a journalist in NY City. • First novel – Cup of Gold (1929) • Pastures of Heaven (1932) • To a God Unknown (1933) • The Long Valley (1938) • Tortilla Flat (1935) • Three Powerful Novels – In Dubious Battle (1936) – Of Mice and Men (1937) – The Grapes of Wrath (1939 Chapter 1 & 2 (pp 1-13) TOPIC: The Beginnings A. The Place and Time 1. Chapter 1 – Setting A. Where B. When B. The Chat 2. Chapter 2 – The Conversation Between the truck driver and the hitch hiker 300 points Fill in the details. Fill in the details. Two to three sentences. Due at the end of the period. 1/25/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Fill in the details. The Turtle Tom meets Jim 1. Chapter 3 pp14-16 A. Setting I. Time II. Place B. Character (the turtle) I. Descriptions II. Ordeals (difficulties) 500 points 2. Chapter 4 pp17- 23 A. Setting I. Time II. Place B. Characterization I. Tom Joad (who) II. Jim Casy (who) C. Conflicts (problems) I. External conflicts II. Internal conflicts Three to five sentences. Due at the end of the period. 1/28/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/ Cues What did Jim “figger”? (Southern English – figure out) What was Jim “worryin’” about? Why was Tom in McAlester for four years? “…the guys in the cell blocked laughed.” 1. Chapter 4 – pg 24 500 points 2. Pg 24 3. Pg 25 4. Pg 26 (explain this cue) 1 of 2 Three to five sentences. Due at the end of the period. 1/28/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/ Cues How did they treat Tom in McAlister? “They got no conveniences at my old man’s place.” “But the smell of burned dust was in the air, and the air was dry…” “Your pa stole it?” Who is Wink Manley? 5. Pg 26 6. Pg 26 (explain this cue; who said this and why was this said?) 7. Pg 27 (explain this cue; what is going on?) 5. Pg 27 (explain this cue; what is going on? Why was this sentence said? 6. Pg 28 2 of 2 Three to five sentences. Due at the end of the period. 1/29/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/ Cues Identify the setting described on pg 28. “We really didn’t need no fence there, but…” What is a shoat? “And all of them were caught in something larger than themselves.” 1. Time: Place: (describe the location) 1. Pg 29 – Explain this cue: who, what, when, where? 500 points 1. Pg 29 2. Pg 31 - Explain what this cue means. 1 of 2 Three to five sentences. Due at the end of the period. 1/30/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/ Cues “The monster isn’t men, but it can make men do what it wants.” 1. Pg 34 – Explain the meaning of this cue, based on what you’ve already read. “Maybe you can go on relief.” 2. Pg 34 – Mention the place. Page 35 3. Describe “the tractors” on this page. …the similes…the metaphors Page 35 4. Describe “the man sitting in the iron seat…” on this page. 500 points 1 of 2 Three to five sentences. Due at the end of the period. 1/30/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/ Cues “If a seed dropped did not germinate, it was nothing.” (very bottom of pg 35) 5. Based on what you have read, explain the meaning of this cue. Page 36 5. Describe “the tractor…” on this page. “The tenant pondered…a nd pondered more.” Pg 37 6. Paraphrase what the tenant pondered. 7. Describe what it is to figure out. “We all got to figure. There’s some way to stop this.” Pg 38-9 2 of 2 Three to five sentences. Due at the end of the period. 1/31/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords Pg 40 1. Describe what Rev. Casy and young Tom saw as they stood on the hill and looked down on the Joad place. “There ain’t nothin’ left,” said Joad 40 2. Explain why Joad said this cue. 3. Describe what they saw in the house. 4. Respond to this question. *fust = first 5. Describe this event. “Le’s look in the house...” 41 What is the “fust* thing kids do when folks move out”? Joad, 42 “By God! Look who’s here…” 43 500 points 1 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. 1/31/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords What is a “pilla”? 44 6. Describe what a “pilla” is for. “Hell, I forgot the turtle.” 44 7. Describe what happened in this cue. The Cat. 44 Narration 8. Describe the cat – its looks and what it does. 9. Describe what happened on this page. Page 45 Plotsequence of events which may include the conflict. 2 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. 2/01/2013 Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords Chapter 1 & 2 Setting Conflicts 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck’s Production of The Grapes of Wrath Starring Henry Fonda Copyright MCMXL Write about the 500 points fidelity or accuracy of the motion picture production to the contents of the book. Characterizations: Tom Joad The Truck Driver Chapter 3 Setting The Turtle Conflicts Chapter 4 Setting Characterization Jim Casey Dialogue 1 of 2 Conflicts Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due on Monday 1/4/13. 2/01/2013 Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords Chapter 5 Setting Conflicts Chapter 6 Setting Characterization Muley Graves Dialogue Conflicts 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck’s Production of The Grapes of Wrath Starring Henry Fonda Copyright MCMXL Write about the fidelity or accuracy of the motion picture production to the contents of the book. 2 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due on Monday 1/4/13. 2/04/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords 500 points “Well, what they doin’ there?” 46 1. Elaborate this question. Who is Noah? 46 2. Find the answer to this question. “Them dirty sons-abitches. I tell ya, men, I’m stayin’.” 47 3. Elaborate this cue: ID the speaker and the reason for this outrage. 4. Elaborate this cue: ID the speaker and the reason behind this question. 5. Describe the setting. “How’d my folks go so easy?” 48 What is the time described on this page? 48 1 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. 2/04/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords What did Muley eat for “sometimes ”? 48-49 6. Describe this experience. “Who got a knife? Le’s get at these here miserable rodents…” 49 7. Describe this event. Setting 50 8. Describe the setting on this page. “This here is a party,” he said. 50 9. Elaborate this cue. 2 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. 2/05/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords “Well, sir, it’s a funny thing. Somepin went an’ happened to me when they tol’ me I had to get off the place…” 5051 1. “Like a damn ol’ graveyard ghos’. I been goin’ aroun’ the places where stuff happened… ” 51 1. Elaborate this cue. Enumerate what happened to the speaker when “they” told him to get off the “place.” 500 points Elaborate on “the places where stuff happened.” 1 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. 2/05/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords Muley’s tight little face was rigid. 51 3. Explore the cause of this intense body language. “I wanta talk. I ain’t talked to nobody…” 52 3. Identify the speaker and elaborate further this cue. “Fella, should maybe keep stuff like that in his head.” 53 4. Identify the speaker and elaborate this cue further. “Ever’body knowed it wasn’t no fault of your,” 53 5. Identify the speaker and elaborate this cue further. 2 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. Write a reflection paper. TOPIC: from THE GRAPES OF WRATH Write about any of the events in the story the class has covered so far. Re-tell the event(s) by including the following: setting, the characters, conflicts or problems. Explain why the event(s) are teachingevents meaning the events teach us about life. What are things that we learn from these events? …human frailty or weakness like greed for money and power… human strength like courage… basic human needs like survival, love, hope, et cetera. 350 words minimum; 500 points DUE AT THE END OF PERIOD 2/07/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords “it ain’t so bad,” said Joad. “Like ever’place else.” 54 1. Elaborate this cue. “The thing that give me the mos’ trouble was, it didn’ make no sense…” 54-55 1. Elaborate this cue. “I ain’t got a hell of a lot of respec’ for ‘em now,” 55 2. Elaborate this cue. 500 points 1 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. 2/05/2013 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Questions/Cues/ Connections/ Keywords “Night after night in my bunk I figgered how she’d be when I come home again.” 56 4. Identify the speaker and elaborate this statement. “Think you’ll come along, Muley?” Joad repeated. 57 5. Find out whether the response to this question is affirmative or negative. “Yeah!” he said. “I was mean like a wolf…”57 6. Identify the speaker and elaborate this outburst. Who is Willy Feeley? 7. Find out who this person is. 2 of 2 Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Due at the end of the period. Write a five-paragraph character analysis essay. (Pages 45-57) WARNING: Do NOT use the personal pronoun “I (think)” as referring to yourself, in the essay. After all, you are the writer and the “thinker”. Avoid redundancy. (50 pts penalty for each occurrence) Paragraph 1 Introduce the character (MULEY GRAVES) in the story (id est: who, what, when, where, why, how). State your thesis mentioning the three character traits you have chosen. Paragraphs 2, 3, & 4 Topic sentence introduces the character trait. Use cue(s) from the book as evidence to the trait. Explain how the cue(s) relate(s) to the trait of the character – the CONNECTION. Paragraph 5 – Conclusion/Summary Due at the end of the period. 800 Points Who Paragraph One What Where When Why How Muley Graves THESIS STATEMENT The Traits P2 Topic Sentence Character Trait 1 • “Evidence or cue.” (page) • Rationale or the connection P3 Topic • “Evidence or cue.” (page) Sentence Character • Rationale or the connection Trait 2 P4 Topic • “Evidence or cue.” Sentence (page) Character • Rationale or the connection Trait 3 A strong character analysis will: ✔identify the type of character it is dealing with. ✔describe the character. discuss the conflict in the story, particularly in regards to the character’s place in it. Often the characters are described in relation to the conflict within the story. Honest Light-hearted Leader Expert Brave Conceited Mischievous Demanding Thoughtful Keen Happy Disagreeable Simple Fancy Plain Excited Studious Inventive Creative Thrilling Independent Intelligent Compassionate Gentle Proud Wild Messy Neat Joyful Strong Bright Courageous Serious Funny Humorous Sad Poor Rich Tall Dark Light Handsome Pretty Ugly Selfish Unselfish Self-confident Respectful Considerate Imaginative Busy Patriotic Fun-loving Popular Successful Responsible Lazy Dreamer Helpful Simple-minded Humble Friendly Short Adventurous Hard-working Timid Shy Bold Daring Dainty Pitiful Cooperative Lovable Prim Proper Ambitious Able Quiet Curious Reserved Pleasing Bossy Witty Fighter Tireless Energetic Cheerful Smart Impulsive Loyal 1930s Car Dealership CHAPTER 7 Name: ___________ Period __ Date: Feb. 11, 2013 Topic: The Grapes of Wrath Main Ideas/Questions/Cues/Conn ections/Keywords “By God, you’re right!” he said. “I ain’t got a thing in the word’ to win, no matter how it come out.” 58 “I dug her,” said Joad. “Me an’ my brother Noah dug her…” 59 Details 1. Identify the speaker then elaborate this cue. (50 pts) 1. Identify the speaker then elaborate this cue. (50 pts) bresh 60 2. dialect: brush gulch 60 3. ravine: a small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon and that is usually worn by running water SUMMARY (50 pts) 1 of 2 Topic: The Grapes of Wrath Main Ideas/Questions/Cues/Conn ections/Keywords Chapter 7 Details 5. Skim (fast reading) this chapter and write a short summary: Identify the place and what’s happening. (150 pts) 5. a dilapidated old vehicle (as an automobile) draw a sketch = 50 pts jalopy 1930s SUMMARY (50 pts) 2 of 2 STARTING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013, YOU WILL BE USING YOUR TEXTBOOK IN CLASS. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BRING YOUR OWN TEXTBOOK. THANK YOU.