Implemented by: German BACKUP Initiative – Education in Africa Application Form – Fast Access Mode Fast Access Mode Please download the Guidelines here. Funding from the German BACKUP Initiative – Education in Africa (BACKUP Education) is available for activities related to the application or implementation of grants from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). BACKUP Education aims to strengthen and develop the capacities of partners. You may send a short outline or summary of your proposed activity to before you complete the application form. We will provide feedback on your proposal and guide you through the application process. Funding through the Fast Access Mode is available for participation in professional training courses, conferences or workshops. BACKUP Education provides up to €20,000 in support for the participation in trainings (max €10.000/person). For applications above €20.000 and more than two participants, this will be considered a PROJECT MODE. In this case, please use this form and consult a BACKUP technical advisor at Instructions Please consult the BACKUP Education Guidelines to prepare your application. The guidelines are essential to a successful completion of the application form and include a glossary with the terms and definitions used in this form. They provide advice on activities that are eligible for funding from BACKUP Education and for which mode to apply. Before you submit your application to BACKUP Education, please notify the Local Education Group/Coordinating Agency about the request in order to ensure coordination and transparency. Your application will be considered only if the application form is complete and includes the required supporting documents. Submission Send an electronic version of the application form to The BACKUP Education team will then contact you regarding further procedures. SECTION 1: RELEVANCE OF THE PROPOSED MEASURE FOR GPE COUNTRY LEVEL PROCESSES 1. Title of measure: 2. Name of country: 3. Name of applicant organisation/ institution: or regional organisation/institution Website link: 4. Please provide a summary of the main components of the proposed measure (max. 150 words): 5. Name of Training Institute and training brochure/training objectives/website link (if applicable): 6. Number of persons who will participate in the measure: 7. Expected start date of training/conference/workshop (dd/mm/yy): of whom are women Expected end date of training/conference/workshop (dd/mm/yy): 8. The proposed measure supports: The preparation of the application for a GPE Grant The implementation and monitoring of a GPE Grant Not applicable 9. Please justify the need for the proposed measure? (max. 250 words) 10. The need for the proposed measure has been identified in one or more of the following documents: Latest Joint Sector Review Report Capacity Gaps Assessment Capacity Development Strategy Country Status Report Appraisal report of education plan Minutes of LEG meeting Donor Implementation Progress Report Other: Not applicable Please attach or send web link to the relevant document and indicate the respective page/chapter. 11. Please state what the persons chosen for the training can do in their respective positions to strengthen GPE country level processes. In order to answer this question, please provide details of relevant GPE grant(s) (amount in US$ and date/year of (planned) approval, grant period, main activities, etc.). Please explicitly state how participation in the proposed training/workshop or conference will relate to the GPE grant(s) in your country Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 2 of 11 12. If you are applying from a regional organization/institution please specify how the measure will con- tribute to improving GPE/education sector processes at the national level. 13. BACKUP Education encourages joint-funding with other partners. Have other donor partners been contacted to support this measure? Yes No If yes, who and what was the response? If no, why not? Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 3 of 11 SECTION 2: INFORMATION ON APPLICANTS’ ORGANISATION/INSTITUTION APPLICANTS’ ORGANISATION/INSTITUTION 14. Type of organisation/institution Government institution (e.g. Ministry of Education) Member organization of the national education coalition of CSOs Regional network of CSOs for education GPE Africa constituency National education coalition of CSOs Other regional player 15. Your organisation/institution has engaged in the following: Country Level Regional/ Global Level Preparation of the ESP GPE Board of Directors constituencies Implementation of the current ESP Other GPE groups: Joint Education Sector Reviews Not applicable Meetings of the Local Education Group Please explain your role and contribution: Development of a national education policy Other relevant sector engagement: Not applicable Please explain your role and contribution: 16. Is your organisation a member of the Local Education Group (LEG)? Yes No Not applicable (if regional request) Represented through: 17. Please provide your contact with the coordinating agency: Name: Email: Title: Not applicable (if regional request) CONTACT PERSON FOR APPLICATION If you apply for support to participation in training, please provide the information of the supervisor below. Participants’ information is requested in section 5. 18. Surname First Name 19. Position/title 20. Email address 21. Skype 22. Telephone 23. Full postal address Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 4 of 11 SECTION 3: PROPOSAL DETAILS PROPOSAL PREPARATION Please note that a transparent communication and consultation on the proposal with key stakeholders is a requirement for the application. 24. Who identified and proposed participation in the training? individual staff supervisor others: 25. Is the proposed training/workshop/conference included in the human capacity development plan or strategy of your organisation/institution? Yes No 26. Has this proposal been discussed with the Local Education Group (LEG)? Yes No Not applicable (if regional request) If yes, summarise the feedback: If no, explain why not: Supporting documents Attached Not attached Brochure of the training programme or website link (if applicable) CV of participant(s) Letter of support from the employer/supervisor Letter of acceptance by training institute (if applicable) Human capacity development plan/strategy of organization/institution Other: SECTION 4: SUSTAINABILTY AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING 27. Participants in training measures are expected to share their newly acquired skills and knowledge with colleagues and, if possible, with the Local Education Group and other national stakeholders (including CSO’s). Please describe how, with whom and when you plan to share and disseminate the knowledge and products of this measure (max. 150 words). Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 5 of 11 SECTION 5: PARTICIPANT DETAILS You are now requested to provide the information below for each selected/proposed participant in a training course, in-country or abroad. You may need to copy the table below. Participant Information Last Name (as indicated in the passport) Prenames (as indicated in the passport) Sex Date of birth (dd/mm/yy) Email Telephone Current position within organisation Role and responsibilities in current position. Please specify if you hold management (including supervision of staff) and leadership responsibilities and explain them. Academic qualifications type, level) (institution, Visa application status (if participating in event outside home country) Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 6 of 11 SECTION 6: IMPACT MEASUREMENT You will be required to submit a report evaluating the success of your measure. 28. Please describe the learning goals for each person participating in the training/workshop/conference in relation to country level processes. Participant 1: Participant 2: Add more participants if needed. 29. Please describe how you will evaluate: a) The successful application of learnt knowledge in the work of each participant. In the case of group participation in trainings this can be described collectively. b) The successful application of learnt knowledge as a contribution to education sector processes in your country. Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 7 of 11 SECTION 7: CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES Find further explanations on the cross-cutting issues and how to identify and describe them regarding your proposed participation in training/workshop/conference in the Guidelines. You may find the Resource List useful in answering these questions. 30. Use the table below to identify the extent to which the proposed measure will consider the following cross cutting issues. Cross-cutting issue The proposed training/workshop/conference… a. is entirely directed towards improving this cross-cutting issue in the education sector. b. partly addresses this cross-cutting issue in the training content c. Not applicable Application Form - Fast Access Mode Gender equality Conflict/ crisis sensitivity Page 8 of 11 SECTION 8: BUDGET Please list all cost items related to their implementation, including training fees, travel costs, per diems, insurance, accommodation, visa fees, training material etc. Please indicate which expenses will be covered by your employer and/or another development partner. Please note that rates and contracting are handled by GIZ. Cost item Unit cost Amount (in EURO)* Total (in EURO)* Own resources (in EURO)* Requested financing from BACKUP Education Other co-financing Name source of co-financing (in EURO)* (in EURO)* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total amount: *Exchange rate used / date (dd/mm/yy): Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 9 of 11 SECTION 9: PROJECT MODE If you are applying for more than 20,000 euros (max 10,000 euros/person), this application is then considered as a PROJECT MODE. In this case we would expect follow-up knowledge sharing and a greater impact on national processes. In some cases a results matrix, work plan and budget may be required. Please consult a BACKUP technical advisor before proceeding with this section. 31. How will you use the learnt knowledge as a team? 32. What is the added advantage of supporting teams or groups from your organisation/institution to attend international trainings/conferences/workshops a. at the organisational/institutional level? b. at the country level? 33. Please describe how you will ensure that the collective learnt knowledge will be used further to contribute to a sustainable change? Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 10 of 11 Published by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH German BACKUP Initiative – Education in Africa Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 6196 79 3267 Fax +49 (0) 6196 79 80 3267 In cooperation with Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs On behalf of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) BMZ Bonn Dahlmannstraße 4 53113 Bonn, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 228 99 535 -0 Fax +49 (0) 228 99 535 – 35 00 BMZ Berlin Stresemannstraße 94 10968 Berlin, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 30 18 535 -0 Fax +49 (0) 30 18 535 – 2501 November 2015 Application Form Fast Access Mode Page 11 of 11