TRACK AND FIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION Track and Field • • • • • • • • • Dynamic Warm Ups Form running High knees Bootie Kicks High Knee Skips Basketball Slides Carioca 50% Sprints 100% Sprints Intro to Track and Field Expectations Safety Issues Overview of unit Skill and Events Rotation of Skill Learning and Practicing Options for Sick and Injured ____________________________ 100 Meter Trials to determine practice groups (Motivates students to perform to “be with friends”) Divide for instruction Dynamic Warm-ups Relay Hand-Offs “Go Stick” Dynamic Warm-ups Running Long Jumps Shot Put Instruction Dynamic Warm-Up Fast Standing Starts Running techniques Running through finish Dynamic Warm-Up High Jump Instruction Dynamic Warm-Up Hurdles Dynamic Warm-Up High Jump Long Jump Shot Track and Field Station Rotation Relays 50 Meter 100 Meter 400 Meters Hurdles Shot Put Running Long Jump High Jump Tandem Pulls Parachute Runs Track and Field Station Rotation Check List Name: ________________________________________ Teacher _________ Date ______ Directions: Complete the skills test with a partner. Help each other time each running event and measure each field event. 1. 4 x 100 Relay: Run # 1 ______ Run # 2 ______ Run # 3 _____ 2. 100 m Run: Run # 1 _____ Run # 2 _____ Run # 3 _____ 3. 55 m Hurdles: Run # 1 _____ Run # 2 _____ Run # 3 _____ 4. High Jump: Jump # 1 _____ Jump # 2 _____ Jump # 3 ____ Jump # 4 _____ Jump # 5 _____ 5. Long Jump: Jump # 1 _____ Jump # 2 _____ Jump # 3 ____Jump # 4 _____ Jump # 5 _____ 6. Shot Put: Push # 1 _____ Push # 2 _____ Push # 3 ____ Push # 4 _____ Push # 5 _____ Track and Field Sign-up Day SIXTH GRADE TRACK EVENT TEACHER ______________________________________________ EVENTS: GIRL OR GROUP SHOT PUT RELAY 100 METER 1/2 MILE HURDLES LONG JUMP HIGH JUMP BOY OR GROUP Day of Track Meet Teachers are encouraged to attend and possibly assist with wayward students. Students know which events they have chosen. Matt watches and scores high jump, long jump, shot put Cherry watches and scores hurdles, 4X100 Relays, 100 Meter or 50 Meter Runs. Students assist in recording results on prepared forms. Students not presently competing practice their events, watch the others compete or assist with recording and competition. No more than 12 students are competing in each event (2 relay teams per homeroom). After class, all result forms are collected and transferred to overall grade level score sheets. Certificates are printed and presented at the next class. Teachers have kept their class certificates for years. Score Sheets During Event SIXTH GRADE GRILS RELAYS 1 2 BAUGH OLIVIA EMMA LIZZIE KELSEY LINDSAY AJ ERICKA BRITTANY CUNNINGHAM HELEN LIZZIE BRADFORD MCKINNLEY MILLHOUSE CARLIN L ANNE SARAH GABBY NOTARIANNI FRANCES C FRANCES P CATHERINE G LAUREN M PACKER ADELE B CHARLOTTE MC SARAH WINSTON HELEN CATHERINE D BRIANNA L CALLIE W EMILY J MATHILDE S 1 2 RANK SIXTH GRADE BOYS RELAYS BAUGH DUNCAN FULLER CONNER BENNET CUNNINGHAM JACK SPENCE ERIC DYLAN MILLHOUSE HARLAN JOHN S CARTER E JOHN G NOTARIANNI JOE MURPHY CRAWFORD KNOX PACKER ANDREW R WILLIAM G HARRIS M JONATHAN E RANK Final Score Sheets OVERALL SCORES OF EVENTS SIXTH GRADE GIRLS BAUGH CUNNINGHAM MILLHOUSE NOTARIANNI PACKER SHOT LONG JUMP 2 HIGH JUMP 100 HURDLES 6 10 14 6 14 4 10 4 1 8 4 14 2 6 1 8 8 3 2 SHOT LONG JUMP 100 HURDLES 10 6 6 10 1 10 6 2 4 10 8 12 8 0 1 0 10 7 10 7 RELAY ½ MILE TEST POINTS RELAY ½ MILE TEST POINTS BOYS BAUGH CUNNINGHAM MILLHOUSE NOTARIANNI PACKER HIGH JUMP Awards 2010 Mountain Brook Elementary Track and Field FIRST GRADE 1st PLACE ___________________________________ Group Testing Study Guide Important Concepts Warm-up Warm-ups are done for at least 5-10 minutes to prepare body for practice or competition Dynamic warm-ups are best because the muscles are stretched as the move – not held static Warm-ups should consist of exercises related to the activity for the competition or practice. Warm-ups should progress in difficulty from light to moderate in intensity. Warm-ups send blood to the muscles that will be used in the activity. Warm-ups help reduce risk of injury, soreness after competition or practice, Warm –ups get your mind focused on the activity, and may help improve ones competition or practice level. Anaerobic Exercise Exercise that is high intensity (very tough on the body) and cannot be sustained for long periods of time. Usually lasts 2-3 minutes or less. Anaerobic activities include power and sprinting activities. Some examples of anaerobic activities include: shot put, long jump, high jump, 100m sprint, 4x100 relay, 4x400 relay. THE MILE IS NOT AN ANAEROBIC EXERCISE IT IS AEROBIC (lasts longer than 2-3 minutes and is not at high enough intensity). Vocabulary Lane-The path marked on the track for a race or that the runner must stay in a prescribed path. Anchor-The last runner on a relay team. False Start-Leaving the starting line before the gun sounds or when the teacher says “GO”. Blind Handoff-A sprint relay handoff technique where the outgoing runner does not look back to take the baton. Scratch Line-Curved or straight line behind which throws and the long jump must be made. How Points Are Counted at a Track Meet 1st Place = 10 points 2nd Place = 8 points 3rd Place = 6 points 4th Place = 5 points 5th Place = 2 points 6th Place = 1 point On The Sidelines Track and Field: On the Side Lines Make – up work must be done for each non-participation class period. (Present or absent) You may choose one activity for each day missed from among the activities listed below. Resource information is available during class or maybe provided upon request. Twelve days of activities are listed below. Skills analysis; complete one paper for each skill practiced during PE classes. One skill analysis = one PE class. 1. running form – explosive, powerful start 2. hurdles 3. relay 4. high jump 5. long jump 6. shot put Complete a one page expository (informative) essay about the history of track and field. Complete a one page persuasive essay explaining why our elementary schools should have an after school track meet competition. Or complete a one page persuasive essay explaining why our elementary schools should not have an afterschool track meet competition. If you were the coach, how would you teach and lead a track and field unit? How would you assess (grade) the performances and work of your students? What is it they should know and be able to do? Complete a unit plan and create written tests to see if your students really understand how to participate in a track and field event. (Worth 4 days of class). Using the Mountain Brook Physical Education Course of Study match track and field activities and expectations to the standards required for your grade level. Design a Mountain Brook Team t-shirt. Our logo, Lancer, should be included. Create a “fight” song or “spirit” song for Mountain Brook Elementary Skill Analysis Name: ____________________________________ Class: _____ Track and Field Describe how to perform a track and field event Include stick figure drawings of how to perform the event. In the boxes below draw the approach, action and follow through for the event. Below the drawings, list cues or “texting phrases” to break down the movements step by step. In the space below, write out in detail how to perform this event. Consider that the person you are helping has never seen someone do this. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Track events: running long jump Relay hand offs high jump shot put hurdles sprint starts PHYSICAL EDUCATION E-SCHOOL ACTIVITY Track and Field E-Day Name: _____________________________________________________ Class: __________ Print out and complete. Bring to PE class. Give it to Coach Thomas or substitute. Track and Field Warm-up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Students are in side-by-side lines about 5 feet apart Form running – “cheek to cheek” Jog to line (40-50 feet) HIGH KNEES - emphasis on lift of knee, not speed Jog to line BOODIE KICKS – emphasis on bend of knee, not speed HIGH KNEE SKIPS – lift knee high up Basketball slides – low level slides CARIOCA – maintain bend in knee 50% SPRINTS 100% SPRINTS Be able to describe why warm-up is so important to track and field as well as all physical activities. Static 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. stretches Pike stretch – hold for 15 seconds Butterfly stretch – hold for 15 seconds Torso stretch – hold for 15 seconds, both directions Camel stretch – hold for 15 seconds Flamingo stretch – hold for 15 seconds, both legs Slow ankle rotations – 20 each direction hamstrings and lower back hips core gastrox quads tendons, muscles of ankle Do the warm-up above – dynamic and static stretches. Check off each exercise after you complete it. _____ FORM RUNNING _____ PIKE STRETCH _____ HIGH KNEE JOG _____ BUTTERFLY STRETCH _____ BOTTIE KICKS _____ TORSO STRETCH _____ HIGH KNEE SKIPS _____ CAMEL STRETCH _____ BASKETBALL SLIDES _____ FLAMINGO STRETCH _____ CARIOCA _____ ANKLE ROTATIONS _____ 50% SPRINTS Cue Cards Standing Start Feet Shoulder Width Apart Favorite foot back Toes pointed forward Weight down Body lean Forward Arms bend 90 degrees, same side foot forward Head up Eyes focused 30 feet ahead Power low to high Explode forward Running Eyes focused 30 feet ahead Run on balls of feet Pose, Fall, Pull Body is lined up over plant foot Forward lean from ball of foot Pull trail foot up and forward Hands relaxed Cheek to cheek RELAY HAND-OFF Approach Receiver with baton in right hand Say “GO” about 15 feet back Receiver begins running Run to catch up with receiver Say “STICK” when close enough to reach receiver's palm Receiver sticks hand back, palm up Receiver grasps baton when felt and sprints ahead DO NOT LOOK BACK-FOCUS DOWN THE TRACK RELAY HAND OFF • Right way Wrong way SHOT PUT Hold shot in palm with thumb, pointer and middle fingers Tuck ball under chin beneath ear Opposite arm bent at elbow and held at shoulder level Stand back in the circle sideways to direction of put Squat down for explosive force Weight is on back foot Explode into crow-hop(step, slide, step) Explosive force begins with hips When weight has shifted forward, push ball above head (up and out at 45 degree angle) SHOT PUT RUNNING LONG JUMP Begin 10-16 strides from takeoff Sprint Stride long-short just before take-off Drive body up and forward Point chest to the sky Drive arms up, then forward Land on both feet legs in front land on heels reach forward weight moves forward RUNNING LONG JUMP HIGH JUMP Start from 8-12 strides away Use J-Curve to approach mat Accelerate at J-Curve Plant outside foot/inside foot (heel) parallel and 3-4 feet away from mat Rotate force to toe of outside foot Thrust inside knee up and across body at take-off Thrust both arms upward once your back is to the bar After hips clear, drop hips and lift arms and legs to clear bar Land on shoulders and back HIGH JUMP HURDLES Sprint start Lead leg in front 8 strides to 1st hurdle Lead leg lifted from hip, toe up Trail leg driven up and around, toes pointed out Drive lead arm forward at shoulder level Lean forward after clearing hurdle Use 5-7 strides between hurdles Best to use same leg as lead leg Sprint through finish HURDLES Elementary Track and Field Cherry Thomas Matt Cain Mountain Brook Elementary School ASAHPERD FALL CONFERENCE 2011