Do you think The Grapes of Wrath creates empathy for the plight of

Name: _____________________
The Grapes of Wrath: Socratic Seminar
Questions for Thought
1. Do you think The Grapes of Wrath creates empathy for the plight of the Dust
Bowl farmers, or does it seem too limited?
2. What is Steinbeck’s message? Do you believe it is successful? If so, why? If not,
why not?
3. Does a “Promised Land” really exist? How is this idea connected to the American
Dream? Does the “American Dream” really exist?
4. How would Steinbeck feel about living in today’s society? What would he think
about America now? The world? What would he think about the advancements
in technology? What do you think?
Adapted from M. Schuet
5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Steinbeck’s philosophies on
“family” and our responsibility to one another? Consider how the Joads’
philosophy about “family” adapted and changed (they incorporated others into
their “family” – how did that benefit or hinder them in the end? How can we
extend that to a more universal understanding?)
6. Speak to Steinbeck’s love of the land. Do we have the same love today? Why or
why not? Is it important to respect the land the way that Steinbeck described?
7. Why does Steinbeck end the novel the way he does? What does he gain or lose in
this choice? How could he have ended it differently? Would it have had the same
impact? How does the ending connect with the philosophies and beliefs he has
been highlighting throughout the book?
Adapted from M. Schuet